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Trump's "Nasty Woman" Comment Goes Viral; Filipino President Announces "Separation" From The U.S.; Trump & Clinton Trade Barbs At



Announces "Separation" From The U.S.; Trump & Clinton Trade Barbs At

Charity Dinner. Aired 7:30-8a ET>

[07:30:00] ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: "I am a nasty woman because I know a woman's intelligence, experience, and humanity are infinitely more important and interesting than her looks."

What does that comment that he said about a nasty woman -- does this have any impact on the election?

MARGARET HOOVER, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR, REPUBLICAN CONSULTANT: Look, it -- what it does is it goes to a narrative that already exists, which is a focus in modern American feminism on double standards between men and women. And you see this when young boys display characteristics of leadership. They are called a future president or a future CEO, and young girls who display the same characteristics are called bossy, right?

The same thing happens with men. Men who have assertive, aggressive, hard-charging attitudes are leaders, and women with the same characteristics are called the "B" word, right? That nasty woman comment sort of channeled the pushback against the "B" word and women who, frankly, are successful. So that's what this has sort of codified and that's why it's gone so viral because it sort of hit what was already a very dominant stream, I think, in the conversation.

CAMEROTA: And to that point, Kirsten, does it galvanize something that didn't already exist in terms of voters or is it just reinforcing what Margaret said people already thought?

KIRSTEN POWERS, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST, COLUMNIST, "USA TODAY": Well, I think women were already galvanized, so -- but I think it certainly helps. It just -- it was a moment, I think, for a lot of women when you watched that, especially because let's be honest, she wasn't really being nasty. She took a little dig at him about something that's true, which he hadn't paid taxes for a long time.

And you compare that to Margaret's point about the double standard. You compare that to the very personal attacks he just makes against her constantly. And his constant interrupting and his constant putdowns against her which she, for the most part, just sort of rises above and sort of takes it. And then when she sort of takes a little dig at him, suddenly she's a nasty woman.

And it's this idea that -- like Margaret was saying, that somehow a woman who acts in any way that would be considered too aggressive or getting out of her place -- and it was a moment where you could see him just trying to really sort of put her in her place. And I think for a lot of women that's extremely offensive.

CAMEROTA: Madison, how did you hear it?

MADISON GESIOTTO, COLUMNIST, "WASHINGTON TIMES", CONSERVATIVE COMMENTATOR, FORMER MISS OHIO 2014: You know, I think that yes, there is this double standard. I agree with them, this does happen, but at the debate I didn't think that this was so much a double standard. Donald Trump has never been politically correct. These are things that he would say to a woman or a man, so I don't think this was Donald Trump being a fascist against Hillary Clinton.

CAMEROTA: I mean, would he say nasty man or is that particularly --

GESIOTTO: Absolutely. I think he would say that and I think he's been known to say that about many people throughout the past year. And I think the thing that bothers me the most is that we're focusing on these two words but we're not focusing on a lot of the actions of Hillary Clinton that would actually maybe back up these words. Like the way she has treated her CAA's, Secret Service agents, or maybe even the way she talked about Monica Lewinsky in the 90's.

CAMEROTA: I mean, I think that we're trying to stay in the --

POWERS: What did she say about Monica Lewinsky in the 90's?

GESIOTTO: She called her a narcissistic looneytune in the 90's and that's a nasty thing to say about somebody.

POWERS: In a private -- in a private -- in a private conversation that came out recently --

GESIOTTO: But, private or public, that's still a nasty thing to say about somebody.

POWERS: No, no, no. First of all, it's actually not that nasty -- for just to start. I just want to start right there.

GESIOTTO: You think it's more nasty to call someone nasty than to call someone a narcissistic looneytune?

POWERS: This is -- this is a -- I'm just trying -- I just, honestly, want to try to stick to facts on this, which is that Hillary had a private --

GESIOTTO: Well, it is a fact that she said that.

POWERS: -- private --

CAMEROTA: OK, hold on. Go ahead, make your point, Kirsten.

POWERS: Hold on. She had a private conversation with one of her friends. So I just want to be clear that you are now telling me that women are not allowed to have a private conversation with a friend, which was never meant to be public. It became public because this friend's information went to a library, but it wasn't even necessarily mean to be public. But just to be clear, women are not allowed to have private conversations with their friends and talk about a woman who had an affair with her husband, because that's the same?

GESIOTTO: I don't think -- I don't think this -- no, that's not at all what I'm saying, that's what you're saying.


CAMEROTA: Hold on, Kirsten. Go ahead. You can answer that now.

GESIOTTO: What I'm saying, Kirsten, is this -- it was a private conversation but it's now become public, just like Donald Trump's leaked audio from 2005 has become public. It's the same thing.

POWERS: And you're, seriously, comparing that to the way he talks about Hillary Clinton?

GESIOTTO: Absolutely. They're both things that were said in private that have become public.

