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Final Debate Reviewed; Tesla Auto Pilot Examined; New Facebook Features Discussed; Trump Refuses to Confirm if He'll Accept Election



Features Discussed; Trump Refuses to Confirm if He'll Accept Election

Results if He Loses; Interim DNC Chair Donna Brazile Gets into Heated

Exchange - Part 1>

Jeffries, Mercedes Schlapp, Stephen Calk, Gina Loudon >

Tesla; Auto Industry; Donald Trump; Hillary Clinton; Government; WikiLeaks>


DONALD TRUMP, (R) PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: We bring in GDP from really 1 percent, which is what it is now, and if you got into it, it will be less than zero.

But we're bringing it from 1 percent up to 4 percent and I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. We will have created a tremendous economic machine once again.

HILLARY CLINTON, (D) PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: My plan is based on growing the economy, giving middle class families many more opportunities.

I want us to have the biggest jobs program since World War II, jobs and infrastructure and advanced manufacturing.


MARIA BARTIROMO, HOST, MORNINGS WITH MARIA: We have many more of the highlights from a busy night, plus, what the candidates body language tells us about just how they thought the night went.

Tesla takes the wheel. The company's plans to put you in the passenger seat permanently. And status update, hungry. Facebook moving into the food delivery business, we will tell you about it coming up. Plus, more drama surrounding national anthem protests.

Why the controversy forced one football team to end its season early. Check out markets, Futures indicating a higher opening for the broader averages right now. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is off of the highs of the morning.

But nonetheless, expected to open up better than 20 points. Earnings in focus, that's really driving the markets. And we do have the latest out of Europe. The European Central Bank has left interest rates unchanged.

So far, we are not hearing much about further stimulus, but of course, we will see what Mario Draghi says in his press conference. In Asia overnight, markets were mostly higher, the Nikkei Average, the leader there, up 1.4 percent.

And as the debate enters its final lap, Trump is hitting the track, literally, his campaign roaring into Talladega, all of that coming up this morning. Joining the conversation this morning, Trump senior economic adviser and Chairman Steve Calk.

Former Obama economic adviser Austan Goolsbee and the host of "VARNEY & COMPANY" Stuart Varney will weigh in. You don't want to miss a moment of it, so stay with us this morning.

Sparks were flying last night as the presidential candidates faced off in their final debate.

The big moment of the night when Trump did not confirm he would accept the results of the election should Clinton win. Blake Burman here in Las Vegas with the very latest this morning.

Blake, good morning to you.

BLAKE BURMAN, FOX BUSINESS: Hi there, Maria, good morning to you, and we have been hearing this from Donald Trump for weeks really, even months that he is feeling or has felt rather that the election is rigged.

He's been talking about for the most part that he essentially believes that the media or at least parts of it are in the bag for Hillary Clinton. And that it's their job they feel to get Hillary Clinton elected.

But in the last couple of days, couple of weeks or so, he has expanded that argument to saying that he believes there is large-scale voter fraud, and that quite possibly as you just mentioned led to the moment of the night when Chris Wallace asked him this question.


CHRIS WALLACE, FOX NEWS: Do you make the same commitment that you will absolutely -- sir, that you will absolutely accept the results of this election?

TRUMP: I will look at it at the time. I'm not looking at anything now, I will look at it at the time.

WALLACE: Not saying that you are necessarily going to be the loser or the winner, but that the loser concedes to the winner and that the country comes together in part for the good of the country.

Are you saying you are not prepared now to --


TRUMP: What I am saying is that I will tell you at the time, I will keep you in suspense.


BURMAN: Now, last night, during the debate, Hillary Clinton called that response horrifying. She landed in New York actually just a couple of hours ago when on her plane flight back to the East Coast last night, she spoke with reporters and addressed that comment.


CLINTON: What he said tonight is part of his total effort to blame somebody else for his campaign, and for where he stands.


BURMAN: By the way, Maria, Clinton and Trump might be able to address this later tonight. They will be in the same room together for the Al Smith dinner in New York City.

A charity event, supposed to be a lighter affair but the two will be there together and you can watch that event later tonight here on the Fox Business Network, Maria, back to you.

BARTIROMO: All right, great, Blake, thanks so much Blake Burman with the latest there. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton bashing heads on the economy last night, listen to this.


CLINTON: When I talk about how we're going to pay for education, how we're going to invest in infrastructure, how we're going to get the cost of prescription drugs down and a lot of the other issues that people talk to me about all the time.

I've made it very clear, we are going where the money is. We are going to ask the wealthy and corporations to pay their fair share. We just have a big disagreement about this.

