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Poll: Trump Leads Clinton By Two Points In Florida; ISIS Accused Of Using Civilians As Human Shields; Coalition Forces Preparing To Liberate



Using Civilians As Human Shields; Coalition Forces Preparing To Liberate

Raqqa; Migrants Torch Huts In Calais "Jungle"; U.S. Four-Star General Backs

Clinton In New Ad; Gingrich To Kelly: "You Are Fascinated With Sex; Trump

Denies "Trump TV" Speculation; Two Earthquakes Hit Central Italy Within

Hours. Aired 3-4p ET - Part 2>

Brian Stelter, Will Ripley>

from the campaign trail with just 13 days left until the election. Donald

Trump is no stranger to lashing out at the media and if a fiery interaction

between one of his surrogates and Fox's Megyn Kelly is anything to go by,

there is still no love lost today on Tuesday, former U.S. House Speaker

Newt Gingrich accused Kelly of spending too much time covering Trump's

alleged sexual misconducts. Trump Denies "Trump TV" Speculation; CNN Tests

New Asics Gear Ahead Of Tokyo 2020; Two Earthquakes Hit Central Italy

Within Hours.>

France; NATO; Technology; Asics; Earthquakes; Italy >

ALLEN: My pleasure to meet with you today, thanks.

GORANI: All right, thanks. Still ahead, she's one of the most vocal supporters of Donald Trump this side of the Atlantic. Coming up, we're joined by a controversial British columnist, Katie Hopkins, stay with us.


GORANI: Welcome back. A look at our top stories this hour. Donald Trump made a brief detour from the campaign trail today to open a new Trump Hotel in Washington, D.C. He called the event a metaphor for what he could do for America pledging to work on a national plan of revitalization. Trump is due at a rally in the swing state of North Carolina.

Also among our top stories, symbol of the migrant crisis in Europe and a ram shackle home for thousands is in its final hours. Officials at the migrant camp in Calais known as the "Jungle" say they hope to close it entirely by the end of today, by the end of today, Wednesday, some migrants have been setting fires there as officials send them to resettle in other parts of France.

Riot police fired stun grenades at protesting students South Africa's parliament today. Students have demanded free education there for months. The finance minister spoke inside parliament and he did pledge more money for education, but as you can see there, chaos in some parts of Cape Town in South Africa.

Donald Trump is no stranger to lashing out at the media and if a fiery interaction between one of his surrogates and Fox's Megyn Kelly is anything to go by, there is still no love lost today on Tuesday, former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich accused Kelly of spending too much time covering Trump's alleged sexual misconducts.


NEWT GINGRICH, FORMER HOUSE SPEAKER: So it's worth 23 minutes for the three networks to cover that story and Hillary Clinton and a secret speech in Brazil to a bank that pays 225,000 saying her dream has an open border where 600 million people could come to America, that's not worth covering.

MEGYN KELLY, FOX NEWS: That is worth covering, and we did.

GINGRICH: Went back to tapes of show, you are fascinated with sex and you don't care about public policy. That's what I get out of watching you tonight.


GORANI: Fascinated by sex as you might expect Trump's response was positive.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: By the way, congratulations, Newt, on last night. That was an amazing interview. It was amazing.


GORANI: Well, he loved it. The exchange is not likely to do Trump favors with female voters. A recent CNN/ORC poll shows Hillary Clinton holds a 12-point lead among women.

There are just 13 days until the U.S. election and if polls like that are anything to go by, 13 might be an unlucky number for Donald Trump, but our next guest insists that Trump will win. columnist, Katie Hopkins, joins me now. Do you think he's going to win?

KATIE HOPKINS, COLUMNIST, DAILYMAIL.COM: I think he's going to win. I think you guys are in for a big surprise, which I'm quite excited about. I think we've seen a similar thing here in the U.K. with Brexit. We saw a lot of the liberal press kind of sneering at Brexiteers. We saw a lot of the sneering that we see from the Clinton News Network and I think --

GORANI: That is CNN. You're calling us the Clinton News Network.

HOPKINS: That's exactly correct.

GORANI: Why? Why do you call us the Clinton News Network?

HOPKINS: Because earlier on --

GORANI: We prominently featured a Florida poll that shows Donald Trump had a couple of points --

HOPKINS: I know you're on Twitter you were telling me after Hillary Clinton has 12-point lead. Now you're having to look at Florida polls showing a two-point lead --

GORANI: Though entirely different things.

HOPKINS: That's hard for you.

GORANI: One is a national poll that showed she had one poll 12-point lead. Others show a nine-point lead. Nationally she's ahead for weeks.

