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Well, the just sworn-in Senate is expected to take its first votes toward repealing the Affordable Care Act next week, replacing Obamacare is



toward repealing the Affordable Care Act next week, replacing Obamacare is

a top Republican priority.>

Pence head to Capitol Hill. Pence to discuss with Republicans the plan to

dismantle Obamacare. The President to discuss with Democrats how to protect


ANNE-MARIE GREEN: It`s Wednesday, January 4, 2017. This is the CBS MORNING NEWS. With a rocky day one in the books for the new Congress, lawmakers today are in for a battle between the President and the next vice president over Obamacare.

Overnight, Turkish police arrested several suspects linked to the New Year`s Eve nightclub attack but they`re still looking for the man in this video, accused of killing thirty-nine people.

And a cop slams a girl to the ground in a North Carolina cafeteria. What students are saying about the moments just before the takedown?

Good morning from the Studio 57 Newsroom at CBS News Headquarters here in New York. Good to be with you. I`m Anne-Marie Green.

Well, the just sworn-in Senate is expected to take its first votes toward repealing the Affordable Care Act next week, replacing Obamacare is a top Republican priority. Well, today, both President Obama and Vice President- Elect Mike Pence head to Capitol Hill. Pence to discuss with Republicans the plan to dismantle Obamacare. The President to discuss with Democrats how to protect it. Hena Daniels is here in New York. Hena, Good morning.

HENA DANIELS: Good morning, Anne-Marie. GOP leaders hope to approve legislation in the next few weeks or months, dismantling much of the law, but it could take years to approve replacement legislation.

(Begin VT)

HENA DANIELS: President Obama will meet with House and Senate Democrats in an effort to save his signature health care law from the GOP`s crosshairs.

JOSH EARNEST (White House Press Secretary): The President`s motivation is rooted in looking out for the interests of the twenty-two million Americans whose health care would be taken away.

HENA DANIELS: Vice President-Elect Mike Pence, meanwhile, will also travel to Capitol Hill to strategize with fellow Republicans on how to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, one of President-Elect Donald Trump`s main campaign promises.

PRESIDENT-ELECT DONALD TRUMP: I`m asking for your vote so we can repeal and replace Obamacare and save health care for every family.

HENA DANIELS: Repealing Obamacare is also a high priority among the newly sworn-in and Republican-controlled Congress.

SENATOR JOHN CORNYN (R-Texas): The first job the new Congress will have is to repeal Obamacare. We can`t do better than Obamacare, we might as well look for another line of work.

HENA DANIELS: While Democrats try to save the law.

SENATOR CHUCK SCHUMER (D-Senate Minority Leader): It is not acceptable to repeal the law, throw our health care system into chaos, and then leave the hard work for another day.

HENA DANIELS: And yesterday, House Republicans voted to weaken the Office of Congressional Ethics only to change their mind nineteen hours later.

MAN: It`s been withdrawn. It`s been withdrawn.

HENA DANIELS: The reversal came after a strong public outcry and Mister Trump added to the pressure, urging his party to focus on tax reform, healthcare, and so many other things of far greater importance.

(End VT)

HENA DANIELS: Meanwhile, the American Medical Association wants Republicans to show how they would replace Obamacare before Congress votes to repeal it. In a letter to congressional leaders, the AMA wrote lawmakers should show in reasonable detail what will replace current policies. Anne-Marie.

ANNE-MARIE GREEN: Hena Daniels here in New York. Thank you so much, Hena.

Well, headlines from Trump Tower on the transition to power, the President- elect says he`ll hold his first news conference since being elected a week from today. The January eleventh event will be held in New York City, just nine days before Mister Trump will be sworn in. Mister Trump has already waited longer than any other president-elect in the modern era to hold his first news conference. This Friday Mister Trump will be briefed by intelligence officials on Russian interference in the 2016 election. Trump has continually voiced his skepticism concerning Russian hacking. He tweeted that his briefing had been delayed until Friday but a U.S. intelligence official says that`s not the case. And Mister Trump kept his focus on the auto industry, targeting General Motors as Ford canceled plans to build a factory in Mexico. Last year Mister Trump took on Ford for its plans to move production of the focus to Mexico. Ford says Focus production is still heading to Mexico, but instead of building a new plant there, it will invest in a Michigan plant, creating seven hundred jobs. And yesterday in a tweet the President-elect threatened GM with a big border tax for importing compact cars to the U.S. from Mexico.

Bill and Hillary Clinton will attend the January twentieth inauguration of Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton has mostly avoided public appearances since Mister Trump defeated her. They`ll join former Presidents George W. Bush and Jimmy Carter and their wives. It`s a tradition for former presidents to attend the inauguration.

And ahead on CBS THIS MORNING, petitions to stop certain college marching bands from performing at the Trump inauguration.

Well, at least five demonstrators protesting Senator Jeff Sessions` nomination as attorney general were arrested. The demonstrators from the NAACP staged a sit-in at Sessions` office in Mobile yesterday. They refused a request to leave when the building closed and police were called in. The civil rights organization has been critical of Sessions` prosecution of African-American voting rights activists.


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