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Trump Holds "Thank You" Rally In Michigan; Trump Team: No Cabinet Post for Rudy Giuliani; White House Launches Investigation



Cabinet Post for Rudy Giuliani; White House Launches Investigation

Into Russia Hacking; White House Launches Investigation into Russia

Hacking; Flynn Once Pushed Fake Story about Arabic Signs At Border;

Carrier's Sister Plant: Where's Our Deal?; Trump Picks Dow Chemical

CEO to Run American Manufacturing Council; Local Union Leader Responds

to Trump Tweets; Trump's "Celebrity Apprentice" Ties; Conway on Trump

"Apprentice" Role: He'll do It in His Spare Time; Trump To Continue

Ties with Celebrity Apprentice. Aired 8-9p ET - Part 2>

MCENANY: You can't prove it, it doesn't exist though, he said he saw a picture of a sign in Arabic that may exist, you can't it negative, you can't prove it ... COOPER But he has trafficked -- sorry he has trafficked in other -- I mean on this show in a brief appearance he talked about attempts to institute Sharia law in Texas and Florida when he actually drilled down and look at the cases he's referring to, it really doesn't hold up.

MCENANY: I think he's eliminated some nuance and he should be careful in how he tweets going forward if he's going point out that story, for instance. There is some facts to it basically it was a law in Florida that was voted on by the Congress that was basically saying that you could not have foreign law come into the United States. That included Sharia law. There was a little more nuance to it but the root of what he's saying is not a lie, it's not that he made it up. He could serve himself well to insert nuance into his tweets or they're not tweet at all but he doesn't just make up lies.

CHRISTINE QUINN, CLINTON SUPPORTER: But it is not nuance because the law actually and you could question whether such law is needed and that's a different conversation. But the law actually said not we're gong to have Sharia law.

MCENANY: Right, right.

QUINN: It said you can't...

MCENANY: And Democrats voted against it.

QUINN: Whatever, that's not a nuance.


QUINN: No it is not. He's saying they're getting it, when they actually said we'll never ...

MCENANY: He said the Democrats voted against it.


COOPER: The thing about this position though. That he is going to be in. I mean it is in terms of like the person who talks in my ear has to give me just facts. Not, well I think this or I read this or maybe, it's got to be facts. And that is just the person who talks in my ear. And I'm just a CNN anchor.


COOPER: So -- I mean -- you want the person giving intelligence to the president to be nothing but the facts.

POWERS: General Mike Flynn come out and said basically that you want to someone in this role who's going to be a calming, you know, president is not somebody who's going to be excitable. And it was a criticism of this kind of behavior and look he talked about Sharia law in his book as well. So it wasn't just this one incidence that Sharia law is coming, which is not, that's a factually unsure statement. He also claimed there were Democratic e-mails; he tweeted about this -- proving that there is a sex ring. I mean it's not that -- I mean Kayleigh you can't possibly say that you believe that's true.

MCENANY: About the -- he was referring to something entirely different than his son ...

POWERS: He's actually, it said that the Democratic Party e-mail show that there is sex crimes against children.

MCENANY: He was referring to a plane ride that Donald Trump had taken that -- not that Donald Trump -- excuse me. Bill Clinton has been on a plane with Jeffrey Epstein and he had eliminated secret service -- that's the fact that happen and there were lot of questions to be ...


PHILIP BUMP, POLITICAL REPORTER WASHINGTON POST: The article was a made up news story about how the NYPD was about to bust the Clintons for being part of a pedophilia ring was total and absolutely none sense and I think I'll point honestly one of the things we need to keep is General Flynn's boss also does this on Twitter.

POWERS: Right.

BUMP: But I mean all the -- the president-elect of the United State said that there was, you know, he would have won the popular vote but for millions of illegal votes which is simply no factual evidence for. It's not the case and so I think that if the bar is General Flynn can't hold his position because he traffics in nonsense on Twitter, I think that bar is kind of a double edged sword.

COOPER: Jeffrey?

