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Plane Crash Killed 76 in Northwestern Columbia; Price for HHS Position; Trump Tweets About Burning the U.S. Flag; Thursday Night Football



Position; Trump Tweets About Burning the U.S. Flag; Thursday Night Football

Under Consideration for Cancellation; Protests in Chicago for $15 Minimum

Wage - Part 1>

Max >

Flock, Vicente Fox, Stuart Varney, Bob Wheeler, Kirsten Haglund >

DAGEN MCDOWELL, FBN ANCHOR: And McDonalds going local, the fast food giant offering fried cheese curds and bratwurst in Wisconsin. Now all you need is beer.

Turning to markets futures pointing to a slightly higher open the Dow futures up 17 points looking to bounce back from yesterday's declines, in Europe, markets little changed, they have been mixed all day, only the FTSE 100 in negative territory at the moment. Tomorrow's OPEC meeting, adding uncertainty also the looming Italian referendum that keeps the stocks in a tight range today. In Asia, overnight mixed action but Shanghai composite closing at highest since January.

Not so top play a college basketball player running out clock without realizing his team was losing. All that so much more, coming up and with me all morning long, conservative commentator Kirsten Haglund, former Home Depot CEO and Chrysler CEO Bob Nardelli, Republican strategist Tony Sayegh.

Good to see you. I am very lucky to spend all morning with you particularly given all the news developments about what a is happening right here right now, around the world, also the future of the president -- Trump's cabinet.

BOB NARDELLI, FORMER CEO, HOME DEPOT: A lot of picks coming up this week.

MCDOWELL: That's what we are going to talk about joining the conversation this morning, we have Jason Miller on deck but also the former president of Mexico Vicente Fox, Airstream CEO Bob Wheeler, host of "Varney & Company" Stuart Varney. You don't want to miss any of those gentleman.

Plane crash killed 76 in north western Columbia. The charter aircraft from Bolivia came down less than two dozen miles away from airport in Medellin. Pilot reported about Electrical flaws shortly before the accident. Investigators also not ruling out the possibility plane ran out of fuel. Authorities say five survived the crash low visibility heavy rainfall hampered the recovery efforts there. Among those onboard charter plane members of the Brazilian soccer team, and authorities say that there are players who are among the survivors. Team was set to play in the finals of a regional tournament tomorrow.

President-elect Donald Trump nominating another member of incoming administration, this coming as the President-elect is holding a series of meetings today to continue to shape his cabinet, Blake Burman in New York City outside Trump tower with a whole lot more, hey Blake.

BLAKE BURMAN, FOX BUSINESS: Dagen, good morning to you, when vice President-elect Mike Pence left Trump tower he promised there would be several big announcements today and appears we have gotten at least one of them the Congressman from Georgia is the pick according to transition team this morning to be next health and human services secretary. Price a doctor in his own right, and would be tasked potentially with dismantling Obamacare, there will be a handful of meetings today here at Trump tower with members of Congress but no meeting bigger than the final one of the day, that being a dinner between the President-elect and Mitt Romney

Round two potentially for job interview between Romney and President-elect Trump, the secretary of state role consistently attached to Romney's name also potentially, along with the famed war time general Petraeus here at Trump tower meeting with President-elect. He too former CIA director, characterized his meeting this way.


GENERAL PETRAEUS, FORMER DIRECTOR, CIA: Basically, walked us around the world, shows a great grasp of a variety of challenges, that are out there, and some of the opportunities, as well. So very good conversation, we will see where it goes from here.


BURMAN: Back to Romney I was speaking with a Trump transition aide yesterday and asked that person why the need for a second interview with Mitt Romney? The argument this way, they say, of course, the President- elect wants to be very thorough wants to make the correct decision, but they also said basically, that these two don't know each other. That is part of the reason for a second meeting today. Back to you.

MCDOWELL: Thank you so much for that, Blake Burman outside Trump tower for us joining us now the communications director for President-elect Trump's transition team Jason Miller, why do you believe Trump is nominating Congressman Tom Price?

JASON MILLER, TRUMP TRANSITION TEAM COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR: He has been a fact of advocate for repealing, replacing Obamacare, each of the last several congresses he has introduced measures to do just that. In addition to Dr. Price, for HHS secretary, the President-elect has also put forward Seema Verma to run CMS will be the administrator overseeing. So, this tag team duo, in working in coordination with the vice President-elect and Congressional leaders from house and Senate we I think we really can move forward on this pretty quick.

MCDOWELL: How quickly do you think?

MILLER: One of the President-elect --

MCDOWELL: It is unwieldy. Betsy McCoy walks around with actual law in a binder and it really is it is astonishing at how complicated --

MILLER: It is like doing curls.