It may be because of our experiences. As you know, he started off with his dad who's a millionaire, I started off --

TRUMP: We've heard this before --

CLINTON: My dad was a small businessman.

TRUMP: We've heard this before --

CLINTON: I think it's -- you know --

WALLACE: Secretary Clinton --

CLINTON: It's a difference that affects how we see the world and what we want to do with the economy.


BARTIROMO: Joining me right now is Trump senior economic adviser and Chairman Steve Calk, Steve, good to see you, thanks so much for joining us.

STEPHEN CALK, SENIOR ECONOMIC ADVISER & CHAIRMAN, DONALD TRUMP 2016 CAMPAIGN: Good to see you, too, Maria, thanks for having me --

BARTIROMO: So, what was your takeaway in terms of the two approaches to economic growth?

CALK: Well, I think it's quite obvious if you want slow growth, if you want to see more of the same thing, we're going to stick with the same policies that we've seen for the last 8 years. If you want to do, you know, like Mike McCabe(ph) did and fly the big W last night --


Which is for you, a special gift, a Cubs big W hat --


CALK: Maria --


CALK: All the way from Chicago --

BARTIROMO: Cool, thank you --

CALK: Then you're going to go with the higher growth plan, you're going to talk about growing GDP at 4 percent or more, you're going to talk about economic offsets or deregulation of $2.3 trillion, you're going to move this economy ahead.

It's going to be better for the middle class, it's going to be better for young people that are going to be looking for jobs, we're going to talk about lower taxes, it's a winner.

BARTIROMO: You know, it's hard to make the argument that what Steve is saying is not true, Dagen. Because the truth is, we've had this plan for the last 8 years and where are the -- where are we? One-point-four percent economic growth.

MCDOWELL: Right, the national debt has doubled in size nearly $20 trillion at this point. And when -- and -- but Trump needed to hit this harder yesterday --


MCDOWELL: Last night when she talks about fair share, the top 1 percent in this country, and this is going back just a few years. They pay more in taxes than the bottom 90 percent in this country.


MCDOWELL: And then on top of that, you have half the American people roughly who paid no net federal income tax.

So, in terms of funding the military, in terms of funding what is important to this country, those people don't pay 1 nickel.


MCDOWELL: Into the system to pay our military.

BARTIROMO: And the other thing that I was making a point when I spoke with Mark Cuban last night is her level in terms of what is rich is $250,000. I know plenty of people who together, they're a couple, and they're making --


CALK: Teacher and a fireman together now --

BARTIROMO: That's exactly, a teacher and a fireman. They're going to have a very expensive four years.

CALK: Very expensive indeed, and look, Dagen, brilliantly articulated. I mean, I think at the end of the day, what is going to affect the everyday American.

If you think about childcare for example, we've talked before about just a $10,000 childcare credit for people to make $75,000 or more could lower their net taxes by 30 percent. If they make, you know, just pay, gosh $8,000 a year --


CALK: Childcare.

BARTIROMO: We're looking at her brackets right here --

CALK: Sure --

BARTIROMO: She got 8 brackets. So, if you made between 91,150 to 190,000, your federal bracket is 28 percent, that's not included 10 percent state.

Another -- if you live in the city, another 3 percent city and another 3.5 percent Obamacare tax.


CALK: And gas --

MCDOWELL: Financial journalists, what makes my head spin about this is, this complicates the tax code even further.

You look at the range of brackets there, you look at the changes that she's making to capital gains taxes where you now will have a full 6-year holding period to get the lowest possible capital gains tax rate, she's making it more complicated and that only benefit people with money.

BARTIROMO: Right, but Gina, I mean, she says she needs -- I mean, she needs revenue to pay for her plan.

She wants to increase spending on infrastructure, she wants to pay for entitlements, but she wants to tax the rich. Can this model lead to economic growth, do you think economic growth is a priority for her?

GINA LOUDON, AUTHOR & COLUMNIST: I really don't. I really don't. I think that it is all about padding the pockets of those who are the most supportive of her, not just through the Clinton Foundation.

But through maybe her legislation that she wants to accomplish the traditions of Obama, the bad economic traditions of Obama, if you will.

I think it's fascinating that, you know, two of the greatest proficiencies -- if you were doing a job interview, my background is business psychology.

If you were doing a job interview for the candidacy of president, you would want two things. You would want somebody that understood national security and things like classified information.

Which evidently she doesn't -- but you would also want a really strong negotiator because a lot of what the president does is negotiation.

