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Chicago Police Updates on Shocking Beating Case; U.S. Intel Chiefs: Russian Officials Behind Hacks; Russia's Neighbors Fear Moscow's Meddling;



Russian Officials Behind Hacks; Russia's Neighbors Fear Moscow's Meddling;

Biggest Tech Fair Begins in Las Vegas; Attackers Kill At Least Two People

In Izmir. Aired 3-4p ET - Part 2>

Rogin, Manu Raju, Frederik Pleitgen, Mike Rogers, Sara Sidner, Jim

Bittermann >

torture of a special needs teenager broadcast live through Facebook.

Police say hate crime charges have been filed against the four suspects.

The Director of National Intelligence doubles down on his assertion that

Russia was responsible for the election hacking, saying even foreign

counterparts are concerned over Trump disparaging the intelligence

community. It is not just the United States concerned about Russia's cyber

meddling. Former Soviet Union members Ukraine, Georgia, and Latvia say

they too have fallen victim to Russian cyber attacks. This year's Consumer

Electronics Show showcases latest innovations in medical technologies, and

it could mean a lot of dollars for insurance companies. A car bombing

attack in Western Turkey has killed at least two people including a

policeman. >

Technology; Violence; Izmir; Death>

BITTERMANN (voice-over): Vallat who is also taking part in the government's "Stop Jihad" campaign says there are no miracle solutions, but it's critical to say to young people, as its video makes clear, you always have a choice. Jim Bittermann, CNN, Paris.


[15:30:00] GORANI: Still to come, the director of U.S. intelligence says he is even more sure Russia was involved in election-related hacking. The kremlin disagrees, strongly. We'll have much more on what was said at today's Senate hearing. Stay with us.


GORANI: A look at our top stories. The Director of National Intelligence in the U.S. says the hacking of political e-mails must have been approved at the highest levels of the Kremlin. James Clapper said the hacking did not succeed in changing any vote tallies, though, but it was impossible to assess how the information released affected voters' attitudes. Russia denies that it was behind the hack and did so again today.

A car bombing attack in western Turkey has killed at least two people including a police officer. The bomb went off near a courthouse in Izmir. The state-run news agency, Anadolu, says police also killed two suspected attackers and that another attacker may still be at large.

The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has been questioned for the second time this week as part of an ongoing corruption probe. The Prime Minister is suspected of receiving illegal gifts and favors from business executives. He has denied the allegations.

The U.S. President-elect is once again taking aim at a big company, a big car company once again. In a tweet, he says Toyota could face a big border tax if they build a new plant in Mexico. Toyota responded, defending its investments in the United States and saying it looks forward to working with the Trump administration.

All right. We want to take you live to Chicago now. Police there are briefing reporters on a shocking case that was broadcast on Facebook Live of some teenagers and a 24-year-old torturing a mentally disabled individual. Let's listen in for a moment.


ANTHONY GUGLIELMI, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS AND NEWS AFFAIRS, CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT: -- by his parents at a McDonald's in Streamwood, Illinois. He was to meet his friend there, Jordan Hill, who actually ends up being one of the offenders in this case. When he was dropped off, it was under the premise that he would be spending the night with his friend, so his parents naturally didn't look for him until the next day. They then subsequently reported him missing in Streamwood.

He comes to Chicago. He's at the McDonald's and Jordan Hill goes and steals a van in Streamwood. He then picks up our victim, who has no knowledge that the van is stolen. He assumes it's Jordan's. They drive to the west side of Chicago, where they basically are driving around and visiting friends for the next two days. The victim sleeps in the van.

[15:35:04] On the morning of the 3rd of January, they go to the address in Lexington, which is where two of the other three offenders reside, the two sisters. And then about several hours later, that's when they bind him and start the assault on him. He is able to escape when a downstairs neighbor calls the police, complaining of all the noise upstairs.

The police respond and the two female offenders now go downstairs. They're angry that the police were called. They kick in the door of that apartment, hence they are both charged with the burglary. That gives our victim an opportunity to get out, and then he's observed walking down the street by our 11th district officers. Officer Michael Donnelly will explain how they happen upon him.



DONNELLY: Donnelly, D-O-N-N-E-L-L-Y. While at our call, we observed our victim. He was walking with shorts and bells (ph), at which time I observed him wearing a tank top inside out backwards, with jean shorts, and sandals on.

He was bloodied, he was battered, and due to the cold weather conditions, I approached him for a field interview, at which time after talking to him, he didn't seem like he was -- he was very discombobulated. He was injured, he was confused, and at which time I called an ambulance.

