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Trump PA "Thank You" Rally; Drain The Swamp; Russian Hacking Controversy; Trump Thanks Pennsylvania; Leftist Sore Losers; Outsourcing

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Controversy; Trump Thanks Pennsylvania; Leftist Sore Losers; Outsourcing

America. - Part 1>

Plante, Eboni Williams, Lee Carter, Tony Sayegh>

East; Policies; Taxes; Trade; Legislation; Military; Police; Aviation;

Pharmaceuticals; Peace; Women; Meetings; Election; Espionage; Polls; Labor;


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENT-ELECT OF THE UNITED STATES: Patriotism will be the foundation of our economic plan bringing jobs back to America; we're bringing our jobs back, folks. They've been ripped away. That's why we're going to lower our business tax. And we are going to lower our business tax. big league, from 35 percent to 15 percent.

Right now, we're one of the highest taxed nations in the world and we're going to be among the lowest and we're going to have jobs come pouring back. We want to bring in new companies and new jobs to our shores. That's also why we're going to eliminate job-killing regulations, cancel many executive orders. Believe me, we're going to be canceling a lot. And lift the restrictions on the production of American energy, including shale, oil, natural gas and clean coal.

And we are going to put our miners back to work, OK? Get ready. Get those shovels ready. Another critical element of our jobs plan is the historic $1 trillion investment in our crumbling infrastructure. Our infrastructure is going to hell. We're going to fix our infrastructure.

Do you know, we've spent as of two weeks ago $6 trillion in the Middle East. We could've rebuilt out country three times over. And right now, we're in worst shape in the Middle East than we were 15 years ago when we started by a factor of 10. Our bridges are deficient, our roads are in disrepair and our airports are like third-world countries.

I am asking congress to support the construction of new roads, bridges, airports, tunnels and railways all across our nation. We're going to do it. And we're going to build it on time, on budget, not for three times what it supposed to cost. And we will put our people back to work in the process. It's time to help get Americans off welfare and back into the labor market. Rebuilding our country with American hands and American workers. We're going to rebuild our country. we're going to do it ourselves, folks.

My administration will follow two simple rules, buy American and hire American. At the center of this agenda is fixing our absolutely terrible trade deals. I mean, NAFTA, you look at that, it's been defective for 20 years, it's been defective -- from the day it was signed, it's been defective.

Pennsylvania, congratulations, because you're just about at the bottom of the pack in this, has lost more than one-third of your manufacturing jobs since NAFTA, just about as bad as there is to other country. Although I must say, Michigan and a couple of other places have actually done worse. OK, right? But you're all going to do great now because we're bringing those jobs back.

America is now running, listen to this, a nearly $800 billion annual trade deficit. In other words, all these people, they work and make these trade deals, right? We lose almost $800 billion a year. Who are these people? Any business people in this large, large audience?

Hard to believe. Almost $800 billion a year and we never make good deals. I actually said to my people today, they're going over to Mexico, doesn't work. China is all-time record setting. We lose $500 billion trade deficit. All of these places. And I said, give me a good deal. You know what they said, there are none. We don't do with anybody.

It's almost amazing that our country can even make it. But it's not going to make it for much longer if we don't get this thing going, OK? So think of it -- think of it. It is so terrible. We've lost -- and this one I can't even believe, I say it all the time, we've lost 70,000 factories since China joined the World Trade Organization. I used to say, who signed it? I used to say, who supported it? We don't carry anymore, right? You know who I'm talking about, right? I don't care. It's a disaster.

It's the greatest jobs' theft in the history of the world. Nobody has ever lost like we've lost. All because we got sold down the river by our either stupid politicians or corrupt politicians, all right? Except for these three guys down here, they're great -- they're great.

A Trump administration will defend American industry. And it will defend the American worker. You've got to be defended. It will defend the American worker. Boy, did we come out and vote. You know, they forgot about the American vote-- they talked about everybody, right? They're going to do this group and that group.

And by the way, women, thank you very much. I mean, thank you, women. Thank you, women. I was getting killed -- these polls were killing me. Donald Trump has almost no women. And then I'd come and I'd see these signs, look at those signs. I'd see these pink beautiful signs. We did great with women. We did great with the African-American communities out there.

