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The Trump Thank You Tour; The Left's Freakout; Setting the Record Straight on Carrier - Part 1



Straight on Carrier - Part 1>

Lou Dobbs, Anthony Scaramucci>

SEAN HANNITY, FOX HOST: And welcome to "Hannity." And tonight, President- elect Donald Trump on his thank you tour speaking to supporters. Laura Ingraham -- she'll be here in just a minute with reaction. First, here are some of the highlights.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENT-ELECT: In filling my cabinet, I'm looking for people who fully understand the meaning of service and who are committed to advancing the common good. I believe we're in the process of putting together one of the great cabinets that has ever been assembled in the history of our nation! Do you like it so far, everybody?


TRUMP: But to accomplish our goals, we must reject the failed approaches of the past. Government must stop listening to the special interests and start delivering for the national interest. It's time to deliver for you, the American people, just like Iowa delivered for me. Boy, did you deliver! Boy, did you deliver!

The American worker built this country, and now it's time for American workers to have a government that for the first time in decades answers to them. I'm going to answer to them.


TRUMP: My plan begins with bold structural reform to create millions of really good-paying jobs -- jobs. Whether it's agriculture, medicine or military technology, we want the next generation of innovation and production to happen right here in America and right here in Iowa. You're going to be big beneficiaries. Big beneficiaries.

First on taxes. We're going to undertake one of the great tax reforms and simplifications in American history. Going to be simpler. Too much work, too complicated. At the center of this plan is massive tax relief for the American middle class. Has been forgotten. Forgotten. Boy, did they come out and vote, huh? They came out and voted.


HANNITY: And here now with reaction is FOX News contributor, of course, the editor of Lifezette, and a nationally syndicated radio host. Laura Ingraham is back with us.

Laura, I like the idea. You don't see many people -- I remember Ed Koch always used to go out and thank people when he was the mayor in New York for their vote. I think the idea that you go out, not only thank them but reassure them that what you promised during the campaign remains your agenda. You know, yes, ma'am, no, ma'am, yes, sir, no, sir.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX CONTRIBUTOR: Yes, I think it's a great idea, and I think at this moment, Sean, Trump has a real opportunity to begin to expand the base of the electorate that he attracted on election day by continuing to preach the gospel of prosperity, freedom, independent sovereignty, the rule of law as applied to everyone regardless of your skin color, your ethnicity, where you came from.

If you're an American citizen, if you, you know, play by the rules, you're going to have a much better shot at having more money in your pocket, living a life in safety and actually happiness if he does what he said he was going to do.

And I think the reassurance is smart. I think he should keep doing this throughout his four and perhaps eight years in office. And that'll drive the left crazy, but keep going into those areas where Republicans have traditionally had difficulty and continue to reassure and build on what he started.

HANNITY: I'm going to do my opening monologue in the next segment, and that's about the collective left freakout, which is getting worse every day. It seems like Barack Obama is jealous that he's not the center of attention, and apparently, he's going out on his own tour I guess to try and steal the thunder from Donald Trump.

I'm not sure exactly what he's going to brag on. It's certainly not going to be the number of additional millions of Americans in poverty and food stamps or the lowest home ownership rate or doubling of the debt or Iraq, Afghanistan, China, Russia or Benghazi. So I'm not sure what he's going to say.

But he did take a shot again -- remember when he said bible thumpers clinging to their guns, bibles and religion and that sort of thing? Here's what he said last night on CNN.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: There's a reason why attitudes about my presidency among whites in northern states are very different from whites in southern states. So you know, are there folks whose primary concern about me has been that I seem foreign, the other? Are those who championed the birther movement, you know, feeding off of bias? Absolutely.


HANNITY: So there -- attitudes about my presidency from whites in northern states is different from whites in southern states. How do we interpret that?

INGRAHAM: Sean, it's both preposterous and pathetic. The idea that you can't harbor a negative view of Obama's accomplishments or lack thereof without being a racist if you're living in the South and are Caucasian means that it's a different type of racism. And it's a different type of bias coming from the left.

Again, they're always going to excuse failed liberal policies by trying to play some type of identity politics. In this case, of course, it's the race card.

This follows, of course, after people like Eric Holder, who also brought this up a few years back, that the criticism of Barack Obama was based in race. When young people -- people in our generation, Sean, I don't care what color your skin is, if your policies work, if they respect the Constitution, they honor our time-tested values, they're going to work and Americans are going to, you know, like what you did.

