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Free White Papers

Labs are under tremendous pressure to increase throughput and improve detection limits. For samples that are complex, these goals are not congruent with the task of providing indisputable identification of chemical entities under ultra-fast conditions.

Timely Advice for the Lab

Two new white papers are worth checking out if you are concerned with laboratory throughout, accuracy and safety. Each is reviewed below: • Labs are under tremendous pressure to increase throughput and improve detection limits. For samples that are complex, these goals are not congruent with the task of providing indisputable identification of chemical entities under ultra-fast conditions. A white paper from Ion Signature Software, headquartered in North Smithfield, RI, examines the challenge of coeluting compounds. Titled "Not All Deconvolution is Created Equal," it discusses the options and system requirements needed to identify compounds accurately while reducing sample prep costs and re-analysis rates. The paper can be downloaded at
•Another new white paper is called "Environmental Health and Safety Compliance in Laboratory Operations: Common Deficiencies Encountered During Audits." It offers advice on how to avoid mistakes that lead to worker injury or fines. The paper was put together by EH&E, a leading provider of health and safety and engineering consulting services in Newton, MA. It draws on the results of laboratory inspections performed by EH&E personnel and gives practical insights into the most common errors and omissions. It's available for download at