Remember? Remember the famous line because I talk about crime. I talk about lack of education. I talk about no jobs. And I'd say, what the hell do you have to lose, right? It's true. And they're smart and they picked up on it like you wouldn't believe. And do you know what else? They didn't come out to vote for Hillary. They didn't come out. And that was so big. So thank you to the African-American community. Thank you to the Hispanic communities. Incredible.

The Hispanic community was great. You know, they all heard the wall. Well, guess what? People that are in our country, legally, if they're Hispanic, they don't want people coming in and taking their jobs. They don't want people coming in and taking their home. They want to see safety. So the Hispanic community was fantastic. And the evangelical Christians, unbelievable. We set records, right? We set records.

And I shouldn't say this, this is terrible. But as a couple of our pastors, Pastor Jeffress, a couple of them. Reverend, you know how good was Billy Graham, was he the greatest, right? Well, he's got a son, Franklin. And Franklin Graham would say -- and Paula White and so many others, they'd say Donald Trump may not be perfect but he's going to be the best leader by far, right? May not be perfect. They were great. What great people.

We set an all-time record in the history of elections in this country with the evangelicals and that is really cool. And that includes what happened in the primaries. Remember in the primaries, I was going to lose to all these different states because of the evangelicals. And then I'd win by 22 points like, as an example South Carolina, like Alabama, like Arkansas, like so many -- Kentucky.

And they were all saying, wow, Donald Trump is doing fantastically with the evangelical Christians. He's doing fantastically. But I knew. But we did even better in the general. So we had the all-time highest vote in the history of elections with the evangelicals, right?

Our goal is to bring back a very beautiful phrase. Do you remember when we were young, some of us -- some of you are so -- you don't remember because you're so young already. We have a young audience. Do you remember we had stamped on to cars and stamped on to equipment, made in the USA, right? Made in the USA. Right?

Even the young people like it. And frankly, have been said made in Japan or made some place else, it wasn't considered good. It wasn't considered good. We're going to bring back made in the USA and we're going to have a lot of jobs come back. We're going to have a lot of jobs.

And you know what? If companies leave and fire their workers, they leave Pennsylvania or they leave Indiana or they leave any one of the states we're talking about or any state in the union, they leave and they go to Mexico or some other country, plenty of them, and they think they're going to fire everybody and they're going to have their product come right through those weak borders -- oh, those borders are going to be so strong now. And they're going to sell that product and that product isn't going to be taxed probably at a rate of about 35 percent for the people that leave.

And here's what's going to happen. You know, the people that write the articles, they say Donald Trump is not a free trade. No, I'm a smart trader, OK?, smart trader. Here's what we're going to do. You're going to put that tariff on, company leaves, makes their air condition -- Carrier was very nice by the way, I have to tell you.

I mean, what they don't know is that people that did go down there, it's going to be a little hard to sell that product back in but we will not talk about that. But carrier was fantastic. They really were. And I hope you go out, buy some carrier air-conditioners because they're just about -- they're one of the few that are left in this country. And I told the people at Carrier, you saw the publicity that I got. And we have thousands of people, families, that are going to have great Christmases in Indiana now because of that.

But I told them, you're going to make up a lot because you're going to do a lot of business and a lot of people are feeling very strong about what they did. But it's going to be that they will have consequences when they leave our country and think they're going to sell the product right back over our border, no tax, no nothing. Because you know what, it doesn't work that way for other countries.

You look at what China is doing. China taxes our products going into China, big league. And they don't want us anyway. They didn't even want the tax. You take a look at other countries. So when they talk about free trade, it's free for them but it's not free for us, all right? Not free for us. So that's the what it is. But we have to be a rich nation again. And we have to be a safe nation.

The murder rate in the United States is the largest that it's been in 45 years. Nobody knows that. They don't tell you that. Do you guys ever say that? No, they don't say that. They don't want to hear it. And we are going to support the incredible men and women of law enforcement. And we are going to bring this terrible crime rate to an immediate end and it can go quickly.

One of the greatest public safety threats remains open borders. I always say there goes your safety, there goes your country. We will build a great, great wall and we will put an end to illegal immigration. And we are going to stop the drugs from pouring into our country and poisoning the youth of Pennsylvania and every other state. we're going to stop it.