MCDOWELL: Not only ripped up, vast parts of one chunk of our economy but how complicated will be to undo.

MILLER: Not only big and unwieldy also seeing with Gallup poll that is out 80 percent think should be scrapped or replaced, or modified. If you are one of the folks one of the families getting letters, premium increases, actually policy cancellations this isn't some theoretical problem, not just people on Obamacare, it is affecting all businesses, all health care, that is part of the promise, driving our system down so we have to move quick on.

MCDOWELL: Kellyanne Conway when she first signed on the campaign, she was here in studio, with Maria, she knew early on, that those premium increases I will get to photo in a second, that premium increases were going to be critical in helping win election not only for Donald Trump but Ron Johnson in Wisconsin there has been so much she has been out in public, really talking out against Mitt Romney, as a potential secretary of state pick. There was so much written and talked about this division within the transition team, and that there is fighting, but that photo we showed was a photo that Kellyanne tweeted saying working hard, thank you for the privilege of a lifetime, so there -- was there ever any division at all? Like did Donald Trump know exactly what she was going to say publicly before she said it?

MILLER: He definitely knew she was going to voice her opinion, she called, asked if she could go out and have freedom to voice her opinion. He said go for it. I think one of the great things that about this administration, that is coming together, is the fact you do have folks able to voice their opinion and speak freely with the President-elect.

But the important part a lot of folks are not playing when they showed clip of Kellyanne she followed up statement making clear when the President- elect makes a decision when he finalized it, we are all behind it marching same direction. A lot of names put forward on the secretary of state, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Romney having dinner with President-elect this evening.

Blake's package earlier saying the two don't know each other that well or haven't spent much time together is accurate. I think another opportunity to do so there are other names in the mix as we are seeing with selections so far, the President-elect is taking a very methodological detailed process to figure out who he wants in each key position. When he made his decision, he will be the one that makes that ultimate decision will let us know we will move forward.

NARDELLI: There is no question Kellyanne Conway voiced an opinion many share out there today for a lot of reasons, either because of what governor Romney said during the campaign, some of the harsh words and criticisms of President-elect Trump, we look at the short list we look at short list earlier, you are on the inside now who is most qualified of that short list to become secretary of state.

MCDOWELL: Is Donald Trump giving you permission to speak out publicly on who is --

NARDELLI: Could be an exclusive that is what you do.

MCDOWELL: Feel free Jason.

MILLER: Here is what I can speak to the types of things that the President-elect is looking for, what he is looking for someone who is able to effectively articulate his foreign policy when they might be on the other side of the world, you are going to be in room foreign leaders. You need someone you can trust, shares your world view and your viewpoint. Third it is going to be someone who when out there they can effectively do a good job of speaking in representing the administration.

And actually, not just the administration, we are talking entire country, literally, there is no place to hide when you are on the world stage.

NARDELLI: No one other than mayor Giuliani put heart, life and soul out for this President during campaign of all those he is probably been the most outspoken loyal supporter.

MILLER: I am a big fan of the mayor I worked on his 2000 Presidential race, know him quite well.

TONY SAYEGH, REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Can Donald Trump trust Mitt Romney? Look, I think Donald Trump is going to make it clear he is the boss, so Mitt Romney is going to have to be somebody who serves the agenda set forth by the President.

But Jason I think what is making a lot of those on the right especially excited especially after 8 years of the fact people who really haven't done very much, you now have the potential of general Mattis, general Flynn, potential of general Petraeus. You have Betsy Devos, people who really know how to get things done. Mr. Price a 20-year medical practitioner, is that the theme, it seems like you have a lot of doers in this administration.

MILLER: There are a lot of doers and don't forget about South Carolina governor Nikki Haley as we talked about the President-elect willing to reach out bring folks together who maybe weren't with him in the primary. Bringing on Haley who is doing a fantastic job with South Carolina to be our ambassador to the U.N., shows this President-elect really is worried about putting the country first.

And can put aside political differences, he is going to get the best people for each position.

MCDOWELL: There is no maybe there she backed Rubio and then Cruz before Donald Trump and was critical of him and now she is ambassador to the U.N. I want to get your reaction to something that the President-elect was tweeting about, earlier this morning, this is what Donald Trump tweeted, "Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag, if they do, there must be consequences perhaps loss of citizenship or a year in jail flag."

Flag burning protected under first amendment because of supreme court decision Texas V. Johnson in the 80s that Scalia was on the majority opinion. And that is someone the President-elect holds out in very high regard, and he is a model of who might be on the court, well, justice Scalia said that is protected speech, what do you make of this?

