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One Week In: Iraqi Forces Close In On ISIS Stronghold; Bombs Fall On Aleppo As Ceasefire Ends; Trump Campaigns In Swing State Of Florida; France



Aleppo As Ceasefire Ends; Trump Campaigns In Swing State Of Florida; France

Begins Clearing "Jungle" Refugee Camp' AT&T Buys Time Warner in $85 Billion

Deal; Fighting Sex Slavery in Colombia; Japan Leads a Virtual Reality

Gaming Revolution; Chinese Firm Partly to Blame in U.S. Cyberattack. Aired

3-4p ET - Part 2>

Bell, Cristina Alesci, Richard Quest, Rafael Romo, Will Ripley, Samuel

Burke >

in, Iraqi forces have clawed back more than 80 villages and towns. But

there is still a very long fight ahead, powerful tribal leaders are telling

CNN, dozens of ISIS fighters are scuttling off to Syria complicating

matters. Time Warner CEO called the deal with AT&T good for consumers.

AT&T said acquisition was about adding premium content. Pub goers in

Florida talking politics as the state's early voting under way. Colombia

getting high marks for fighting slavery, which is a huge but hidden problem

in the country. Sony to bring virtual reality to homes. Cyberattack

caused widespread Internet outage.>

Mergers and Acquisitions; Business; Telecommunications; Internet; Media;

Children; Abuse; Prostitution; Technology; Entertainment; Computers >

So there isn't the traditional overlap with other mergers that have gotten shut down, for example, when AT&T and T-Mobile tried to combine, the government shut that down because they were in the same exact business.

Look, at the end of the day you have two companies that are dealing with rapidly consumer -- shifting consumer attitudes, right? What do young users of content want? What do younger viewers want? They want it on their phones, they want it back, and they want the content, the shows, and the movies, they want it cheaply.

So if you combine all of those factors together, that's what the CEOs of these two companies say this deal will execute. Obviously a lot more difficult to actually pull off. Think about it. Right now in the U.S., you have a cable bill, and you have a phone bill, and in the new world, you know, there are questions about whether or not younger people want to continue paying those two bills or whether they'll shift more money to their phones overtime and maybe get out of the traditional bundles that you have here in the U.S. on the cable side of things. And opt to pay for the content that they like and not for the content that they don't want.

GORANI: Yes. And you look at it there, it's quite easy to understand how it's presented as vertical integration here. You have content on the one hand, you have a distributor and a phone company on the other hand coming together. But what about an ordinary consumer here? Will there be any difference in, let's say, exactly that? How much money we pay for content, whether or not we'll continue to have to pay for cable and satellite packages? That kind of thing. I mean, how will this make a difference for us consumers?

ALESCI: Well, look, there are definitely two schools of thought, right. The critics are going to say, you know, this may increase cost for consumers, but in the short term it's not like anybody's phone bill is going to increase here. Over the long term if you look at this, if you get better service and better products, then -- and it's your choice as to whether or not you want that, then yes, maybe your bill does go up, but that's not at the core at least of what we're hearing right now from these companies, right?

The thinking here is that it actually could be good for consumers because right now cable companies deliver you a product that maybe you're paying a lot for and you may not love, and this creates another competitor in the marketplace to have that -- more of that competition. So for example, right now, younger consumers complained about the fact that they have cable packages with lots of channels, some of which they don't want. What AT&T and Time Warner is saying is OK, on your phone, maybe you'll get a bundle of content with the channels and the movies and the content that you do watch, and that could be less expensive. Therefore there is more competition in the market and not less.

That is what they'll argue. On the other side, you'll have regulators, you'll have politicians, who say, look, any consolidation of any kind is bad for consumers. And that is going to be the tension over the next couple of weeks and months.

GORANI: All right. Cristina Alesci, thanks very much in New York with that -- with more on that megadeal.

We're turning now to the race for the White House, you may not realize it, but it's already Election Day in the crucial battleground state of Florida. That state has now joined dozens of others in allowing voters to cast ballots early to avoid a crush at the polls on November 8th.