If you don't do that, doesn't matter where you came from, doesn't matter the color of your skin, there are a lot of Americans who are going to be unhappy with that. That's what happened with Obama. They personally like him, think he's a good father and a good guy, but they don't like the direction the country has gone in, more divided, fewer jobs, more globalization, open borders and all the rest.

But to fall back on the race card -- I mean, I guess you can't blame Bush anymore, so you just go with race. And stereotyping Southerners -- that's just the oldest trick in the liberal playbook. It's -- it's just old and it's tired and--

HANNITY: But the problem I see for President Obama, and I'm speaking objectively -- I mean, I always thought he was a radical rigid left-wing ideologue. He's never deviated from that, no Sister Souljah moment, the era of big government is over--


HANNITY: -- the end of welfare. And as a result, there were people like us that were warning that statism, leftism, redistribution failed. His signature program, "Obama care," a disaster. There's no one economic statistic that I can point to--


HANNITY: -- that points to success. And I would argue that he played a big role in the election of Donald Trump because of those failed policies.

INGRAHAM: Well, he's doing a reputation tour now, Sean. He wants the historians to write the history of his administration the way he wants it written. And so it's about racism. It's about those awful southerners. It's about rigid ideology, where I think you're exactly right. He never left the campus. He's still at Harvard University agitating. He's still back on the street corner in Chicago community organizing. That's where his experience was. That's where he came from.

And I -- and they always talk about Trump hasn't -- Trump hasn't evolved to be presidential. I think you can make the argument that Obama never evolved beyond the campus activist setting/ He got stuck there and he never would leave it. There was no moment of -- of recognition or self- reflection on maybe mistakes he made. Instead, it's always the other guy's fault.

HANNITY: None at all.

INGRAHAM: It's always FOX News--

HANNITY: But last question--

INGRAHAM: -- it's talk radio.

HANNITY: Are you worried at all about Donald Trump meeting -- you know, saying good things about Obama, meeting with Al Gore, Rambo dead fish, Mitt Romney? Are you worried about him meeting with any of these people?

INGRAHAM: Not if he stays true to his campaign promises, his policies, the bedrock of restoring freedom and the rule of law, sovereignty, economic prosperity. He has to stick to those core principles. It doesn't matter, in the end, who he -- with whom he meets if he does the things that he said he was going to do.

And there's always going to be compromises necessary, but those core values that he ran on and that he won on -- he's got to stick to that.

HANNITY: Yes. Agreed.

INGRAHAM: And I think a lot of people are going to be watching very carefully, and I think people are hopeful for good reason.

HANNITY: All right, Laura, always good to see you. Thank you for so much being with us.

INGRAHAM: Good to see you.

HANNITY: Appreciate it.

Before we head to break, quick programming note. Tomorrow night, 10:00 PM Eastern, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan will join us for an exclusive interview. We'll ask him about President-elect Trump, repealing, replacing "Obama care," the Trump agenda or the Ryan agenda. You don't want to miss it.

And coming up next, not only our opening monologue but much more.


VALERIE JARRETT, WHITE HOUSE ADVISER: You know, obviously, we were surprised by the outcome of the election and it kind of, you know, was a like a -- I'm not sure what the right analogy would be, but like a punch in the stomach, let's say. Soul crushing might be another description.


HANNITY: All right, it's been one month since the election. The craybaby left is still throwing that hissy fit. We'll have the latest examples. We'll get reaction from "The Five's" Eric Bolling, Kimberly Guilfoyle and much, much more on this busy news night on "Hannity."




TRUMP: I'm here today for one main reason, to say thank you to the great, great people of Iowa.


TRUMP: You went out and pounded, and I mean pounded, the pavement. You organized your fellow citizens and propelled us to victories at a grass roots and every other level. We have a movement the likes of which this world has never seen before. Never seen before.


TRUMP: I also want to give a very special thanks to our veterans -- a lot of veterans in this room. Thank you. Thank you. Service members, military families -- unbelievable people.


HANNITY: Now, those are highlights from President-elect Trump's thank you tour.

Also tonight, the left is still losing their minds over the election, and what I'm about to tell you is almost too good to be true, and that's tonight's opening monologue.