I left him with two other officers, Officer Adamski (ph) and Officer Cronin (ph), to continue my investigation. I left him with them, which revealed that he was a missing and endangered out of Streamwood, Illinois. They contacted the Streamwood Police and conducted an investigation, which revealed and put the pieces of the puzzle together for what we have right now.

EDDIE JOHNSON, POLICE SUPERINTENDENT, CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT: And we'll take questions now if you have any questions.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do you understand about the reason for the (inaudible)? What did the people tell the police why they did this?

GUGLIELMI: It appears prior to him being bound, tied up, and assaulted, the victim tells us he got into a play fight with Jordan and it escalated from there. The two female offenders then -- I mean, you can see on video that they're smoking cigars, which we presume to be blunts -- they then get aggravated at him and that's when they tie him up and that's the racial slurs and, you know, the deference to his mental capacity starts coming out. That's primarily one of the reasons that they were charged with the hate crime.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is there (inaudible) any premeditation at all or anything --


GORANI: All right. There you've been listening to a police briefing on a case that shocked many people inside the United States and really anyone with an internet connection, but I want to get you some background on this case in the event that you weren't following it closely. The Chicago police have filed hate crimes charges against four young adults accused of torturing a special needs teenager and showing it all on Facebook Live. We're about to show you some of that video, which we must warn you, is quite disturbing.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There she is, grabbing it (bleep) calling his (bleep).


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Dang, you cut (bleep)!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I cut a whole patch out of his (bleep) boy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why you do this?


GORANI: All right. So this gives you kind of a -- are we back? Yes. This gives you kind of a flavor there of what has people up in arms about that particular case. All right. Let's move on back to our top story.

The leading U.S. intelligence official doubling down on his assertion that Russia was behind election-related hacking. James Clapper also said foreign counterparts are concerned over Donald Trump's apparent disparaging of the intelligence community.

Another man who wasn't mincing his words in the hearing was the Republican senator, Lindsey Graham. He had a message for Donald Trump.


SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R), SOUTH CAROLINA: If it were up to me, we would all live in peace, but Putin's up to no good and he better be stopped. And Mr. President-elect, when you listen to these people, you can be skeptical but understand, they're the best among us and they're trying to protect us.


GORANI: Let's go live to Washington now and speak to Mark Jacobson. He's a former senior adviser to the U.S. Secretary of Defense, and he joins us now from Washington, D.C.

Mark, good to see you again.


GORANI: One of the things that you wrote in an op-ed was about the increasing role of cyber attacks in modern warfare. So, of course, it's not traditional warfare. Here, we're talking about warfare over the internet. How is that going to change the nature of how countries compete with each other, you know, geostrategically?

JACOBSON: Right. Well, I'd make two points here. First, that it's going to make it harder for countries to attribute those actions. It's not as clear as sending a clandestine intelligence agent in who gets caught and has a Russian passport or something like that.

But what I think is also important to understand is some things remain the same. No matter what the mechanism, cyber, espionage, what have you, this is about the Russians collecting information that they are using for a broader political warfare campaign. Moscow has an agenda, and that is weaken the West and to enhance the Russian foreign policy goals. And that remains the same, whether it was pre-internet age or in the future.

GORANI: Yes. And it's not as clear as, for instance, launching a missile, and so therefore, it's more difficult to convince those who, for instance, want more proof, want more intelligence presented to them, that indeed Russia did hack, you know, the DNC server, for instance. So it so becomes more difficult all around to make a case regardless of what side you're on.

JACOBSON: Still, we had some very big takeaways from the hearing today, I think. DNI Clapper made very clear that not only is it the Russians doing this, but this was part of a multi-faceted campaign. Media manipulation, propaganda, disinformation, and, yes, a lot of it via the internet.

You know, this isn't about Putin getting on Twitter and putting out some information. This is about front organizations, cut outs, passing information from one person to another to another and ultimately, to Julian Assange to put out on WikiLeaks. And this is how clandestine and covert operations work. It's very disconcerting, but we have to understand that's what this is. This isn't just a cyber attack.

GORANI: All right. So the U.S. has the most powerful, certainly largest, conventional military force. There's no doubt about that. But when it comes to cyber security and cyber warfare, how is the U.S. doing?

JACOBSON: Well, I think it's certainly a mixed bag. But part of this is that it's not just the U.S. government alone that can defend us. We're talking about private/public partnerships. We're also talking about a transnational issue. You just look at the difficulties in getting E.U. members and North Americans to agree on standards for data privacy.

It also involves the degree to which we allow our intelligence organizations access to private sector computer databases. And we've seen the battle between Fort Meade and Silicon Valley on this. So I think that we certainly have a mixed record. The bigger challenge to me is educating the public on what needs to be done.

