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Trump Saves Carrier Jobs; Trump's Three Biggest Challenges; Abusively Biased CNN; Media Treatment of Donald Trump Examined; ISIS



Abusively Biased CNN; Media Treatment of Donald Trump Examined; ISIS

Possibly Linked to Ohio State University Attack; Donald Trump Comments on

Vetting Immigrants Debated - Part 1>

Geraldo Rivera >

Policies; Government; ISIS; Ohio State University>


SEAN HANNITY, FOX NES HOST (voice-over): Tonight...

DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENT-ELECT: A Trump administration will stop the jobs from leaving America.

HANNITY: President-elect Trump keeps a campaign promise by striking a deal with Carrier to keep jobs here in the U.S.

And Vice President-elect Governor Mike Pence -- he heads to Capitol Hill to meet with Republican leaders. Former speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is here to react to it all.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The president-elect's assertion about massive voter fraud had no basis in reality.

HANNITY: Then CNN continues to take shots at the president-elect. Eric Bolling and Kimberly Guilfoyle -- they react to the out-of-control liberal media bias.

And Donald Trump says the Somali refugee who carried out the Ohio State terror attack should have never been allowed into the country. Dr. Gorka reacts.

All of that, plus I go one on one tonight with Geraldo Rivera.

"Hannity" starts right here, right now.


HANNITY: And welcome to "Hannity." President-elect Donald Trump is already fulfilling key campaign promises and scoring big wins on behalf of you, the American people. Former speaker of the House Newt Gingrich will be here in just a minute with reaction.

But first, tonight's opening monologue. Now, last night, in a major win for American workers, Donald Trump tweeted that he has brokered a deal with air-conditioning manufacturer Carrier to keep about 1,000 jobs that it was planning to send to Mexico, right here in America. Now, we'll be joined by a long-time Carrier employee for reaction shortly.

And tomorrow, President-elect Trump will travel with Vice President-elect Mike Pence to a Carrier factory in Indiana to announce more about the details and about the deal alongside company officials.

But that's not the only major campaign promise that he's working to keep. Now, the president-elect's nominee the for treasury secretary, Steve Mnuchin -- he's saying that incoming President Trump will already put together a massive Reagan-like tax-cutting plan. Let's take a look.


STEVE MNUCHIN, TREASURY SECRETARY NOMINEE: We're already sitting down and discussing this with Congress. And this is going to be something that happens absolutely within the first 90 days of this presidency. We're going to have a major tax reform, biggest tax reform since Reagan. And it's not just going to be a cut in corporate taxes, but it's also going to be a very large middle income tax cut that's going to help this country.


HANNITY: Now, Mnuchin is also revealing that the Trump team is moving ahead with the president-elect's plan to allow multi-national corporations to repatriate trillions of dollars in profits that are held overseas at a 10 percent rate so that they can bring all of that money back to America to build factories, manufacturing centers and create jobs.

And then there's "Obama care." Now, Trump has vowed to repeal or replace that disastrous health care law. And last night right here on this program, Vice President-elect Mike Pence said doing it is at the top of Mr. Trump's agenda. Let's take a look.


GOV. MIKE PENCE (R-IN), VICE PRESIDENT-ELECT: The president-elect's made it very clear he wants the Congress when they convene in early January to take up the task of repealing and replacing "Obama care" first. And the appointment of Dr. Tom Price as the head of Health and Human Services, someone who literally for the last half a dozen years has been in the forefront of efforts not only to repeal "Obama care" but to put forward common sense free market solutions that will lower the cost of health insurance without growing the size of government.


HANNITY: Now, President-elect Trump -- he's not even in office yet, and he's already off to a pretty good start. During the campaign, he made very specific promises to you, the American people, and as we've said before on this program, in order for him to be a successful president, I think all the president-elect has to do -- go down the list, start checking off the things that he promised.

Now, before we get to Newt Gingrich, joining us now is Robin Maynard. He's worked at Carrier now for 24 years, believes his job was, in fact, saved because of the deal that was just announced.

Robin, good to see you. Thanks for being with us.


HANNITY: OK, I watched that announcement. Everybody was in a state of shock. Your jobs, you thought, were all going away. You've worked for this company for 24 years. I'm sure that was not a good day in your life.

MAYNARD: No, it wasn't. Kind of devastating, to speak the least.

HANNITY: What's your reaction to the deal?

