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ISIS Atrocities Reported As Forces Close In Mosul; French Crews Dismantling The "Jungle"; Trump Hits Hard On Obamacare Cost Increases;



Dismantling The "Jungle"; Trump Hits Hard On Obamacare Cost Increases;

Apple's Annual Sales Fall For First Time Since 2001; Tapes Show Trump

Loves To Fight, Hates To Lose; Obama Mocks Trump's "Breadth Of

Experience" In 2011; Cleveland Wins World Series Opener 6-0; "The

Guardian" Issues List Of Useless Procedures. Aired 1-2a ET - Part 2>

VAUSE: Oh, snap! OK.

SESAY: You always got to have the last word.

VAUSE: We'll leave it at that.

SESAY: Thank you so much, guys. Thank you.

VAUSE: OK, guys. Thank you.

PHILLIP: Thank you.

VAUSE: OK. A short break, when we come back, Apple is again making history, but probably history it does not want. Sales are down for the first time since it launched the iPhone. We'll tell you why in a moment.


[01:32:14] VAUSE: Welcome back, everybody. You're watching CNN NEWSROOM live from Los Angeles. I'm John Vause. SESAY: And I'm Isha Sesay. The headlines this hours. As Iraqi-led forces close in on the city of Mosul, the U.S. says there are reports of ISIS massacres of scores of civilians. Separately, the U.S. Defense Secretary says plans to attack the militants' stronghold in Syria are moving forward. Ash Carter says the battles for Mosul and Raqqah will overlap.

VAUSE: France is tearing down the vast migrant camp in Calais known as the jungle. Workers are leveling tents and shanties where thousands of refugees lived for years, hoping to reach the United Kingdom. More than 4,000 people have been sent to shelters since Monday.

SESAY: French investigators are searching for Jacqueline Veyrac, the owner of a luxury hotel in Cannes. Officials say she was kidnapped outside a pharmacy in Nice on Monday. Witnesses say masked men gagged her with a cloth and forced her into a white van.

VAUSE: Apple sales have fallen for the first time in 15 years, and stock in the tech giant is down about 2.8 percent.

SESAY: The company announced on Tuesday it made $216 billion this fiscal year compared to $234 billion last year. Apple blames falling demand for iPhones. Well, selling 45 million iPhones in the fourth quarter compared to 48 billion (sic) in the same quarter last year.

VAUSE: Well, joining us now for more on this from Singapore is Brian Maher. He's the Vice President of Devices Research for International Data Corporation. Brian, thank you for being with us. How much did this fallen revenue for Apple have to do with people just sort of holding off and waiting for the new iPhone 7 to come out?

BRIAN MA, VICE PRESIDENT OF DEVICES RESEARCH, INTERNATIONAL DATA CORPORATION: It's very much a huge part of it, in fact. In fact, that 45 million unit number actually came in exactly what we were expecting as well, too, because precisely, we knew that this was the tail end of the 6s model series, right. As you pointed out, this is just before they launched the iPhone 7. Actually, I think they got about a week's worth of sales in there for this quarter. So for the most part, this is the tail end of last year's product, and accordingly so. It was very much people waiting off until the new product launched.

VAUSE: But if you look closely at these numbers, we're looking at a 30 percent fall in China. Is that a sign that China has well and truly fallen out of love with Apple products?

MA: Yes, that's the ever pressing question here. Short answer is no, even though it's not reflected in the financials. So let me elaborate a bit here. Certainly when we look at Apple, situation has changed quite a bit. There is a lot of competition from the local vendors. You've got -- arguably, you're starting to reach some points of saturation in China as well, too. Even for the whole China market smartphone forecast, we're only looking at about two or three percent growth this year. So it is a relatively tame market. [01:34:57] And, we do also have to keep in mind that the 6s is, again, that aging product. It didn't look that different from the 6. And even as we go into the 7, it arguably isn't that much of a change. Now, the reason however why I'm more optimistic on China in the longer term is, the 7, yes, it's going to be better than the 6s, but it won't do as well as the 6 did. That was really the peak of Apple's performance there.

Now what happens when iPhone 8 comes out? The 10-year anniversary of the iPhone. If you assume that Apple really is saving all of its best up for this next product that comes out next year, and they really hit it out of the park, make it so different, nice screen, whatever else that they're doing with that, they make it so dramatically different such that, regardless if it's in China or the rest of the world, they hit it out of the park with that, then they're in a good position, and that's why coming back to your original question, when it comes to China, it is something that for now is going to be a bit muted. But we think it will pick back up in the future. If anything, don't forget, Apple is a huge status symbol and brand name. It's a fashion statement there in many ways. And it's just a brand that other vendors are jealous of, to be honest.

