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Bipartisan Group of Senators Pushing for Investigation into Russian Hacking; Saying No To Cabinet Offer; Prioritizing White House



Russian Hacking; Saying No To Cabinet Offer; Prioritizing White House

as President; CNN Heroes 10th Annual All-star Tribute. Aired 4-5p ET - Part 2>


SANCHEZ: Joining me now to discuss this is Anthony Scaramucci, he is a member of the presidential transition team. Anthony, is the president-elect serious about ending the one China policy, or is this, as we've seen before with Donald Trump, just a bargaining chip in a much bigger move?

ANTHONY SCARAMUCCI, FOUNDER, SKYBRIDGE CAPITAL: Listen, everything should be on the table. At the end of the day, he's the leader of the free world. He's looking at things directionally bores that he doesn't necessarily like. There are certain things that have happened since 1979, frankly, that we didn't anticipate, like the building of those military fortresses out in the South China Sea.

And so, he's nearly saying, listen, there is a new sheriff in town. I want to have a very friendly, terrific relationship with China, but I also want to recognize the Taiwanese by accepting a call. And that's really all he did. The call came in, and he said, you know, thank you to the congratulations.

So, I think what I mind most fascinating about the conversation related to China is that there is a struggle there. There is a competitive tension between us and China. And the president-elect feels that we need to strengthen the U.S. hand, particularly for the working class people, and the middle class, as it relates to our trade deals.

And I can tell you, I'm sitting in these meetings, and I'm very refreshed by this and I expect it to happen.

SANCHEZ: That competitive tension that you've talk about is something that we heard over and over again on the campaign trail. Some very interesting rhetoric from Donald Trump when it comes to China. But is he hesitant at all to potentially start a trade war with them?

SCARAMUCCI: Listen, and I'll state the position again on behalf of all of us. There is no intent to start a trade war, but there is an intent to make things super fair for the American people.

And so at the end of the day, the bargaining chips of a trade war are obviously out there. The imposition of potential tariffs is obviously out there. None of that needs to pass if we can go through a rigorous review of each of these deals and make sure that these deals are right for the American people.

I think the American people are super happy in the last four weeks. They see the president-elect has somebody that is really going to champion in their interests. Not only here in the United States and some of the -- keeping jobs here, but also overseas. That they're going to stand up for America, frankly.

And so, I agree with where the trade deals were, meaning they were unbalanced for the last 71 years, to help create more global economic interdependence. But the president-elect and I had this conversation, recognizes now that we have to be more focused on America, putting American workers first, putting the country first, getting jobs here in our country, manufacturing back, et cetera. And I think the American people love that message, Boris.

SANCHEZ: Well, Donald Trump, first and foremost, is known for his business acumen. He is known as a businessman. Today he was on Fox News and he talked about not only his business but now the election and now becoming president might impact that. I want you to listen to this.


TRUMP: If I were going to do new deals right now, I am turning down billions of dollars of deals. I will tell you, running for president; the money I spent is peanuts compared to the money I won't make. And that's OK, because this is so important. What I'm doing is so important. This is a calling. This is so -- this is a movement. It's not just me. It's millions and millions of people. You got to see it firsthand.

I'm not going to be doing deals at all. So that would be -- I don't even know if that's a conflict. I mean, I have the right to do it. You know under the law, I have the right to do it. I just don't want to do it. I don't want to do deals. Because I want to focus on this.


SANCHEZ: Now, Anthony, he says that he is turning down these billion- dollar deals that he's more interested in the White House than he is really Trump Tower to some degree. But should the American public be concerned about the expanse of his empire and potential conflicts of interest?

SCARAMUCCI: I don't think so. But what I love about that interview right there is you really see the charm and the commercial intensity of the new president-elect. I'm sure that he's -- he would be salivating at the prospect of doing those deals. And he is sending a message to the American people right there by saying, listen, this is so much more important than that. The stakes are so much higher on behalf of the entire country.

I do think on December the 15th, we will hear from him about how he has distance himself away from his corporation and all of his interests. And I think after that press conference, I think people are going to be very happy that the conflict of interest issue that's on the table right now will also be in the rear-view mirror.

[16:45:08] But I do love the fact that the president is a commercial guy. And I can tell the American people he is going that to bring that to the table in trade negotiations. He's going to bring that to the table with his diplomatic skills. And he's also going to bring that to the table in terms of defeating ISIS and making the world safer not only for Americans but for citizens all over the world.

SANCHEZ: Now Anthony, we have to ask you about this. It's the story of the weekend really and likely to continue to be the story in the coming weeks. Do you think this investigation into the Russian meddling in the election could potentially lead to a rough start for a Trump presidency? Could this be a black eye on his presidency? SCARAMUCCI: Listen, I really don't think so. And I think with the case that the president-elect is making at this point is that the election is over. It was a broad-base landslide in the Electoral College. And these presidential elections are based on the Electoral College. And that's why the president-elect had his strategy over the course of the intense campaign.

I would like to see it end. I know most of the American people, if you poll them, would like to see it end. And so my guess is that this will get put to bed. It is still a lot of speculation, frankly. We're still trying to figure out where the sources are for the stories.

So, it's sort of like weapons of mass disinformation, if you will. And my guess is that he's going to have a very strong, robust start. The 100-day agenda is a fantastic agenda for the American people. And you're seeing people unite around the president-elect, Boris, now in a way that we're fighting very gratifying.

Just look at what happened yesterday at the army-navy game. It was an unbelievable, patriotic, rousing cheer for the president-elect. I know he was very emotional about it. My guess is that we'll be putting this behind us, as we had so many things over the last 18 months.