Hillary is a very proficient debater, she's not proficient in protecting our classified information. She demonstrated that by talking about the timing of the nuclear code as you mentioned earlier on your show.

And also, she demonstrated that by trying to get Mr. Trump to negotiate against himself, and he wasn't willing to do that, and I think that says something about his proficiency and some psychological ways that could be important.

BARTIROMO: That's probably one of his best shots at this. I mean, the latest Fox News poll shows that voters trust Trump to do a better job with the economy, so did last night's debate solidify that?

What do you guys think?

MCDOWELL: It could -- but it could -- he could have hit it harder.


MCDOWELL: And I thought that --

BARTIROMO: I was upset that he did not talk about regulation.

MCDOWELL: Right --

BARTIROMO: He needed to say that I want to roll back regulation. That's a key part of his plan, he didn't go into that much.

MCDOWELL: And it's also -- it's painting the broader strokes as well about who -- and I've said this repeatedly, who makes the best decisions with your money?

Does she -- does -- do bureaucrats make those decisions the best or do you -- do you -- should you get to keep more of your money?

CALK: That is 100 percent correct. Are we going to move into another administration where the government is going to know better than you and how to spend your money.

When -- and you know, really when you talk about just the tax breaks alone, it's simplifying it to just three brackets: 12, 25, and 33 percent --

BARTIROMO: That's Trump's plan --

CALK: Right, exactly correct. And then on top of that you think about the value of deregulation, and how that could stimulate business. That's how we're going to get that GDP growth back up to 4 percent.

MCDOWELL: And if he needs to win over the female vote which clearly he does, clearly he's been losing even more ground with the female voter particularly moms across the country.

That's how you do it, it's financial security and national security, and not calling his opponent names.


LOUDON: Well, he -- I also think that he -- you know, that he needed to point out perhaps a little more strongly some of the weaknesses of Hillary.

I think her saying to Goldman Sachs, you know, I have one thing I'm saying to you, and a different thing I am saying to the American voter --

BARTIROMO: Public and a private position.

LOUDON: Public and private position. And again, I think that is just very telling to the average person at home who is watching this --


LOUDON: Political race take place and they're going, wait just a minute, wait just --


LOUDON: A minute, who really is she?

CALK: Right, and how about his call, just to ask her to return that money. Just return the money to the nations that donated to her that persecute and torture women.

BARTIROMO: What does he --

LOUDON: Yes --

BARTIROMO: Need to do now to build on the momentum he may have gained last night.

CALK: I think it's always -- look, I'm focused on four key things, right? Reducing taxes, improving our trade negotiations, rolling back deregulation and unleashing American energy.

That is his plan --


CALK: He's been instrumental in developing that plan, let's communicate that from now through the end of the election and let's see if it --

BARTIROMO: And he'll do that through campaigning --

CALK: Right, exactly --

BARTIROMO: No more face-offs. Steve, good to see you --

CALK: Good to see you, Maria --

BARTIROMO: Thank you so much, Steve Calk joining us there. Coming up next, the race for the White House shifts into high gear, Donald Trump's campaign hits the track in Talladega.

And ahead, the battle for Florida, we will hear from voters there about who they think won the final presidential debate last night. Keep it right here, back in a minute.




TRUMP: Well, first of all, she wants to give amnesty which is a disaster, and very unfair to all of the people that are waiting in line for many years. We need strong borders. We have no country if we have no border.

CLINTON: And you're right, I don't want to rip families apart. I don't want to be sending parents away from children. I don't want to see the deportation force that Donald has talked about in action in our country.


O'DONNELL: Welcome back to the UNLV Thomas and Mack Convention Center here in Las Vegas. We are coming to you live in the aftermath of the final presidential debate last night.

Another missile test from North Korea meanwhile, Cheryl Casone with those details right now, Cheryl.

CHERYL CASONE, FOX BUSINESS: Yes, we're just learning a little bit more about this, this morning, Maria. The U.S. military says the launch of the intermediate range missile failed making it the second failure in the past five days.

And the timing is interesting here as South Korean leaders are visiting Washington. Now, the Pentagon says the U.S. strongly condemns the attempted launch and calls it a provocation and of course a failure.

So far this year, North Korea has attempted two dozen missile launches as well as two nuclear tests. Well, we've got some earnings news for you this morning.

Taking a look at shares of Verizon Communications right now. The stock is falling in the pre-market, down about 3 percent right now.

The company's third quarter results falling from a year ago. And CEO Lowell McAdam says the company faced a challenging environment during its quarter, there is that stock.