All right, so this collective freakout from the crybaby left is now reaching mind-numbing levels. Now, let's go through the very latest ridiculous examples. Now, according to The Washington Free Beacon, well, the public relations company founded by CNN's radical Van Jones -- they're working with Republican Electoral College electors who plan on voting against Donald Trump on December the 19th.

The New York Times magazine that the Trump victory is so devastating to liberal women in Washington, D.C., that they're now cutting their hair and dying it as black as they possibly can because they want to feel empowered in order to oppose President-elect Trump.

And that's not all. The Washington Post -- they ran a story of what crybaby lefties are now calling the Trump 10. You know, you send your kids off to college, they gain ten pounds the first year. Well, Clinton voters are apparently so upset, they're blaming Trump because they're gaining weight. And Cosmopolitan magazine -- they put out an article with this headline, quote, "I haven't had sex in weeks and I blame Donald Trump."

And of course, over at "The View," we have Joy Behar and others. They've been losing their collective minds over the election. It's like they've got three Rosie O'Donnells. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: One smart person said that they think that what's going to really happen is the Republicans are going to turn on him and Pence will eventually start doing to presidency. What do you think about that? I mean, it was just a guess.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Watch your uterus. That's all I'm saying.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This new administration is bringing in something we haven't seen in a long time.






HANNITY: Ladies, your uteruses will be fine. Then there's President Obama's close adviser, Valerie Jarrett. And here's what she said about the election outcome. Poor woman.


VALERIE JARRETT, WHITE HOUSE ADVISER: You know, obviously, we were surprised by the outcome of the election. It was kind of, you know was a - - like a -- I'm not sure what the right analogy would be, but like a punch in the stomach, let's say. Soul crushing might be another description.


HANNITY: Oh, so very said. And of course, left-wing Hollywood -- they can't take it, either. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Tina Fey is claiming that President Trump will turn the country into Nazi America. And under uber-liberal Michael Moore -- well, he's saying Republicans are going to bring about an onslaught of suffering from day on! Watch this.


MICHAEL MOORE, FILMMAKER: The majority of Americans -- let's say it again -- wanted Hillary Clinton. The majority of Americans did not want Donald Trump. It is the responsibility of this minority of Democrats in Congress- -

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, wait. Hold on.

MOORE: -- to block, obstruct, disrupt and do whatever they can to prevent the onslaught--

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Michael, Michael, Michael--

MOORE: -- that is going to happen with Donald Trump.

He's going to be inaugurated on January 20th, and January 21st, which is a Saturday, don't be surprised if the Republicans call a Saturday session of Congress and they are going to pass law after law after law and have him sign it the next day, and it's going to be one piece of suffering against people after another. And it is the job of the Democrats now to stop the suffering that he's about to create for the American people.


HANNITY: Michael, calm down. The suffering happened under Obama -- 13 million more Americans that are on food stamps, 8 million more in poverty, lowest labor participation rate since the '70s. That's Obama's policies.

And by the way, the last hit comes from CNN's Chris Cuomo. He's comparing the president-elect and his nominee to the EPA to segregationists. Really? Watch this.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He -- you know, he hasn't denied global warming. He has said--

CHRIS CUOMO, TELEVISION HOST, CNN: Says it's far from settled.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He says the science--


CUOMO: That means he's not accepting the science.


CUOMO: Either you accept the science, or you don't. 99 percent of the scientific community says global warming is impacted by man.



CUOMO: People thought the world was flat.


CUOMO: People thought blacks and whites shouldn't marry. People thought blacks shouldn't be equal. That doesn't mean that you accept it as fact as a leader.


HANNITY: All right, all of this is so beyond ridiculous. But to my friends in the audience, let me translate what all this means. It's pretty simple. They lost. They can't handle it, and you won, and hopefully, America wins.

Right now with reaction, from the hit show "The Five," Eric Bolling and Kimberly Guilfoyle -- EB, KG. And then Chuck Schumer -- this (INAUDIBLE) is cracking me up, too. Starting in January, there's going to be a war on old people. I'm warning my friends that live in the villages to dust off their muskets, their World War II relics and their knives and pistols and get ready because Donald Trump is sending his army to the villages to beat up on the old people!

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, FOX HOST: (INAUDIBLE) over there. I love the villages, adore, actually, is probably the most accurate.

HANNITY: Me, too. It's awesome.

GUILFOYLE: They're fantastic.

HANNITY: All the FOX -- we're going to have the FOX wing of the villages some year.

