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New Woman Accuses Trump of Sexual Misconduct; Trump Mocks Accusers, Denies Allegations; Donald Trump Insisting Election is



Accusers, Denies Allegations; Donald Trump Insisting Election is

"Rigged"; Women's Issues Rocket To Center of Historic Election; Your

Money, Your Vote: Wells Fargo CEO Steps Down Over Fake Accounts; Nine

Women Accusing Trump Of Sexual Harassment; Poll" Trump Tape A "Deal

Breaker" For 49 Percent Of Female Voters; Your Money, Your Vote:

Battleground Ohio; Conjoined Twins Separated In 27-hour Operation.

Aired 4-5p ET - Part 2>

SUZANNE CONAWAY, PART OF "WOMEN STUMP FOR TRUMP" BUS TOUR: Oh, it's my pleasure. Thank you for having me.

HARLOW: Let's talk about your reaction to the tape, because we heard in the last block in Dana's piece, one woman for Trump saying I'm a feminist, I didn't like those words. but I'm standing by him. Where do you fall on this?

CONAWAY: Oh, yes, ma'am. First of all, I'd like to say I'm not an accomplished speaker. I'm not a politician. I'm a mom. I'm a housewife. I'm a grandmother. I just happen to be married to a representative of Congress.

So that allows me to have a voice in some of these things. But most of all, I'm a proud American and I just want to say that I stand with Donald Trump. I am all about the policies that these two candidates put forth, not the personalities and not what has been said.

HARLOW: Do you think it matters what a candidate has said in the past about women?

CONAWAY: I think women are smarter than that. I don't think that we're giving women enough credit to look past some lewd remarks that somebody might have made to get onto the policies that affect our life in America.

The way we have in America, the America that my father and my mother and my grandparents gave to me. That's the America that I just -- I want to keep. And I don't think we're on that path.

And it concerns me that we're getting off in the weeds about he said/she said, he did/she did and we're getting off the policies of what we need to do to make America great again.

HARLOW: Do you think nine women coming forward and saying that the Republican candidate for president sexually assaulted them or made unwanted sexual advances towards them is not important in this election?

CONAWAY: It's an unsubstantiated allegations and I'm not willing to look at that. I'm not willing to get in those weeds, like I said. They're unsubstantiated, they're allegations. He say they're not true and so I choose to believe him. I choose to stand by that because, like I said, I think women are smarter than that. I think we have a bigger brain to think for ourselves and look forward to the policies of our country, not what a particular candidate did or did not say.

HARLOW: Do you believe that these women are lying? Because you say you believe him. Does that mean you don't believe them?

CONAWAY: I'm saying I don't know. I'm not there. These are allegations that were said.

HARLOW: So let's talk about --

CONAWAY: There's been allegations said against -- well, there been allegations that's been said against me that are not true, like that I am deplorable. Like I'm irredeemable. Those are allegations but I'm smart enough to know my own mind and to know that's not true and so what a political candidate --

HARLOW: Let's talk about the policies.

CONAWAY: OK, I'd love to.

HARLOW: You bring up the policies that are the reason you're supporting Trump. Suzanne, what is the number one policy that Donald Trump has proposed that would make your life better that you are supporting him because of?

CONAWAY: I am all for America being the strongest country in this world. When America is stronger, the world is stronger and the world is safer. And I think --

HARLOW: But what policy, what policy proposal of Donald Trump has given you the confidence and made you support him? You said it's because of his specific policy proposals. Which one?

CONAWAY: OK. I like the fact that he is for our military, that he believes in building up our military. I believe that his political incorrectness is really a good thing for him. I think that's what people are voting for.

And I think that the American people are looking to have a strong leader. Mike and I travel a lot across the world, and when we sit down with world leaders, they are crying. They are pleading for us to be a strong America. They are saying we're behind you, we're with you, but we need a leader.

[16:40:07]And I think Donald Trump's policies will do that. I think he wants a strong trade. I think he wants a strong economy and we've got to get our economy back working. We've got to make money. We've got to be a world leader in the world for us to be effective.