[15:35:01] Florida is a must-win state for Donald Trump but it could be an uphill battle. A recent Quinnipiac University poll shows Hillary Clinton with a four-point lead there.

Now Trump is campaigning right now in Florida. It's no accident. He needed the state. He's on a three-day blitz of Florida trying to win over undecided voters. These are live images coming to us from St. Augustine.

All this week our Richard Quest is traveling around Florida to get the mood of the electorate. He got some unfiltered opinions at a pub in Tallahassee.


RICHARD QUEST, CNN BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: It's always said that when it comes to the presidential election, Florida is really seven states in one. And the perfect place to test that theory is here, at Poor Paul's Pourhouse on a Saturday night. The beer is ridiculously cheap and the views are expressed at great volume.

Of course it's too simplistic to say that one part of Florida is always for Trump and another part for Clinton. As you're about to hear, the reality is that they are keen on neither but they feel the need to vote either.

(Voice-over): Poor Paul's prides itself on its local welcome and the cheap drinks. Here students and locals come to put the world to rights. And with voting less than two weeks away the election is never far from bar talk.

(On camera): Who are you voting for?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm voting for Hillary Clinton.

QUEST: Did you think about voting for Donald Trump?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I never vote -- never thought about that at all.

QUEST (voice-over): Maybe it's the bar. Perhaps it's the booze. But it's not long before Donald Trump's supporters make themselves known.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Donald Trump is much better than Hillary. So we don't have much choice.



QUEST: So is it a pro-Trump vote or an anti-Hillary vote?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She's not Hillary. Get her out of here.

QUEST: Sorry?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get Hillary out of here.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We don't like Hillary.

QUEST: Why not?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Because she ripped us off once. Why give her another chance?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She's a liar and a murderer.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Look what Clinton did. And he made this country money with the Hillary cigars.

QUEST (voice-over): Before we know it there's a full-throated argument under way.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, my god. You people are crazy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm giving a vote of no confidence because I don't -- I don't think either candidate is suitable.

QUEST (on camera): By the time you get to November the 8th which way are you going to go?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Backwards. Either way you vote you're going backwards.

QUEST: Who are you going to vote for?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who am I going to vote for? I'm not going to vote for either one of them.

QUEST (voice-over): Donald or Hillary, here they are not voting for one. They're voting against the other.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm going to vote for Trump.

QUEST (on camera): You know my next question is why.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Because Hillary's kind of a nasty woman, I think he called her.

QUEST (voice-over): The evening's getting late. The bar is getting more crowded. And on a Saturday night they want to drink to forget the election. We take our leave.


GORANI: All right. Richard has now left the bar scene behind. He's live at Florida State University in Tallahassee. So, I mean, it's interesting, though, these protest votes. You talk to people who say they're voting Trump because they don't like Hillary and vice versa, but right now Hillary Clinton has a lead in Florida, so what is the strategy for Trump supporters?

QUEST: Well, that is the problem because that 40 percent -- 39 percent or 40 percent that you talk of, all that we see in the polls, Hala, that is a core support level. That is his base. Those are the people that will vote Republican come hell or high water. And though what he has failed to do, of course, is increase that support by encroaching into the middle ground. And therefore picking up some Democrats. And that is why he is having such an uphill struggle at the moment. If you break down his core support, it remains non-college educated white people. Very little in certain areas like Latinos, African-Americans, amongst women, and he has failed in that sense so far, so far to move himself towards the middle.

GORANI: Right. We're seeing that as well in the polls. Thanks very much, Richard. We'll see you at the top of the hour on "QUEST MEANS BUSINESS" live from Florida.

If you have been watching political adverts during this presidential campaign no doubt you've heard ominous music, dire warnings, even apocalyptic predictions for America's future, should an opposing candidate, of course. Well, a local politician in Texas is trying a different tactic in his television spots. His use of humor and his wife's dry wit have become a social media sensation. The ad features him household chores while rattling off boring policy statistics.