HOPKINS: (Inaudible) off the polls. I think none of us need to take any notice of them whatsoever. We learned that in the U.K. with Brexit learned indeed with our general election. Having sat in the Republican convention in Cleveland and watched your news network, it is entirely biased I think your coverage. And I think Trump's doing a great job and I think what we saw today from him over --

GORANI: How? Because you keep making these accusations and quite frankly you cannot back them up.

HOPKINS: Because you just said, I'll give you an example --

GORANI: Back them up, not in air time, not how often --

HOPKINS: Off the back what have you just said. I won't let you finish. I want to answer your question. You said I can't back them up.

GORANI: You go ahead and back them up. I can tell you --

HOPKINS: I'll back them up. So you were just saying how Trump really struggles with women. You seem to love to present us women and I am vaguely a woman as victims. I don't see myself as a victim. Many women, hard working women don't see themselves as victims and we could look at other polls that say 70 percent of individuals find Clinton to be utterly distasteful. I find her --

GORANI: By the way --

HOPKINS: -- horrid to look at. Her little smile there does nothing for me.

GORANI: Katie, nobody's saying everybody loves Hillary Clinton.

HOPKINS: But you just said women, you said women love Hillary. Women do not love Hillary.

GORANI: I never said that. You're literally misquoting me. I gave you a poll where she had a 12-point advantage over Donald Trump.

HOPKINS: They really are (inaudible) less. Move on. I'm bored of your polls.

GORANI: OK, but you just quoted something I said --

HOPKINS: Tell me the correct quote.

GORANI: That women love Hillary Clinton?

HOPKINS: Wrong word, Clinton.

GORANI: When did I say that?

HOPKINS: You love Clinton, remember, not Trump.

GORANI: This conversation is actually going completely off the rails because it seems like we've just entered a post-fact world where no matter what we say to you, you will actually deny facts and then fabricate quotes and put them in my mouth.

HOPKINS: Where we now sit in politics is in a world of post-truth politics where we surround ourselves with the truth that we to want hear. People echo, enter an echo chamber and hear the stuff that they want to hear, which is why people that support Clinton listen to you and why people that support Trump might listen to me on Fox, for example. Anyway, do ask me questions you want to ask me.

GORANI: Let's talk about Brexit. Because -- no, first let me ask you about your support for Donald Trump. What is it about the things that he says, why do you support Donald Trump?

Because you're sitting here in Britain, of course, you were pro-Brexit and all those things, and you have said some absolutely vicious and disgusting things about immigrants --

HOPKINS: For example?

GORANI: You've called them cockroaches. You've said they were feral. You said --

HOPKINS: I said we should turn back.

GORANI: Go ahead and kill themselves.

HOPKINS: I think we should term that --

GORANI: -- blocking bed --


GORANI: Absolutely disgusting things --

HOPKINS: In your opinion it's disgusting. In my opinion, I speak the truth.

GORANI: Anybody who calls a human being a cockroach --

HOPKINS: I don't you speak for everybody -- move along with your question.

GORANI: Why do you support Donald Trump?

HOPKINS: Because for me, as a small business owner, he really speaks to me and the people like me that work hard for a living. He gets things done. I think we've just seen Obamacare, it crucifies small business owners.

You're going to get more of that with Hillary Clinton. You're not going to get that are with Trump and I think that's very important. He also gets stuff done. What we've seen with Clinton, essentially she's just the wife of an ex-president.

She was there supporting her husband while he was in the oval office with Monica Lewinsky on her knees -- you're going to cut me off.

GORANI: You just said she's someone's wife -- she was secretary of state - -

[15:40:03]HOPKINS: She was someone's wife and he had affairs in the oval office and she stood by him. That is not a strong woman for me, honey.

GORANI: But if you call me honey, that is just very --

HOPKINS: You find that hard? What word would you like me to use?

GORANI: Let's get this back on track. Brexit, why did you support Brexit? Keeping migrants out of Britain? Was that the main --

HOPKINS: No, not immigration is not the main reason, I'm a big fan. I was in the British Army. I'm a big fan of the British forces. It's another reason why I support Trump actually because I think he will stand up for our service personnel and for Brexit, it was about taking back control.

Taking back sovereignty and I'll start broadcaster was very biased in their reporting and coverage of Brexit. They did not believe that Brexit would win. They found it very difficult to admit that we won and I find your coverage to be very similar with Trump.

GORANI: All right, we're going leave it there, Katie Hopkins, that was interesting. It's interesting to speak to someone with your views and just trying to figure out where they come from. Thanks very much for joining us.

