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Hillary Clinton Extends Her Lead Over Donald Trump in New Fox News Polls; Retail Sales Numbers Examined; A New Study Questions the Value of



Polls; Retail Sales Numbers Examined; A New Study Questions the Value of

Mammograms as Researchers Say the Staple of Women's Health is Now

Overrated; Trump Says the Media is Out to Elect Hillary Clinton; Small

Businesses in America Feeling Anxious Over the Election; Verizon: Yahoo's

Massive Data Breach Could Change Terms of the Deal - Part 5>

Cheryl Casone >


Fox News Polls; United Airlines; Mammograms; Uber; Ken Bone; Netflix;

Business; 2016 Election; Verizon; Yahoo; Business>


FREEMAN: -- in just about every poll, and I think that's why, if you're a Trump supporter, you hang on to the hope that basically we have here two people with pretty big character flaws. I mean, we don't know all the allegations and which ones are true and which ones aren't, but it comes back to who is going to lead the country. The only person who has laid out the plan for economic growth is Donald Trump.

MCDOWELL: I'll dig into the polls later because there's a lot more in here that's troubling.

BARTIROMO: We're going to get into the polls. Great conversation Richard Fowler, Betsy McCoy; great to have you both on the program. Thank you -

FOWLER: Thanks, Maria.

BARTIROMO: -- getting the issues on the table. We appreciate it. FOX Business Network will take you live to the third presidential debate next week. We will be there, moderated by our own, FOX News', Chris Wallace. Our special prime time coverage around debate begins at 6:00 p.m. Eastern, on Wednesday night, October 19th. Join me for that special program. Then, the next morning, "Mornings with Maria" will be live from Vegas, next week, October 19th and 20th from 6:00 to 9:00 a.m. Eastern. We will be right back.


BARTIROMO: Well, it was a rough night for United Airlines flyers, after computer glitch delayed flights across the world. Cheryl Casone with the details now. Good morning, Cheryl.

CHERYL CASONE, FBN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, good morning, Maria. (HEADLINES) Then there's this, the old adage one man's trash is another's treasure, that adds up actually. Americans throw away an estimated $61.8 million worth of loose change each year, that's according to a new report from Bloomberg. The company behind the study runs an incinerator outside of Philadelphia that produces electricity from burning garbage, and over the course of a year workers rummage about $360,000 worth of coin from the ashes. Just imagine how much money is hiding in all those couches across the country of our viewers right now.

BARTIROMO: That's incredible; not in my couches. I have piggy banks all over my house.


BARTIROMO: Because I always try to teaches my nieces and nephews, I have piggy banks.

MCDOWELL: How much money is around your house in change?


BARTIROMO: No, I do. I mean, I collect it. I'm a big saver.

MCDOWELL: Well, we have to get you to the Coin Star.

FREEMAN: Well with the rates so low, why bother to bring it to the bank; right?

BARTIROMO: Exactly, I have piggy banks.

MCDOWELL: We have to get you to a Coin Star.


BARTIROMO: That's true. I love those Coin Stars.

MCDOWELL: See you at the food emporium.

BARTIROMO: Coming up, major banks gearing up to report their third quarter earnings this morning. Concerns remain about the health of financial institutions, the impact it could have on markets. Then, John Stumpf stepping down and stepping out as Wells Fargo CEO but he is still getting a huge payday. We're going to tell you about the nine figure paycheck he is set to walk away with. Back in a minute


BARTIROMO: Welcome back. Big day today for earnings on Wall Street. We are just beginning for the third quarter earnings season, and this morning we will get reports from JPMorgan, Citi Group, Wells Fargo, all due out before the opening of trading.

James Freeman is with us this morning and, James, you've seen a - you've written a lot of the banking sector. What are you expecting this quarter after all of these quarters where these stocks have been down because of regulation and low interest rates?

FREEMAN: Yes, I think the same story, earnings probably flat to down. Look, it's a bad economy, so banks tend to rise and fall, but then on top of that, you've got this -- still this huge overhang of the Dodd-Frank reform past six years ago where banks - the politicians tell us they are safer now, but they also have less ability to earn money and that's why the markets say they're not as safe because they're not strong institutions that can weather a storm.