CHARLYN DOUGHERTY, WIFE: All he wants to do is fix things.

GERALD DOUGHERTY, MAYORAL CANDIDATE: So we got this 18-wheeler in this park in this neighborhood, spewing fumes all over the place but quite frankly it's not a code violation.

[15:40:06] You know, I think I like helping around the house here.

C. DOUGHERTY: Please re-elect Gerald. Please.


GORANI: Got us all -- give us all a chuckle. Don't forget you can get all the latest news, interviews and analysis on our Facebook page.

Well, his name was Pablo Escobar and he was one of the world's wealthiest and most brutal drug lords until Colombian Police shot and killed him. Now Colombia is fighting a new public enemy called modern-day slave. It's a big issue there.

CNN's Rafael Romo takes us to Escobar's hometown to meet two victims now fighting to end it. Take a look.


RAFAEL ROMO, CNN SR. LATIN AMERICAN AFFAIRS EDITOR (voice-over): Leidy Estrada Hincapie and Silvia Mazo Rico may look like the picture of carefree youth, but their early childhoods were marred by suffering.

LEIDY ESTRADA HINCAPIE, TRAFFICKING SURVIVOR (Through Translator): I was 4 years old and he wanted to know my body. He wouldn't let me take a bath and pee.

ROMO: Leidy says she grew up being abused by a family friend until finally being taken to a home for girls when she was 10 years old. There she met Silvia. Now an aspiring photographer, Silvia had come to the orphanage when she was 11. Caseworkers say she was brought there by a woman who found Silvia living in a garbage bag underneath an overpass.

(On camera): Part of the problem is that it's virtually impossible to identify victims of modern slavery just by looking at them on the street. According to the 2016 global slavery index, Colombia has the highest percentage of people living as slaves in all of South America. Many of these victims are children.

DILA STEIN, ORPHANED STARFISH FOUNDATION WORKER: We know girls that have been trafficked from birth so much so that when they arrive at one of our programs, they don't even speak a language. They only know how to scream and scratch because they've been abused from birth.

ROMO (voice-over): Dila Stein works with Orphaned Starfish Foundation, an organization that provides scholarships and job training to more than 10,000 children across much of Latin America and other parts of the world. She says no matter what country you travel to, the story of abuse these girls tell can stop your heart.

STEIN: They've come from abuse, they've come from prostitution. We know girls who have been trafficked, who walked up to any man and just take off their pants, because they don't know the value of their life. They think that they are things. They don't understand that they're human beings.

ROMO: Despite its high number of reported victims Colombia also gets high marks for its response.

JOHN KERRY, SECRETARY OF STATE: When we talk about human trafficking, we're talking about slavery.

ROMO: The U.S. State Department, in its annual report on human trafficking, list Colombia as a tier one country, meaning its government meets the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking. The report cites Colombia's effort to investigate and prosecute trafficking cases recently appointing 14 new prosecutors to handle the case load.

For Silvia the abuse started when she was a young girl forced to work in the mines and later prosecution, all to pay for a relative's drug addiction.

SILVIA MAZO RICO, TRAFFICKING SURVIVOR (Through Translator): I was 11 years old when he told us we were not going back to school anymore, that we need to work because we didn't have enough money for food, but in reality we were working to pay for his addiction.

ROMO: Now in college, both young women are focused on building their news lives.

(On camera): Do you feel that you will be able to recover from this?

HINCAPIE (Through Translator): Yes. When I help more children so that they don't have to live with what I went through. I don't want this to keep happening. The abuse and mistreatment.

MAZO RICO (Through Translator): It is very important for me now to help other girls because this is something that's truly close to my heart.

ROMO (voice-over): Reframing the future, not just for themselves but for all girls in their home country.

Rafael Romo, CNN, Medellin, Colombia.


GORANI: Well, tomorrow the Freedom Project will introduce you to a banker who's now done some heroic things.