MILLER: Well, I think one of the great things about the President-elect is he is going to voice his opinion, and when he has something to say going to say people are going to Know it. And when we talk about something as fundamental as flag burning, it should be illegal, completely ridiculous.

MCDOWELL: Court says, no, even a justice who President Trump would hold out in the highest regard, somebody he would have nominated to the court he would nominate again if Scalia was still alive, he says it is protected under first amendment.

MILLER: We obviously disagree, on that issue, I think there is something that should be illegal.

MCDOWELL: I this a test for his Scotus pick you think, would this be a test for Scotus pick. Do you that flag burning is protected under first amendment if I say, yes, you are not nominated to the court?

MILLER: Well, I am not putting out conditions for the President-elect on who is going to put out there but I will say that I fully agree flag burning should be illegal, it is completely disgusting and I don't view it as free speech. I don't think the president-elect views it as free speech either. We are going to disagree on that but excited how the administration is coming together. This is going to be a great day we have another cabinet selection early afternoon today. The President-elect continues to move forward if you look back where we are. --

MCDOWELL: Which one?

MILLER: I would ruin the surprise.

MCDOWELL: No, which cabinet position will it be you don't have to tell us the name, which cabinet position?

MILLER: Transportation. That will be coming up early afternoon. That is something to look forward to and when you look at where this administration is compared to the last couple of administrations, we are way ahead of the pace. President-elect is doing a fantastic job getting people lined up, going through, like you said a very detailed process, going through when he is ready to make picks I think this is going to be a big week. Also, I tell you he we also have additional members joining the transition team additional elected officials people, vice chairs, executive committee members.

MCDOWELL: Who is transportation secretary?

MILLER: You will have to find out.

MCDOWELL: Thank you. Jason Miller, great to see you. Could NFL sideline Thursday night football the leagues respond to rumors that it is thinking about ditching Thursday games. Plus, the fight for 15 rages on in Chicago, a live look at fast-food workers hitting the picket lines in protest for higher wages. And speaking of that McDonalds is frying up something new where you can try out foot of food chain's take on cheese curds.


MCDOWELL: Workers protesting over minimum wage in Chicago. Cheryl Casone has the details.

CHERYL CASONE: FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: I want to bring live pictures we are just getting from Chicago, WFLD, the affiliate there. These are protesters outside, of a McDonald's, in Chicago. Workers from fast food chains in 20 airports including Chicago O'Hare are teaming up for nationwide protests in fight for 15 dollars. 340 McDonald's restaurants in urban locations are prime targets throughout the day today.

Organizers want to see union rights and immigration reform for workers this is their first major action since Donald Trump was elected President earlier this month, live pictures there. Also, this on this morning, Ohio State University is hailing one of its police officers as a hero for his quick reaction during yesterday's attack on campus. The 28-year-old police officer shot and killed the attacker just one minute after he drove into a crowd stabbing multiple people.

Police identifying the attacker as Abdul Razak Ali Artan a Somali refugee living in the U.S. as a permanent resident. Motive unclear but the FBI is examining a Facebook post possibly written by Artan yesterday to condemn U.S. military action in Muslim countries. Police say he used a butcher knife to injure 11 people during the rampage.


UNIDENTIFIED WITNESS: Suddenly a car appeared on the sidewalk it was everybody who was in front --

UNIDENTIFIED WITNESS: I thought it was an accident initially until the guy came out with a knife. I wasn't processing all of this.


CASONE: The campus is open today. Well, guests at the Tennessee theme park Dollywood were told to clear out as wild fires raged nearby. A state official tells ABC News fires were right on doorstep of Dollywood. Firefighters kept the flames from moving any further into the park, Nearby communities including part of Pigeon Forge where Dollywood is located under mandatory evacuation order. This wildfire burned more than 100 homes in the surrounding area, one person injured in that blaze.

Well, AT&T is launching its I live TV streaming service called Direct Now today. Customers can watch television programming on smartphones, tablets and connected smart TVS through the web all that starts tomorrow. AT&T helping to win over, the so-called cable cord cutters prices start at 35 dollars a month for over 60 channels, up to 70 bucks if you want 120 channels. ESPN is in the packages, they are still trying to work out deals with CBS, ShowTime, NFL Sunday ticket.

This exciting news for Wisconsin cheese lovers McDonald's is testing deep- fried cheese curds with local cheese in Wisconsin, they are offering the new menu for a limited time only. Dagen, another test, if it successful because it sounds darned good maybe we will see it across the country, back to you.

