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Clinton and Trump Barnstorming Battlegrounds; Obamacare Premiums Spike; Merger Mania - Part 2



Spike; Merger Mania - Part 2>

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Joining us right now is the Director of Media Research Center, Tim Graham. Tim, good to see you. Thank you so much for joining us.


BARTIROMO: So, is this -- is there a difference in coverage, is that a coincidence, or what's going on here?

GRAHAM: What is going on here is what - how people feel about Trump in the news media. It is the general election season. There is no time now to be amused by him, there is only time to dole out the negatives as much as possible. This is the way it's been since the conventions. And you can see it in this case how dramatic the difference and the number of negative statements certainly in the topics of stories, they have done many more minutes on Trump controversies than on Clinton controversies.

We have seen so much coverage of the Billy Bush sex tape followed by the Trump accusers. Compared to the developments in the Clinton e-mail case or the WikiLeaks case, they're just not - they're not interested in those. They are interested in driving home a message to people that Trump needs to lose. And this is where you can start to lose that border between negative advertising on TV and negative news reports. I can't tell the difference.

BARTIROMO: Yes. And you know, it's interesting because in some cases, Trump, sort of, creates this by himself because he says outrageous things, right? But at the same time when you look at what has taken place around Hillary Clinton, whether it be corruption, pay to play, e-mail scandal, lying to congress, lying to the FBI, you just - you just don't see the coverage.

GRAHAM: No. I mean, this is one of those things that the - a voter who just sort of whizzes by this and sees, you know, 20 minutes of Lester Holt or David Muir or Scott Pelley is just going to get the barest mention of these things. You know, everything they don't want to talk about, like the failure of Obamacare, they're just not going to talk about. And that's what we do all the time here, is talk about what they are not talking about.

BARTIROMO: Well, I look on the front page of the" New York Times" today. And the New York Times has an above the fold story about Donald Trump going into five hours of conversations of audio - of interviews that he did with a potential - with a biographer of his interviews about what drives him. And he has a fear of fading away and a fear of failure. And there's not one mention about the fact that the President of the United States apparently lied about knowing - about Hillary Clinton's private e-mail server to the American people. And the revelations from the latest e-mails that we - that we have received. That's the coverage that a lot of America's getting.

GRAHAM: And it was announced there on the front page of the New York Times where they put their media columnist, Jim Rutenberg on the front page saying "How do you cover this dangerous bigot? Well, obviously, you cover him in a way to make him lose." And that's I think the "New York Times" has been very clear about that. When you put that, not on the editorial page, not on the front page of business where Rutenberg often is, when you put that on the front page of the paper and say "We are going beat you," I think we can all see that. I mean, you could argue, "Why are you guys even counting it?" But you want to know that it actually happened.

BARTIROMO: (INAUDIBLE) take us no surprise is, at the beginning of this campaign, the "Washington Post" told us, we're going to put 20 reporters on Trump. They didn't say that about Hillary Clinton.

MORGAN ORTAGUS: You're absolutely right. I think it's not a surprise at all that we have this, but Tim, what I'm curious about is, can you give us some context of, between the Mitt Romney campaign and the John McCain campaign, is Trump getting significantly more negative press than the last two republican nominees have? At this time?

GRAHAM: I think so. I think certainly, the loathing was not as intense in those cases as it was here. In every one of these cycles, going back to when my first campaign in this job in 1992, it get extremely negative in the last month. They got very negative about George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, you know. George W. Bush, they broke the DWI in the last weekend. This is that time of the year where they're going to be negative.

And I think what's sad here is, you know, this is not the way they behaved in the primaries. Trump was much more - I mean, the coverage was still negative but they gave him so much coverage they starved all the other candidates of oxygen. So now it's like, "That worked for Trump then, and now it doesn't."

MCDOWELL: Well, that raises the issue whether they wanted Trump to run do then they could take him down.

ORTAGUS: Absolutely. Yes.

MCDOWELL: they want - they worked to make sure that he was a nominee so they could, well, ensure that Hillary Clinton won the presidency.