ANDY STEIN, FOUNDER AND EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN, ORPHANED STARFISH FOUNDATION: My name is Andy Stein, and I am the founder and the executive chairman of the Orphaned Starfish Foundation. The nuns took me aside, and they said listen, magician, I'm not sure if you know what happens here. At the age of 18, by law, these girls are considered adults and they have to leave our little home, and 100 percent of these girls become prostitutes or live on the streets. So we sat down and we had a discussion, what would be the best way out for these girls?


[15:45:01] GORANI: All right, see how they paved the way for these girls to have a better future on CNN this week. We'll be right back.


GORANI: Well, Sony and Nintendo are of course among Japan's best known brands. Both leaders are in the multi-billion video gaming industry, but these well established corporate giants are now venturing into uncharted territory.

CNN's Will Ripley explains why they're betting big on something different.


WILL RIPLEY, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): These screens hooked a generation. These characters defined an industry. Japan ruled video games.

Starting from the '80s with Pacman's appetites for dots, Super Mario's cheeky smile, to Ryu's signature moves on "Street Fighter." But what used to be the envy of the world hit a slump. By 2010, the Japanese video game industry made up just 10 percent of the global market.

Now some would say it's setting the stage for round two. The world of virtual reality. Headsets on and you hand over your senses.


RIPLEY: Your knees lock, your stomach churns, and the lines really do start to blur between the virtual and the real. Although the technology has been around for years, the challenge has always been making it mainstream.

Andrew House, the head of Sony's Gaming Division and his team joining the race alongside companies like HTC and Oculus to do just that.

(On camera): These days most people experience virtual reality in an arcade, you're trying to bring it in people's homes.

ANDREW HOUSE, HEAD, GAMING VISION, SONY: If you think about the history of entertainment, a lot of it has been really about the pursuit of either heightened reality or, you know, heightened sense of suspending disbelief. The next very logical sort of leap in that direction taking you from watching a piece of entertainment to actively participating in it. And there is something quite magical about that potential.

RIPLEY (voice-over): Sony is immersing itself in that universe with the PlayStation VR. A $400 add on to its PlayStation 4 console, a move they hope will reignite the company's reputation for innovating entertainment.

(On camera): I actually feel like I'm floating, but this chair is not moving, is it?


RIPLEY: Why doesn't it do that?



(Voice-over): (INAUDIBLE) was on the team that launched the very first PlayStation in 1994. For him, this next step in gaming is evolutionary.

(On camera): How do you even develop a game like this? What's the process?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, it's very difficult. Like, you know, when you create a story, like a film, you create a storybook, right? But because a player is controlling the camera, you really have to really design the place and the experiences. So all of the gamers say they have to relearn a lot of things when they design a game for virtual reality.

[15:50:09] RIPLEY (voice-over): But that's not all. The fundamental game play experience is completely different as well.

HOUSE: These experience, as you may have experienced yourself, and I certainly have, very intense. And I think that lends itself in the first form to kind of a short form content. I kind of liken it to theme park rides. Do I really want to spend an hour on the rollercoaster? I'm not so sure about that. But, you know, a 10, 15-minute rush is fantastic.

RIPLEY: A rush is a perfect way to describe it. That feeling of life enclosed in these headsets. If entering the virtual world can be as easy as sitting on your living room couch, then it begs the question, where can you go next?

(On camera): This place is incredible.


GORANI: All right, coming up a Chinese firm admits to playing a role in the major Internet outage that hit the United States. We'll explain next.


GORANI: All right. Well, some sad news now from the world of pop music.

You may remember this singer Pete Burns, very specific look. This is probably what you have in mind when you think of him. Well, sadly he's passed away today, but here is a reminder of his big hit.


GORANI: Well, Burns was best known for this song, "You Spin Me Right Round," he died of cardiac arrest on Sunday according to his manager and partner. Pete Burns was 57 years old.

