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Fake Election News; President-elect Trump Called The Media Out; Al Gore Visited Trump Tower; Jill Stein Push For Recount; Mainstream Media's



Gore Visited Trump Tower; Jill Stein Push For Recount; Mainstream Media's

Meltdown; Rexnord To Ship Jobs To Mexico; The Media is Outraged Over

President-Elect's Tweets; Hillary Clinton's Camp Finally Admits; Chicago

Mayor Rahm Emanuel Taking a Taxpayer Rebate - Part 1>

McInerney, Kyle Beaman, Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher, Dean Angelo>

Industry; Labor; Manufacturing Industry; Media; Government; Labor; Police;

Immigration; Budget>


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A fake election news story, also known as a lie, triggered a real life confrontation in Washington, D.C.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A man arrested after wielding an assault rifle in a Washington pizza restaurant said he was investigating a fake news story.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What happened here is an example of fake news, now with real consequences.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Filed this under what happens when fake news stories, use names of real people and places, but not real facts.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There is so much fake news out there, and it turns out that there is a consequence.


ADAM SHAPIRO, RISK & REWARD SHOW HOST: So, liberal media going wall-to- wall blaming conservative fake news for a violent incident at a D.C. pizzeria. Yet still, no apology in sight for the biggest, quote, "fake news story of them all." The media is saying that now President-elect Donald Trump had absolutely no path to victory back then.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The ABC News tracking poll has Hillary Clinton up by 12.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Over the weekend an ABC News tracking poll of likely voters put Clinton 12 points in front of Donald Trump.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No candidate down this far this late, has ever recovered.


SHAPIRO: Want to bet? Welcome to Risk & Reward. I'm Adam Shapiro, in for Deirdre Bolton.

Mainstream media fall seem ahead with headlines calling out a fake news story saying it was responsible for violence in Washington, D.C. Yet, no mention of the shooter's mental health issues.

Here are some of the headlines. "Armed man targets D.C. restaurant that face violent threat because of fake news story pushed by the right." And, "Police fake news story lead gunman to popular D.C. pizzeria."

My next guest says the self-righteous media should be pointing finger of blame at themselves for pushing the biggest fake news story of them all President-elect Trump not having a path to victory.

President-elect Trump called the media out about it during his thank you tour.


DONALD TRUMP, UNITED STATES PRESIDENT-ELECT: The people back there, the extremely dishonest press. They didn't want to call it. We're leading by so much, it is possible, if I lost every other vote, and they refuse to call it.

How about, I mean how dishonest, how about when a mayor anchor, who posted a debate, started crying, when she realized that we won.


And that person, is doing the math, and that person was saying for months, that there is no way that Donald Trump can break the blue wall, right?


We didn't break it, we shattered that sucker.


SHAPIRO: President-elect Trump senior advisor Sarah Huckabee joins me now. And it's good to have you here, Sarah. Thank you for joining us.


SHAPIRO: Is it hypocritical for major television networks and media outlets to decry fake news the way we're seeing this done in regards to what could have been a tragedy, and was not, nobody was injured, in Washington, D.C., and then of course what happened during the election?

HUCKABEE-SANDERS: Absolutely. It's ridiculous to try to paint this fake news story, and certainly to attach it on Donald Trump. This isn't something that he's pushed or condoned. I think we can all agree that fake news is a bad thing.

And that's why I think he's been so outspoken against the mainstream media for some of the ludicrous stories that they pushed all throughout the campaign, in particular, that had no path to victory, that he couldn't win, that he wasn't a serious candidate, day after day after say he dealt with fake news stories that didn't have a lot of credibility and pushed back on them himself.

And now he's taking the blame for them from the other side. I think it's a pretty ridiculous sentiment, and hopefully one that he'll continue to push back on.

SHAPIRO: Did any of the major liberal media outlets raise the mental health issues of the man who brought the shotgun, I believe it was or a rifle into that pizzeria. Did anyone address his known mental health background?

HUCKABEE-SANDERS: Not that I have seen, but I think somebody certainly should, anybody that takes that types of action upon themselves I think that probably should be looked into, and certainly not something that we should ignore.

Look, nobody here wants anyone out there taking the law into their own hands, certainly not from our side where the law and order campaign, the law and order candidate, and now the law and order president-elect. And so this is not, certainly not an action that the president-elect would support or condone, and push for no matter what the circumstances are.