BARTIROMO: So, I mean, the financials, I guess, have not been getting killed the way health care has been getting killed. I mean, when you look at the trading over the last couple of weeks, there was a feeling on Wall Street that maybe we would see a Democratic sweep, president, House and Senate. As a result, the health care stocks get creamed, but the financials didn't. I was - that was interesting to me.

FREEMAN: It is interesting. They've had relatively better trading results I think you will see this quarter. We just heard from the Fed yesterday, business loans are down. So it's another -- it's part of the sluggish environment and especially on banks have been limited to a lot of ways that it can make money. I don't think you're going to see any great news there.

What's also going to be really interesting is, Wells Fargo, that scandal has been a big media event, a big political event. Obviously it's hit the stock price. I think you're going to see, in terms of the costs side of that - in terms of the bank's bottom line, probably not much.

MCDOWELL: Also -- but the banks are already pretty much public utilities, in terms of the level of regulations on them, and they answer to The Federal Reserve and the likes of Elizabeth Warren as to what -- everything that they do with their capital, some guy in Washington has to sign off on it, number one.

BARTIROMO: Or the guy with an office at the bank.


BARTIROMO: The regulators have offices at the banks.

MCDOWELL: Just, secondly, the banks are a pretty good gauge of consumers, the health of the U.S. consumers. We were talking about retail sales also. You know, there's been some strain in lower quality credit, auto loans and the like. What does the world look like? What does the American consumer look like?

FREEMAN: I think you were talking about in that first segment, when are we talking about the issues in the campaign that affect the country, this is where you have a huge difference: Donald Trump saying repeal Dodd-Frank, let's move more toward a free market in banking; Hillary Clinton essentially saying she's going to do the Obama plan and then some, more regulation, new taxes on investment, more aggressive enforcement trying to throw bankers.

TIMPF: She's getting up there and saying, I will take your money --


TIMPF: -- during the debates, just flat out saying that, and people aren't paying attention to that as much as you think.

MCDOWELL: That's not what she said in those private speeches she gave.

TIMPF: Right.

MCDOWELL: We don't know what Hill - which Hillary Clinton financial -

[Cross Talk]

MCDOWELL: -- you're going to get.

TIMPF: -- she will say what she feels like the people listening, at the time, want her to.

BARTIROMO: Well, let's not - well, let's not forget Elizabeth Warren in her side; right? I mean, Elizabeth Warren is going to be pushing and the Bernie Sanders supporters are going to be pushing her to go all the way to the left.

What are they going to say about Wells Fargo CEO pay package, okay? He is stepping down amid the company's phony account scandal, but now there are reports this morning saying that he's going to walk away with $130 million. I wonder who Elizabeth Warren has to say about that, and Hillary Clinton.

FREEMAN: Elizabeth Warren would prefer to have his head on a pike, but I -

DAGEN: Right.

FREEMAN: -- think that to, you know, defend the indefensible. I know it looks bad. It seems like a lot of money. But I would say in his defense that the value of that bank grew by more than $100 billion while he was in charge. This money -- these are basically vested stocks, stock ownership.

BARTIROMO: This is vested. This was promised to him a long time ago, --


BARTIROMO: -- is what you're saying.


BARTIROMO: That's a very important point.

FREEMAN: He gave up the unvested stock. He's not getting a severance package.


FREEMAN: This is basically money he already earned, and based on financials of the bank, it's hard to argue with it.

BARTIROMO: Yes, I agree.

MCDOWELL: They're going to push the bank to go after it though and to claw it back, even though it's already vested, which opens up a Pandora's box of problems, in terms of all executive compensation.

BARTIROMO: I don't think that's right. I mean, if you have these promises, you know, over the years and you have these options or restricted stock, look at Senator Elizabeth Warren's tweet, "A bank CEO should not be able to oversee a massive fraud and simply walk away to enjoy his millions in retirement."

FREEMAN: Well this is why I don't -- her calling it a "massive fraud" is really misleading because, basically, this was employees ripping off the bank. It was not a fraud by Wells Fargo. The bank did not benefit from these accounts being created falsely.

BARTIROMO: Bonuses went up.

