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House GOP Nominates Paul Ryan To Remain As House Speaker; Dems Blast Trump; Anti-Trump Protests; Sanctuary Cities Take Stand; Media



Trump; Anti-Trump Protests; Sanctuary Cities Take Stand; Media

Underestimates Voters; Mending U.S.-Russia Ties; Ford: Still Coming To

Mexico; Tech Companies Liberal Bias; FB, Google To Stop Fake News; Why HRC

Lost The Election - Part 2>

Ashley Webster, Peter Barnes, Adam Shapiro>

Cities; Immigrants; Media; U.S.; Russia; Automotive Industry; Ford; Mexico;

Stock Markets; Economy; Business; Meetings; Women; Hillary Clinton;

Vladimir Putin; Facebook; Google>


MCFARLAND: NATO, China, get tough with China. No, I think that we're -- we have the opportunity like Reagan did to have a real reversal and they sort to leave from behind failing American foreign policy. I don't think anybody except Barack Obama thinks the last eight years have been a good thing.

REGAN: Yeah, I know he did say that yesterday in his press conference. How, you know, and what a success he was effectively because the last eight years have been great. So which I thought, yeah, but maybe Donald Trump wouldn't have been elected if the last eight years .


REGAN: . had been so great. OK, so as we gear up for this new era, what are the opportunities really for him out there?

MCFARLAND: You know, I think first is that, first understand that he fix the economy, which Trump's big priority is to have a pro-growth, pro jobs economy, then you have options and leverage that you didn't have before. And the second thing is that when Trump has said, you know, the Iran nuclear deal. Worst deal in American history. You know, we're bad deal with the Chinese, bad deal all around. He's a really tough negotiator, to survive in the New York real estate market and to succeed like he has. He knows how to do a deal. He's the art of the deal.

So if so many of our relationships with the Russians, the Europeans, the Chinese and the Middle East the run are going to be on the basis of negotiations and bilateral deals, oh, I've rather have that guy in my term.

REGAN: It's going to be interesting four years for sure. K.T. McFarland.

MCFARLAND: Thank you Trish.

REGAN: Thank you so much. Good to have you here.

All right, a major announcement meanwhile from Ford today, despite President-Elect Trump's threat to tax companies that moved overseas operations. Ford said it will stick to its original plan and move its small car production to Mexico.

We got the details on this showdown, potential showdown between Ford and Donald Trump, next.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Have you changed anything in terms of moving small-car production to Mexico as a result of the election of Donald trump?

MARK FIELDS, FORD CEO: No, we're just implementing our business plan and just like we're making investments in Mexico and moving our focus down there. Our plans haven't changed to introduce two, two very important products into the plant and that focus was moving out.


REGAN: All right, that was Ford CEO Mark Fields announcing that the automaker will move forward with its plan to build a $1.6 billion assembly plant in Mexico. He's setting himself up for a potential showdown with the president-elect who is promising a 35 percent tariff on any of those goods from Mexico. Should Ford try to ship them back to the United States of America? Donald Trump criticized Ford during his campaign arguing the company will kill thousands of American jobs by moving car production to Mexico. So what happens next? The showdown indeed.

I'm joined right now by Ashley Webster, along with Trump's economic adviser, Steve Moore.

Steve, your ears must have been ringing. Because of Ned Ryun was shouting out your name at the top of the show. He's talking about what we can anticipate on the economic front because he heard you speak recently in Palm Beach. I said guess what, stick around, you're going to hear Steve Moore now.

So fill us in, you know, on the economic front, what's going to happen to companies like Ford that say we want to move to Mexico because it's cheaper for us to produce there?

STEVE MOORE, TRUMP'S ECONOMIC ADVISER: I think the rule -- I think you re- use the operative word of showdown. And I think that's coming between Ford and Donald Trump. I mean, he believes very strongly that he wants to keep as many of these factories and these jobs here.

Now, there's two ways of doing that, Trish, there's the carrot and there's the stick. The stick is obviously when he's threatening these tariffs when Mexico wants to bring these goods back in. The carrot would be the approach -- I would, you know, rather take or at least in combination, which why don't we get a lower tax rate? So, yeah, and why don't we fix the regulatory burden in this country? So that companies like Ford don't have the incentive to leave. But you're right, this will be a showdown and, you know, let's face it, where did Donald Trump surprise everybody? How did he win the election by winning the industrial Midwestern States.


REGAN: So it's important for him for many different reasons to really stick up for those workers right now.