GUILFOYLE: For sure! We're going to go there and colonize. SO here's the thing--

HANNITY: Colonize?

GUILFOYLE: -- all the crybaby -- something like that, yes! Fraternize, colonize -- here's the thing. All those crybabies -- do they want to be sponsored by Kleenex? Because they're crying every day! They're looking for a sponsorship, whining about everything, keep cutting your hair and acting ridiculous. I mean, it's really unbecoming. I mean, honestly. Can you imagine if Donald Trump didn't win the election--


GUILFOYLE: -- and people behaved in this fashion?

HANNITY: Could you imagine if Eric started dyeing his hair platinum blond? I mean, that would be the equivalent!


GUILFOYLE: Yes. I know. It's really crazy.

ERIC BOLLING, FOX HOST: So of all of the people that you played, I think Michael Moore is the most egregious. Donald Trump went into Michigan. Michael Moore's from Michigan. His Twitter account is MMFlint. He loves Michigan. Michigan voted for Donald Trump!

Donald Trump has done nothing but champion the causes of the people he proposes to represent, the working class voter, the union guy. Look what he's done! He's saved thousands of jobs between Ford, Carrier, you know, the Japanese investor--


BOLLING: -- Apple. Apple says they want to bring back some of their assembly plants from Indonesia back to America. And they've done that because Donald Trump is elected president.

HANNITY: Well, Trump -- it's interesting because what he said is he'll call every CEO that's thinking about moving their business down to Mexico. Now, what is he going to do? Is he going to offer them money? No. He's saying the regulatory environment, the bureaucracy is going to change. The tax benefits are going to be massive.

BOLLING: Can I (INAUDIBLE) what Donald Trump did was -- OK, so for probably the better part of the last 20 years, we've been told globalism is better, bigger is better. So the bankers love this. Bankers go, This is fantastic for us. We're going to get free money from the Fed. They turn around, loan money to the CEOs. The corporate CEOs go, This is great for us, too. We're getting money and we're also push jobs overseas where they're cheaper. And then they pay off the politicians to keep this circle of life going between them.

Trump says, You know what? Globalism doesn't work for us anymore. Nationalism works for us. We want America to be strong. He broke this chain!

HANNITY: Listen--

BOLLING: And they're worried about it.

HANNITY: I'm warning everybody that liked Donald Trump, you better get ready. You better buckle up. It's going to be a rough ride in the first 200 days of this administration because they are going to have a massive collective meltdown freakout!

GUILFOYLE: Of course, but go ahead an let them, you know? But these are the same people that were complaining and saying that he wasn't going to honor the election. They're the ones not honoring the it! Michael Moore is the one that's calling for anarchy, saying to disrupt the election results and go ahead and protest and calling for of all this ridiculousness to try and impede Donald Trump, the president-elect, from becoming the next president of the United States and doing this at the time of the inauguration. I mean, he's literally out there trying to incite riots and problems like this!

HANNITY: Well, you know,we're going to put suffering on the American people. Well, 13 million more Americans on food stamps and 8 million more in poverty--


HANNITY: -- and the lowest labor participation rate since the '70s--


HANNITY: The suffering has already happened. Undoing the mess is what this is going to be about, not creating suffering.

GUILFOYLE: Suffering was created by liberal rule--


GUILFOYLE: -- in Democratic cities across this country, and they are the ones that are worse out, and that's why Donald Trump said, What do you have to lose?

All right, coming up next tonight on "Hannity"--


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Maybe, you know, the choice of words weren't the best. But the ultimate message was the same. He didn't tell the truth.


HANNITY: All right, Carrier's union boss continues to call President-elect Trump a liar, even though Carrier did, in fact, confirm over 1,100 jobs are slated to stay in the U.S. after Trump's efforts. Anthony Scaramucci and the one and only Lou Dobbs join me next with reaction.

And also later tonight--


DAVID CLARKE, MILWAUKEE COUNTY SHERIFF: It started with the "Hands up, don't shoot" like that propagated by every mainstream liberal media across this country, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The LA Times, The Chicago Tribune--


HANNITY: Milwaukee County sheriff David Clarke is calling out the mainstream media for the blatant double standard in reporting so-called fake news. Sheriff Clarke will join us to explain on this busy edition of "Hannity" straight ahead.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It was you saying that the president-elect lied his blank off that got him to go after you on Twitter. Do you regret saying that?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, I do not. Maybe, you know, the choice of words weren't the best, but the ultimate message was the same. He didn't tell the truth. He inflated the numbers, and I called him out on it.