JEFFREY LORD, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: One of the tribal rituals of Washington D.C. is to take somebody in a new administration and hang them up by their heels in public. I'm guessing here from all of this that General Flynn is to be the first. This will go on throughout this administration as it is going on throughout others, and went on in the Reagan, it's going on in others. For Bert Lance there was a friend of Jimmy Carter's got this treatment. This is kind of the way Washington does it. Now it's not helpful if you -- if the person in charge -- or the person at the center of this contributes to the -- contributes in the situation, I certainly will grant that. But I think we should keep on mind ...

COOPER: But are you saying that he's being, you know sort of -- questions being raised to him simply because he's the designated sacrificial lamb or is it actually justified in your opinion?

LORD: This is the mystery in the Washington culture and it works this way. And they zero in on someone who has made statements or in this case tweets or what have you and they go for the jugular there and then the pressure builds to get that person to resign. And frankly it depends on the relationship with the president.

COOPER: Kirsten?

POWERS: I just don't know -- I mean I don't know exactly what you're talking about. I mean these are some pretty upsetting things that he has said.

QUINN: Dangerous.

POWERS: And if you look at his book the way he speaks about Muslims. You know, he raises the questions of why have no Muslims won Nobel Prizes. And says well it's because -- in the sciences it's because they put all their faith in this, you know, 7th century text. And supports well Christians put their faith in a like the 6th century text I think. So it's -- he's really singling of Muslims in a way that it's probably not good as well. So, it's just one issue and the fact of accusing Democrats of running a sex ring abusing children is really outside the norm of what people say.

COOPER: Phil, this idea of Donald Trump choosing to receive national security briefings once a week is opposed to everyday. Can you just talk about what is in those briefings? Why they might actually be important because I mean, I think that would be actually one of the kind of coolest and most important things about being president is you get to see all the real stuff. I mean you get to see the presidential daily brief. That's fascinating.

MUDD: Anderson, I don't know if it's cool. I used to review the terrorist and stuff (inaudible) everyday for years. And some of it was cool, some of it not so much. Think of it through two lenses, Anderson. The first is tactical; you're homing in on an al-Qaeda guys or an ISIS guy in the current world in Syria. You want to talk it to the president about the prospect or might be a drone strike, the impact on the ISIS organization. There are tactical updates that might change day to day that the president needs to know about. Then step back from the second lens, strategic.

Where is the Russian military going in Europe? What's happening with the North Korea missile program? I think there are two lenses that the president has to use to understand intelligence. But let me defend President-elect Trump on this one. Different presidents receive information, different ways, some on writing, some orally, some directly from intelligence brief or some familiar advisers. I think this is a question of whether President Trump -- President-elect Trump trusts intelligence. Not a question of whether he receives a briefing once a week or once a day.

COOPER: Interesting. We're going to leave it there. Phil, appreciate you joining us and everyone on the panel, thank you.

Just ahead, the 700 workers at Carrier sister plant whose jobs are being sent to Mexico with lay offs looming and children put through college. They want to know if there something can be done for them. Martin Savidge is talking to them.

[20:40:08] We'll be right back.


COOPER: President-elect Donald Trump has wrapped the latest stop on his self described "Thank You Tour", he was in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where he announced that the chairman and CEO of Dow Chemicals is going to be in charge of a new manufacturing council.


DONAL TRUMP, PRESIDENT-ELECT OF UNITED STATES: His name is Andrew Liveris, one of the most respected businessmen in the world. And I'm asking him to come up and head up our American Manufacturing Council and he's agreed to do it. They will be tasked with finding ways to bring industry back to America.


COOPER: Meanwhile in other news today Chuck Jones, the union leader who says he has been getting threatening messages since calling President-elect Trump a liar saying about the number of jobs data that Carrier plants that he is willing to work with Donald Trump to save more jobs in Indiana.


[20:44:58] CHUCK JONES, PRESIDENT UNITED STEELWORKER 1999: If he somehow, some way reached out to me, today, tomorrow, next week, next month and say hey, what can you guys, the steel workers here work to do and work with me to try to save these jobs at Rexnord Carrier and UTEC up in Huntington. We'd be glad to sit down with that man.

How well, we're all of them who disagree on different things. And if Trump is sincere about keeping jobs in the country and you guys have heard him numerous times, that's what is go with, we'll sit down and we'll work out something to this damn job share.