And then taking a look at Union Pacific also posting its latest quarterly report just a few moments ago. The railroad company saying that earnings per share fell 9 percent from a year ago, a $1.36 a share revenue, $5.2 billion, that was in line with expectations with the stock we should say.

There's the longer chart of the stock, it's down a little bit in pre-market as well right now for you, Maria. Another headlines this morning, it's Texas youth football team season ended early after backlash grew over the team's decision to take a knee during the national anthem.

You're watching a video of that. Well, the Beaumont Enterprise reported that disagreements among coaches, parents and the team's executive board developed.

The team's board ultimately removed the coach prompting some players to stop coming to games. They Bay area football league reportedly chose to end the ball season because the team did not have enough players to compete in the season.

And with less than three weeks until the presidential election, a NASCAR driver is planning to carry the Trump-Pence campaign logo in Saturday's race of the NASCAR camping world truck series.

Twenty-year-old Austin Wayne Self says Trump's values are in line with his beliefs. The race set to begin 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time this Saturday at Talladega.

Super Speedway back in Alabama, I'm sure Dagen is going to be watching, Maria, back to you out in Las Vegas.

BARTIROMO: She probably -- that's why we have to check in with our in- house expert on all things NASCAR, Dagen, about that. What do you think?

MCDOWELL: This is a truck race I don't always catch the truck races, just for NASCAR new-bees. There are three -- there are three-tiers in NASCAR.

There's Sprint Cup Series, then there is what we call the Busch Series which is a second-tier, and then the truck series.

BARTIROMO: What about the --

MCDOWELL: After the --

BARTIROMO: Trump-Pence labeling? --

MCDOWELL: You know what? This is the fastest track in NASCAR, so good luck, actually reading the logo as the truck is making left turns.

BARTIROMO: There you go, Cheryl --

MCDOWELL: Around that Super Speedway. I hate Talladega by the way, it's incredibly dangerous and it's not real racing. So, there is my -- there's my NASCAR.

BARTIROMO: Thank you for that. Straight ahead, the fight for Florida, the Sunshine State could ultimately decide the election. We will hear from voters from Florida about who they think won the presidential show-down last night.

Then coming up, debate economics, the candidates dive into the national debt and the future of entitlements, we're going to dive into it as well, back in a minute.


BARTIROMO: We are back coming to you live from Las Vegas this morning where the dust is still settling after last night's big debate. The question is, did last night change anybody's mind?

Our own Adam Shapiro live from Florida this morning with reactions to the debate, Adam, good morning to you.

ADAM SHAPIRO, FOX BUSINESS: And good morning to you, Maria. We are live in Coral Gables, Florida. Behind me, you will see the historic city hall in Coral Gables.

And this is an area with a lot of wealthy retirees. We went to what's called The Palace in Coral Gables. It is a living facility for independent adults who are still active.

Now, Dade County and Broward County are heavily Democratic counties. I want you to hear the numbers. Five hundred and sixty seven thousand registered Democrats in Dade are 367,000 registered Republicans here.

In Broward, you've got 568,000 Democrats versus 299,000 Republicans. Why is this important? A Republican can win Florida if they can limit the Democratic voter turnout in Dade County and Broward County.

So, that's what the Trump supporters are trying to do. So, we went to that assisted living facility last night and we spoke to some of those heavily- Democratic individuals and some Republicans to see if either candidate had made the case. Here is what they told us after the debate.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think that he's not qualified to be the president. No, and I think he needs to do -- he needed to do more homework and stop fooling around with the women.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She did wonderful, he did terrible, he sounded like a schmuck.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He's ready to put his finger on the bomb. He's ready to start a war. He doesn't know what he's talking about. He's not prepared.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hillary did a beautiful job, I think Trump did a good job. I think it was a good debate.

RALPH MASSEY, AUTHOR: It is evidence, this -- what we've been through is evidence of two people who really are really poor presidential candidates.


SHAPIRO: Pay attention to what you just heard from Ralph Massey. He's the author, he's the man who studied under Milton Friedman; the economist at the University of Chicago.

This man, Mr. Massey used to work at JPMorgan Chase. And the key in these two counties: Coral Gables Dade County, Broward County which is Fort Lauderdale is to limit the Democratic voter-turnout if Trump hopes to score any points here.

Whether he succeeded in limiting those voters as early voting starts here on Monday, we're going to find out. Maria.

BARTIROMO: All right, Adam, thank you, great piece there, Adam Shapiro in Florida this morning. Another showdown off the debate stage last night involving details of a possible conflict of interest coming to light in the new WikiLeaks e-mails.