HARLOW: Suzanne, I wish I had more time, I'm out of time, but I know you're making your case to other female voters across this country as you guys stump for Trump. Thank you for joining me and sharing your thoughts.

CONAWAY: Thank you. I appreciate you having me and vote for the person -- don't vote for the personality, vote for the policies. And I think women across this country are smart enough to look at the policies and see and determine which one would make a better future for my seven grandchildren. Thank you.

HARLOW: Thank you.

All right, coming up next, the economy top of mind for voters across this country. We're just talking about the issues. Well, I heard about it a lot when I hit the road in the key battleground state of Ohio to speak with the voters there. Don't miss it, next.


HARLOW: You've heard from the candidates and the pundits, but what about the voters? We traveled across the key swing states to hear firsthand from the voters.

For our special report airing tonight, "Your Money, Your Vote" here's what he heard in Ohio. A state so critical no candidate has won the White House without winning Ohio since 1960.


[16:45:08]HARLOW: This neighborhood in Cleveland, Ohio, was one of the strongest for President Obama in 2012. Mitt Romney did not get a single vote from people living in these homes, not one. People living here have been struggling economically for a long time and they still are, so the question is will they come out in droves for Hillary Clinton the way they did for President Obama.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hillary is the best candidate.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That's a no-brainer.

HARLOW (voice-over): There have been decades of economic despair and a dwindling faith that politicians will help.

JEFF CROSBY, CLEVELAND PEACEMAKERS ALLIANCE YOUTH MENTOR: I think the Democratic platform is saying the same thing we have heard for about the past 50 years.

HARLOW (on camera): Over and over.

CROSBY: Over and over.

HARLOW: Since the war on poverty was declared.


HARLOW (voice-over): Jeff Crosby used to be in gangs. That landed him in prison. Now he's working to keep kids from the same life he lived.

CROSBY: It's one of the highest crime areas in Cleveland.

HARLOW (on camera): This is.

CROSBY: Yes. About ten gangs over here. Oh, what's up? You good?


CROSBY: I think the Democratic Party is taking us for granted. The Republican Party literally ignores us except for Trump. Trump is striving to make inroads, but he is a polarizing figure.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just don't trust Donald, that's all.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Because he got money, that ain't everything.

SIERRA LESLEY, CLEVELAND VOTER: I'm willing to vote for a clown before Donald Trump.

HARLOW: Really?

LESLEY: Yes. With a red nose. I do agree with Republicans sometimes, but I don't agree with nothing that Donald Trump stands for.

HARLOW (voice-over): And that brings us to the second part of this Ohio chapter, 200 miles south.

(on camera): We're in Pike County, Ohio and this place matters a lot. Not for the number of votes here, but because of what it represents. It used to be solidly blue, but it's been moving more and more red.

In 2012, this was the closest county in the country. Mitt Romney won here by a single vote, just one vote. It's 96 percent white, largely blue collar, and unemployment here is high. These are exactly the voters Donald Trump has been speaking to. So if his message isn't resonating here, he's in trouble.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'd say right now you're looking at a coin toss.

HARLOW: A coin toss among union workers who until now have been solidly blue? Have you ever seen anything like Donald Trump say he's the one to bring these jobs back? He's the one to build up your industry.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Donald Trump is saying that. That's total propaganda. Where's his merchandise made? What does he have to offer to American industry? Nothing.

HARLOW: Many here do believe Trump and see him as their best shot as getting ahead. Since 2000, Ohio has lost nearly a third of its manufacturing jobs.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's got a lot of things that is amazing that he was telling us he can do for us.

HARLOW: Angie Shanks runs a real estate firm here.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It needs more jobs, better paying jobs.

HARLOW (on camera): You voted for President Obama in 2008.


HARLOW (voice-over): But her faith in the Obama administration has faded.

ANGIE SHANKS, PIKE COUNTY, OHIO VOTER: I think Trump is a businessman and the country is a business and needs to be run as a business.

HARLOW: When we met Angie, she was leaning towards Trump. Now, after the "Access Hollywood" tape surfaced, she's reconsidering.

(on camera): You're a lifelong Democrat?