COOPER: The President-elect Trump as you know just perish Mr. Jones on Twitter after Jones pointing out that Trump has inflated the number of jobs, say that the Carrier plants in Indianapolis where Jones also had praised Mr. Trump for saving the 800 jobs that he did. But as Mr. Jones pointed out the actual number is 800, not 1,100 has Donald Trump initially claimed.

Now meantime workers at the two other companies, you just heard Jones mention are hoping that maybe there are deal can be done to save their jobs. The other night we reported Rexnord. Tonight Martin Savidge shows us what's at stake at Carrier's sister plant.


BRENDA HARPHAM, UTEC EMPLOYEE: I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life. I just pray that Trump comes through and save ours jobs.

MARTIN SAVIDGE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: This is UTEC in Huntington, Indiana, two hours north of Indianapolis, 700 people work here. Its owned by the same company that owns Carrier and back in February on the same day Carrier announced its plants to move to Mexico, employees her were told the same thing. It was devastating. MIKE HARMON, UTEC EMPLOYEE: Those people have worked their tails off in that company. They have given up a lot of family time, a lot of family time to be in there on Saturdays and Sundays. They -- some of those employees have been here for 40 years.

SAVIDGE: When Trump announced the news he had worked a deal with Carrier, hopes soared at Huntington and UTEC were part of it, after all, they were owned by the same company, but the answer was no. There would be no miracle here.

HARMON: We kind of did came out on the floor and, you know, talk to people to let them know because their hopes were up, they were devastated again and it was like February all over again.

SAVIDGE: The first layoffs are expected in March.

CHAD CRAGE, UTEC EMPLOYEE: We're just all taking it a day at time and, you know, we're still going to work because we all have to work.

STUART HOME, UTEC EMPLOYEE: And of course my wife and I, we just built a brand new home. And so now I got to worry about that and plus myself, I'm a diabetic.

SAVIDGE: By the spring of 2018 the entire plant is expected to be closed.

MICHAEL HINLINE, UTEC EMPLOYEE: It is not just affecting us, it's affecting other companies here in town. And, you know, the ball's been dropped on all this.

SAVIDGE: Huntington is no Indianapolis, with a population just over 17,000 the loss of 700 jobs will be felt by almost everyone in some way.

MAYOR BROOKS FETTERS, HUNTINGTON, INDIANA: While we're excited our friends and fellow Hoosiers in Indianapolis, it feels a little bit like we've been left out here.

SAVIDGE: Mike Harmon has two kids in college, two more in high school. He says this is the third time he's lost a job that's moved to Mexico. If he could, what would he say to the president elect?

HARMON: Don't forget us, Donald. Please remember there are 700 jobs in Huntington, Indiana that you never mentioned and America is going to know that we are people too.


SAVIDGE: The local newspaper, the "Indystar" has done a recent survey, they say that even with the 800 jobs that Donald Trump saved here at the Carrier plant; Indiana is going to lose 2,100 jobs good paying factory jobs over the next couple of months. And it's goes beyond the salary, it goes beyond just the taxpayers for a community. It goes to things like what I saw at the local union hall today, where Rexnord employees showed up to wrap the gifts that they have bought for disadvantage children they'll distribute next week, that's a tradition that goes back 50 years in this city. But this is the last year they're going to do it, because next June, Rexnord closes down and moving to Mexico and 300 jobs all those workers will be lost which begs the question next Christmas, what will those disadvantage children receive? Anderson.

COOPER: You have report facts to on and Martin Savidge, thank you.

Just ahead the first reality show star when the presidency plans to keep his executive producer title on "Celebrity Apprentice." We'll have the latest on that ahead.


[20:53:15] COOPER: Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway today defended President-elect Trump's decision to keep his executive producer credit on the NBC reality show, "Celebrity Apprentice". She compared it to President Obama spending time golfing.


KELLYANNE CONWAY, TRUMP SENIOR ADVISER: Were we so concerned about the hours and hours and hours spent on the golf course of the current president? I mean, presidents have a right to do things, in their spare time, or their leisure time, whether it's President Obama or President Donald Trump, the idea that these men are going to be all work and nothing else, all the time, it's just unrealistic, because it's never happened in our lifetimes.