POWERS: I'm sorry. The way he talks about Hillary Clinton? The way he talks about Hillary Clinton?

GESIOTTO: He can't talk, but she can, in private?

POWERS: The way he attacks her health, the way he attacks her personally, constantly. It never stops. You are seriously comparing a private conversation with a friend about a woman who had an affair with her husband --


POWERS: -- to the way Donald Trump talks about Hillary?

CAMEROTA: Well, Madison, I think what the point is, is that it seems to -- yes, it's just two words, as you say, but it does seem to represent -- or maybe it doesn't, but the feeling -- the way people took it was that it was a larger feeling about how he treats women. I know that hasn't been your experience in dealing with him but there are examples of him objectifyingwomen and seeing them as somehow second-class citizens.

GESIOTTO: You know, I've had a very positive experience with Mr. Trump, as you know. And I think what's the most important thing when we're talking about women voters is the issues and I think that's a decision that women voters need to make and that they will make.

[07:35:00] They're going to vote for the candidate that they feel most aligned with, whether that's Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. That's their decision to make. And I think that we should continue to empower women to make these decisions and look at the facts.

HOOVER: Yes. I mean, I think the thing that dovetails this conversation is going into this election polls had Donald Trump winning -- losing Independent women two to one. I am running Independent expenditure ads in states that are swing states, but we're looking explicitly and only at Independent women and Democratic- leaning women. And, in Nevada, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Ohio, these numbers were already very bad for Donald Trump.

CAMEROTA: You mean at the start. At the get-go they were bad and they've not gotten better.

HOOVER: This is a kind of -- this is a kind of environment, kind of rhetoric, and kind of conversation that is only going to make the bottom fall out. The reason Hillary Clinton is winning this election is because of women, and she's winning them by double digits. Historic numbers, close to 20 points. That is what is looking like it will propel her over the finish line and that is, by the way, a self- inflicted wound by Donald Trump.

CAMEROTA: And you look at all of the different subgroups, Margaret, and all of the different demographics because women, obviously, are not a monolithic group. So, he's winning Republican women but when you break it out into other subgroups, who is he --

HOOVER: But look, this is a very specific example. In Nevada, for example, where we have the first Latino female potential senator. But there are 20 subgroups of women that we've polled in Nevada and the only subgroup that is -- that is coming out, even for Donald Trump, are Republican women.

You have single women, college-educated women, non-college-educated women, African-American women, Latino women, women who have children at home, women who work, women who don't work. All of them are going -- they're at high numbers, high single digits, double digits for Hillary Clinton.

CAMEROTA: And yet, Kirsten, Donald Trump does have very effective female surrogates. I mean, you hear Madison, here, and you hear his daughter who is on the campaign trail who always talks about the respect with which he's treated the women that work for him. So let me play for you what Ivanka said yesterday.


IVANKA TRUMP, DAUGHTER OF DONALD TRUMP: He is not politically correct and I think we love that about him, right, ninety-seven percent of the time. But look, politically correct -- the word political is in there, right? He's not a politician. People have learned to navigate and, you know, say one thing and do another with what my father -- what you see is what you get, what you hear is what you get.


CAMEROTA: So, Kirsten, you know, people do like Ivanka and they do think that she's accomplished and poised. And the fact that she is out on the campaign trail and keeps standing up for him and talking about what a great boss and father he is, do you think that that's effective?

POWERS: There's nothing that she can do, at this point, to reverse what is happening with him among women because people are voting for Donald Trump and not voting for Ivanka. And then, I think the other issue is because a woman hasn't experienced Donald Trump either sexually harassing them or even sexually attacking them, doesn't mean that it didn't happen to other women.

I've interviewed Donald Trump two times. He didn't do anything inappropriate to me. That doesn't mean that he didn't do anything appropriate (sic) to other women and I think that this just -- this -- the fact that people say that is just very concerning to me because it's a way to kind of dismiss other women who have had experiences.


POWERS: Obviously, a man can't harass every woman he comes in contact with, right? I mean, it's just not -- so that doesn't mean that these other people weren't harassed.

CAMEROTA: Yes, great -- great point. Kirsten, Margaret, Madison, thank you all very much. Thanks for the conversation.

POWERS: Thank you.


JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: All right, a remarkable moment and a troubling one in U.S. foreign policy. Did the United States just lose a key military ally? That's next.

CAMEROTA: But first, this Sunday at 9:00 p.m. on CNN's "PARTS UNKNOWN" Anthony Bourdain heads to London to find out how the city is dealing with Brexit.


ANTHONY BOURDAIN, CNN HOST, "ANTHONY BOURDAIN: PARTS UNKNOWN": Here we are in London again, but this time it's different. England has just voted, rather unexpectedly, to leave the European Union and the effect here in London, anyway, has been tectonic.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And it really shone a light on just how divided the country is.

