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Trump and Pence Call Out Rigged Media; Latest Batch of WikiLeaks E- mails; ABC Poll Puts Clinton 12 Percentage Points ahead of Trump; Shares of



mails; ABC Poll Puts Clinton 12 Percentage Points ahead of Trump; Shares of

Apple Down; Cheryl Mills Clarifying President Obama's Comments on Clinton's

Private Server; Search for Man Accused of Shooting Two Oklahoma Police

Officers; Interview with American sheriff David Clarke - Part 1>

Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher, David Clarke, Steve Moore>

Technology; Hillary Clinton; Police; Crime; Families; Elections; Apple;



DONALD TRUMP, (R) U.S. PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Keep it going, folks, we're fighting a crooked establishment, and just about the biggest part of the crooked establishment are these people right back there with the phony cameras.


A bunch of phony low-life's.

MIKE PENCE, (R) U.S. VICE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We have especially had enough of the collusion between the national media and Hillary Clinton's campaign. It's just amazing.

Some of the e-mails come out, you find out this guy at CNBC, named Harwood, he actually after he moderated a republican debate he was communicating with the chairman of Hillary Clinton's campaign how he'd been vindicated in his tough questioning of Donald Trump.


ELIZABETH MACDONALD, RISK & REWARD SHOW HOST: Donald Trump and Mike Pence again calling out the media today saying the system is rigged. This as the latest batch of WikiLeaks e-mails reveal details on the press' close relationship with the Clinton campaign.

Plus, shares of Apple turning lower, trading down about 2 percentage points after announcing its first decline in annual revenue and profit since 2001.

We're going to bring you that.

And also, CEO Tim Cook's rosy holiday outlook. That's coming up.

Welcome to Risk & Reward, I'm Elizabeth Macdonald filling in for Deirdre Bolton.

The media last night emphasizing an ABC poll that puts Hillary a big 12 percentage points ahead of Donald Trump.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The ABC News tracking poll has Hillary Clinton up by 12.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Over the weekend, an ABC News tracking poll of likely voters put Clinton 12 points in front of Donald Trump.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No candidate down this far this late has ever recovered.


MACDONALD: But early voting suggesting something else is going on, something to the contrary. It's actually a tight race in key states. It's a dead heat despite the media's take the Real Clear Politics average showing a tighter gain. Three of the polls in the average showing the race in a statistical tie.

This on the hills of a new batch of WikiLeaks e-mails revealing details of the Clinton campaign's close relationship the press showing more than five dozen, 65 journalists to be exact, including ABC's George Stephanopoulos, CNBC's John Harwood, NBC's Savannah Guthrie, and CNN's Brianna Keilar dined at Clinton staffers' homes days before Hillary's campaign launched last year.

A Clinton staffer even calling some of the reporters, quote, "very friendly and malleable when it came to the democrat's campaign."

Fox News and Fox Business reporters not extended invitation. But take a listen to how these journalists treated Donald Trump's campaign in the past.




KEILAR: And it makes sense that there would...



KEILAR: Polls. Most of them. All of them?

TRUMP: I'm on record as saying that we shouldn't go in...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But you're not on record at all opposing the war before it began. There is simply no evident of that, sir?

JOHN HARWOOD, CNBC HOST: Let's be honest. Is this a comic book version of a presidential campaign?

TRUMP: It's not a comic book. And it's not a very nicely asked question the way you say that.


MACDONALD: Joining me now chief operating officer of the Trump campaign, Jeff DeWit. You know, you can push Donald Trump back on policy. You can push him back and ask about before the Iraq war, before he was against it, I get it. But, you know, that's the media's role.

But being dismissive in that tone that was taken and the idea that, you know, it's a done deal, you know, two months prior to the election. I mean, what is your take on the role of the media and what their questions that the Trump campaign got?

JEFF DEWIT, TRUMP SURROGATE: You know, there's always been a media bias, Liz, we've seen it, and to see these e-mails come out now and see the private off the record dinners between the Clinton campaign and these same journalists that do show a clear bias, to see some of these journalists in the WikiLeaks releases e-mailing their stories to the Clinton campaign ahead of time allowing the Clinton campaign to edit and revise the stories and send them back.

MACDONALD: Yes. I hear what you're saying. Go ahead, finish.

DEWIT: Yes. You know, it's just awful, that the media used to be known as the fourth estate, it was separate and independent from the process, from politics and from business, and right now all the media wants to do is move into the swamp.

I think Washington's swamp real estate if Hillary wins is going to double in price.