FREEMAN: Yes, they would have ended up paying more bonuses than they would have to these employees. 1-percent of the employees each year they were firing for this in retail bank.

BARTIROMO: Yes, that's a good point and an important point. We'll take a short break, when we come back Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton clashing over faith. When evangelical voters heard that, they had something to say about it. We'll talk about those voters and what they think of campaigns twists and turns. Samsung's latest damage control strategy; how the company is trying to make up for exploding Galaxy Note phones with cold cash. Back in a minute.


BARTIROMO: Welcome back. Good morning, everybody. Happy Friday. I'm Maria Bartiromo. It is Friday, October 14th. Your top stories right now at 6:30 a.m. on the east coast.

Twenty five days until Election Day comes, both sides of the aisle this morning focusing on the swing states. While Hillary Clinton is facing new questions over her private email server, Donald Trump is focusing on the religious vote.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: The latest evidence of the hatred that the Clinton campaign has for faithful people in our country, faithful Americans, Hillary Clinton thinks you are deplorable and irredeemable and irredeemable might be worse, you can't help yourself. I call you hard-working American patriots.


BARTIROMO: His support from evangelicals unwavering, we will take a closer look at that coming up.

And then the alleged New York-New Jersey bombing suspect pleads not guilty, Ahmad Khan Rahami makes his first public appearance from his hospital bed. The latest developments in this coming up.

New details this morning in the deadly New Jersey train accident, what investigators have learned from the train's conductor coming up.

Samsung doing whatever it can at this point to get exploding phones out of the hands of users. More on that plus what airlines are doing to protect flyers from this device.

Markets this morning looking higher, futures indicating a higher opening this morning. We are waiting on a lot of earnings, in particular, the bank earnings. Dow Industrials expected to open up 85 points. We will also get the September reading on retail sales, which could be a market mover.

In Europe, stocks are higher across the board. We had an upbeat reading on Chinese inflation overnight. That lifted markets there as well as throughout Asia. As you see the major averages in London, up in general between 1.5 to 2 percent.

There's Asia and as you can see, they are up between 0.5 percent and almost 1 percent. Markets posting gains there.

Ben Affleck's new thriller, "The Accountant" hits theatres this weekend, but it is going to duke it out with Kevin Hart's new comedy, "What Now." We got the full preview later this hour for your weekend.

Let's kick it off this half hour with event campaign trail, though, first, new Fox News poll is out show that Trump support among evangelicals is holding steady at 68 percent in the wake of the release of this controversial recording of him making lewd remarks about women.

This as Trump goes on the offensive against Hillary Clinton for her campaign's disparaging comments about Catholics that surfaced from the Wikileaks e-mails. Listen.


TRUMP: The new emails also show members of the Clinton team viciously attacking Catholics and Evangelicals. Hillary Clinton thinks you are deplorable.


BARTIROMO: Joining us right now is Pastor Robert Jeffers, a member of Trump's Faith Executive Advisory Council. Pastor, good to see you. Thanks so much for joining us.


BARTIROMO: Your response to all of this happening in terms of Trump's comments about women, in terms of these allegations about sexual assault. Tells us how you see it.

JEFFRESS: Well, look, first of all, Evangelicals are unwavering in their support. I've been on a number of conference calls this week with Evangelical leaders and here is how I explain their support.

You know, back in 1980, Evangelicals overwhelmingly voted for a man who had been a noted womanizer in Hollywood and he would be the first divorced president in history, his name was Ronald Reagan.

The reasons Evangelicals supported him was not because they endorsed womanizing or divorced, they endorsed Reagan's policies. That is what you have here. Most Evangelicals see this race as a binary choice between one candidate, who is pro-life, pro-religious liberty, pro-conservative justice on the Supreme Court, Donald Trump, and the other candidate, Hillary Clinton who holds the opposite views on all those issues and that what is going on.

BARTIROMO: And Dagen, you see something different also emerging.

DAGEN MCDOWELL, FOX BUSINESS: I just want to point out students at Liberty University in the "Wall Street Journal" today more than 1,000 Liberty student in Lynchburg, Virginia have signed a statement online essentially denouncing Donald Trump and this is less than 24 hours after it was publicly released.