We're going to build the wall. We're going to build the wall. We have to. You know, the border patrol -- you know this, 16,500 great people, because their job is much tougher when I win because we're going to enforce the laws, they want to enforce -- they endorsed me. First time they've ever endorsed a presidential candidate.

ICE, the men and women of ICE, they're smart, they're tough, they love their country. They endorsed us. It's not me, it's us. The first time they've ever endorsed. What does it mean? It means you have to work harder. But these are people that know what they're doing.

We're going to break up the gangs, we're going to break up the cartels and the criminal syndicates, terrorizing our cities and our neighborhoods. And they're being terrorized, just take a look at Long Island, New York and you take a look at what's happening out there, it is really bad. And our local police know exactly who they are and want to do something about it. And they are being stopped. So we're going to work on that. We're going to get a safe country to protect our country from terrorism and extremism.

I will suspend immigration and refugee admissions from regions where they cannot be safely processed or vetted. We will keep radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country. We will keep them out. We got enough problems. We got enough problems, right? We got to bring our jobs back. We don't want problems. And we will build safe zones in Syria.

When I look at what's going on in Syria, it's so sad -- and so sad and we're going to help people. And we have the gulf states. They have nothing but money. We don't have money. We owe $20 trillion. I will get the gulf states to give us lots of money and we will build and help build safe zones in Syria so people can have a chance. So they can have a chance.

Ethics reform will be a crucial part of our plan as well. We're going to drain the swamp of corruption in Washington, D.C., right? I will impose a five-year ban on executive branch officials becoming lobbyists and a lifetime ban on officials becoming lobbyists for a foreign government.

And I will tell you what else I'm going to ban. When we have our purchasing agents giving out billions and billions and billions of dollars of contracts to the military and to all of these people where they are buying airplanes, well, you see these tremendous cost overruns. Take a look at the F-35 program, take a look.

And the people that gave out those contracts, give me a break, we are going to impose a lifetime ban on people that give these massive contracts out or even small contracts. You want to work for the United States, you work for the United States. You're not going to go to work for the people that build these planes and people that do the drugs with all of the different things.

You know, the cost of drugs in this country, we're about the largest purchaser of pharmaceuticals anywhere in the world. And yet we can't negotiate the price. I wonder why? You don't think it has anything to do with the drug companies? But we're going to open it up. We're going to face many challenges but this is truly an exciting time to be alive.

The script is not yet written. We do not know what the page will read tomorrow. But for the first time in a long, long time, what we do know is that the pages will be authored by each and every one of you and you. You, the American people, will finally be in charge again. Your voice, your desires, your hopes and aspirations will never again fall on deaf ears.

The forgotten men and women of our country will not be forgotten anymore, remember that. You sure as hell weren't forgotten on election day, were you, huh? Do you hear some of them are saying, where are all these people coming from? Together, we will raise incomes and create millions and millions of great new jobs.

We will repeal the disaster known as ObamaCare and create new healthcare reforms that work for you and your family. We will reestablish the rule of law, defend the second amendment, protect religious liberty and appoint justices to the United States Supreme Court who will uphold and defend the constitution of the United States.

We will heal divisions and unify our country. We will be a unified country again. When Americans are unified, there is nothing we cannot do. No task is too great, no dream too large, no goal beyond our reach. My message tonight is for all Americans from all parties, all beliefs, all walks of life, whether you are African-American, Hispanic-American or Asian-American or whatever the hell you are, remember that we are all Americans. And we are all united by one shared destiny.

So I'm asking everyone -- so I'm asking everyone to join this incredible movement and that's what it is. All over the world, they're talking about what's happening here. All over the world. Pundits have said -- and I mean pundits that truly dislike Donald Trump have said this is the single greatest political phenomenon that they've ever seen. And it's about you, it's not about me. It's about you.

I am asking you to dream big and bold and daring things for your family and for your country. I am asking you to believe in yourself again and I'm asking you to believe in America. And if we do that, then all together, we will make America strong again. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America safe again. And we will make America great again. Thank you. Thank you Pennsylvania. Thank you. God bless you. Merry Christmas. Thank you, Pennsylvania. Thank you.


LOU DOBBS, FBN HOST: Donald Trump saying thank you to the great people of the great state of Pennsylvania. I don't know many politicians who could say to a state -- these other states took your glory (ph) because the nasty media wouldn't call it based on the election results. Pennsylvania should have been the state that put him over the 270 limit.