MACDONALD: You know, how does this get out the undecided voter saying that the campaign is the media is rigged against the Trump campaign. How does that get the undecided voter out to vote? Because we're watching early voting right now Florida and, for example, North Carolina, it's coming in strong, but below this point of time when Mitt Romney lost to Obama in 2012. So how does it get the voter out?

DEWIT: We are seeing though, you know, in the Florida returns that were that the republican returns coming at 1.8 percent above the democrats.

MACDONALD: But how does it get the voter out saying the media is rigged against Donald Trump?

DEWIT: Well, I think it shows that to not listen to the media. I think the message are trying to get across. And that's if you look at, you know, and I will Fox credit, in the WikiLeaks releases, Fox was the only channel that did not go to those meetings.

They showed the whole list of the journalists, Fox from what I saw was not one of those. I think that explains why Fox has tripled the ratings of all the other channels that are showing that.

MACDONALD: You know, honestly you understand why the journalists go to these meetings, for access.


MACDONALD: The problem was it was off the record.

DEWIT: Right.

MACDONALD: And that's an issue. Now we've got, I want your reaction to this with just two weeks until Election Day. We got another brand new poll showing Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine closing what's called the enthusiasm gap among their supporters. They got 52 percent of those polls saying they are, quote, "very enthusiastic" to vote for this ticket.

And 35 percent are saying they're just someone enthusiastic. These results of -- they don't reflect the candidates' recent rallies, however. You're going to look at a video from yesterday shot at West Palm Beach, just a little over two dozen people showed up to a Tim Kaine rally.

Meantime, more than 200 people showed up to a Mike Pence rally, 20,000 supporters showed up to see Donald Trump in Tampa, Florida that same day. So, you know, we've got this enthusiasm gap with the rallies and then mixed reaction what we're hearing from the poll results. How do you explain the difference?

DEWIT: Well, look at the ABC poll that came out showed Hillary ahead of 12. They had republicans, the pollsters adjust the percentages to match what they think turnout is going to be. They had republicans down to 29 percent in that poll. If you flip that, the republican and democrat, we would be off double digits in that same poll.

MACDONALD: Yes, but guys you can't just complain about one poll, right?

DEWIT: Right.

MACDONALD: I mean, it's a bigger, broader issue. So, the question is, is this sort of a Brexit situation where people are saying you know what? We're not going to vote for Brexit. We're going to stay. And all of a sudden England -- the U.K. left the E.U.


MACDONALD: Are you seeing any indication of that in the polls?

DEWIT: A lot of indication of that.


DEWIT: A lot, a lot.


DEWIT: And the enthusiasm gap that you pointed out is a perfect example. We have trouble finding venues big enough to handle Donald Trump's crowds. What you saw there 30 people showed up to a Tim Kaine rally.

MACDONALD: Jeff, I want your reaction to this. Colonel -- Colin Powell voting for Hillary Clinton despite her basically roping him into her decision to have a private e-mail server in her basement in Chappaqua.

Now as a reminder, in a hacked e-mail from 2014, Powell said this. "I would rather not have to vote for her, a 70-year of basically person with a long track record, unbridled ambition, greedy, not transformational, but the husband still the blank-blank at home."

So, what do you make of that?

DEWIT: You know, I think it still comes down to, the only people you see like that on the republican side that still have trouble with Donald Trump are the establishment elites. I think we could all admit that he's part of the elite crowd.

But among the people, the American people I know that Donald Trump is going to stand for him, that's why the Washington elites are into him. The lobbyist crowd and everything else. But if enough people get out and vote, Donald Trump will drain the swamp in Washington.

MACDONALD: All right. Jeff DeWit, thank you so much for your time.

DEWIT: Thanks, Liz.

MACDONALD: Next up, President Obama ridiculing Donald Trump over his claims the election is rigged. But he had a different take while running against Hillary Clinton in 2008. Take a listen.


BARACK OBAMA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PRESIDENT: I have never seen in my lifetime or modern political history any presidential candidate trying to discredit the elections and the election process before votes have even taken place. It's unprecedented.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I would just like to know what you can say to reassure us that this election will not be rigged or stolen?


OBAMA: Well, I tell you what, it helps in Ohio that we got democrats in charge of the machines. I come from Chicago. So, I want to be honest. It's not as if it's just republicans who have monkeyed around with elections in the past. Sometimes democrats have, too.

You know, whenever people are in power. They have this tendency to try to, you know, tilt things in their direction.