Well, Donald Trump's former role as host of a reality TV show earned him a star in the Hollywood Walk of Fame, but today that star is unrecognizable. Police say a man vandalized it with a sledge hammer and pick ax, and the act captured on video.

They say they expect to make an arrest. Might not be that hard considering man who says he did it gave an interview to a local media website. He says he wanted to auction off the star and donate the proceeds to women who claimed Trump sexually mistreated them, but the star was too heavy to pry out.

While Trump has long accused the media of bias, we heard it there from one of his most passionate fans, he's denying interest in something that would give him the chance to hit back louder than ever. His own television network.

Here's Brian Stelter now reports Trump appears to be setting his sights online, not on-air.


BRIAN STELTER, CNN SENIOR MEDIA CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): And welcome, maybe, to Trump TV. Promoting live campaign coverage every night until the election at 6:30 p.m. sharp. That's the same time as the networks nightly news.

TRUMP: These thieves and crooks, the media --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get excited to be bypassing the media which screws everything.

STELTER: Boras Epstein is an investment banker turned Trump advisor and co-host along with fellow advisor Cliff Simms, a conservative media consultant. So it's a campaign ad disguised as a newscast. Keeping Trump supporters' hopes up through Election Day, but is it also a preview of Trump TV?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Make sure to check out Trump TV. You're going to hate it.

STELTER: He has a theoretical post-election Donald Trump Television Network as media insiders buzzing.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This definitely looks like a prototype. It looks like a news network.

STELTER: But Trump himself says no way.

TRUMP (via telephone): I have no interest in Trump TV.

STELTER: However, some of his aides are interested. Last week when CNN asked about the rumors, Trump campaign CEO, Steve Bannon slightly commented that Trump is an entrepreneur. Even if Trump does not to want host a show again --

TRUMP: Johnny, you're fired.

STELTER: Pro-Trump media like Bannon's old site, Breitbart News, could try to launch a network or a streaming service to keep Trump's fans energized. Trump has millions of followers on social media. But so far, the Facebook streams are reaching a small, loyal crowd, about 50,000 people live streamed it on Night One.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You've got Mr. Trump with an enormous Twitter following, a massive Facebook following.

STELTER: Starting a cable network would cost hundreds of millions of dollars, but the Netflix model could work.

JENNIFER SABA, COLUMNIST, READERS BREAKINGVIEWS: For Trump to break even with an internet direct to consumer network, he would need about 500,000 subscribers, paying $9.99 per month.

STELTER: The business challenge would be keeping costs low and passions high.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tune in, keep it right here, enjoy, thank you for watching.

STELTER: Brian Stelter, CNN, New York.


GORANI: Just in to CNN, a magnitude 6.0 earthquake has hit Central Italy, the second quake in a space of just a few hours. The quake struck 68 kilometer east of the city of Perugia and it was powerful. It was felt as far away as Rome.

A 5.5 magnitude tremor shook the same exact region earlier outside of the town. Central Italy was hit of course by a major quake in August this year which killed nearly 300 people. We will continue to bring you developments on this as we get them on CNN.

This is THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. I said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but when you find out who painted this, you'll see that a thousand words are nowhere near enough to do it justice. We'll be right back.



GORANI: The Tokyo 2020 Olympics will be a prime opportunity for Japan to showcase its innovations. One of the country's oldest sportswear companies, Asics is working on new gear to combine athletics and technology. Will Ripley gave it a test run for our series this week on Japan.


WILL RIPLEY, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): In 1964, the Olympics came to Tokyo. These seats were filled with the pride of a nation, not only was it the first time the world's most prestigious games were held in the east, it was a declaration of Japan's recovery from World War II.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Olympics is biggest moment for the company.

RIPLEY: When Japan seized the global spotlight, so did Asics, as the CEO Motoi Oyama recalls.

MOTOI OYAMA, CEO, ASICS: It was quite famous kickstart in our country for the industry. Therefore, this company is the first company to use nylon materials for the running shoes, even wrestling shoes.

RIPLEY: Today, Asics has a reputation for making some of the world's best running shoes, bringing the Japanese quality to the sporting world.

(on camera): You've got to see the upcoming Olympics as an opportunity to really show to the world what your company in particular has to offer. Are you feeling the pressure?

OYAMA: Before the Olympic, four-year term, then the, as I said, the opening day of the next Olympics in 2020 is the first day that the stage that we are introducing a new technology.

RIPLEY (voice-over): And so the countdown begins. Starting here, the Asics Institute of Sports Science.

(on camera): This is where you're custom making shoes for Olympic athletes.