Interim Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Donna Brazile got into a heated exchange with Fox News' Megyn Kelly last night when she was pressed on a WikiLeaks e-mail that shows that she tipped off the Clinton campaign on a question that was coming and was going to be asked at a "Cnn" town hall back in March. Listen to this.


DONNA BRAZILE, INTERIM CHAIR, DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE: I did not receive any questions from "Cnn", let's just be --

MEGYN KELLY, FOX NEWS: Where did you get it? --

BRAZILE: Very clear --

KELLY: Where did you get it?

BRAZILE: First of all, what information are you providing to me that will allow me to see what you're talking about? Everybody --

KELLY: You got the WikiLeaks --


Released on March 12th, Podesta e-mail --

BRAZILE: I don't --

KELLY: Showing you messaging the Clinton campaign with the exact wording of a question asked at the March 13th --

BRAZILE: Kelly --

KELLY: "Cnn", TV 1 --

BRAZILE: Kelly --

KELLY: Town hall debate --

BRAZILE: Kelly --

KELLY: Where did you get it?

BRAZILE: Well, you know, as a Christian woman, I understand persecution, but I will not sit here and be persecuted because your information is totally false.

What you -- what you're telling the American people --

KELLY: Getting it from Podesta's e-mail --

BRAZILE: What you -- what you -- well, Podesta's e-mails were stolen, you're so interested in talking about stolen --

KELLY: So, you're denying it --

BRAZILE: Stealing, you're like -- you are like a thief that want to bring into the night the things that you found that was in the gutter.


BARTIROMO: Wow, Gina Loudon with us this morning. And Gina, the town hall in question was before the Democratic primaries were over.

Does this e-mail suggest that the DNC was favoring Hillary Clinton by feeding her questions ahead of time.

We know that Donna Brazile at the time was working at "Cnn", and the e- mails from Podesta say she gave the question to Clinton, be ready for this question.

LOUDON: Yes --

BARTIROMO: Megyn did, you know, and she's denying it.

LOUDON: Yes, this is -- this is usual for the Clinton administration and the people they surround themselves with.

And so, this is one of those situations where Maria, everyone is just going to have to look at this and really say even if -- even if the WikiLeaks e- mails were acquired, you know, in a way that maybe the whole world doesn't approve of --

BARTIROMO: But they were leaked --

LOUDON: It doesn't change the fact no one is denying they are true. Brazile didn't deny it, Hillary Clinton hasn't denied it, zero people have denied it, too. Therefore --


LOUDON: You can't -- we can't just unseat it, so --


LOUDON: It's out there.

MCDOWELL: Can we --


MCDOWELL: Raise this issue because we talk about this all the time. Bernie Sanders has to be seething just now --

BARTIROMO: Oh, yes --

MCDOWELL: He was seething at this, but guess what? Bernie Sanders hits the campaign trail for Hillary Clinton.


BARTIROMO: Oh yes --

MCDOWELL: What the heck, Mercedes, is wrong with the Republican Party that people can't just do the same on the right?

BARTIROMO: They can.

SCHLAPP: So, I think it's very difficult. I think when you look at the Megyn Kelly interview in particular, she asked her a very pointed question which was where did you -- where did you get it?

Because all the other networks that were asking the questions to Donna Brazile was like, well, did you get it from "Cnn"?


SCHLAPP: The question is, maybe she got it from somewhere else. But it was very clear when you're looking at this Podesta e-mail. And when you look at the question that was asked at the town hall, it just -- it all matches up.

And I have to say, I mean, Donna Brazile is a respected Democratic operative, but it does bring into question the fact that they got the information somewhere --

BARTIROMO: It was the exact question.

SCHLAPP: Exact --

BARTIROMO: If Donna Brazile got questions ahead of time because she was at "Cnn", the mainstream media bias favoring Hillary Clinton is clear.

MCDOWELL: Can we name names? How about John Harwood in the e-mail that came out recently, talking about what the e-mails aren't legitimate because she's going to be the president anyway.

He moderated a Republican debate --


MCDOWELL: Did he not?

BARTIROMO: And he threw Chuck Todd under the bus, basically that was on the day that Chuck Todd interviewed Hillary Clinton and pressed her on the e-mails.

So, then John Podesta sent an e-mail to John -- I mean, I'm sorry, John Harwood's sent an e-mail to John Podesta and says isn't it interesting how some reporters are stuck on these e-mails even though you're wasting time in an interview with likely the next president of the United States throws his colleague right under the bus.