SHAPIRO: All right. Let's talk about this. The Dow hit another all-time high today as president-elect Trump's transition team continues to make announcements. And interview candidates including, did you get this, Al Gore visited Trump Tower today to discuss climate issues as the alot for the head position is open.


AL GORE, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I had a lengthy and very productive second with the president-elect, it was a sincere search for areas of common ground. I had a meeting beforehand, with Ivanka Trump, the bulk of the time was with President-elect Donald Trump. I found it an extremely interesting conversation. And to be continued.


SHAPIRO: Sarah, I mean, "Danger, Will Robinson" here to quote the famous TV show, is Al Gore, you know, at Trump Tower, is it a good sign or a bad sign, not only for the EPA but for democrats and green, you know, people who would identify as greenies that Mr. Gore would be meeting with Mr. Trump.

HUCKABEE-SANDERS: I think it's a great for America. Look, Donald Trump promised to be somebody that unites our country that puts American interest first, and he's doing that by talking to people that don't necessarily have agreed with him or supported him in his candidacy.

But now he is the president-elect he wants to sit down with everybody with a wide and diverse group of people and get information from the lot of those people, as he's moving forward building an administration, and a really incredible administration so far at this point.

And I think it's a great sign for America. And I think something we should certainly celebrate and be happy about that he is willing to sit down with people that probably didn't support him during the campaign, and that he's got an open door policy.


SHAPIRO: Well, Jamie Dimon.

HUCKABEE-SANDERS: I think it's a great precedent for the type of president he's going to be.

SHAPIRO: A perfect example is Jamie Dimon, J.P. Morgan Chase. You know, he's going to be on strategic policy, counsel that advises the president. He is a democrat, he supported Clinton.

HUCKABEE-SANDERS: Yes, again, I think it's another great example of the type of leader that we're going to see. We had have an administration over the past eight years that I don't think anybody would say had much of an open door policy particularly from people from the other side.

This is a breath of fresh air and something I think that's very needed in Washington, there has been so much gridlock, so much partisan politics that it's nice to see somebody willing to sit down with people they may or may not agree with on a lot of issues, find some common ground, and work together to move all of America forward. And I think that's exactly the type of president we're going to get out of Donald Trump.

SHAPIRO: Did you see this too, there were a lot of people at Trump Tower today. Representative Kevin Cramer from North Dakota, Representative Mick Mulvaney from South Carolina, Peter Thiel and Ari Fleischer. Tomorrow's meeting includes CEO from ExxonMobil, Rex Tillersen, possible secretary of state there, right?

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, and LifeZette founder and editor in chief, Laura Ingraham. She was just on the program last week.

So, what do you think the next big announcement will be, are we finally going to find out who is for secretary of state at least who is the nominee is going to be?

HUCKABEE-SANDERS: I think that's probably coming soon, it's a big appointment and certainly something that he doesn't want to rush into, and wants to really do his due diligence in talking with each of the potential candidates, but I think he is going to make the right decision at right time.

In particular, he's focusing on making sure that candidate for -- and that nominee will be someone that will focus with him on putting America first and putting America's agenda first, and that's a big priority for him, and that's why he is taking his time and making sure he makes the right decision on it.

SHAPIRO: Sarah Huckabee, I think few people could argue with you. Thank you very much for joining us.

HUCKABEE-SANDERS: Thank you. Great to be here.

SHAPIRO: All right. Another fake news story this regarding about Green party Jill Stein's recount push, even though the evident shows the election was fair. Things got pretty heated on Fox News Sunday, when she tried to defend her recount.


JILL STEIN, FORMER GREEN PARTY PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I am not going to be the beneficiary of this one way or the other, that's why I can do this because I am a non-partisan in this fight.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Are you upset with 2.5 million votes, how many did you get. I mean, question really is who is speaking for American voters...


STEIN: It's not about me. This not about -- this is not about Donald Trump, it's not about Hillary Clinton, it's not about my campaign, it's not about Gary Johnson, this is about the American voters who deserve to have a voting system we can trust.


SHAPIRO: So, both President Obama and Hillary Clinton's team admitted there was no evidence of fraud during the election. Let's bring this to our political power panel. Conservative review correspondent Deneen Borelli, and democratic strategist Danielle McLaughlin, both joining us.

Danielle, let me start with you. Does anybody gain or does everybody lose from Jill Stein's attempt at this recount?

DANIELLE MCLAUGHLIN, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: You know, Adam, this is democracy in action, there is a right here to do this recount, and it's not just these three states. We've seen some on Florida on Friday, a law firm crowd funded a recount in Florida looking to see what happened there.