The honor was deferred because the networks as he sees it unjustly withheld the vote of Pennsylvania in their calculations, their decision desk. Again, a stem winder of an address and an absolutely delighted crowd.

And by the way, not only was it at capacity as Donald Trump said and we said it was a capacity to corroborate him, it turns out the estimates now are 12,000 to 13,000, 2 to 3,000 more people than it's supposed to be, don't tell the fire marshals the limit. So he had a very large, huge crowd.

Joining me now, "Washington Times" columnist Charlie Hurt, political editor Guy Benson. Gentlemen, great to have you here.

Guy, let me start with you. Your reaction to what is obviously a delighted audience as he recounts and relives election night and morning. They love it.

GUY BENSON, POLITCAL EDITOR, TOWNHALL.COM: Yes. I like this idea of a 'Thank You' tour and a big thank you, of course, is owed --

DOBBS: I'm sorry I can't hear you, Guy.

BENSON: Can you hear me, Lou.

DOBBS: Now, I can hear you, I'm sorry. Thank you.

BESON: No worries. I was going to say this is -- I like this idea of a 'Thank You' tour. And there's a big thank you owed to the people of Pennsylvania from Donald Trump's perspective given the fact that that state had not gone for a Republican presidential ticket since 1988. Donald Trump won it which is a big deal.

And I'm sitting in this chair here, watching Donald Trump speak and he says no other normal person or politician could have a 'Thank You' tour that everyone would show up to. And I think about that and it's indisputable. He's right. Twelve, thirteen thousand people after he has won?

And I think the political genius of it is, it keeps his message front and center through this entire dead period in the media typically where we're talking, of course, about transition and other stuff but he's getting those rallies out there and forcing the media to come and unfiltered carry his message night in and night out across the country.

DOBBS: You know, those dead periods that were typical customarily in the past are dead and gone now. I mean, there is something going on every single day. I have never seen a transition like this. I don't think anyone has because there is such intense interest in everything Donald Trump does, is thinking about or is purported to be thinking about. Charlie?

CHARLIE HURT, COLUMNIST, WASHINGTON TIMES: And he clearly enjoys it so much. He thrives off of it. And I think that once we get done with the 'Thank You' tour, he's going to probably have a thank you for the 'Thank You' tour just so that he could keep doing these things.

And Guy is exactly right, it's brilliant politically. I mean, if you think about it, he may not be reaching a whole lot of new people yet the way that he might be able to do if he has a lot of successes legislatively here in Washington. But if you think about it from the perspective of all those lawmakers, that's who he has to now negotiate with to get all the things done that he wants to get done here.

And if you think about it from the perspective of lawmakers, they're watching this. And even if he might not be able to turn people away from certain politicians, he can cause all kinds of problems. And it's not just Republicans, you've got Democrats in places like Pennsylvania watching these sorts of rallies going on and they're scratching their head and shaking in their boots.

Of course, nothing is more scare -- you know, nobody gets scared quicker than a politician. And these Democrats in Pennsylvania and some of other states that he took for the first time in decades, it will make a big difference when it comes time to make, you know, negotiating here on Capitol Hill.

BENSON: Hey, Lou. Can I just piggy-back up for that for just a second?

DOBBS: Sure.

BENSON: Because I think that's such an interesting point there. Let's say we flash forward a couple of months and there's an ObamaCare debate about repeal and replace and the Democrats are refusing to vote on any replacement plan for ObamaCare. There are 10 Democrat senators up for reelection in 2018 who represents states that Donald Trump won.

If he takes this type of tour on the road and goes state by state to shame and name these senators and draws these gigantic crowds to pound away a message about needing to replace ObamaCare and how this person is in the way, I mean, that could really be a very potent bullhorn for him to use in the way that other politicians haven't in the past, certainly not presidents.

DOBBS: Yes. I think that you're exactly right. And to the point, Charlie, you don't see U.S. Senators, you don't see congressmen in their districts able to draw a crowd.

I mean, when we look back on this campaign, Donald Trump pulled up in Trump Force One to a hangar that was filled to overflowing and gave his speech and moved on to another hangar. He can walk into Hershey, Pennsylvania into Giant Center and people in this cold, 16 degrees that feels like zero -- I love the concept of that, it feels like zero, and they will stand in line for hours for a 'Thank You' tour that no one would've even considered conducting until he invented the process.

