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Big Rivers Closing Hawesville Plant

The Big Rivers Electric Corporation is closing its Kenneth C. Coleman Station in Hawesville after losing two of its largest customers.

HAWESVILLE, Ky. (AP) — The Big Rivers Electric Corporation is closing its Kenneth C. Coleman Station in Hawesville after losing two of its largest customers.

Company spokesman Marty Littrel told the Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer ( ) the company will take the plant offline May 1. About 96 employees are expected to lose their jobs.

The shutdown comes after Century Aluminum of Kentucky cancelled contracts for its Hawesville and Sebree smelting plants. Both plants hope to get cheaper power on the open wholesale market. The cancelations have cost the Henderson-based utility $360 million in annual revenue. Littrel said the plant closing will save $20 million per year.

Big Rivers had expected to shut down the D.B. Wilson plant in Centertown this year, but a deal to sell 200 megawatts will keep that plant open through February 2015.