Look, in the end, John Podesta, if he hadn't used --


JACOBSON: -- quote, "password" as his password and then used two-factor authentication, he might be in much better position today.

GORANI: Well, apparently, one of his aides actually clicked on a phishing link, which is even worse. We've all received them. But then, if it's that simple to get confidential information that could potentially hurt a presidential candidate in the most powerful country in the world, I mean, where do you even begin to protect very sensitive servers?

JACOBSON: The two biggest things I would say is, first, encryption. Actually, I'll make that three times -- encryption, encryption, encryption. There's no reason that, whether you're at home or certainly working for a corporation or have sensitive political information, that shouldn't be encrypted. Not just files, but e-mails.

The second piece is what's called cyber hygiene. That has to do with changing passwords, two-factor authentication. You know, you get a little text message code after you log in. Those things alone can deal with a great number of these problems. Now, if a foreign intelligence service wants to make a concerted effort, let's take a look at the Sony hacks or the OPM hacks or the DNC hack, it's a little bit more difficult.

But I also think it's important to understand, what's that information being used for? And a threat from the foreign intelligence services is about these larger issues of trying to influence, let's say, American attitudes and perceptions about America's role in the world.

GORANI: And, Mark, one of the things Donald Trump said was, look, I'm not saying it's not Russia, I'm saying it could be anybody. It could be China. It could be a guy on his bed in the basement, you know, hacking the DNC server. Even quoted Assange saying a 14-year-old could have done it. It's basically the DNC's fault.

JACOBSON: Yes, it's hard for me not to call that disingenuous. I would hope that someone with the experience Donald Trump has, despite him not growing up in the internet age, is a bit more sophisticated than that. But let's just take all this bluster as him trying to get over a long campaign.

[15:45:00] What I want to see the President do is take a serious look at the intelligence reports that the community is putting out and understand that the Russians are trying to play him. They're trying to break the transatlantic bond between North American and the Europeans, and that we've seen them do this in Syria and Ukraine.

And in fact, they've told us that this is what they're going to do. And you see, as we point out in the op-ed, the Chief of the Russian General Staff was clear. We are going to manipulate information. We're going to try and manipulate your attitudes to support Moscow's agenda.

GORANI: Mark Jacobson, thanks very much. A pleasure having you on the program this evening.

JACOBSON: My pleasure.

GORANI: Still to come, it's not just the United States that's worried about hacking. Former parts of the Soviet Union say they are also victims, they say, of Russian meddling, next.


GORANI: It's not just in the United States where they're worried about alleged Russian hacking. Russia's neighbors are worried about being meddled with as well, apparently. Places like Ukraine, Georgia, and Latvia, as CNN's Ivan Watson found out, they're part of a neighborhood on edge.


IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: The war in eastern Ukraine. For more than two years, Ukraine has been fighting separatists supported by its eastern neighbor, Russia, in a conflict that has claimed more than 10,000 lives and displaced some 2 million people. A shaky ceasefire is barely holding.

But this isn't just a conflict being fought with bullets and bombs. Ukraine says it's recently survived at least 10 major cyber attacks that have targeted organizations like the state railroad company, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Infrastructure, agencies that a society needs to function normally.

So far, Ukrainian officials aren't publicly blaming the latest cyber assault on anyone, but Ukrainian and American investigators did blame Russian hackers for a separate attack on an electric company in December 2015. It cut power completely in more than 100 cities across the country.

Officials in other former Soviet republics like Latvia say, they, too, are frequently targets of their Russian neighborhood.

JANIS GARISONS, STATE SECRETARY, MINISTRY OF DEFENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA: We're facing those challenges on the whole front. Information warfare goes on the other basis. We're facing Russian propaganda, information warfare, and even psychological warfare.

WATSON: It's not easy to pinpoint the source of a cyber attack, but experts here argue they appear to be state sponsored.

JANIS SARTS, DIRECTOR, NATO STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS CENTER OF EXCELLENCE: Some of the programs that we've seen, it is very evident that no commercial, criminal sector, or hacktivist would be ready to invest time and resources to such an elaborate program.

[15:50:01] WATSON: When former Soviet Republic Georgia went to war with Russia in 2008, the deadly battles were accompanied by hackers attacking Georgian government websites. Former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili accuses Moscow of further meddling during elections four years later.

MIKHEIL SAAKASHVILI, FORMER PRESIDENT OF GEORGIA: In 2012, they were heavily involved in Georgian elections. They have done cyber attacks over different time periods. They have done all kinds of media provocations. They spread rumors. They send operatives to do all kinds of dirty tricks.