VAUSE: And if Apple is to be believed, this is just a blip. They're expecting this quarter revenue of around $78 billion. That's what forecast, compared to last year revenue of around $76 billion. So what's the reasoning here behind Apple being optimistic?

MA: Yes, so they are seeing supply constraints as they pointed out in their earnings now. So they're seeing supply constraints for iPhone 7. Basically, demand is outstripping supply. So there is a case where, again, regardless if it's in China or any other parts of the world, people want the iPhone 7. They did a really good job with the iPhone 7. Plus the fact that their competitor, Samsung, ran into all those problems probably doesn't -- it works out well for them in that sense as well, too. But they are seeing demand for the iPhone 7. If it's outstripping supply like they said (ph), great. But again, keep in mind that this probably still don't won't bring them back to that peak level that they were at when they first rolled out the iPhone 6. And that's why point here is, watch out for iPhone 8 in the upcoming year, and then I think we're really going to see them really get in on their feet.

VAUSE: Hey, Brian, when these results came out, my phone was on fire. But that's because it's a Samsung Galaxy Note 7. How much are the problems over at Samsung helping out Apple right now, and how much are they continuing to help out Apple?

MA: Sure. Well, indirectly, or at least in theory, I should say, it should be helping out Apple. You've got users who, like you said, they've got this phone they can't use anymore. They're going to go to an alternative. What is the big alternative flagship phone, high end phone that's out there? It's the iPhone 7. It's not to say it's the only one, and it doesn't mean that Apple is the only beneficiary here. There are users that will stay loyal to Samsung and just get a Galaxy S7 rather than the Note 7. There are those that will go to other android devices, including Google's own products as well, too. So it's not to say that it's all completely benefitting Apple. And I think Tim Cook was even asked this question on the earnings call. He didn't directly address Samsung by name, but he did say that they continue to benefit from android switchers, if you will, those that go from android over to iOS ecosystem.

VAUSE: It's a good feature to have a phone that doesn't blow up on you. Brian, nice to speak with you. Thanks for being with us.

MA: Sure.

VAUSE: OK. I've been waiting to do that for a while.

SESAY: I know you have. I could feel the glee. We're going to take a quick break. We're getting new insight into the mind of Donald Trump.

Coming up, the newly released tapes that show he really enjoys a fight.


[01:40:45] SESAY: Welcome back, everyone. Well, hours of recordings from an interview two years ago reveal a combative Donald Trump who fears public embarrassment. A Trump biographer gave the tape and transcripts to "The New York Times".

VAUSE: The interview was done before the billionaire announced his presidential bid. The tapes reveal what Donald Trump strives for. He wants to win, and why failure is not an option. Here is Kyung Lah.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: You vote for her, you're crazy, OK. She is the worst.

KYUNG LAH, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voiceover): It's a Donald Trump we don't often see. Not campaigning, but instead, contemplative, like when he talks about how he won't accept losing.

DONALD TRUMP, CHAIRMAN AND PRESIDENT, TRUMP ORGANIZATION: You can be tough and ruthless and all that stuff. And if you lose a lot, nobody is going to follow you. Because you're looked at as a loser. Winning is a very important thing. And the most important aspect of leadership is winning. If you have a record of winning, people are going to follow you.

LAH: As we've seen this election, this is a leader who enjoys a fight.

TRUMP: I'd like to punch him (ph) in the face, I tell you.

LAH: And the tapes reveal that willingness to fight began as a child.


TRUMP: I love to fight. I always love to fight. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Physical fights?

TRUMP: All kinds of fights.


TRUMP: All types of fight. Any kind of fight, I loved it. Including physical.

LAH: For Trump, everything is a competition, especially business.

TRUMP: Never had a failure, because I always turned a failure into a success.

LAH: The theme weaves through his interviews, refusal to acknowledge any business failures.

TRUMP: I bought something, I throw it into a bankruptcy. I made an unbelievable deal. Wiped out a lot of the debt. Came back. Next day I read the story, Trump files bankruptcy. I get all these people that don't understand business saying, well, did you go bankrupt? Do you understand that?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You talk about this lot.

TRUMP: I do. I tell you why I do. What always bothers me is false stuff, untruths. That bothers me.

LAH: But what doesn't bother him, fame. Trump admits he needs it.