HURT: Yes. At a time when, you know, politicians have never been held in lower regard, here is a guy and the thing that he's done is he transcends politics. And he transcends politics very much in the same way that President Obama did eight years ago. And he was able to talk directly to people with this level of enthusiasm. But Donald Trump is kind of weaponizing that enthusiasm at this point and doing it very smartly.

And the other big difference, you know, when President Obama won eight years ago, everybody sort of lamented because the politics never seemed to end, the campaigning, it was the endless campaign. Well, the endless campaign is continuing. It's just that it seems like Donald Trump is -- there's a method to the madness now. He's actually driving it towards real concrete victories, underscoring the point that, you know, I think has been missed in much of the media throughout the campaign, that his campaign has been about issues, has been about things that he wants to get done.

DOBBS: Issues and style as a populist and you can almost see the traditional media sort of spit as they mentioned the word populist but the fact is, it is the people.

And he is giving the puny left that is atrophying before our very eyes fits because they have lost their constituencies in a very real sense because he is reaching out a Republican as he did tonight in Hershey, Pennsylvania, thanking the African-American community, thanking the Hispanic community, talking about, you know, no matter what walk of life or demographic you're in or as he put it, or whatever the hell kind of American you are, we are all Americans.

Yes, you find the message that resonates deeper and more meaningfully with Americans than that and I will give you the prize. I think he has the ultimate message. What do you think, Guy?

BENSON: And that was his windup at the very end. And I think that was back to this script that's really working for him where he's calling for unity and healing and shared identity, let's get this done for America which, of course, has resonates for a lot of Americans who didn't necessarily vote for him. You look at the new Fox News polling, he's still underwater in terms of favorability although not --

DOBBS: Guy, I got to say to you, in all respect, whoever's poll it is, polling hasn't meant a damn thing to Donald Trump. And I don't think there is any pundit, savant, guru of any stripe that can say with any certainty that they know what the hell is going on here. And certainly not the pollsters who got it so wrong on election night.

BENSON: I would say it's our own poll. And the point I was going to make, Lou, is you look at the favorability numbers, you're going to say, oh, look, you know, he's underwater. But when you ask the American people how are they feeling after the election, the number one answer, the highest result, 59 percent said, hopeful. That's something that Trump is trying to tap into and we saw that at the end of that speech.

DOBBS: Yes. I don't think there's any question. But again, I think all the pollsters ought to just take a little break here, just kind of cool it off, kind of collect their thoughts and say, you know, we didn't get it right, we didn't get close, we couldn't match narrative and numbers to save us. And just a little humility until we get, you know, a little breathing space. Maybe sometime right after inauguration day.

Charlie Hurt, Guy Benson, gentlemen, thank you so much, appreciate it.

HURT: Thanks, Lou.

BENSON: Thanks, Lou.

DOBBS: Up next, the president-elect won the White House with his goal to drain the swamp in Washington, D.C. Congressman Ron DeSantis has one way to help out the president-elect and he joins us next to talk about all of that and that very important swamp, especially the draining thereof.


DOBBS: Joining me right now, Congressman Ron DeSantis of Florida. Congressman, great to have you with us. Let's start with the house adventure and Russians hacking in election.

I have never seen so much attention given something that's so ill defined, so unspecific, it's almost as if the Democrats in particular and apparently led by the White House itself have decided that they've got a suspect but they can't find the crime, they can't find the motivation. There's nothing empirical here. Give us your best sense of where this is leading for the house that's been turned down by the intelligence community in briefing.

REP. RON DESANTIS (R), FLA.: Well, the media is being very irresponsible because they're saying Russia hacked the election. So most people look at that and they think the election machines, the votes? No, there's not even an indicia that that happened. The Homeland Security Department have said that didn't happen.

They're talking about Podesta clicking on a phishing e-mail that was not a sophisticated hack. So they're really trying to blow this out of proportion. Look, there are cyber attacks in this country from Russia, China, North Korea, you name it, every single day it happens. I think the main question is, why is the Obama administration been so poor in combating that threat?

DOBBS: Yes. And the other part is, why has this government, this congress, this senate, why has our establishment been so reluctant to square off with the American people? You know, you just mentioned it, we're getting hacked all the time, cyber attacks are going on.