HANNITY: President-elect Trump is coming under attack from a Carrier union boss who continues to call him a liar over comments about saving jobs at the company's Indiana factory. Now, the president-elect -- he took to Twitter to respond saying the union didn't do anything to try and save those jobs.

But let's set the record straight. Now, Donald Trump did not lie. He said the company would be saving 1,100 jobs, which is what Carrier put out in a statement saying, quote, "We are announcing today that Carrier will continue to manufacture gas furnaces in Indianapolis in addition to retaining engineering and headquarters staff preserving more than 1,000 jobs."

With reaction, the author of "Hopping Over the Rabbit Hole," a New York Times best-seller, Trump transition team executive committee member Anthony Scaramucci -- the longest intro in history--


HANNITY: And from the FOX Business Network, everybody knows him, Lou Dobbs. So the bottom line is -- look, I love that deal but I think I love the deal where the guy from the bank in -- from the group--


HANNITY: Yes, I mean, $50 billion, 50,000 jobs. Lou, you've been in business a long time.

LOU DOBBS, FOX BUSINESS: That's a -- it's an incredible -- first incredible validation of what Donald Trump is bringing to his new presidency. I mean, when you have people coming to him talking about direct investment -- we can't get corporate America over the course of the past decade to bring back $2.5 trillion that they've got in overseas profits in offshore banks to invest in this country, and here is Masa coming with money and ideas.

HANNITY: And ideas. Add to that, U.S. Steel is now saying they want to bring back 10,000 workers. Seems to be a domino effect here.

SCARAMUCCI: And so -- so -- but also. Sean, think about this. We cut the tax rate from 35 percent to 15 percent. And so you won't have to do a deal by deal thing. You're going to just lower the boom on everybody and make America so much more attractive to invest in. So that's the key thing. Plus the regulations, Sean.

HANNITY: And he's -- what is he promising? He said he'd also call any other company that wanted to leave the U.S. Who is he promising? Get rid of burdensome regulation. Lower the corporate tax rate--

SCARAMUCCI: Make it more attractive to be here.

HANNITY: Allow the repatriation money to come in.

DOBBS: But with an important quid pro quo--


DOBBS: -- that you don't ship away middle class jobs, that you do not arbitrage labor rates, that you -- end this -- this absolute hemorrhaging of our middle class, which has been shrinking for the past 15 years rather than growing. Under President Trump, this will be reversed so long as he adheres to talking to any CEO who is thinking about shipping a job of a plant overseas because of labor rates.

HANNITY: All right, let's add these calls to the 10 repatriation tax to multi-national corporations bringing money back, to a 15 percent corporate tax rate, seven brackets to three, then we'll add to that "Obama care." Won't that end up being like a tax rebate?


HANNITY: All right, add that to energy independence. Do we not have a formula for pretty significant growth? Will it reach 4 percent? Will it reach 4.5 percent?

SCARAMUCCI: Oh, no question. You can get 4 percent growth. You can double the economy in 18 years--


SCARAMUCCI: -- and you solve all the entitlement problems. 4 percent growth gets you 18 years of a double in the economy. But the other thing, Sean, you're going to engage the middle and working class in the virtuous cycle of consumption. At the end of the day, working class people will be able to spend money. They'll have more disposable income. And that's where you'll get the growth from.

HANNITY: Why am I worried about one thing, a trillion dollars -- Paul Ryan couldn't answer the question on "60 Minutes" -- a trillion dollars in infrastructure spending -- we need to rebuild infrastructure, but we only really get 50 cents on the dollar if it goes through the bureaucracy in Washington, Lou. Would it be better to hand that money to independent outside advisory group, rather than those 535 guys that use it for power?

DOBBS: Well, I think what would be better, in point of fact, is to have a targeted infrastructure plan with those federal dollars moving directly into the economy. We have seen enough of bridges to nowhere, roads to nowhere -- and by the way, you get to keep the potholes, you get to keep all of the decaying infrastructure.

SCARAMUCCI: Can I give you some comfort on that, though, because I'm working inside--

DOBBS: Sure.

SCARAMUCCI: -- the transition. I really do think we're going to have an asset allocation model and a cost-benefit analysis model that's very--