TRUMP: It's happened from the time I was fairly young. It just happened.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did it unnerve you at first?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Or make you feel unsafe ever?

TRUMP: No. I think what would unnerve me, if it didn't happen.

LAH: Trump stead he doesn't see much need for reflection, but takes a moment to talk about marriage.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When you think about balancing your ambition and your relationships with people you love, what's changed over the years?

TRUMP: Well, it's very hard for somebody to be married to me.

LAH: Trump upended the presidential election, whith much more than fiery rhetoric. The interviews show he did wit a singular unyielding belief in himself.

TRUMP: The most important thing is being able to have the proper vision and then never quitting. You know, a lot of people say, oh, you can never give up. Well, you can give up if you have a stupid vision. So I always say vision is the most important thing. You need the proper vision. And then you have to have the ability to get it done.

LAH: Kyung Lah, CNN, Los Angeles.


SESAY: Well, "The New York Times" reports that Trump called the tapes pretty old and boring stuff. Joining us now here in Los Angeles, Judy Ho, a clinical and forensic psychologist. Judy, so good to have you with us once again.


SESAY: What's clear from these interviews is that acknowledgment and praise is so important to Donald Trump. What does it say about his self-esteem and how it may have been formed?

HO: Well, his self-esteem was formed on external forces about others' opinions, how they reflect back an him. It wasn't formed from an internal place. And so that's why he seeks all of this acknowledgment. It's almost like, if he doesn't have it on a daily basis, he forgets who he is, and his self-concept is very shaky because it's built on these outside forces.

VAUSE: That's why he loves a big crowd. It's often been said that Trump made up his mind to run for president after he was mocked by president Obama at the White House Correspondents Dinner in 2011. Listen to this.


[01:44:52] BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Donald Trump is here tonight.

And obviously, we all know about your credentials and breadth of experience. For example -- no, seriously. Just recently, in an episode of "Celebrity Apprentice", you, Mr. Trump, recognized that the real problem was a lack of leadership. And so ultimately you didn't blame Little John or Meatloaf. You fired Gary Busey. And these are the kind of decisions that would keep me up at night.


VAUSE: OK. So how does that all fit in with a man who, according to these tapes, anyway, has a deep fear of public embarrassment?

HO: Well, a lot of it has to do with his insecurity. And I think that he obscures that from most of us. He truly tries to kind of overcome that with more bravado, more confidence, which is of course what some voters really actually like him for, because he seems like he's very confident. But underneath that is a very deep seated insecurity. And so being publicly humiliated, being made fun of, even if it's all in good fun, it's very hard for him to process. This is like his worst nightmare. SESAY: OK. And fit the love of fighting into this picture. Again, it comes out in the interview that he relishes a fight. We've seen it during this campaign season. How does that fit into his personality type?

HO: Well, it fits in great with his personality type because it's all about winning. It's about proving that you're better than other people. And so instead of knowing that from a more deep internal place, this is somebody who needs to prove that over and over again. The more people he defeats, the more it feeds his self-esteem, feeds his ego, tells him that he's OK, tells him that he's a brilliant, confident, good person. But of course, at some point, all of us have to fall. All of us have some type of failure. And he is just not equipped to really cope with that.

VAUSE: And (inaudible) this is someone who does not admit failure. If we look ahead to November 9, if all the polls are correct and he does in fact lose this election, how will he deal with that? How does he spin that into a win?

HO: Well, exactly, and that's why it's hard, right. He's been asked directly very many times, are you going to accept the election results if you don't win? And he's actually said all kinds of different things like basically saying he probably won't accept or he doesn't know if he's going to accept it.

And so for somebody like this, when he has to kind of come back and spin this into a good story, that's not going to be something that he does overnight. He's going to probably come up with something that explains away, oh, well, this was rigged. Something like that just to kind of keep it together. But if I had to give him advice, I would say, he needs to actually do some work and start to think about his identity separate of achievements, competition, and where does it really come from? Build that on relationships. Build that on who he is outside of his work. But that's going to take a while for him to put that together.

SESAY: Yes. He's only got two weeks if the polls are right.

VAUSE: He should make an appointment maybe tomorrow morning with Judy. We'll give the phone number on our website.


VAUSE: Judy, thank you.

HO: Thank you guys. Nice to see you.

VAUSE: Donald Trump thanks you as well.

We'll take a short break. When we come back, you may not need medical treatment that your doctor is prescribing. And we'll also tell you about a whole lot of other pointless stuff you don't need to do.

SESAY: Still, stay tuned.

VAUSE: Stay with us.