MAYNARD: Very excited, looking to finish my career with Carrier and proud to have a job to finish out that career.

HANNITY: Yes. You know, 24 years is a long time, and then to be out in a job market where we have the lowest labor participation rates since the '70s is tough.

What do you say specifically? I can't really think of another instance off the top of my head where a president or a president-elect picks up the phone and says, Don't send these jobs to Mexico. Keep them here. We're going to lower the corporate tax rate. We have other incentives that we're going to be making for all corporations.

What do you have to say to President-elect Trump, Vice President-elect Pence?

MAYNARD: I would like to personally thank them, shake their hands tomorrow, and just tell them thank you for going to bat for the blue collar workers and us little guys down here that -- you know, in saving our jobs and keeping them here in America and not sending them to Mexico or somewhere else out of the country, and just really appreciate them taking time out of their busy schedule and out of their holiday time, Thanksgiving, to start working on this, and then to put it into action a couple days later to end up having a -- you know...

HANNITY: Let me ask you this last question. How bad would things have gotten for you if you lost this job?

MAYNARD: I had some contacts that I -- could have been favorable for me. But you know, I'm 53 years old and I wasn't cherishing going out, looking for a new job and a new career starting over. I do have a daughter that is a senior in high school. She's looking to go into the medical field. That was going to be...

HANNITY: Would it be fair -- would it be fair to say for some people, it could have been devastating, people you know?

MAYNARD: Oh, yes. Yes. Yes, it could have been devastating for a lot of people because there are some families in there that are multiple income from our factory, a husband and wife both work there...


MAYNARD: ... several relatives of, you know, of other people, you know, so...


MAYNARD: It could have trickled down effect on all of us.

HANNITY: Could have affected a lot of people. All right, Robin, I'm -- I'll tell you what. Next air-conditioner I buy, promise -- because I'm glad we're making them here -- is going to be a Carrier. That's my promise to you, OK?

MAYNARD: OK. Thank you, sir.

HANNITY: All the best, sir. Thank you.

And joining us now with reaction, author of the best-selling book, "Treason," former speaker of the House, FOX News contributor Newt Gingrich.

You know, a thousand jobs may not seem like a lot to some people, but these are a thousand people that maybe won't lose their home, maybe won't have to give back their car, can send their kids to the college they've been saving for, won't have to go out in their 50s and look for a new career. It's pretty profound. I think, to me, it's a good start.

NEWT GINGRICH (R), FMR. HOUSE SPEAKER, FOX CONTRIBUTOR: Well, look, I mean, first of all, a thousand families going into Christmas with a new sense of hope and optimism is a pretty good present from President-elect Trump and as a signal to businesses across America that he is serious about making America great again and making us the center of manufacturing again.

It also is going to put pressure on Congress to pass the kind of tax changes that Steve Mnuchin is talking about, the new treasury secretary, that we have to have for the Carriers and the Fords and others to stay in the U.S. So it's a great day. It's something that the fact that President-elect Trump could pull it off is a big, I think, feather in his cap and is a reminder of how much different he is from his opponent.

HANNITY: How does Chuck Schumer -- made the comment today about Tom Price -- how -- OK, you know what's coming. He says it's clear Washington Republicans are plotting a war with seniors next year. Does that mean the people in the villages need to dust off their muskets and pull out their pistols and prepare because Trump's army is going to declare war and he's probably going to start with the largest population of elderly and start going after the village's people?

GINGRICH: No. You know -- you know what it means, sadly, that Chuck Schumer, just like Nancy Pelosi, who got re-elected despite losing -- Chuck Schumer has no ideas. He has no solutions. He has no reforms. What he's got is baloney. I mean, they're becoming the baloney party. And all he can do is walk around and say things that everybody knows aren't true.

There's not a single word of truth to that allegation. Schumer knows it. And what he doesn't understand yet is that the American people have grown up. They're tired of politicians who offer nothing but attack phrases and have no answers, have no solutions, can't make a positive contribution.

HANNITY: The people in the villages...

GINGRICH: It's a sad beginning for Schumer.

HANNITY: ... watching tonight, they're happy. They're not going to have to pull out their old guns and dust them off and get ready for the war that's about to be started against them.

GINGRICH: Listen...

HANNITY: But you know -- but there's a certain...

GINGRICH: The people -- (INAUDIBLE) wait. The people -- I've been in the villages a lot.


GINGRICH: The people in the villages are a lot more likely to rally to Donald Trump...