REGAN: Which means, Mark Fields, watch out. Steve makes a point that, you know, if you just lessen regulation, Ashley, and you lessen taxes then you're creating these incentives for American companies to be here.

WEBSTER: He's right.

REGAN: That's -- I agree with that, too. But that said and Steve, I'll give you a shot at this one, too. Workers cost less in Mexico, so how do we protect labor in an environment where companies like Ford are saying I just want to go to the cheapest possible worker?

WEBSTER: Well that's the easy way out, isn't it, but if you give them a tax incentives to stay. What I don't understand about Ford the Mark Fields, we're not losing any jobs he says, right? We're going to move the production of the focus to Mexico. You all losing job, you're losing all the jobs .

REGAN: Of course you are.

WEBSTER: .to takes to make those cost. Why didn't they build the multibillion-dollar plant in Michigan? Why didn't they create more jobs in Michigan than moving it all South? He says that NAFTA, Mark Fields says NAFTA, great agreement. Donald Trump says it's the worst thing that we ever signed and agreed too.

REGAN: So let me add, you bring up a very interesting point. I mean, $1.6 billion in investment going to Mexico. You think about the ancillary effects of all that in terms of, you know, the construction, et cetera that goes into building a facility like that. And you're talking the multiplier being quite a bit money that's being driven into Mexico's economy.

Steve, what has Mexico done other than have cheap labor that makes it so attractive that, you know, maybe we should be thinking about because we need those jobs and that investment here?

MOORE: They have -- their regulations on businesses are much less honorees. And you talk to any business owner who does business in both the countries and they will tell you that, that Mexico is in all -- is very open to business. And they do what they can to accommodate them to bring jobs. We've had for the last 10 years that exactly the opposite approach. We almost treat our businesses like villains.

I think it all fits into the equation of competitiveness. Everything we have to do now going forward in this new Trump administration is how do we make our companies more competitive? I disagree that it's just everybody wants to go where the lowest labor costs are. If that were the case, every company would be located in India. We have great advantage. We have a skilled workforce. We have, you know, much more of, you know, political stability and things like that. And also, we could have the cheapest energy in the world and the cheapest electric power if we would use our energy. So .

REGAN: Yeah.

WEBSTER: . the game of the game is making America competitive and being pro-business. I think Trump will bring that attitude to Washington.

REGAN: Very quickly, you've been part of his economic team. Are we going to see you in the White House?

MOORE: I'd rather stay with you on Fox.

WEBSTER: That's good.

REGAN: Good answer, good answer. Well anyway, you win either way I think.

WEBSTER: Very interesting answer.

REGAN: And Ashley, Steve, good to see you, thank so much.

WEBSTER: Thank you.

MOORE: Thank you.

REGAN: Good to have you here, all right.

Right now, top political economic and financial leaders are gathering at the Wall Street Journal CEO council conference. The hot topic, Donald Trump's White House appointments and how his administration will affect businesses and regulations.

You're already seeing the potential showdown with Ford. Now, Reince Priebus is going to be chief of staff, we know that, Steve Bannon from Breitbart is going to be special counsel to Trump. Rudy Giuliani is said that he among the top on the list for secretary of state. Steve Mnuchin possibly could get treasury secretary.

Let's go to Peter Barnes right now. He's at the conference where Elizabeth Warren is out there throwing some verbal grenades at Donald Trump trying to bring .


REGAN: . the business community over to her side. Peter what's going on?

BARNES: Yeah, that's right, Trish. Listen real quick of the top here. These CEOs, about 100 of them they're here today. Top CEOs, they voted for Hillary Clinton. Here's the poll that the journal released today on this, 50 percent of them voting for Hillary Clinton. Just 38 percent for Donald Trump .

REGAN: OK. I believe we lost our audio there from Peter Barnes. But we'll go back to him in just a moment. Basically, he was explaining that so many in the business community were actually for Hillary Clinton. And this is despite Donald Trump's promise of less regulation and lower taxes, which you would think would be the best recipe for business.

You know, certainly the stock market has thought so. In fact, we've been looking at new highs on the stock market. We're going to talk a little bit more about that coming up. But again, lots of things happening right now, a lot of transition in place as the world adapts to this new leader, this historic victory for Donald Trump.