A Chinese electronics manufacturer admitting it's partly to blame for Friday's massive cyber attack across the United States. The company makes parts for surveillance video cameras and it says hackers exploited weak security measures found in its devices.

CNN Money business and tech correspondent Samuel Burke is here.

So how could the devices in anyone's home, my home, DVRs, for instance -- how could they have been used in this cyber strike?

SAMUEL BURKE, CNN MONEY BUSINESS AND TECH CORRESPONDENT: This is arguably the biggest cyber attack that's ever been carried out. And what they do is basically computers from all around the world overwhelm the company's servers until the company's servers just fall. But this time it wasn't just computers, Web cams, surveillance cameras, even DVRs is what you used to record the show, let's say, were all being used because they're connected to the Internet, they had a virus, and so then everybody was being -- maybe your home was part of this attack and you didn't even know that your DVR were sending all this extra traffic to this company which is really the backbone of the Internet. So people couldn't access NetFlix, Spotify, so it really calls into question --

GORANI: But what was -- what's the point? What are hackers trying to achieve? Just kind of --

BURKE: Causing havoc.

GORANI: Cause havoc? That's it? What's all that's in it for them?

BURKE: It is really the question, is who is behind this and what is so fascinating is you have this massive attack, like I said, maybe the biggest you've ever seen. Nobody has claimed responsibility. The FBI is looking into it, the U.K. home office is looking into it. They're not pointing their fingers at a nation or state. So it really does make you think, why were they doing this? What is the reason? And we still don't know quite frankly.

[15:55:07] GORANI: So what -- we must be able to learn something at least from this attack to try to -- I mean, can ordinary consumers at home try to do something with their DVR, Web cams or whatever?

BURKE: That's really what's so troubling about this is this Chinese company called (INAUDIBLE) which makes a lot of the components which were used here, you're supposed to be able to reset the password in these devices that you have and they weren't even able -- they weren't letting people reset the passwords in their devices. So if you have a Web cam, you want to be able to switch it if it's connected to the Internet to your own password. It was coming like a default pas password. All the hackers knew what it was so they're recalling a lot of these parts. But it makes you rethink why do we need so many devices connected to the Internet?

GORANI: Yes, what about the smart toilet? Is that connected to the Internet?

BURKE: Yes. So we have smart toothbrushes, smart toilets. I know people really don't believe me when I've been talking about this. But this --

GORANI: I don't either. What is that exactly? Is that connected to the Internet?

BURKE: That is --

GORANI: Do we really want a toilet connected to the Internet?

BURKE: That is connected to the Internet, and what this hack really calls into question, do we need all of this stuff connected to the Internet? Especially when your toilet can all of a sudden become part of a hacking machine. A robot that's attacking the Internet.

GORANI: OK. What -- OK, first of all, I like my toilets extremely dumb. Just really, really slow, not very plugged in. What do you need an Internet connected toilet for?

BURKE: Well, supposedly in case the water level goes above and it's going to flood, then you can check an app on your phone, and makes -- you can turn it off from there.

GORANI: For goodness sake.

BURKE: But it really does call into question why we have all these devices. We really put the cart before the toilet.

GORANI: Well --


GORANI: Justin Bieber fans are angry over the singer's latest moves on stage, by the way. No segue way here. Take a look.

He stormed off stage. He dropped the mic, first. Stormed off stage. It happened in Manchester, England. He'd asked concert goers to stop screaming. And the audience members -- it seems they were booing him for talking during his performances, apparently. That looks like what happened.

BURKE: Well, I don't like sometimes I'm doing a report and you can see the anchor as looking to the side and talking and --

GORANI: What? I have no idea what you're talking --


GORANI: All right, we always listen to you, Samuel.

BURKE: You don't drop the mic and walk off?

GORANI: No. I'm out of here. All right. This has been the WORLD RIGHT NOW. Thanks, Samuel. And from my crew and myself, thanks for watching. "QUEST MEANS BUSINESS" is live in Florida. Stay with us.



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