MACDONALD: Joining me now, my political power panel, Ford O'Connell, he is a strategist for the GOP. Julie Roginsky, a democratic strategist. So, Julie, basically Obama is saying, yes, we've monkeyed around with elections.

JULIE ROGINSKY, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Well, I think coming from Chicago, he surely knows that Mayor Daley in 1960, what is it, '64 or even '60 when Kennedy was first running against Nixon, people think that had something to do with skewing the election.

But look, the reality is that most of the machinery, the state operations and just the states that control elections are run by republicans, so democrats really would have a very hard time skewing elections when secretaries of state and others around the country are mostly republicans.

So, to that point, I don't think who Trump thinks is going to throw the election for him. It's going to be very hard for democrats who are not in power at the state level to be able to do that.

MACDONALD: Yes, Ford, just to pick up on what Julie just said, there are 28 republican secretaries of state who run the elections. We've got Senator Lindsey Graham saying no rigging going on. Governor Rick Scott.

There's 260 counties in example, Ford, in Texas, they're saying it's so desperate and decentralized, it's really hard to rig anything, and by the way, just a final point. Department of Justice, 2002 to 2005, a little over two dozen people convicted of voter fraud over out of nearly 200 million votes count. You've got the same odds of winning the Powerball.

FORD O'CONNELL, REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST: You know what? I'm going to say this, I'm not saying this election is being rigged from a voter fraud standpoint. But what I will tell you is that the potential is there.

We have four million people in this country that are ineligible to vote that are still on the voter rolls. We have 12 states at the district of Columbia to give illegal immigrants die for licenses which they can conceivably use to vote. We have nearly three million people that are actually registered in two states.

So, look, the potential is there. And understand something, if some of these states are this close, like North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, and it's actually 1 percent, then all you'll really need is 250,000 votes out of about 120 million spread across to make that happen.

MACDONALD: Stay with me, Julie, on what Ford just said. So, you know, the fact that there's irregularities and problems with record keeping doesn't mean it segues into voter fraud, right. You can't complacent (Ph) the two.


ROGINSKY: Well, you can't...

MACDONALD: Julie, stay with me. Ford just said, though, that illegal immigrants are getting driver's licenses and maybe in a swing state, the voter -- the vote could be skewed and it could be thrown toward a candidate.

ROGINSKY: Well, presumably.

MACDONALD: In just one swing state.

ROGINSKY: Presumably if they have to show their driver's licenses to vote, and not all states require that. But if they have to show their driver's license to vote, their vote -- their names are not going to be in the voter rolls because they're not registered to vote, they're illegal immigrants, right?

So, what you just said is very -- what you just said is very topical here which is that all the possibilities that exist but the Bush Justice Department, not the Obama Justice Department found virtually no in-person voter fraud that's existed in history.

O'CONNELL: Yes, but...


ROGINSKY: And so, what you're saying is anything -- and Ford, anything is possible, I could have a comet land on my head right now, it's not going to happen.

O'CONNELL: No, I know. But you have to understand something, that when presidential elections are over we check the validity of 1 to 2 percent of votes at and each states has a different process. So, to say that just because we haven't found something doesn't mean it doesn't happen a little bit different.



ROGINSKY: Anything is possible obviously.

MACDONALD: Ford and Julie, you're going to stick around. Thank you for a fiery debate.

Next up, shares of Apple down around 4 percentage points in after-hours trading since reporting disappointing fourth quarter earnings. The company announcing its first drop in annual revenue in profits since 2001. That's 15 years ago.

The fourth quarter weighed down by low iPhone sales falling 13 percent year-over-year. CEO Tim Cook telling investors he does have a positive outlook for the Christmas holiday season, particularly since Apple's biggest competitor Samsung stopped shipping its own phones after they caught fire, some of them -- and some exploded basically totaling cars and setting houses on fire.

Joining me now coo-founder, Jonas Max Ferris. Are you surprised by Apple's results, Jonas?

JONAS MAX FERRIS, MAXFUNDS.COM EDITOR: They were too expected. And really the problem I meant I think why the stock is down a little bit. It was just a little too ordinary, you know, their biggest best thing going for them right now is the major competitor phone caught fire. They had to take it off the market.

That's just not -- that's not them doing something really spectacular to lead to future growth. Again, I think the growth is good for the next year or so, they got the better improved phone coming out next year, but it's just looking like it's running out of steam and particularly in like, China what we saw, another bad revenue in the area.

These other countries probably aren't strong enough anymore to buy a top of the line phone when there's so many good competitors, again, the Samsung problem which one is helping Apple.