HANNITY: I agree.

GINGRICH: ... than they are to rally to Chuck Schumer.


HANNITY: They're going to be turning their golf carts into tanks...

GINGRICH: So he's picking the wrong fight in the wrong place.

HANNITY: ... and turning those little golf carts into tanks.

GINGRICH: There you go.

HANNITY: But on a more serious note, this is a real strategy that they used against you. Before you ever became speaker, I was emceeing the event the night you got elected, and wasn't Christmas and Time and Newsweek were calling you the grinch, the Gingrich that stole Christmas, and you breaking Tiny Tim's crutch. It a narrative they always use. Why will it not be effective here this time?

GINGRICH: Well, first of all, they used it against me and it battered my personal name ID some, but the fact is, we got re-elected in 1996 for the first time since 1928. No House Republican majority had been re-elected in 68 years.

We came back, and we've held the House except for a brief period ever since. So I think it's great for us. If they want to be negative and stupid, if they want to make baloney the symbol of their party, I think all that does is guarantee Republican victories.

And I think -- but I also think it's sad in the sense that the Democratic Party used to be a party of ideas. It used to be a party that tried to govern. They are degenerating rapidly into sort of a fringe party that relies on nasty slogans and identity politics, and that's just too narrow a base to run the country.

HANNITY: We'll take a break. We'll come back. More with Newt Gingrich. You have three specific challenges that you think Donald Trump has. We'll get to that next.

And after promising that Congress will move quickly on Donald Trump's agenda, the vice president-elect, Mike Pence, he met with Republican leaders on Capitol Hill. We'll have the latest on that.

And also tonight...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I kept thinking, doesn't he have, like, a briefing book on ISIS to be reading? Should his behavior change more? Do you think it's sunk in that he is president-elect of the United States?


HANNITY: The abusively biased CNN -- you know, that same network that colluded with Hillary Clinton -- continues to bash President-elect Donald Trump. "The Five's" Kimberly Guilfoyle, Eric Bolling -- they'll weigh in on that and much more straight ahead tonight right here on "Hannity."



HANNITY: And welcome back to "Hannity." Vice President-elect Mike Pence -- he was on Capitol Hill earlier today holding meetings with Senator Mitch McConnell and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. The Trump transition team remains hard at work filling key positions.

We continue now with Newt Gingrich. You actually had a really good piece that was on where you describe President-elect Trump's three greatest challenges. Tell us what you think they are,

GINGRICH: Well (INAUDIBLE) this came both from my own experience in being the speaker of the House and it came from my experience working with Reagan in 1980. The biggest challenge is to recognize that this is now a time of really dramatic change and that he has to focus on the things that really matter that make the change.

The city of Washington is going to rush up to him and say, Oh, be reasonable. Well, being reasonable in Washington means selling out. And you'll remember this from the night you were with us in 1994, when all of our key supporters said about 2:00 o'clock in the morning, please don't go to Washington and sell out.

So the first thing is, you got to remember what you campaigned on, why you won, and you got to stick with it. He has a contract with the American voters. He has new deal for African-Americans. The Washington Post actually did a pretty good job of printing over 200 specific campaign promises. He needs to just check them off and not be reasonable, but insist that Washington change.

Second, he cannot allow the urgent to drive out the important. He's got to get up every morning and remember, what is he trying to accomplish, how is he going to get it done? Because lots of little things will crowd in every day. They'll try to take away his energy and his time and be even worse for his staff and his cabinet and others.

So he's got to come back to the big things. He's got to stay focused on those things and not get off on other things.

And finally, it's very important for him to figure out three to five things -- no more -- that are the key to his presidency, the things he wants to be measured on in 2020. And he has to come up every morning and say to himself, These are the things I'm going to make sure happen. Economic growth is clearly one of them. Dealing with the southern border is one. Fixing the health system has to be one. But he can't have more than about five big things and stay focused on them. That was the key to Reagan's success.

HANNITY: So about five things. But here The Washington Post actually printed out what they have -- there are 282 things, promises of Donald Trump. They got it right there. A lot of them are overlapping, obviously.

You tell the story that when you became speaker, three days later, you went to the Heritage Foundation and you said these words. I will cooperate, but I won't compromise. You said reasonableness will be the death of Trumpism. Explain that.

GINGRICH: Right. Well, Chuck Schumer's going to come in and say, Let's be reasonable. I'll pass a bill you like as long as it's totally acceptable to Democrats and the public employee unions and liberals. But we can be reasonable.