SANCHEZ: It's important to point out, though, Anthony, it's not just democrats that are calling for that investigation. Some high-ranking republicans, as well. We are out of time but we thank you very much for your time, Anthony.

SCARAMUCCI: Thank you for having me. Thank you.

SANCHEZ: We'll be right back after this.


SANCHEZ: Tonight is the night. The 10th annual all-star tribute for the top 10 CNN heroes. Anderson Cooper and Kelly Ripa are hosting the show. And we'll have reporters along the red carpet starting at 6 p.m. Eastern. You're going to expect a long list of celebrities that will recognize each hero. And now we're going to take a closer look at one of the honorees, Sheldon Smith.


SHEDON SMITH, CNN HERO: Being a daddy I was taught to overcome because I didn't have any father figure around that taught me what being a dad is. Father who doesn't come with a map, father who doesn't come with a manual. And sometimes you can learn from others or you learn on the fly.

On this program trying to do better but my son doesn't have to go through what I went through.


SMITH: Seventy percent of African-American children grow up in single parent households. And so what I wanted to do is figure out how to provide these men with the skills and tools that they need to stay involved in their children's life and really support the next generation of children.

My goal at the end of the day when I started the Dovetail Project was to break the cycle. Because I grew up in a community where a lot of young men faced the same issues that I was facing and no one was doing anything about it.

There aren't too many places where a father can go and get the help and support that he actually needs. Being able to have those resources that you actually need in order to make an impact on your child's life like employment or some type of assistance, is key and very important. And I really wanted to be the person who built the hub for that.


SANCHEZ: And Sheldon Smith, a really inspiring guy. You can see all the honorees tonight at 8 p.m. right here on CNN. Anderson Cooper and Kelly Ripa, again, hosting with a long list of celebrity presenters including Neil Patrick Harris and Richard Gere. Be sure to watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They are the kind and the caring. They are the strong and the brave. They are the ones who see a need. Fill a void. Make a difference.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm trying to get them all the opportunities they deserve.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This has become my life. I don't ever want to do anything else.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They don't do it for themselves. They do it for all the rest of us. They are a reminder of what's good in this world and what it truly means to be a hero.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We give them the foundation from which they can thrive the feeling of family.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have transformed the lives of thousands of children.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tonight, CNN presents a very special, live event. The 10th annual CNN Heroes all-star tribute.


ANDERSON COOPER, CNN HOST: Tonight, we're gathered to celebrate extraordinary men and women who highlight the best of what humanity has to offer.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Join host Anderson Cooper and special co-host Kelly Ripa, as we honor 10 extraordinary people. The 10th annual CNN Heroes all-star tribute, live tonight at 8 p.m. on CNN.


SANCHEZ: President John F. Kennedy was a great lover of American culture, asking Robert Frost to read his inaugural poem and regularly inviting authors and artists to the White House. When it comes to culture, President-elect Trump is going for a slightly different vibe, you could say. That's a subject of this week's State of the Cartoonian by Jake Tapper.

JAKE TAPPER, CNN HOST: Screw off, costal elites. Donald Trump is stacking his administration with leaders from real American pop culture.


TAPPER: His pick to head the small business administration is Linda McMahon, CEO of WWE. Making her, I'm pretty sure, the only head of that agency to have ever survived one of stone cold Steve Austin's stone cold stunners.

His pick to be secretary of labor runs the Carl's Jr. and Hardee's franchise, infamous for these racy commercials with scantily clad models.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Have you ever used Viagra before?

TAPPER: His pick to head the treasury department served as an executive producer on "Mad Max: Fury Road." And of course, we learned this week that the next season of "Celebrity Apprentice," starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and featuring Snoopy will have Donald Trump as an executive producer.

Is it ridiculous to wonder if the inaugural poem will be given by Andrew Dice Clay?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hickory dickory dock.

SANCHEZ: That would be something. That's it for me. Thank you so much for joining us. I'm Boris Sanchez. I'll be back next weekend. Fredricka Whitfield is taking a well-deserved, well-earned vacation. The next hour of CNN Newsroom with Poppy Harlow starts right now.


POPPY HARLOW: Top of the hour at 5 p.m. Eastern. I'm Popppy Harlow in New York. I'm so glad you're with us. You are live in the CNN Newsroom.

And we begin with a bipartisan call for an investigation into Russia's attempt to sway the outcome of the U.S. election. Four sitting U.S. senators, two republicans and two democrats say every American should be alarmed.

The group includes republicans John McCain, and Lindsey Graham, along with democratic Senator Chuck Schumer, the incoming minority leader, and democratic Senator Jack Reid, the top armed services committee of democrats.

In a joint statement, they warn, quote, "This cannot become a partisan issue. The stakes are too high for our country."

[17:00:04] Senator McCain spelled out his concerns. Listen.

(Byline: Boris Sanchez; Ryan Nobles; Evan Perez; Brian Morgenstern; Ellis Henican, Rachel Crane, Poppy Harlow)

(Guest: Anthony Scaramucci, Stephen Cohen )

(High: Donald Trump blasts American intelligence over its assessment that Russia interfered in the election. President Obama ordered a full review of Russia's involvement hacking in the election, and Democrats are now calling for hearings. Chris Christie turned down several offers to join the Trump administration; Donald Trump review his list for some cabinet positions; Rex Tillerson tops the list as possible secretary of state; Donald Trump explains to Fox News that he's been turning down business deals since he was elected; The 10th annual all- star tribute for the top 10 CNN heroes will be hosted by Anderson Cooper and Kelly Ripa)

(Spec: Politics; Russia; Nuclear Weapons; China; Donald Trump; Business; Government; Elections; Awards; Stephen Cohen; War; Election; Justice; Congress )