Coming up, we're going to take a look at Google and Facebook. They're taking aim at fake news sites after liberals cry foul, blaming this fake news sites for Donald Trump's big win. But get this, this tech giants aren't doing a darn thing about all those hateful posts. And we're talking hateful, I mean, there, you know, they're talking assassination, et cetera, things we don't want to talk about. But they're saying, I'm right there in social media right now against our president-elect. Remember when Facebook was so concerned about censoring all that conservative news? Well, there's clearly a liberal bias in Silicon Valley, we know that and our own Adam Shapiro is on it, he joins me next.


REGAN: All right, we got the markets inching back into positive territory. New high on the Dow here, you can see up six points, 18,874. Even the NASDAQ is higher today up 57 points, but the S&P trading up nearly 12 about 1/2 of a percent. Shares of Walmart right now they're trading slightly higher amid Warren Buffett -- news that Warren Buffett is cutting his remaining Walmart stake by 70 percent. Berkshire Hathaway stake in the giant retailer is now less than one billion dollars. But Berkshire is buying shares of three airlines, American, United, and Delta. That's pushing those stocks higher right now up 3, 4 percent in the case of Delta up nearly a half of percent. Oil closing out the moment, moments ago there. The day settling up 5.75 percent the biggest gain since April.

We are going to be right back. We have new questions about social media and whether it's doing enough to stop hateful posts.


REGAN: Facebook and Google taking action to stop fake news from circulating on their websites. The move coming after liberals cry foul, blaming these fake news sites for Donald Trump's big win. But get this, these groups advocating for the assassination, if you can believe it, of Donald Trump. They have not been shut down. Our own Adam Shapiro has been investigating the story. He joins me right now.

Adam, so OK, it's fine apparently in the eyes of Facebook or Twitter to threaten the president. But conservative views they got to pull those down right away, are we looking at a double standard?

ADAM SHAPIRO, FOX BUSINESS: Well, there are two different issues here, so you've got Twitter which when we confronted Twitter with the fact that you have hashtags that says assassinate Donald Trump. They finally after we kept beating them down, what do you do, what do you do?

REGAN: Right, because you found .

SHAPIRO: They said .

REGAN: . some of those that we're still there.

SHAPIRO: Right, they're still up there and you can still find these things because they come up very quickly. But they said they were reporting to the FBI, secret service, law enforcement .


SHAPIRO: . those base. But then you get the issue of Google and Facebook and its issue of fake news. Now you've heard from the left and from the Clinton's supporters that part of what contributed to their losing the election where the fake news sites which were populating on Facebook feeds as well as when you would do searches on the Google search engine about the candidates.

REGAN: Now it would say something like, and I've seen some of that like like Hillary Clinton and husband divorce. I mean, that would be the least of, it probably.

SHAPIRO: OK. So here's how Google and Facebook are going to -- they say they're going to stop what's called fake news. Their sense are going to go after the incentive. The fake news sites actually get advertising which is sold by Facebook and Google. So what they're going to do is disallow them from advertising through their different services it would make it allegedly no incentive to sell fake news.


SHAPIRO: This is what Google says I got to tell real quick. "Moving forward we will restrict ads serving on pages that misrepresent, misstate or conceal information about the publisher, the publishers content to the primary purpose of the web property." Facebook never responded, I inquired. We reached out to both these different platforms.

REGAN: All right. Well all right, so this is a positive I would say overall. You don't want fake news .

SHAPIRO: Is it .

REGAN: . on any website, but, why


SHAPIRO: Who determine .

REGAN: . the fake news.

SHAPIRO: OK. You don't want to see lies, but Facebook's policy is that you may not post anything that's illegal, misleading or deceptive. That's their policy. Who determines what .


REGAN: So now, you're in a gray area especially with Facebook.

SHAPIRO: Which already got into trouble.

REGAN: Because we know .


REGAN: . Facebook has a bias, a liberal bias and they go after conservatives and shut down conservative's accounts far more quickly.

SHAPIRO: Mark Zuckerberg says .

REGAN: Then they do the frank or even in some of the really bad .

SHAPIRO: Mark Zuckerberg .

REGAN: . things out there.

SHAPIRO: Mark Zuckerberg says 99 percent of everything on the news feeds is authentic. How on earth could you verify that? But Zuckerberg said on a blog .

REGAN: That you .

SHAPIRO: . that 99 percent .

REGAN: You absolutely can't.

SHAPIRO: . on what the posting is out there.

REGAN: You absolutely can't. Not unless you got a team of reporters in there verifying things.

SHAPIRO: Well they've -- well OK, so Facebook had a team of human beings who were populating what they called trending news articles. That's what they got in trouble because everyday putting liberal stuff out of conservatives.