And I think that's the problem. The watch is seeming more like a fad than anything else, although they're dominant in smart watches, the whole segment is kind of a toy at this point.

So, there's -- that's really the issue. Where do they get the money, where is the growth going to come from beyond the phone? There is a lot of bright spots to make a lot of money in the app store, just having the people have the phone and not switching to android, which is definitely going on so that data itself is a cash cow for the next 10 to 20 years like Microsoft was, but there's no real like, where's the next big one?

MACDONALD: Yes, that's right. Jonas, you make an important point. Because Jeff Bezos at Amazon he has a vision that your home will be like the Star Trek enterprise bridge and you'll command everything in your home via the Alexa -- excuse me the Echo.

Did you hear anything from Apple about that or any other new products that could be game-changers? What are you hearing?

FERRIS: That will have to wait until Thursday. Because we're waiting for this kind of reboot of this mac, that's less to do with kind of current earnings we saw today and more to do with what like people that like Apple products are looking for.

You know, they're more concerned about the ports on the next mac which what I do for reflex. But that's where they're kind of losing this kind of A.I. to home with just really working out well for Amazon. And Google is not getting that.

Now they are with the new mac there. There is going to be the Siri and they kind of started with that on all the time pipe and conceivably in the mac. But again, the mac is really not in everybody's home like the phone is and they don' have at this point a standalone product just competitive.

Maybe theoretically the watch might go there. I think Thursday we're really looking to see something more exciting that is just going to be little ports on the new and the touch screen f-function key on the new mac products.

MACDONALD: All right. Thank you, Jonas Max Ferris, I love that you are geeky like me about this stuff. I really appreciate it.

Another major WikiLeaks revelation of top Clinton aide, Cheryl Mills saying she needed to clean up President Obama's comment that he had no idea about Hillary Clinton's personal e-mail server, admitting that president did in fact have personal e-mails from Hillary's server.

We'll show you the evidence. My next guest says this proves that President Obama knew about Hillary's private e-mail server all along. After this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you know about Hillary Clinton's use of a private e-mail server?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: While she was Secretary of State?





UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When did you first learn that Hillary Clinton used an e-mail system outside the U.S. government for official business while she was Secretary of State?

OBAMA: The same time everybody else learned it, through news reports.


MACDONALD: WikiLeaks e-mails however, show Clinton staffers were concerned over President Obama's statements about Hillary's e-mails.

Clinton national spokesman Josh Schwerin sent out an e-mail that read, quote, "Jen, you probably have more on this. But it looks like POTUS just said he found out HRC was using her personal e-mail when he saw it in the news."

Nick Merrill forwards this to larger group of people on e-mail chain including chief of staff Cheryl Mills who writes to Podesta. He is the campaign manager, quote, "We need to clean this up. President has e-mails of her, meaning Hillary, they do not say"

Joining me now, republican strategist Ford O'Connell, democrat strategist, Julie Roginsky.

Julie, is Cheryl Mills admitting the president was wrong? Listen, the president is saying he didn't know about an e-mail server. But the question is why was he using a pseudonym to e-mail Hillary?

ROGINSKY: Well, I assume they'll probably use pseudonym to each other, right? You don't e-mail President Barack Obama, I assume he does have a public e-mail but a private e-mail between him and Hillary Clinton is something the rest of us probably can't figure out.

Look, I think WikiLeaks and I have very personal experience of this over the last 24 hours, releases selective information without giving the broader picture. I don't know if he had an e-mail from her that just said Hillary Clinton and didn't have her entire e-mail address which was Hillary H. Rod, whatever it was at the Clinton. Well, I don't remember her e-mail.



ROGINSKY: or what it was. It could have just said her name as the rest of us. When I e-mail you it doesn't have your actual e- mail address, it just says your name. I don't know the answer to that, or maybe he knew. Who knows?

MACDONALD: Yes. Ford, Cheryl Mills specifically saying he didn't say, meaning the destination of the e-mail. And we can just back a second, 2014, the State Department hacked. We've got the White House hacked in 2014.

The Office of Personnel Management hacked in 2014. Even the U.S. Post Office or NOAA were hacked. Shouldn't the president maybe have thought, you know what, if I see Clinton, maybe I should e-mail that address because there are so many hacks going on?

O'CONNELL: Well, yes. You are absolutely right. That's what a rational person would do here, but obviously he's in communication with Hillary Clinton.