HARLOW: So you're voting for Hillary this time around?



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My dad was a coal miner. They put the coal miners out of work.

HARLOW (voice-over): We left Ohio asking this question, why does economic pain from one town to the next push some people left and others right?


HARLOW: We should note this was filmed before that 2005 "Access Hollywood" tape of Donald Trump surfaced so we called back all of the Trump supporters we interviewed. Nearly everyone with the exception of just a few are still supporting Donald Trump and planning to vote for him.

You can see much more tonight on our special report tonight "Your Money, Your Vote" 7:30 p.m. Eastern right here. Quick break, we're back here in a moment.



HARLOW: It has been an emotional week for the parents of two boys who were born conjoined at the head 13 months ago. But after 27 pain- staking hours of surgery, Anias and Jadon McDonald were able to begin a new life apart yesterday. Our chief medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, has their incredible story.


SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): At 7:15 a.m., this is the day they have been waiting for the last year, to hope that Jadon and Arias, 13-month-old conjoined twins will be separated at last.

(on camera): What was going through your mind?

NICOLE MCDONALD, JADON AND ANIAS' MOTHER: That it's not even real. To me it's like another surgery from before.

GUPTA: Are you talking to me?

(voice-over): Jadon and Anias were born sharing 1.5 centimeters of brain tissue. They are known as craniopagus twins and have undergone three complex operations over the past five months to slowly separate them. Today is the fourth and final stage.

DR. JAMES GOODRICH, THE CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL AT MONTEFIORE: Here is the model of our twins and we have -- this is Anias on this side and Jadon on this side.

GUPTA: No one in the world has operated on more twins like Jadon and Anias than neurosurgeon, Dr. James Goodrich.

(on camera): When you first met the McDonalds, did you lay out any specific statistics? Did you -- how did you approach it? Was it more of a scientific discussion or an emotional one? GOODRICH: Ideally we wanted the children to come out without neurological issues. But one has to be realistic, you cannot separate two brains without the potential risk of something happening.

GUPTA (voice-over): Helping improve those chances of a good outcome, 3-D models like these, life-like, anatomically perfect, and available in the operating room. They act as a blueprint to practice and review before the operation begins.

(on camera): We want to give you a little idea of what is happening here. In order to do this operation, they have to continuously move Jadon and Anias.

[16:55:04]So this is the position that they are in beforehand and they essentially put like this and then like this. So now they will focus on this part of the bone and now this part of the brain.

(voice-over): At 4:30 p.m., about seven hours after the operation began, Nicole, Christian, and their entire family are playing the waiting game.

(on camera): Do you feel anxious, settled, how do you feel?

CHRISTIAN MCDONALD, JADON AND ANIAS' FATHER: I have a little nervous energy.

NICOLE MCDONALD: What is waiting in my stomach is that phone call. We're in the land of the unknown.

GUPTA (voice-over): An hour later, a surgical team hits the land of the unknown, and then well past midnight they continue to work through the twin's brains, vein by vein, and then 2:11 a.m. --

(on camera): It's about 17 hours now since they've started operating and you can see for the first time, Jadon and Anias are on two separate operating room tables. They still have a lot of work to do. There was a spontaneous round of applause when the separation finally occurred.



(Byline: Poppy Harlow, Phil Mattingly, Dana Bash, Sanjay Gupta)

(Guest: Ryan Lizza, Rebecca Berg, Jay Newton-Small, Maxine Waters, Ivanka Trump, Suzanne Conaway)

(High: An Exhaustive List of the Allegations Women Have Made Against Donald Trump; Donald Trump Complains Election Is Rigged, As His Polling Tanks; Wells Fargo's Embattled CEO John Stumpf is Stepping Down as the Nation's Second-largest Bank is Roiled by a Scandal Over its Sales Practices. Nearly half of likely female voters say the "Access Hollywood" tape alone is a deal-breaker in terms of whether or not they'd vote for the Republican candidate.)

(Spec: Politics; Polls; Women; Sexual Assault; Elections; Donald Trump; Hillary Clinton; Wells Fargo; Banking; Finance; Government; Health And Medicine)