What that means is, Why don't you give up everything you campaigned on, give up everything you promised the American people, and I'll be for you. And if Trump says, you know, I'm going to stick with what I believe in, what I campaigned on, what I got elected for, they will immediately scream starting with The Washington Post and The New York Times -- they will scream, He's being unreasonable.

And I think that's why something you and I agree on totally, they should rethink from the ground up the whole concept of the White House press corps, come up with a totally new grass roots model, and not allow the traditional media to dominate and define White House press coverage.

HANNITY: Let's talk about the rules of the Senate because if any legislation is going to stopped, it's going to be in the Senate. And we know that Harry Reid set a precedent, getting rid of the -- using the nuclear option. And I think some Republicans are hesitant do it themselves.

But if things get stuck -- for example, if Trump wants to really fix the economy, his plan's got to pass and it's multi-faceted. Energy independence is a big component. Eliminating "Obama care" is a big component. A 15 percent corporate tax rate is a big opponent. Seven brackets to the three is a big component. Repatriation money is a big component.

Those are all big parts of what would be a recovery plan for the country But let's say he tries to filibuster. What does he do?

GINGRICH: Well, you go to the country. There's a great book called "The Education of Ronald Reagan," which I recommend to everybody, by Tom Evans. Talks about how Reagan learned at General Electric how to communicate with people, how to move popular opinion. And his theory was that he would shine the light on the country, and then the American people would turn up the heat on Congress.

There are 23 Democratic senators up for reelection in 2018. Now, we should be able to find 6 to 8 of those senators who simply can't afford to vote no every day. And we should drive home again and again that we're either going to beat you or you're going to vote with us.

And I think you start with things like reforming the Veterans Administration, having a tax cut for economic growth, and you win.

But I'd be very cautious about radically changing the Senate. I think I'm close to Mitch McConnell on this, for this reason. Every time Obama did something that was totally partisan -- the stimulus, "Obama care" -- it backfired because totally partisan bills aren't very well thought out.

HANNITY: The only...

GINGRICH: There's a virtue to the legislative process.

HANNITY: OK, a virtue, but I worry about one issue that they talk about. And by the way, I do believe we need to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure. But they're talking about a trillion-dollar price tag. I don't hear "Pay as you go," although they have talked a lot about the penny plan, which I support.

Is this -- and here's the other problem. When we spent money on the stimulus, it was misappropriated. It went through the bureaucracy. It didn't end up getting to where it needed to go.


HANNITY: Is there way to pay for this as you go? Should there be a commission to discuss...


HANNITY: ... how to distribute those funds? A trillion dollars is a lot of money!

GINGRICH: Look, I'm very excited by this. On December 13th, I'm going to give a speech to Heritage Foundation on the principles of Trumpism. And this is one of the key areas.

If we do a fundamental overhaul of how we do infrastructure, applying the lessons, for example, of the Wollman skating rink in Central Park or the Fairy Point (ph) golf course that Trump built in the Bronx, where he literally took enormous amounts of cost out of the system -- if we apply those kind of principles, we can build a huge infrastructure very inexpensively. If we apply the principles that Mitch Daniel used, that John Kasich used, that others have used among Republican governors, we can cut 30, 40, 50 percent out of the cost of infrastructure.

If we then open up federal lands for minerals, open up federal lands for energy, we can generate over a 10-year period a huge amount of money that will enable us to actually pay for this. So you could put together a paid- for infrastructure program, but that requires a new approach, it requires giving up the baloney that Washington is dominated by and actually applying the...


HANNITY: ... doesn't that have to be...

GINGRICH: ... Donald Trump has applied in his own life.

HANNITY: ... part of the deal? In other words, Democrats always want money, they always want to spend it. But for example, you always get the tax increase, you never get the tax cut. You always get promises of...


HANNITY: You know, you always get the government spending...

GINGRICH: And that's why you can't -- that's why you can't be reasonable. That's why you got to come in and say, I'm prepared to give the Democratic mayors infrastructure if they're prepared to give us the ability to open up federal land for oil and gas and minerals. Now suddenly, you got a package.

Now, I think a lot of the mayors are going to say, You know, I really need my roads, I really need my water system taken care of.


GINGRICH: When you look at how bad the Flint, Michigan, water system is...

HANNITY: Horrible.