ORTAGUS: Yes. That's totally right.

BOB NARDELLI: So, Tim, Bob Nardelli. Let's assume Trump wins. What will it take for the media to get behind the President of the United States and try to gain support to get things done to get our economy back, to get certainty to fix the unaffordable care act. I mean, what will it take, what's your advice to the media to get this turned around?

GRAHAM: I think expect if we get a President Trump, we're going to have a media that's going to get more negative than it is now. If that is hard to imagine, imagine it. They are to be so angry that all of their negative coverage didn't work, that it's going to be worse.

I mean, you're absolutely right that, you know, the media loves to play this game of "We are to be the force of civility," but they are not. They are not civil, they are not the people that unify the country. They are people who divide the country. They are people who, you know, who want to win at all costs. That's what I call the "objective media."

BARTIROMO: And those candidates who've had issue of controversy, did you find the news covered in terms of what's going on with WikiLeaks around Hillary Clinton? Where are you seeing that? I mean, is the public getting informed on these issues? Because at the end of the day, it's the public who's really losing out. They're not getting to see really what's going on in its entirety.

GRAHAM: Yes. I mean, obviously in this case, to them the most damaging part of the WikiLeaks revelations is that - is the insincerity of Hillary Clinton on these Wall Street issues. The double - you know, the two- faceness.

They had to worry about the Sanders voters. Which is one of the reasons why they don't really want to focus very hard on that. They touched on that part. What was fascinating was how they would not talk at all about what the WikiLeaks e-mail show about their own. Just complete obedience to the Clinton campaign team. That's an embarrassing thing that they're not going to be able to erase.

BARTIROMO: You know, I've said this before, I really stick by this. I think at some point, history will write this period of time, and it will be shameful. I mean, to know that the entire media landscape was just corrupt.

GRAHAM: Corrupt.

MCDOWELL: As corrupt as Hillary Clinton? Or not - I don't know - I don't know if you can make that a statement but -

ORTAGUS: I mean, Maria has been talking about corruption and collusion all morning and I think that's exactly what we're seeing. It's in WikiLeaks.

BARTIROMO: Tim, good to have you on the program. Thank you so much.

GRAHAM: And this is -

BARTIROMO: Yes? Final words, Tim. Go ahead.

GRAHAM: You got it. Look, we wrote a book called "Collusion." I mean, this is the way it has been. It's just more pronounced now that it is ever. But it's absolutely right that it's amazing that everything that Clintons have done through their whole, you know, national career, they just always make excuses.

MCDOWELL: : I'll add one really quick thing though because if the media puts this woman into office, then they have to own that presidency. And what comes in the next four years at the very least, and you could -

BARTIROMO: The only Obama presidency?

MCDOWELL: But this is - this is more - this is more corrupt than it was with President Obama. Because - and so the next four years, they have to own it. What does that do to their business and their audience if they sold the American people of (INAUDIBLE)

BARTIROMO: Good point.

NARDELLI: Got a quick - got a quick blame in Russian look at the content.

BARTIROMO: That was a good strategy, wasn't it? Very smart strategist. Tim Graham. We'll see you soon sir. Thank you so much. Kind of, missing baggage could be a thing of the past but Delta Passengers, the airlines' new app that lets you follow your bag's journey. It's pretty cool. And the legendary creator of Spiderman and the Hulk, Stan Lee, making the list of influential Americans over the age of 80. We'll tell you who tops the list, next.


BARTIROMO: Welcome back. Toyota announcing a worldwide recall of nearly 6 million vehicles. Cheryl Casone on it, now. Cheryl, over to you.

CHERYL CASONE: Yes, Maria. Check this out. (INAUDIBLE) recall affects 5.8 million vehicles that have defected to Takata airbags. The recall includes vehicles in Japan, Europe and China. Toyota has already announced the recall of model sold here in the United States. These faulty airbags don't have a drying agent which prevents the built up of moisture that can cause the bags to explode without warning. This problem has been linked to more than a dozen deaths around the world.