And frankly, Donald Trump who, through the campaign talked about the election being rigged, and most recently, talking about this three million voters. Some of his language actually has gone to that complaint. So, I think you have to be a little bit careful, I think he is reaping what he is sowed.

At the end of the day, this is December 13th this will be over.


SHAPIRO: Right. The electors meet in that red states...

MCLAUGHLIN: Yes. I should say there will be a transition of power, but this is democracy in action.

SHAPIRO: Deneen, I mean, how do you respond to the fact that Donald Trump did say there were three million illegal votes?

DENEEN BORELLI, CONSERVATIVE REVIEW CORRESPONDENT: During the debates he said that he would keep us guessing in terms of whether he would indeed concede or accept the results of the election. And as we stand, Donald Trump is the President-elect, based on the outcome of what American voted for.

With Jill Stein's case there is no proof of the election of voter fraud influencing the election results.

SHAPIRO: I mean, she has no skin in the game, right?

BORELLI: And I really -- she got less than 1 percent of the vote, and not only that, I really think this about her, because she was not a household name, now she has name recognition.


SHAPIRO: And $7 plus million.

BORELLI: She has database of names, right, for a...


BORELLI: ... for the next go round. So, I really think that -- and the money aspect, I really think she is basically setting the table for the next election cycle because there isn't -- there is no bench there. So, I think she is getting out front for the next election.


SHAPIRO: This will be a great -- this will be a great question for the judge to find out if those funds raised for this potential -- for these recounts can be used for other issues. We don't have for that right now.

But I want to ask you this, former DNC chair blasted Jill Stein's recount, saying this is a quote. "Jill Stein has not cited in Wisconsin, Michigan or Pennsylvania any explicit concrete evidence that there was fraud. In fact, the secretary of state of Pennsylvania says there is no evidence of any fraud. The suits are a waste of time." I would imagine you'd agree of that.

BORELLI: A total waste of time, and wasting people's money as well. And the Obama administration also said that the election results were fair. So, again, I really think this is about Jill Stein getting ready for the next election.

SHAPIRO: Waste of time?

MCLAUGHLIN: I think that people are doing something that they think that might make a change, I think this is like we've seen with demonstrations in some of these other things. This is just a way of people expressing, I guess their unhappiness about the result.

Ultimately, I don't think it's going to change anything. You know, it's a 100,000 votes in three states. I think this collective, sort of intelligence and collective understanding about it. So, maybe it's just about action. Ultimately, on December 13th, it's over. We will move on.

SHAPIRO: All right. Deneen and Danielle, thank you very much. You'll be back because we have other issues to discuss.

But first, the hypocrisy continues. Mainstream media its meltdown over a phone call from the president of Taiwan to congratulate our president- elect. Major news outlet say it upsets decades of diplomacy with communist China.

But my next guest says the media downright celebrated when President Obama met with murderer dictator Raul Castro. And don't forget, the media show after the Obama administration negotiated with terrorists for Bowe Bergdahl's release.

One of the 88 generals who supported President-elect Trump from the beginning, Lieutenant Colonel Thomas McInerney will speak out when we come back. Release the crack in.


SHAPIRO: The media in meltdown mode over President-elect Trump's phone call with the democratically elected president of Taiwan. Now that first conversation of its kind since the U.S. broke diplomatic relations with the country back in the 1970s.

The New York Times actually writing that President-elect Trump's phone conversation is, quote, "upsetting decades of diplomacy." Politico calling Trump a, quote, "Bull in a China shop." The L.A. Times said, "Trump's call may have caused a diplomatic crisis." While CNN say, President-elect Trump now quote, "Risks a showdown with China."

Vice President-elect Pence says, the media is being hypocritical. Listen up.


MIKE PENCE, UNITED STATES VICE PRESIDENT-ELECT: President Obama can reach out to a murdering dictator in Cuba, and President-elect Trump takes a courtesy call from a democratically elected leader in Taiwan and it becomes -- it becomes something of a controversy.


SHAPIRO: Joining me now, retired Lieutenant Colonel General Tom McInerney, one of the 88 generals who endorsed President-elect Trump during the campaign. General, is the vice president-elect right, should everyone in mainstream media just take a chill pill. Are they exaggerating the consequences of this phone or are we perhaps treading where we ought not.

THOMAS MCINERNEY, RETIRED U.S. AIR FORCE: Adam, the vice president is spot on, we are treading -- treating where we should not, it's absolutely ridiculous. You look at what China has done in the South China Sea, what they have done with currency manipulation. All of the things that they have done on trade, putting tariffs on our goods.