GINGRICH: ... it's clear we have to have a substantial infrastructure program. But then you cut through the red tape and you apply the principles of Trump, and now you've got a very dynamic, exciting program.

HANNITY: All right. That's a big challenge. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Appreciate it.


HANNITY: Coming up next tonight right here on "Hannity"...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I kept thinking, doesn't he have, like, a briefing book on ISIS to be reading? Should his behavior change more? Do you think it's sunk in that he is president-elect of the United States?


HANNITY: CNN still losing it after President-elect Trump calls out their abusively biased left-wing coverage. "The Five's" Kimberly Guilfoyle, Eric Bolling -- they'll weigh in.

And also tonight, Trump said the Somali refugee who carried out the brutal attack at Ohio State University on Monday should not have been allowed in the country. We'll check in with Dr. Sebastian Gorka, and then we go one on one on extreme vetting with Geraldo Rivera.


HANNITY: And welcome back to "Hannity." So for weeks right here on this program, we've been warning you, the American people, that the corrupt mainstream alt left media is completely biased against President-elect Donald Trump. And perhaps the most one-sided, dishonest offender of this media bias is CNN. Now, let's take a look at their negative coverage just from last night, one night only.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When I first heard that he was tweeting about something that was on this broadcast, a number of tweets, again factually incorrect tweets last night, I kept thinking, doesn't he have, like, a briefing book on ISIS to be reading? He is the president-elect of the United States. I mean, should his behavior -- I mean (INAUDIBLE) should his behavior change more? Do you think it's sunk in that he is president-elect of the United States?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: President-elect Donald Trump announcing more cabinet posts today while continuing to attack the media, particularly CNN, for pointing out that his claim that there were millions of fraudulent vote is baseless. Speaking of interactions with the fourth estate, it's been 125 days since Mr. Trump took questions from reporters in a formal press conference.


HANNITY: Why should he go to CNN? I mean, you guys were colluding with the Clinton campaign! Now, sadly, that's not all. Since the moment Donald Trump became the president-elect, the majority of CNN's coverage has been so overwhelmingly negative, and in some cases just downright nasty. Watch this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This was a whitelash. This was a whitelash against a changing country. It was a whitelash against a black president in part.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I want to recognize a lot of our viewers at home, this is frightening to them, and I think we should acknowledge that. This may feel to a lot of our viewers at home like a national emergency. Why? Because Steve Bannon has been described as someone who has described as a white, supremacist, as someone who's an anti-semite.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Inflammatory words about Islam from Donald Trump's choice to be his White House national security adviser.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This hour, hateful groups emboldened Donald Trump's election, on-line opinions moving off line.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He doesn't like people setting fire to the flag because they're protesting him. He doesn't mind if someone stands up and says "Sieg Heil" enough to complain about that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He doesn't understand that he's a steward of how you do things in America to keep it open and free, and that's the concern.


HANNITY: Here now with reaction, the co-hosts of the hit show "The Five," Eric Bolling, Kimberly Guilfoyle -- in other words, EB, KG...


HANNITY: ... call you guys around the building so...


HANNITY: You know, you watch that every single night. We know that CNN colluded with the Clinton campaign. We know -- they were seeking out questions for Wolf Blitzer from the DNC to ask Donald Trump. They were -- they were -- they were feeding questions to Hillary before a town hall!

GUILFOYLE: They got caught with their pants down, and it wasn't pretty. That's all I got to say. It's bad!

HANNITY: That's very descriptive, KG.



GUILFOYLE: Really. And so...

HANNITY: It's true.

GUILFOYLE: ... they were exposed for the hypocrisy, the fact that they were, as everyone makes fun, CNN Clinton News Network, because they were in the bag for her. They should hashtag every time they do a tweet I'm with her hashtag because that's how really they were.

Now they're upset because their candidate didn't win, and they're trying to trash talk, you know, President-elect Donald Trump, who had overwhelming support not only in the Electoral College across this country and so many counties and lit up the country red because people were tired of the mainstream media, tired of politics as usual, and wanted somebody who was going to actually do something different and drain the swamp.

HANNITY: You know...


HANNITY: ... Eric, they's making a big deal in the liberal media now about what they call fake news.



HANNITY: Now, if you're -- if you're The New York Times, if you're Politico and you're allowing only Clinton to edit a piece you're writing about her before it goes out and not doing the same for the other candidate, you're fake news. If you're feeding questions to one candidate, that's fake news. You're not a news organization!