MCDOWELL: I am on top of that as a vegetarian technically I can eat that. Thank you, Cheryl, ahead, headache at O'Hare as hundreds of workers walk off the job in protest for higher wages, the ability to unionize. What that means for anyone travelling through that busy airport today.

NFL ratings usually a juggernaut, but not any given Thursday the new rumor surrounding the future of Thursday night football.


MCDOWELL: The Green Bay Packers keeping hopes alive, Fox News headline sports reporter Jared Max has highlights.

JARED MAX, FOX NEWS HEADLINE SPORTS REPORTER: Happy Tuesday, you know for last -- it was beautiful day in the neighborhood, in Philadelphia, finally, Aaron Rodgers flies like an Eagle. Second quarter score tied 7-7 until Aaron Rodgers finds Davante Adams for the second time opening half, 20-yard touchdown, snags catch 14-7 Green Bay. Packers quarterback threw for 313 yards, 30 of 39 through the air, Green Bay snaps 4-game losing streak as they beat the Eagles 27-13 to get within two games of first place in the NFC north Philly has lost 6 out of 8 since and 3 and 0 start.

A question, if the NFL did not play games every Thursday night during the season, might you be more inclined to watch more football on other days? Well, Pro Football Talk reported yesterday that the NFL according to a source, would consider the possibility of ending or limiting Thursday night games. However, the NFL denies it the league released a statement saying it is fully committed to Thursday night football and any reports to the contrary are unfounded. The contract runs through end of 2017 season. Players don't like those short weeks too of a quick turn.

Maybe they would start it around Thanksgiving Thursday nights and move forward? So, some NFL players may be singing that song, "Express Yourself" this week. Because more than 500 players will take part in a campaign called, My Cause, My Cleats. Week 13 begins Thursday night players will be permitted to wear cleats that do not conform to The NFL's strict uniform guidelines. There we saw Drew Brees cleats. Now this is all designed to bring attention to charitable causes. Players were allowed to design their own cleats and they will be auctioned off one hundred percent of proceeds donated to player's charities.

And to one of the more embarrassing mistakes we will see in sports, kind of like -- imagine a quarterback kneeled on the final play of a game under belief his team is winning but it was losing.

At the end of a basketball game last night between Brown and Bryant Universities, score changed a couple times during the waning seconds. Brown up by one point 91-90 watch, Ikeena Ndugba of Bryant. After this next basket that is going in again it went back-and-forth toward the end, now, he grabs the ball he thinks team is winning and he is just going to kind of throw the ball up and that is the end of the game. But they lost! He is looking for high 5's teammates are saying you Shmoe we were down one, and then he realizes what he did. We have all been there but not had it magnified on national TV before. So congratulations, Ikeena Ndugba.

MCDOWELL: I have had other mistakes magnified on national television, a few this morning, that I won't repeat, thank you so much.

Take care, coming up, protests take off as hundreds walk off the job at O'Hare, how strike will impact travel at the busy airport. Plus, the future of Mexico and American ties, following President-elect Donald Trump's victory.


MCDOWELL: Good morning. I'm Dagen McDowell, Maria Bartiromo has the morning off, it is Tuesday, November 29 your top stories today, breaking news, tragedy in Columbia a deadly plane crash leaving at least 76 people dead, only five survivors. The jet carrying Brazilian soccer team to a tournament match.

The battle for the secretary of state job continues, where things stand as President-elect Donald Trump prepares to have dinner with Mitt Romney tonight. Life after Castro Cuba mourns dictator, America's hopes for renewed relations with the country remains uncertain.

UNINDENTIFIED MALE: That goes against the very values that this country -- that our country has long defended.


DAGEN MCDOWELL, MORNINGS WITH MARIA HOST: The latest as several world leaders including President Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that they will not attend that funeral. And holiday headache for flyers, what you need to know as a strike at one of the nation's busiest airports could impact your travel plans. Amazon fights back, the company new initiatives to battle counterfeit goods on its site. Plus success on the open road, the big business of RV's, a shipment that projected to reach highest level in 40 years.

Turning to markets, futures pointing to a higher open this morning, looking for a bit of a bounce back, 21-point gain on the Dow futures right now, after yesterday decline. Oil also on the move this morning, crude and Brent falling on doubts over OPEC production cuts. And we're getting breaking news on the latest reading on economic growth in our third quarter, this is third quarter gross domestic product out just a few seconds ago, it came and this is a second reading at 3.2 percent growth for the most recent quarter, the expectation was for 3 percent, the first reading we get 3, for every quarter was 2.9 percent. Bob Nardelli -- growth of north of 3 percent, sadly this is something that we are not used to in the last 8 years.

BOB NARDELLI, CEO HOME DEPOT: Yes -- yeah, it's -- that's good news.