OYAMA: Yes, of course. This room, the target is not only the Olympic Games, but there's others professional players and athletes.

RIPLEY (voice-over): When it comes to designing shoes for the future, Asics intends to put their best foot forward, excuse my pun, every last detail counts.

(on camera): All of the fabrics, foams, everything is an Asics creative material.

OYAMA: Exactly.

RIPLEY: And you did that all year.

OYAMA: Yes. Every material born in here.

RIPLEY (voice-over): Every shoe company in the world is in a race to bring that edge to an athlete or team. But it's more than just developing lighter and more durable material, it's about finding that balance where technology can unlock human potential.

(on camera): So this is the foot measurement room, and every athlete gets one of those custom pairs of shoes has to have their feet scanned in here. They've got some pretty big names that are going to do what I'm about to do.

(voice-over): Obviously I'm no Olympian, but for the sake of journalism, I'll give it a go.

(on camera): Do you think this is a bit much?

[15:50:00](voice-over): More than 40 reflective markers are attached to my body in preparation for this. Motion analysis. As I run, cameras track every part of how my body moves, the angles at which my knees bend, how my arms fold.

OYAMA: I was so surprised. Very, very beautiful.

RIPLEY (on camera): Really?

OYAMA: Yes, yes.

RIPLEY: A compliment I gladly take in stride. This science is an integral part of an athlete's ability to push boundaries and break records to bring the best of Japanese precision to the limelight.


GORANI: All right. This is THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. Do stay with us. We'll be right back.


GORANI: We had the chance to take a break from some of the darker headlines we cover and pause for a moment of artistic reflection. In the latest edition of the invitation from CNN Style, world class violinist takes us inside London's most iconic cathedral.


NICOLA BENEDETTI, WORLD CLASS VIOLINIST: Music quite simply represents to me the most intense experiences I've had in my life. When a performance reaches its highest state, I actually have experienced many times something sort of similar to your life flashing before your eyes.

I've lived in London for 11 years and haven't made it to the cathedral very much at all, but I don't think I ever imagined I would have the whole place to myself. The piece I'm playing here today is my Johann Sebastian Bach.

It was written around 1717, which is in fact the same year my violin was being made in Italy and it is not more than a decade after this place was opened.

To be able to play deeply spiritual music within this space is a moment in time I'll always remember it. You would imagine you'd feel the need to fill all of that air and actually it sort of does the opposite to you. You feel smaller.


GORANI: Beautiful, and from one inspiring artists to another. Look that the painting. It was not created by an impressionist master, but by a girl with severe autism who is 6 years old. Iris Palmshaw (ph) once struggled to communicate in even the most basic way, but through art she expressed herself beyond words themselves.

Of course, not every child with autism has such a remarkable break through, but today there is a long-term study out offering parents unprecedented a vice.

It came out in an "Atlantic Medical Journal" and it observed that children over a period of more than six years, it says symptoms can improve if parents properly work with their autistic children from a preschool age.

Unlike previous studies, the one out today places the emphasis on parents and not the child. And while the study is being held as positive, well, researchers stress it only offers a potential treatment and of course sadly not yet at least not a cure for autism.

I want to remind you of our breaking news this hour. Two earthquakes have hit central Italy in the space of just two hours. So, let's get more on this with Tom Sader at the CNN World Weather Center. What's the latest?

TOM SADER, AMS METEOROLOGIST: We're still waiting on word and more data from the USGS on a shake map. How many people may have felt light, moderate, severe shaking? What we do know is at 7:10 p.m. local time. The first quake was a 5.5. This was only 20 kilometers away from Amatrice that had that devastating earthquake in late August.

Two hours later at 9:18, this has now been adjusted. Originally, it was a 6.4 they believe, Hala, then they went to 6.0, but this is just changed now to a 6.1. That's over five times stronger than the previous earthquake just two hours ago.

Both have a depth of only 10 kilometers. So what that means is basically, there is a lot more shaking going on. Again, we know the region well, but let's get in closer and take a look so everybody gets an idea.

What you're going to see in red. This is the 6.1 that occurred again at 9:18, only ten kilometers in depth and the one just below it was two hours previous. Again, you can call it a floor shock.

As we continue to get in the region, we're going to be waiting for damage assessment. We'll get more information from the USGS as far as the possibility of structural damage and, or, if any injuries or fatalities. But an area that seen too much in the last couple of months -- Hala.

GORANI: We had that terrible earthquake in August. Thanks very much, Tom Sader, for that. We'll have more. This has been THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. I'm Hala Gorani. Do stay with us. "QUEST MEANS BUSINESS" is up next.



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