The fact is this was a brilliant stroke, very subtle by Vice President- elect Trump, and I think it's sending a signal that we are no longer patsy's, we are no longer leading from behind and we have an awful lot of leverage with China. So, that's how it is.

SHAPIRO: It does set the tone as we go forward with China, and clearly, the Trump administration knew what it was doing when it accepted this phone call, because it was arranged with third party.

But the Chinese have been known in times past, I think it was during the Clinton administration, you know, conducting missile tests not far from Taiwan, could we see that kind of thing, maybe ramped up now that that phone has been accepted?

MCINERNEY: I don't think so, I think China is going to get back in their box. China now knows they are facing with a leader that has great capabilities; great power is a good negotiator. For last eight years, they've been dealing with an empty suit, and they have acted accordingly. So, I don't think we're going to see any aggressive action out of the Chinese, I think they are going to want to deal with this, and deal equitably.

SHAPIRO: OK. What about this, President Obama support for the Iran deal or negotiating with terrorists for Bowe Bergdahl's release. Is this on the same level? Because we heard defender of President-elect Trump, saying that President Obama reached out to, you know, not only terrorists but also the Castro regime in Cuba?

MCINERNEY: Exactly. Look what he did, he traded a box Sergeant Bergdahl for 5, 4-star equivalents. That would be like during World War II that President Roosevelt would have traded for box Sergeant five (Inaudible) general field marshals.

That was aiding and abetting the enemy, Adam. And then what he did with the nuclear agreement with Iran, is going to endanger the west for many years. That is the worst nuclear agreement, and I've been involved with a number of them, that we have ever conducted in the United States and is putting this national risk, and it should be terminated.

SHAPIRO: Let me ask you about this because I know critics of the current administration, the Obama administration, especially leaders in the Mideast have they don't know where the U.S. policy is these days, our allies are confused by our actions.

So, then we get to this, that President-elect Trump continues to mull over his State Department nomination. And the list appears to be growing, John Huntsman, John Bolton, Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson who is going to be at Trump Tower tomorrow, they're all in the running. Anyone in particular you think stands out as perhaps the best choice on top of the men, the people already named like David Petraeus or Mitt Romney?

MCINERNEY: Well, look, he is looking at a lot of very talented people. People fail to realize, Trump made his money because he selected good people to work for him. And he is doing the same thing for our government.

I am a little prejudiced to Rudy and to John Bolton. I think they bring the right mix, and a complimentary mix we need with General Mattis. And so that's very important that the president get the right state, the secretary of state and the right sec def.

Now, he is looking at all of them, he is getting ideas, and I think based on what he is doing, we ought to be very satisfied that he's open the aperture, he's brought in more people, he is listening to their ideas and their thoughts. But I'm very comfortable with the process he has used so far.

SHAPIRO: OK. Let me ask you about this, the State Department today admitted that a fake U.S. embassy operated in Ghana for a decade without being detected and there could be more around the world. Listen to this and then we'll discuss it.


MARK TONER, U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT DEPUTY SPOKESMAN: Put fake embassy. This was a criminal fraud operation masquerading as a fake U.S. embassy in Ghana in Accra. We only learned about this, this year.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Even though it had been there for 10 years?

TONER: Yes. No, apparently...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And it's flying outside three days a week.

TONER: So, yes. I mean, look, I don't want to refer you to the Ghanaian authorities.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you have any reason to believe that there might be other operations and any other countries?

TONER: I'm sure there are other operations ongoing. And we're going to keep be remain vigilant and try to stop them.


SHAPIRO: I wish the FCC would let us ask the key question here, which is what the -- I mean, what -- what is going on, general?

MCINERNEY: This is amazing, Adam, that this could be going on for 10 years, and we are just now finding out about it. It makes you wonder what has been going on -- what other things have been going on in the State Department, and in this government.

We know that immigration is a mess. They have opened up the borders, there is no restrictions people are just flooding in here, what else is going on. And I think that's why the American people voted the way they did on the 8th of November.

SHAPIRO: General McInerney, we're out of time but we appreciate your service to our country. Thank you so much, and thank you for joining us on Risk & Reward.

MCINERNEY: Thank you, Adam.

SHAPIRO: After saving 1,000 jobs at Carrier, President-elect Trump is now calling out another manufacturer in Indiana with plans to ship jobs to Mexico. They made the announcement by the way, after the Carrier deal became public.