PEDRAM JAVAHERI, CNN METEOROLOGIST: To the Americas we go. Meteorologist Pedram Javaheri here for CNN WEATHER WATCH. Notice this big area of high pressure across the western portion of the United States. (technical difficulties) parts of the Southwest, high pressure trying to reestablish itself after a couple of days of soggy weather, while across the Midwestern U.S., we're getting some wintry weather across the northern portion of the State of Michigan.

But work your way down into Cleveland, Ohio. Game two of the World Series is in effect there on Wednesday evening. 7:08 Eastern time is when the game is expected to begin. But notice the temperature is 8 degrees. The game actually moved back a couple of hours earlier than it was originally scheduled to be played because rain showers expected to move across Cleveland later on in the evening. So a little fascinating setup there with wet weather expected to move and so the game has been altered just a little bit.

And you notice the conditions across the western United States. Rather nice, from San Francisco to Los Angeles, 21 degree afternoon setup for you, while in Vancouver, B.C., some rain coming in. Here is the disturbance responsible for that. Multiple areas of active weather beginning to roll in across western United States and southern Canada here. Should really keep it active with high elevations. Snow very blustery weather as well for Seattle, Portland, and in particular northern California could get really the highest end of the rainfall associated with that setup.

[01:50:10] And the Caribbean. This is what it look likes. Scattered showers across this region.


VAUSE: The Cleveland Indians are celebrating a big win in game one of baseball's World Series. Cleveland's pitchers were dominant, striking out 15 batters to beat the Chicago Cubs, 6-0.

SESAY: Indians catcher Roberto Perez hit two home runs to lead the team to victory. Game two is Wednesday night in Cleveland.

VAUSE: Big night in Cleveland right next door to the World Series game. The Cleveland Cavaliers were celebrating their NBA title.

SESAY: Lebron James and the Cavs got their championship rings and raised their first ever championship banner. King James and company are well on their way to a possible repeat with an opening night thrashing of the New York Knicks.

VAUSE: Doctors in the U.K. have found that 40 common treatments bring little or no benefit to patients. The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges say pointless procedures include x-rays for lower back pain.

SESAY: It also says children with wrist fractures don't need plaster casts. And chemotherapy cannot cure terminal cancer patients and it brings distress and is painful.

VAUSE: So that list prompted "The Guardian" newspaper to come up with a list of 40 pointless activities that we all do. It says, you don't need to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables each day because scientists can't agree on the best number.

SESAY: It also says you don't need to drink eight glasses of water a day. Oh, and forget about flossing. Studies on the procedure are considered low quality. For more on all of this, we're joined now by Sandro Monetti, Managing Editor of "Entity" magazine and a half Brit who I know has a special affinity for flossing.

SANDRO MONETTI, MANAGING EDITOR, ENTITY MAGAZINE: Well absolutely. Flossing is pointless. I've always said so. And you can always rely on a Brit to lecture you about teeth. I think it was the great Austin Powers who said, yeah, baby, British teeth are unique. And yes, the scientific adviser to the British Dental Association has said, yes, no less, that flossing is completely pointless. So next time I go to my overpriced American dentist -- by the way, for a Brit, these teeth are pretty good.

SESAY: That's actually (ph) pretty good.

VAUSE: Let's talk about the hair.

MONETTI: I have a British barber.

VAUSE: There was a lot on this list which I kind of agreed with. Playing the lottery, pressing the close button on the elevator. Completely pointless.

SESAY: I do that all time.

VAUSE: And one that wasn't on there was repeatedly pressing the walk button at the traffic crossing. Because that is something which just has zero impact but everybody does it.

MONETTI: It's just there for show or for effect.

VAUSE: Apparently.

MONETTI: I'm one of those people that keeps pressing it. It doesn't make any difference.

SESAY: Exactly. It's more about an exercise in control. You want to feel like you have some control of the situation. That's why people do it.

MONETTI: It's why lists like this are so good. It shows that we really have no control over anything. Whether it's stop signs in the streets or whether it's our medical choices.

SESAY: Can we talk about napping? Napping is on this list. They say it is pointless.

MONETTI: Yes. SESAY: They say it doesn't provide you -- it has a detrimental effect to your health.

MONETTI: Well, according to a doctor at the university of Tokyo, if you nap for more than two hours a day, you've got 45 percent chance of getting diabetes. So there you go. Who is going to argue with that?