SHAPIRO: So what Facebook says its doing is using an algorithm to try and filter up what is fake news, but whether this is successful or not. Who knows?

REGAN: You know, you can you see the stock recovering a little bit today. They had really gotten plans.

SHAPIRO: Down 9 percent was in .

REGAN: After Donald Trump won and became president-elect. But they were covering a little bit. So, we'll see, we'll watch them very carefully. It's a new world perhaps for some of them. Thank you so much, Adam Shapiro.

Coming up everyone, President Obama taking a shot at Hillary Clinton saying he won states like Iowa. Not because of the demographics, but because he spent time there talking to voters. I think going to every fish fry was his quote. Well, you know, what that was one of Clinton's biggest mistakes in this election. She assumed she had certain demographic. She assumed for example, she had women. She was wrong.

My next guest is a suburban mom who voted for Trump and says many suburban women hate Hillary Clinton. Her story next.


REGAN: Hillary Clinton set to have her first public appearance tomorrow after conceding the election to Donald Trump. A loss that she privately blames James Comey and the FBI for. We're going to talk about that, I told you my feelings on that one yesterday. But, you know, you got to think about who she looked to. She looked to women, for example, in particular, to be her base. She figured that they were just in the bag, I mean she thought that about the Rust Belt, too. She figured that they would help her win but, you know what, a lot of them actually helped Trump win the presidency.

I'm joined by one of those women, Julie Kelly, National Review online contributor.

Julie, welcome, you know, it seems as though you are part of the silent majority. Tell me what you were hearing from women, conservatives, independents, Democrats, alike.

JULIE KELLY, NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE CONTRIBUTOR: We -- as I wrote in my piece for the federalist it was really a wide range of enthusiasm for Donald Trump. But we are a Republicans and we came around and we're happy to support him at the end for Election Day. I think a lot of it came from a revolt against the Washington established elite that included Republicans and included the media and Hollywood. And I think that, you know, all of us were proud and happy to vote for Donald Trump, flaws and all on Election Day.

REGAN: So, OK. So what is it that Hillary Clinton got wrong on this? She figured that just because she was a woman that women would vote for her. You know, the woman's issue didn't seem to play as big a factor as some of these other issues like the economy and national security, Julie.

KELLY: Exactly, you know, my friends and I are very engaged in politics. We have children that are in college and high school we -- we're concerned about their future. So we're really listening too towards the end to policy. And quite frankly, and I think this is the valid criticism. She was not talking about policy. It became very personal, it became very petty, so she was not only reaching, you know, the rural voters and industrial and agricultural areas. She was not speaking to us at all.


KELLY: It didn't vote for me because I'm a woman that it doesn't work like that.

REGAN: I've always said, you know, Americans need someone to vote for, not against. And in this case .

KELLY: Right.

REGAN: . the only reason she was really giving you to vote for her, you know, yes, there is the corruption issue, the concerns with pay-to-play at the Clinton Foundation, or concerns about the e-mail server, et cetera, about money that, you know, for example, Qatar given a million dollars to the foundation and her not reporting it when she was secretary of state though she promised she would. Seems as though people wanted something to vote for, not against. And you couldn't just run a campaign's vote for me because I'm not Donald Trump?

KELLY: Right and that was a huge miscalculation on their part. And I will say, Trish. I think she was held to a different standard in this regard. We're used to male politicians being corrupts and working out of self- interest and for their business interest. It's a little bit more daunting and it cuts a little bit deeper when you see that in a woman politician. So, I think to that regard, and the Trump shaming. And I do refer to it as Trump shaming that the media and the campaign did against women like us, it was not the media really covering suburban women how we were going to vote, it was a suggestion. It was making us feel bad .

REGAN: Yeah, indeed.

KELLY: . if we voted for Donald Trump indeed.

REGAN: And that's why the polls were so darn off. I got to leave it there. But thank you so much, Julie.


REGAN: Good to have you here.

KELLY: Thanks.

REGAN: We're taking a quite break. I'll be back on the other side right after this.


REGAN: All right, you know, I got to ask this question. Isn't it time right now? We've been through a lot as a country. And there's been a lot of division and I know a lot of things said on both sides. But isn't it time right now for us to come together, to look to the future to give our new president-elect a chance? What do you think? I mean Elizabeth Warren, Harry Reid, don't they need to stop? Tell me what you think on my Facebook page at Trish Intel.

In a meantime, Liz, has you cover from here.


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