My next guest says that news made him sick. Ten-year Rexnord employee Kyle Beaman hopes the president-elect will save his job at Rexnord after this.


TRUMP: It's really important that we have to something, because you have you a lot of people leaving. And you have to understand, we can't allow this to happen anymore with our country, so many jobs are leaving and going to other countries.




TRUMP: Companies are not going to leave the United States anymore without consequences. We're going to do great things for business. There's no reason for them to leave anymore. Because your taxes are going to be at the very, very low end and your unnecessary regulations are going to be gone.


SHAPIRO: So that was President-elect Donald Trump last week after negotiating a deal to keep Carrier from moving 1,100 plus jobs to Mexico from its plant in Indianapolis. Over the weekend, President-elect criticized a second U.S. manufacturer for its plans to move its factory from Indianapolis to Mexico.

The president-elect tweeted, "Rexnord of Indiana to Mexico and rather viciously firing all of its 300 workers. This is happening all over our country. No more." Rexnord stocks dropped since the reaction from the president-elect.

Joining me now, 10-year Rexnord employee and veteran, Kyle Beaman. Thank you for joining us. We appreciate you for being here. We're told that you're going to have to train your replacements in Mexico or you won't get severance pay, is that accurate? And what kind of message is this sending to people like you from Rexnord?

KYLE BEAMAN, 10-YEAR REXNORD EMPLOYEE: Well, the training of the Mexican employees that's part of the severance package in which Rexnord Corporation has brought forth to the union. It's not of set of stone yet but that's one of the items on their packages is to bring as they call them contracted employees.

SHAPIRO: I know that Rexnord makes bearings and parts for conveyer belts, but there is also Rexnord aerospace. Do they have contracts to the U.S. government because that was the leverage that President-elect Trump used with United Technologies which owns Carrier. Do you know that Rexnord has contracts with which the administration could use that kind of leverage?

BEAMAN: I'm not sure about Rexnord aerospace. I know that our facility we did government contracts and then when all of this started coming up they have brought canceled all of that government contracts with Rexnord Bearings.

SHAPIRO: Understood. So, let me ask you this, a Rexnord employee can earn anywhere from 20 to $30 an hour, moving operations to Mexico the company believes it can wages to just 3 to $5 an hour. Is the Obama administration responsible for that or could as the president-elect just promising tax return and regulation reform make it cost prohibitive to go to Mexico, even though the wages are of certainly low?

BEAMAN: I'm hoping that President-elect Trump can somehow work his magic again like he did with Carrier. I don't know the full story of what's going on Monterey. I know that there are workers down there already that had went from Clinton, Tennessee. It was a sister company. But we're the only union company or division within the Rexnord Corporation.

SHAPIRO: Kyle, I've been...



SHAPIRO: Let me ask you this, I'm sure a lot of questions at chin, you know, who is by choice. I lived in Indianapolis. I worked at WXIN Fox 59. You know, I love monuments for a lot of Indiana.

BEAMAN: Yes, very pretty.

SHAPIRO: I want to ask this? It is a great city. What does this mean personally for you, what do you do? How do you plan a life, how do you plan what to do next when this kind of stuff is hanging over your head?

BEAMAN: Well, that's a good question, Adam. My life in me we've lived where we head for 23 years. In the last year we talked about moving. We are working in that direction getting the house ready to sell. When this announcement come in October, I was pretty much setback.

Fortunately, my wife works at the V.A. and has for 30 years. When she comes home, and we sit down and we talk. She looked me straight in the eye and she said you've helped carry this family all these years we are still going to move. I'll take care of it.

So, I'm blessed in that fact that I have a good family to back me. I'm more worried about my fellow brothers and sisters in the union there at Rexnord because some of them had just bought a car, some of them had just bought a home, some of them just had a child. I'm worried about them.

You know, these young people they were depending on this job and now this job is going away. And yes, that makes me sick in my stomach, Adam.

SHAPIRO: Kyle, you worry about them, we all worry about them. I still, I say just to give you what got of a geek I am. I have a cassette tape of Sandi Patty singing Indianapolis Indeed along with the national anthem. And the people of Indianapolis at Rexnord deserve much better than what it seems they're being treated to. Thank you for joining us.

BEAMAN: Thank you, Adam.

SHAPIRO: The media is outraged over President-elect's tweets. But former Vice President Dick Cheney is writing to his defense saying, "Who needs CNN when we have Trump's Twitter account?" That's next. Then we're going to play the exchange.