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PHOTOS OF THE WEEK: Massive Reactors

OCTAL reactors are the world’s largest reactors of melt-to-resin technology and enable the company to produce high-quality PET material, while optimizing energy efficiency.


Energy conservation is often the most economical solution to materials shortages and rising production costs. Most economists expect continued energy price increases over the next several years. Therefore, conservation not only helps preserve the planet's limited resources, it also makes economic sense at a very fundamental business level. That is why OCTAL made the decision to expand its capacity using the most energy-efficient technology available: The direct-to-ship and direct-to-sheet process.


The OCTAL reactors are the world’s largest reactors of melt-to-resin technology. Phase two of the complex, which will be commissioned in June 2012, will add an additional 527,000 million tons per annum (MTPA) of production, making OCTAL the world’s largest producer of PET resins on one site. The OCTAL reactor is being installed (above) in the expanded PET production plant.


OCTAL is already the world’s largest producer of PET sheet. The completion of its second phase of expansion later this year will put OCTAL well on the way to achieving US$1.5 billion in annual sales in 2011. Both rectors have proven to be suitable for the production of PET and have been especially successful for the production of high viscous melts. Additionally, it has proven to be extremely energy efficient. The above photo shows the reactor in place at OCTAL’s PET resin production facility in Salalah, Oman.


These new reactors provide the company with the most advanced technology available, enabling it to continue to produce high-quality PET material, while still maintaining optimal energy efficiency. Above you see the raw material storage silos put into place in OCTAL’s PET resin facility in Oman. The PET resin and sheets produced are acclaimed by international experts to have the lowest carbon footprint, paving the way for others in the industry to follow the company’s pioneering footsteps.

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