Let's just say what he said in 60 Minutes with Steve Kroft was accurate and he did know about a server, obviously he knew about a private e-mail because he was using a pseudonym. Well, then how does he turn around four months later when an investigation has barely begun and said gee, Hillary Clinton's server was never hacked.

Well, either you knew about it and you lied or you didn't know about it and you did. Either way he got caught into a trap here. And basically the Clinton campaign knew it. And Cheryl Mills is a very, very smart woman. And when she starts raising red flags, let me tell you something, something smells wrong.

MACDONALD: Yes, I hear what you're saying. And by the way, no Fortune 500 CEO can ever reasonably say they've never been hacked because they just don't know. They likely think they haven't been hacked. That's how they operate.

Let's next -- move to the next topic. We have a new Project Veritas video shows that democrat operative, his name is Robert Creamer, remember him? He was the one who was instigating basically anarchizing chaos at Trump rallies.

He is saying Hillary Clinton herself, by the way, the anarchy and chaos that's a democrat quote. Hillary Clinton herself ordered Donald ducks to troll Trump at his rallies. Watch. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did he had any state candidate Hillary Clinton that will considered the next president of the United States who have ducks on the ground to have (Inaudible) get ducks on the ground.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Shit, so, it's -- wow.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He is going to some buddy issues of buying people, and she explains that train united (Inaudible) and Hillary should go...


MACDONALD: What do you think, Julie?

ROGINSKY: It's his word against hers, I guess. I don't know. I mean, he can say all he wants. Look, my problem with all these videos as so often happens is we get these salacious tidbits and then a month or two later, somebody subpoenas the entire transcript of the video or the entire video and it turns out to be maybe not as salacious as we all thought.

So, if this is something that turns out to be accurate and if this is something where Hillary Clinton herself ordered this, we need evidence of that. That, yes, it's salacious. If this is yet another excerpt of James O'Keefe tends to do of little things like he did with the Planned Parenthood video to make people look really awful.


MACDONALD: Well, that was the Centers for Medical Progress that did the Planned Parenthood.

ROGINSKY: Well, but he did.


O'CONNELL: Julie, can I say something? In 1992, Bill Clinton tried the same routine with chicken George. OK? The Clinton campaign did this. What's at issue here is not actually to taunt the question whether or not they violated federal coordination laws.

ROGINSKY: Exactly.

O'CONNELL: That's really the question here. And whether or not the group that actually did this also took corporate money because that could have been another FEC violation.

MACDONALD: Yes, but Ford, here's the thing.


O'CONNELL: Here's what I find that right.

MACDONALD: But, Ford, hang on, stay with me. But republicans have been known to do this to each other.

O'CONNELL: I know.

MACDONALD: Bob Dole was basically, I think it was Phil Graham who sent a chicken over to Bob Dole's campaign in 1996. But go ahead, Ford.

O'CONNELL: But here's what's amazing is. The democrats, the irony of this election, the democrats are saying over and over we need stronger federal election laws, but when they themselves run afoul of it, it's a nothing burger.

MACDONALD: All right.


ROGINSKY: You said they run afoul of it, Ford.

O'CONNELL: That's been the true irony of this election.

ROGINSKY: What happens they run afoul of it?

O'CONNELL: They might have run afoul of it.


O'CONNELL: They might have run afoul.

ROGINSKY: They may have, again, a comet might drop on my head right now, but you know, you are getting Alex Jones' conspiracy theory there.


MACDONALD: We got to leave it there. Ford, final word? Go ahead, five seconds.

O'CONNELL: Well, I was just going to say it takes 18 to 20 months to figure it out. The elections will be over by then.

MACDONALD: OK. Ford and Julie, you'll be back in just a few minutes.


MACDONALD: More details on another Clinton campaign WikiLeaks revelation. Hillary Clinton expressing regret that her poll tested middle class pitch not resonating on the campaign trail.

We got a blue collar king, he's Joe the Plumber, he is here and why that might be right after this. Don't go away.


CLINTON: You have no reason remember, but we came out of the White House not only dead broke but in debt.



MACDONALD: Another WikiLeaks drop. This time concerning Hillary Clinton's middle class pitch. Lots of worries at the campaign about it.

In an exchange from June 2015, as Hillary prepared a major speech that was going to be launched on Roosevelt Island, Clinton's speechwriter says Hillary is frustrated that her poll tested middle class pitch not working.

He writes, "Hillary just called me express a fair amount of frustration without things are going. She said we've given a series of very good policy speeches. In between we just keep giving our poll tested lines that don't work like make the middle class mean something."