NARDELLI: When you think about where we started the year at a .9 at a 1 percent, so I'm certainly encouraged with that number and hopefully, we can keep that momentum. I think with President-elect Trump, and some of the policy issues, some of the regulations that he will pull back on.

MCDOWELL: Tax reform.

NARDELLI: . tax reform, repatriation, energy independence, all of these things I think you've got to have a strong GDP to be able to create jobs. People want jobs. They don't want to be on the entitlement role. They want the integrity and the respect of going home and earning a living.

MCDOWELL: I will put you on the spot, how fast do you think this economy can grow, 3 -- a little north of 3 percent now, can we get to 6 percent?

NARDELLI: I don't know if we get to 6, I think clearly we can get 31/2, 4, 41/2 percent, 6 is a big jump for us. I'd be tickled to death to see a 31/2 steady, you know, coming out of this election, with the inauguration and some of the issues that he proposed, don't you think?

TONY SAYEGH, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I agree, let's hope we don't get a downward revision. But I think Kate Barton made a very important point that we need to focus on which is a lot of these tax reform, whether politically they should do it or not, can be done with the Republicans alone. It's going through the reconciliation process. There's no filibustering with a lot of these types of reforms, so you can see this happening fast. And I think, Bob, that's going to be very helpful as an accelerant to continue economically.

MCDOWELL: And Art Laffer pointed out when he was on last week, do not phase tax cuts in as a huge mistake. Give it.


MCDOWELL: Right on.


MCDOWELL: That's a car guy.


MCDOWELL: The holidays -- speaking of traveling, holiday travel season under way, but some may experience their headache at O'Hare airport in Chicago, thanks to a strike. Jeff Flock is there with the details, Jeff.

JEFF FLOCK, FOX BUSINESS NETWORK: Part of the national fight for 15, Dagen, taking place all over the country today at McDonald's, and airports, though, big focus this time, and O'Hare the biggest focus. So far, no disruption out here, this is the united terminal, everything moving as normal. And workers when they announce this strike last week, said they're not trying to shut down the airport, but these are service workers, these are janitors, baggage handlers, folks that handle, you know, the wheelchairs that come around, these people are trying to organize, as members of the service employees international union. It was about four years ago that Mayor Rahm Emmanuel took the janitor contract out here, the maintenance contract and awarded it to a non-union firm. Brought the cost down, but the workers say it also brought their wages down. Now, this fight for 15 is obviously has been going on for a long time. We have a Walmart protest not too long ago this past summer here Chicago, which succeeded in shutting down a Walmart. Emphasizing that folks here are not looking to shut down O'Hare they say, but they're going to be out here in force. And I'll tell you, the people that do the wheelchairs typically already starting to see it. That's not a typical wheelchair pusher guy, that's somebody that United has brought in to help out because they have people that are already walked off their jobs with their shift that started at 10:00 last night. We'll watch this throughout the day, Dagen. See where it goes. O'Hare is always busy, so far no problems.

MCDOWELL: Great, Jeff, thank you for that, always love to see you, Jeff Flock, at O'Hare for us. President-elect Trump's victory spelling trouble for Mexico president, Enrique Pena Nieto, his approval rating tumbling to an all-time low of 25 percent following Trump's election. Do in part to his meeting with the now resident-elect during the campaign season, over concerns that the meeting was conducted on Trump's terms. Joining me now over Skype is former president of Mexico, Vicente Fox. Mr. President, great to see you.

VICENTE FOX, FORMER PRESIDENT OF MEXICO: Good morning and thank you for inviting me.

MCDOWELL: Donald Trump, when he's inaugurated in January, he is going -- he is the next president of the United States. What to make of the tumbling approval rating of the president in Mexico now, and the relationship between those two men in the years to come?

FOX: Well, President Pena is about to finish his term. So he would not be dealing with a Trump. What we worry about it, and we all Mexicans do a lot in America is his policies, specifically on trade. I think it's a big mistake of what he's planning to do both for Mexico, for United States, and for Canada. We will all lose. Look at this thing about Carrier, the Carrier Corporation, which he already managed, he already pressed, that he would not allow them to move to Monterrey -- what he is repeating is the story of General Motors, Ford Motors Company, Chrysler, three of them went broke, and they had to be rescued with U.S. tax payers money. Finally they survived by putting their -- part of their operations in Canada, part of their operations in Mexico, this brought them back competitiveness. This is -- what is going to happen to Carrier, imagine, all the competitors worldwide, competitors of Carrier, they're really shaking the hand, they're happy with this because they're going to become more competitive, they get one more competitor off.