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Trump Suggests Changes to U.S. Intelligence Services; South Korea Planning Special Unit to Target Kim Jong-Un; Turkey: Gunman



Korea Planning Special Unit to Target Kim Jong-Un; Turkey: Gunman

Identified but Still at Large; Police Brutality or Justified Force?;

Inside Iraq's Destroyed City of Nimrud; Viral Videos Show Police

Fighting Teen Girls; Faraday Future Shows Off Long-Awaited Model.

Aired 12-1a ET - Part 2>

HOLMES: I mean, you heard a situation where both officers were apparently going towards the violence to try to stop it. I wonder, though, I mean, these are both teenaged girls.


HOLMES: Should age and gender play into an officer's reaction even if it is a violent situation?

KAVINOKY: Yes, I believe that they should. That it should. What ultimately we need to be concerned with is whether the officer's conduct was reasonable given the totality of the circumstances. So that suggests that the circumstances are going to have a very significant impact on the appropriateness of the officer's behavior.

So, for example, in the second clip where that girl gets body slammed, I don't know that there is any good excuse for what happened in that second situation. And that's why I say this is a tale of two very different cases.

HOLMES: And to that point, let's have a listen to what the two girls said. We can hear from them.


[00:35:00] UNIDENTIFIED GIRL: I seen my sister fighting and then I see them both on the ground and I'm trying to get my sister. And that's when Officer Santos came and he picked me up and slammed me on the ground and I was out.

UNIDENTIFIED GIRL: This is a -- I'm still a minor and she's a grown woman and a cop. I feel like, sick, like I threw up, like, twice. My legs hurt, my body is aching. I have wounds on my face. She picked me up by my hair. She slammed me by my hair. She banged my head on the ground, on the car. Just yanking me everywhere by my hair.


HOLMES: And, you know, the thing is as always with these situations, if you don't see the whole video, you don't know what led up to this that led to that and so on.

So bearing that in mind from what we do know, do these girls have cases? Those officer likely to be in trouble legally?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I think in the first case where we had that group scenario, it's less likely that the officer is going to be in trouble than in the second case where what's been reported is that there was a fight that this girl was trying to break up or at least that's her story when the officer picked her up and body slammed her.

And regardless of the situation, when you are talking about a girl that weighs 95 pounds, who is a teenager versus an armed officer who is using that kind of force, I would think that's excessive. I would think 12 jurors would agree with me and frankly if I had to pick a side on which to represent I would rather have her case than trying to defend the officer based on what I've seen so far.

HOLMES: Right. And I want to just bring up the North Carolina one, the principal had a statement and we can put it up for people to read for themselves, basically, on training and responsibility as saying, "Two years ago, our school district enacted a unified agreement with all local law enforcement agencies that provides training and clear understanding of the duties and responsibilities for School Resource Officer.

And, obviously, training is everything when it comes to how an officer responds.

KAVINOKY: But here's what we can't overlook. These officers are human beings and I see in both of these scenarios, we have situations that are fast-breaking, where officers need to make snap decisions. And what we are asking officers or really demanding of officers is that they be held to a higher standard because of that training. We expect more especially than we saw in that body slam video. That one was especially disturbing to me.

HOLMES: Darren Kavinoky, thanks so much.

KAVINOKY: Thank you.

HOLMES: We'll talk later. Appreciate it.

KAVINOKY: Look forward to it.

HOLMES: All right, now to another shocking story.

A horrible attack streamed live on Facebook, believe it or not. And it really is unbelievable. Chicago police arresting four people in connection with the assault. They say the woman who broadcast it is one of the suspects.

And another warning for you now, this video, too, clearly disturbing and you're going to see a man and he's a man who has special needs apparently, tied up in a corner. His mouth is actually taped and his attackers beating him and cut him as well yelling racially charged language, also yelling anti-Donald Trump obscenities at him.

The police say the man is so traumatized he can barely talk about what happened. And that's understandable. They say that he knew at least one of the suspects and may have willingly gotten into a van with the group, obviously not knowing what was to come. The suspects are expected to be charged within the next 24 hours, and Darren Kavinoky will be back in the next hour with me to talk more about that story.

HOLMES: Well, a start up company unveils a new electric car at the consumer electronics show. We'll check it out, next.


[00:40:55] HOLMES: Welcome back.

Innovators and marketers at the Consumer Electronics Show this week are unveiling a slew of products claiming to solve problems or make life easier.

CNN's Samuel Burke is in Las Vegas and tells us what's getting buzz at the conference.

SAMUEL BURKE, CNN MONEY BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: Well, Michael, here at the largest tech show on earth, all the buzz is about the mysterious car company Faraday Future. For a long time they have been all talk, no walk. Now they have finally unveiled their flagship production car called the FF91.

It goes from zero to 60 miles per hour, 96 kilometers per hour in just 2.39 seconds. It's an electric car. So the most important thing to know is how far it can go on just one charge. This vehicle can go about 380 miles. That's about 611 kilometers, again, on just one charge.

Now if you're the type of person who forgets their keys, you can use facial recognition to get into this vehicle. They also showed off how if you can't find the parking space, the driver can actually just get out of the car and it will keep on circling the lot until it finds a free space and back in.

This company did have a major speed bump on stage in front of all the world's press. When the billionaire investor who is also the founder of the Chinese version of NetFlix came out of the car, it was supposed to go autonomously just a few feet and it didn't move at all. And it's one of the reasons that this company is firmly in the shadow of its big rival, Tesla.

Now the other trend at CES this year is artificial intelligence and voice recognition. In fact, I've just --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Intelligence is an appreciable quality.

BURKE: But interrupting people is not. I've just been spending some time with this robot called Pepper. It's a Japanese robot that combines artificial intelligence and voice recognition. It's interesting to see how much Amazon has become a leader in this field because of the Amazon Echo speaker that many people call Alexa, because that speaker allows you to speak with it and use voice commands. A lot of other companies we now see are trying to use some of that intelligence and make their products integrate with the Amazon Echo and you see really how important voice communication has become with robots. Before it was all about buttons and maybe even gesture controls a lot of people thought, but really at the end of the day you see that talking with a robot and with the Amazon Echo, it's really what makes these products feel so natural and even they follow you with their eyes and that's another way that we see a lot of the technology around us becoming more and more human.

Should I bring one back for you, Michael?

HOLMES: No, you can bring me back the car, however, once they iron out the bug because that is an awesome model car.

Thanks for watching CNN NEWSROOM live from Los Angeles. I'm Michael Holmes. "World Sport" coming up next. Then I'll be back in about 15 minutes or so. You're watching CNN.



(Byline: Michael Holmes, Robert Baer, Andrew Stevens, Ian Lee, Ben Wedeman, Samuel Burke)

(Guest: John Thomas, Dave Jacobson, Darren Kavinoky)

(High: Donald Trump is squaring off against the U.S. intelligence community in ways that could further divide his own party; South Korea is planning to set up a special brigade this year to specifically target North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and his military in the event of war; The world heritage site of Nimrud, finally free of ISIS and once again under Iraqi control but it will never be the same. Two videos are going viral in the U.S. at the moment and they both involve police officers in altercations with teenaged girls. And I do want to warn you they are hard to watch. Innovators and marketers at the Consumer Electronics Show this week are unveiling a slew of products claiming to solve problems or make life easier.)

(Spec: Government; Espionage; World Affairs; Military; Terrorism; Middle East; Policies; Violence; Police; Science and Technology; Automotive)