VAUSE: Can't wash your jeans anymore, there is no point. Something which I thought was interesting wasn't on the list, but this was sent to me by a friend of mine on social media. It's a meme. This is Gary. He's the first ever to change his mind after reading your political post. Gary is a unicorn. He doesn't exist. You're an idiot. There is Gary.

VAUSE: And this is the thing. People continually post on social media, on Facebook, their political opinions. And in this election season, people are losing friends because they think that somehow they're going to change someone's opinion. And that is pointless.

MONETTI: They are. There has been a record amount of un-friending. And you think the nation is divided -- the world is divided, and certainly the world of social media is totally divided. I learned a long time ago, never express any political opinions on social media.

[01:55:10] SESAY: One thing we are all --

MONETTI: I saved that for CNN.

SESAY: And we appreciate it. One thing we are all united on is emojis. It's the fastest growing language in history.

MONETTI: It is. And we're soon to be getting musical emojis. I just heard of that invention is coming in a couple of weeks.

SESAY: How is that going to work?

MONETTI: Well, instead of putting a sad face, you can play ten seconds of sad music.

VAUSE: You want to talk about a total waste of time, I think this is a total waste of time. Watch.

SESAY: John's on a soapbox, everybody.

VAUSE: There we go. Watching cat videos online. Now the point I'm getting to here is that there's 86,000 -- stop watching. There's 86,400 seconds every day. And when they're gone, they're gone for good. And you guys are wasting your time watching stupid cat videos online.

SESAY: How many views, did you say?

VAUSE: Oh, there's like millions.

MONETTI: You know, I missed "The Walking Dead" premier last night because I was too busy watching cat videos on YouTube. I don't know. Apparently, a couple of people died. So I don't know what happened.

VAUSE: You proved my point.

SESAY: Apparently, it's going down the tubes is what I heard.

MONETTI: Oh, really?

SESAY: Yes. The show.

MONETTI: You could have fooled me.

SESAY: Thank you. All right. You're watching CNN NEWSROOM live from Los Angeles. I'm Isha Sesay.

VAUSE: I'm John Vause. We'll be back with another hour of news and cat videos -- maybe not -- right after this.

SESAY: I like the cat videos.

(Byline: John Vause; Isha Sesay; Michael Holmes, Don Riddell, Arwa Damon, John Phillips, Kyung Lah)

(Guest: Sarah Story, Wendy Greuel, Brian Ma; Sandro Monetti)

(High: Sources: Resistance Snipers Hit ISIS Inside Mosul; Plan To Capture Raqqa Will Overlap Mosul Offensive; Mosul Offensive In Its Second Week; U.N. Reports Of ISIS Atrocities As Troops Close In; Carter: Mosul Offensive Proceeding As Planned; Carter: Raqqa And Mosul Battles Will Overlap; Pentagon Chief: No Delay In Effort To Seize Raqqa; U.S. Brings Precision Artillery To The ISIS Battle; French Crews Dismantling The "Jungle"; More Than 4,000 People Have Left Calais Camp; Many Calais Camp Residents Want To Go To U.K.; Calais Camp A Symbol Of Europe's Migrant Crisis; Aid Group Concerned For Children In Calais Camp; France Has Vowed To Raze Camp For More Than A Year; French Luxury Hotel Owner Kidnapped In Nice; Australian Police Probe Deadly Theme Park Accident; Canadian Nurse Charged With Killing Elderly Patients; Trump Hits Hard On Obamacare Cost Increases; Trump Bungles Obamacare Slam At Florida Resort; Clinton: We Have To Fix Obamacare, Not Scrap It; Gingrich Goes Ballistic On Fox News Host; Trump & Clinton Campaign In Must-Win Florida; Trump: I'd Love To Fight "Mr. Tough Guy" Joe Biden; Apple Sales Drop For The First Time In 15 Years ISIS reportedly massacres civilians as Iraqi forces approach Mosul. Apple's sales fall for the year for the first time since 2001, but are project to surge with release of 10-year anniversary iPhone 8. Old interview of Trump shows his competitiveness and refusal to acknowledge failure. In 2011, Obama mocks Trump at Presidential Correspondents Dinner, possibly encouraging Trump to run in 2016.)

(Spec: ISIS; Iraq; Terrorism; Apple; IPhone; Donald Trump; Election; Barack Obama; Sports; Baseball; The Guardian; Sniper; Mosul; ISIS; Russia; Syria; Raqqa; United Nations; CNN/ORC Poll; Pentagon; Calais; Jungle; Battleground State; Election; Peshmerga; Kurdish; Iraqi Forces; Artillery; Hotel; Election )