BOURDAIN: This is a city where even in the best of times the drinking can take on a desperation, but never so much as now.

Is it the end of the world?

MARGOT HENDERSON, BRITISH CHEF, ST. JOHN RESTAURANT, LONDON: It feels pretty bad. When the going gets tough we want to get on, just look after ourselves. It's very selfish.

BOURDAIN: It's like the whole city has had a nervous breakdown, and at times of uncertainty I like to turn to old friends.

Will it all work out in the end?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I have no idea.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The honest truth, nothing is certain.



[07:44:00] BERMAN: The president of the Philippines announced a separation from the United States. This was during a visit to China. His advisers are now trying to clarify what he meant. The White House says no formal request has been made.

I'm joined now by CNN chief national security correspondent Jim Sciutto. Jim, first, let me play the sound of what Rodrigo Duterte said because it is remarkable -- listen.


PRESIDENT RODRIGO DUTERTE, PHILIPPINES: America has lost it. I announce my separation from the United States, both the military but economics also. And maybe I would also go to Russia President Putin and tell him that there are three of us against the world -- China, Philippines, and Russia.


BERMAN: This is a remarkable slap in the face from a country that had been a key U.S. ally, and to do it in China at the same time, Jim.

[07:45:00] JIM SCIUTTO, CNN CHIEF NATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: No -- I mean, a remarkable diplomatic divorce there, right? I mean, just for context there, Philippines is arguably one of America's closest allies -- or was -- in the world, certainly in Asia. I mean, this is an alliance that pre-dates the U.S. alliance with Japan, either. The Philippines was a U.S. colony the first half of the century.

And it's not just a historical thing. I mean, the U.S. and the Philippines are right in the middle of it now in a major dispute with China. China's been grabbing all this land it seems, like manufacturing islands in the middle of the South China Sea, including in parts of that sea claimed by the Philippines.

The U.S. has been backing up the Philippines. The U.S. has been basing more troops there, flying spy plane flights out of there. I flew on one out of the Philippines. So the U.S. has been helping the Philippines in this battle. Now, the Philippines has, in effect, gone to the other side.

BERMAN: And this is eight years in, Jim, to what was supposed to be the Asia pivot by the Obama administration and you lose what could be one of your most key military allies in the region. What is the impact going forward? SCUITTO: It's a major -- I mean, on Obama's legacy -- you remember, the Asian pivot. He was going to take our -- or just rebalance our resources from the Middle East -- the wars in the Middle East -- and say, you know, really, the 21st century's going to be defined in Asia. And this standoff with China, not just in the South China Sea but on a whole host of issues, has really been one of the central parts of that pivot.

Now, you can't really say relations with China are better over the last year -- or eight years. They've really gotten worse. The TPP -- this is the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Is was mean to be an economic trade deal -- part of this pivot. That's really on life support here in Washington, and now you have a key ally in Asia going to the other side. From a legacy perspective for Obama, it's really disheartening, to say the least.

BERMAN: Tough moment. All right, Jim Sciutto, thanks so much.

SCIUTTO: Thank you.

BERMAN: Alisyn --

CAMEROTA: OK, back here at home that summer ambush on police in Baton Rouge came to an end thanks to one officer who, today, is still fighting to survive. So we have his story of going beyond the call of duty, next.


[07:50:45] BERMAN: A Baton Rouge officer gets a call of a gunman targeting officers. Nick Tullier rushes to the scene, three of his colleagues already killed. When he arrives, he is also shot.

CNN's Ed Lavandera has this week's "BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY".


ED LAVANDERA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The vicious ambush pierced through the heart of Baton Rouge. Three officers killed by a lone gunman on a quiet Sunday morning. But as the story has faded from the headlines, one officer who answered the call to take down an active shooter targeting cops is still fighting for his life.

JAMES TULLIER, OFFICER TULLIER'S FATHER: Nick's a fighter, you know? We believe in him, he believes in his self and Nick's not ready to go.

LAVANDERA: East Baton Rouge sheriff's deputy Nick Tullier is in a coma. He's survived more than a dozen surgeries after he was shot three times -- once in the head, and twice in the abdomen.

J. TULLIER: His heart stopped four times in the E.R. and they -- so they brought him back four times.

LAVANDERA: Tullier's father, James, says doctors first told him that his son wouldn't survive a day. Then it was two days, then five. Now, it's been more than 95 days and Nick Tullier is still breathing. He's defied every odd.

J. TULLIER: Everybody claims this is the place that miracles happen and we hope so. He's passed everything they've thrown at him already and he's still here.

LAVANDERA: The night before the ambush Nick Tullier was driving home when he noticed Tyla Carter and her daughter stranded on the side of the road with a flat tire. Tullier stopped, put his patrol car spare tire on their car, and followed them home to make they arrived safely. His friends say that's the kind of officer Tullier is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think it goes back to his moral compass and it's always pointing due north.