Well, AT&T is looking to give traditional cable providers a run for their money. The company is going to launch an online streaming TV service for about 35 dollars a month at the end of next November. The announcement coming is AT&T 6 to acquire Time Warner for 85 billion dollars.

Well, haven't you (back, well) from your flight and really awesome? But now Delta passengers can track their check bags with their app. Delta says luggage gets a radio frequency identification tag on it, scanners along the way track the bags movement and send the location info to the Fly Delta app. The technology currently being used at 84 different airports. Including, I'm telling you, where you can pick up your bag. Which is kind of nice as well.

And finally, you know, we'd all like to get to 80, right? Well, 24/7 Wall Street has compiled a list of the most influential Americans. The 80 over 80, if you will. Among them, 21st Century FOX, Chairman and FOX News and FOX Business, CEO, Rupert Murdoch, 86. Football Hall of Famer and Sports Broadcaster, John Madden. He is 80. Former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, 93 years old and Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Allan Greenspan who is 90. And then this one is killing me. Robert Redford, actor and director, he's 80.


CASONE: I'm kind of like, "What?" I think I feel like looking at that list just a little bit.

BARTIROMO: Great list.


BARTIROMO: I want to see a list with ladies over 80.

MCDOWELL: Oh, I like that.

BARTIROMO: You know, because again, because men have it easy. Like, they get age on them and -


BARTIROMO: They're, you know, "Oh, they're sexier, they, you know, they look rugged." We need to come up with some adjectives about ladies over the age of 80.


BARTIROMO: And we are outliving them, right? Women typically outlive men.

MCDOWELL: Yes. Because if we don't - if you eat on - eat the stress the way that men do, I don't think.



MCDOWELL: You represent one entire gender.

NARDELLI: Yes. I'm outnumbered.

MCDOWELL: Speak for your gender, Bob.

NARDELLI: I'm outnumbered. We have great DNA you know.

BARTIROMO: I like that list though. 80 over 80.

NARDELLI: It's a great list.


BARTIROMO: Since we're always talking about the 30 under 30 and the 20 under 20. Cool. Coming up. Taco Bell takes bite out of the World Series buzz. How the chain is turning a stolen basis into freebies, that's next. Plus Vice-Presidential nominee Mike Pence takes a stand on the divisive matter where he stands on Cubs versus Indians. Back in a minute.




BARTIROMO: So, did you catch the game. There was plenty of excitement in Cleveland after the start of the World Series last night. One stolen basis making many taco fans happy as well. FOX News Headlines Sports, Jared Max, live this morning from Progressive field. Once again with the highlights of Game 1. Good morning, Jared.

JARED MAX: Hey, good morning. Hey, good morning, Maria. Game 2, the World Series coming up tonight and the Indians have a one nothing lead. Amazing pitching last night and also timely hitting. In fact, Indians starting pitcher, Cory Kluber set a World Series record. The first nine out recorded, eight by strike out. Including four backwards case. Caught looking, they're (INAUDIBLE) biased after Chris Bryant goes down.

Fast forward eighth inning. Roberto Perez, the ninth batter in the lineup who early in the game hit a homerun would go deep once again. This time, a three run bomb. And the Indians take Game 1 by a count of six to nothing. Middle of last night's game, we saw screen go up on the score board which said that Game 2 would be staring at hour earlier. And this because of inclement weather that is expected tonight. So, it's going to be a 7:08 Eastern Time start instead of 8:08. Jake Arrieta is going to be your starting pitcher for the Chicago Cubs as well. And the Cleveland Indians are going to turn to Trevor Bauer. Remember him? With the bloody pinky.

So, the full - we have the World Series continues tonight. But shortly, November 2nd, fans are going to be receiving free Doritos Locos Tacos at Taco Bell. This is because Francisco Lindor stole a base in the first inning and so everybody will have them 2-6 pm locally that day, to go and get your free Doritos Locos Taco, a courtesy Taco Bell.