COOPER: When asked whether President-elect Trump will get a salary or any other profits from his "Celebrity Apprentice" title, here's what Conway said.


CONWAY: I haven't discussed that with him directly. However, there are many options. He could do what he's going to do with his White House salary with the "Celebrity Apprentice," which is donate it to charity or refuse, decline to take it.


COOPER: It should be noted that President Obama made millions off his books while he was in office, but as far as TV reality show producing for president, this is certainly new ground. Randi Kaye tonight on how we got here.


RANDI KAYE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: In January 2004, the soon-to-be-hit show "The Apprentice" began airing on NBC. The reality show offered a chance for contestants from around the world to come to New York City for what producer Mark Burnett billed as the ultimate job interview.

TRUMP: Here ... KAYE: Contestants competed throughout the season with one goal in mind, a one year; $250,000 contract to run one of Donald Trump's companies.

TRUMP: I'm looking for "The Apprentice".

KAYE: The business-oriented show was a chance for Trump to try his hand at television, but more importantly, to tout his skills as a businessman and rock-solid negotiator.

[20:55:01] TRUMP: About 13 years ago, I was seriously in trouble. I was billions of dollars in debt, but I fought back and I won, bigly. I used my brain, I used my negotiating skills, and I worked it all out.

KAYE: On the campaign trail, he often talked about the show.

TRUMP: I do a television show called "The Apprentice" and it becomes one of the top shows on television tremendously successful. And by the way, they wanted to renew me and I couldn't do it, because I was doing this.

KAYE: When the 15th season of "The Apprentice" kicks off next month, actor-turned-politician Arnold Schwarzenegger will be the host. Donald Trump will stay on as executive producer, but it's unclear what will become of his signature line.

TRUMP: You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired.

KAYE: After the first seven seasons, where everyday people competed, the producers introduced "Celebrity Apprentice". Stars battled it out, not for an apprenticeship, but to raise money for a charity of their choosing. Big names like Joan Rivers, Arsenio Hall, Dennis Rodman, and Gary Busey all took part.

GARY BUSEY, AMERICAN ACTOR: They are the most deadly thing in the water, a shark fart.

KAYE: Trump's children, Eric, Donald Jr., and Ivanka are also prominently featured on the show, making them instant celebrities.



KAYE: But Donald Trump was always the star. In the board room, the show allowed Trump to be Trump.

TRUMP: But he tried to outthink me and nobody out thinks me.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm being truthful and I'll always be truthful.

TRUMP: How stupid is that, right?

KAYE: No matter what Donald Trump said on the show, it was always memorable. TRUMP: Do you think that I should comb my hair like him?

KAYE: And the viewers just kept coming back for more.

TRUMP: Who will succeed? And who will fail? And who will be "The Apprentice"?

KAYE: Randi Kaye, CNN, New York.


COOPER: And we'll be right back.

(Byline: Anderson Cooper, Jason Carroll, Kirsten Powers, Jeffrey Lord, Christine Quinn, Jim Sciutto, Phil Mudd, Kayleigh McEnany, Martin Savidge)

(Guest: Philip Bump, Robert Reich)

(High: President-elect Donald Trump is in Grand Rapids, Michigan, as his cabinet picks continue to come in. CNN has learned that Rudy Giuliani was told this week he's not getting the secretary of state job and the official from a transition team statement today is that Giuliani removed himself from consideration. The Obama administration has also announced it's opening a review of the election-related cyber attacks. The CIA has completed in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system. Michael Flynn claimed Arabic signs were present along the U.S. border with Mexico to guide terrorists into the US. Donald Trump announced Friday at a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, that Dow Chemical CEO Andrew Liveris will head the American Manufacturing Council in his administration, part of his economic message to "buy American and hire American.")

(Spec: Donald Trump; Michigan; Government; Policies; Rudy Giuliani; Politics; Russia; Elections; Internet; Louisiana; Michigan; Donald Trump; Andrew Liveris; Mike Flynn; Mexico; Carrier; Rexnord; UTEC; Indiana; Indianapolis; Kellyanne Conway; Barack Obama; NBC; Celebrity Apprentice; Congress; Media; Policy; Safety)