WATSON: But Russia does not have the monopoly on cyber warfare tactics. A computer virus called Stuxnet was discovered in Iran's Natanz nuclear facility in 2010. It caused centrifuges to spin out of control and destroy themselves. Though no government officially claimed responsibility, many experts accused the U.S. and Israel of carrying out the attack.

The threat of a possible cyber war could take our interconnected, highly computerized society into uncharted territory. Ivan Watson, CNN, Kiev.


GORANI: Coming up, the new, the cool, and the somewhat weird. We'll be live in Las Vegas testing the latest in tech.


GORANI: The world's biggest tech fair has finally launched in Las Vegas. The Consumer Electronics Show is an opportunity for the industry to show its latest innovations. They're often cool, sometimes they're a little bit weird. Samuel Burke joins me now from the show in Las Vegas.

So I heard that you had a date with a robot named Pepper. And for some reason, you're holding a baby.

SAMUEL BURKE, CNN MONEY BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY CORRESPONDENT: That's right, Hala. Well, this is actually not a marvel of technology delivering me a child, but actually for a smart crib, which has microphones which listens for a baby. So I'm going to let it set up and take care of the baby for now.

But one of the biggest trends we've seen here at CES has to do with voice recognition, and I think a lot of this is the success of the Amazon Echo Speaker. You know, it's the speaker that you talk. It listens to your commands. It will play your music, help you cook in your house with cooking instructions. And now, we see a lot of robots really zeroing in on the fact that voice commands are really the most important thing to make technology function these days.

So I went on a date with Pepper.


PEPPER, ROBOT: My name is pepper. I'm a humanoid robot and I'm 1.20 meters tall.

BURKE: Are you a boy or a girl?

PEPPER: Well, in the end, I'm just a robot.


BURKE: So you see there, it is all about voice recognition. That's really the focal point of these robots. Interesting to see, they also make eye contact with you, Hala, and that's become very important as well.

But so many tech companies here are trying to get their technology to work with the Amazon Echo. They just released a new version of a DVR. So you can walk in your house and say, "Alexa, turn on THE WORLD RIGHT NOW," which, of course, I have DVR'ed, and then it will pop on your television. You don't even have to touch your remote.

GORANI: So is this baby Pepper's baby? And what's this crib that it's in? Apparently, it's some sort of high-tech version.

BURKE: Well, it's not Pepper and I. It's not our baby, I can confirm. But so, like I was saying, there are microphones in this. This is called the Snoo. It costs 1,160 bucks.

[15:55:01] So these microphones are listening to see what's happening with the baby, and then when they hear that it's crying, it starts rocking the baby back and forth. It's in a special sack, I guess you could call it, so the baby can't turn over. And it even creates a swishing noise, and what it's trying to do is emulate the noises and the movement that the baby would have had in the uterus actually. So $1,160 seems like a lot to me, but maybe that's cheaper than using a nurse, Hala.

GORANI: How much is it, sorry? $1,000 -- how much? I wish --

BURKE: 1,160 bucks.


BURKE: $1,160 bucks, but when you add up the nanny, the swing, and the crib, maybe it could be worth the money, and the baby has been very calm. I can confirm I'm a very good parent.

GORANI: And the battery-powered date?


GORANI: Anyway, on to something else. We're hearing about new technology -- and I don't exactly know what it is, but it's always good when someone comes up with a solution for this -- but designed to help people with certain disabilities. Tell us about that.

BURKE: That's right. So much of the technology that we see here is cool, but people often criticize CES for not doing enough to actually make a difference in people's lives. And we were drawn to this device which is called the Raphael. It costs 100 bucks initially for the device and then $100 a month. It's actually for victims of strokes, people who have suffered strokes, so that instead of doing maybe physical therapy, always having to go to the P.T. office, instead they can do exercises in the form of games at home.

So this is darts and it's actually for people, if you've lost mobility in one of your hands, let's say, you can start by playing this game. And it's measuring how far you go up, how far you go down, and will tell you -- let's see if I get this -- when you need to do more work. It will tell you, Samuel, you only went down about 50 degrees today. Yesterday, it was 60 degrees. You're going to have to work harder.

So we're actually seeing a lot more technology that has to do with medicine. And, of course, a lot of people think that insurance companies paying for this could mean a lot of dollar signs for a lot of these companies, Hala.

GORANI: All right. Hopefully, it will help some people out there. Cool gadgets. Thanks very much. We'll let you get back to Pepper.

This has been THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. I'm Hala Gorani. I'll see you same time, same place tomorrow. "QUEST MEANS BUSINESS" is next.



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