Hey, how about Vice-Presidential candidate Mike Pence. Maybe the Chicago Cubs could have used this guy on the mount last night? Mike Pence who has strong roots in the city of Chicago had been campaigning in Ohio. Check this out. He's on a plane yesterday and some of the reporter wants to know who is he - who is he rooting for in the World Series. Somebody rolls him in baseball. And he says, "Governor, rooting for the Cubs or that team from Ohio?"

Mike Pence takes the baseball and Pence is going to throw it right down the aisle and it says "Go Cubs. Go." So, Mike Pence rooting for the Chicago Cubs. And pretty good pitch. You know that's dangerous. Imagine to hit somebody in the eye. That can have political implications in that.

Also, this morning. Right across the (way) here from Progressive Field is Quicken Loans Arena where the NBA Season open up last night and the Cleveland Cavaliers got their championship rings and also raised the banner before Lebron James went out and scored a triple double as the Cavaliers pounded the New York Knicks. Also last night, the team who the Cavaliers beat in the Championship, the Golden State Warriors, done in by the San Antonio Spurs by 29 points in Oakland, California.

Oh, hey. Remember when Shaquille O'Neal had a little fun as a undercover lift driver? Put on all different disguises, nobody knew what he was doing? Well, this now comes to New England Patriot's tight end Rob Gronkowski who has gotten behind the wheel, and, you know, kind of, disguising himself as a lift driver and poking around making like he's in love himself and whatnot. So, another fun, fun event with lift drivers. What else could you ask for? This should be the new thing. It's like the Karaoke in cars. You know? Lift drivers, but who are they?

BARTIROMO: Yes. But Dagen would have known for obvious reasons.

MCDOWELL: Yes. Number one, you make me sit in the front seat. Because normally, if you get picked up, you sit in the backseat. So, if you tell me to sit in front (CROSSTALK)

BARTIROMO: Thousand red flags right away.

MCDOWELL: And number two, he is as big as a school bus. So, you're sitting - you'd look at him go, "OK. You kind of, look like, you know, in professional sports of some kind." And I'm kind of Gronk fan even though I hate the New England Patriot. So, I would definitely recognize him. I've seen him - I've seen him in a hotel wearing a Spongebob backpack.


MCDOWELL: Yes. So, he kind of got it going on.

MAX: That's right. That's right. He's a big kid. He's a big old kid.


NARDELLI: Bob Nardelli here. This is a historic series when you think about neither of these teams had been there in a very long time, it's a quick question. I wonder if the Governor showed up for the game?

MAX: You know what? I didn't see him on the scoreboard last night. I mean, his built, he looks like a terrific athlete. I did not see him here among the 38,000, you know, in the (sellout) and keep this note in mind, 12 of the last 13 World Series, the team who won game one, won the World Series. So, the Indians might be that much closer in Cubs fans. We'll we're rooting for you.

BARTIROMO: Cool. Jared, thank you.

MAX: Cool. Thanks, Maria.

BARTIROMO: Jared Max. We're all set up for Game 2 tonight. Coming up in the next hour of Mornings with Maria, we will talk with Major League baseball commissioner Rob Manfred about the World Series, a lot more. Stay with us. We're talking baseball.


BARTIROMO: Welcome back. Good Wednesday morning, everybody. Thanks for joining us. It is Wednesday, October 26th. I'm Maria Bartiromo and here are your top stories, 8am on the East Coast. The swing state push is on. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton focused on the battleground where the races are tight. Both sides of the aisle going on the attack.


CLINTON: The first thing a president does is to take an oath to preserve, protect and defend the constitution, and I have serious doubts about whether Donald Trump even understands what that means.

TRUMP: I want everyone in Washington to hear and to heed the words I am about to say. If we win, on about November 8th, we are going to Washington D.C., and we together are going to drain the swamp.


BARTIROMO: Plus, a new poll this morning shows that Trump has narrow lead in Florida. A must-win state for him. We've got all the numbers. Google's high speed internet slows down. The company's fiber division laying off 9 percent of the workforce. What it means for the broader technology sector where we are seeing a bit of job cuts recently.


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