And in fact, the letter also criticizes Gerri Falwell Jr., who was a well-known backer of Donald Trump criticizing him for backing Trump even after the video from 2005 was released. The school says it's the largest Christian university in the country, it is worth noting.

JEFFRESS: Yes, well, I have spoken there before. I think there were 12,000 at the convocation I spoke at a year ago so 1,000 students, that is understandable, less than 10 percent that feel this way. Look, I am not diminishing these comments at all that Trump made.

They are lewd. They are obscene, but they're still not enough to make me vote for Hillary Clinton and I think that is what the issue is for many Christians. What will it take for people to say I am going to directly or indirectly support Hillary Clinton and allow her to be president?

KATHERINE TIMPF, "NATIONAL REVIEW": They're not just lewd, what he's describing is a sexual assault. Whether he say he did or didn't do it. What he is describing is the definition of sexual assault, he didn't just say some bad words.

JEFFRESS: Right. And again, it is very, very troubling. There is one noted Christian female leader this week, who said this represents an assault against the dignity of women. I understand that viewpoint.

I guess the answer is the answer to that is to put into office the woman who supports the greatest assault on women of all and that is murdering them in the womb before they have a chance to be born. That is again the binary choice a lot of Evangelicals are looking at here.

BARTIROMO: You know, it's really interesting that you say that because the truth is if this were anybody else, this would be easy I think. But she is so disliked that it is actually still a tight race, James Freeman.

JAMES FREEMAN, WALL STREET JOURNAL: Pastor, I give you credit, I think you are on the right track arguing to say that he's -- despite his past, he is a great Christian guy? That might be a tough sell to people.

But to just put it in terms of what are the outcomes of this election and how hostile really we have seen that in the e-mails this week and I was wondering your thoughts on how that might affect those 14 percent of Evangelicals in that poll who are still supporting Hillary Clinton.

What is the impact of those emails with really your staff basically openly contemptuous of Christians?

JEFFRESS: Well, that is the whole point. These emails were in Hillary's word were deplorable not only because they were insulting, but they showed the antipathy that a future Clinton administration would have toward people of faith.

They would continue that hostility that Obama has right now. Remember, it was Obama who said and described Christians as those who, quote, "bitterly cling to their guns and religion."

I think these emails reveal that Clinton has that same attitude as well. I was on a conference call this week with Catholic leaders and the Trump campaign and these leaders were very, very disturbed about this.

TIMPF: I have such a hard time with problem with the word of what, you know, Clinton's team says about Catholics, but not about the words of what Trump says about women. I don't understand why one and not the other.

JEFFRESS: Well, again, I am never going to be one to defend those words, you will have to find somebody else. That is what it comes down to for me. It is a binary choice and that is why Evangelicals are supporting Donald Trump right now.

BARTIROMO: Yes, for sure. Pastor, good to see you. Thanks so much for joining us.

JEFFRESS: Thank you.

BARTIROMO: We appreciate it very much.

Coming up, McDonald's makes a play for millennials, how the fastfood giant is taking to social media to appeal to the younger set.

And then Samsung sends out fireproof boxes for its phones, but airlines are taking matters into their own hands. What they are doing to fight phone fires on planes. Back in a minute.


BARTIROMO: Welcome back. We just got the JPMorgan numbers, they are better-than-expected on both the earnings and the revenue number. The company reporting $1.58 on $24.7 billion. The estimate was $23.9 billion in revenue. So it is better than expected. The stock is trading higher. JPMorgan is a Dow component.

Take a look at futures right now indicating a higher opening for the broader averages right here. Banks will likely set the tone for markets today and that is what we are seeing this morning, 86 points higher on Dow Jones Industrial Average.

A couple names that we are watching, aside from the bank, HP, Hewlett- Packard under some selling pressure this morning. The company announcing another round of layoffs between 3,000 to 4,000 jobs will be cut. Those cuts will come over the next three years. HP also issuing a cautious forecast, the CEO says that the market is volatile and faces uncertainties.

Also watching McDonald's this morning, the "Wall Street Journal" reporting the company is making a major social media push hiring 200 workers from the likes of Amazon and Paypal. McDonald's is looking for ways to boost sales to millennials. A recent study said that the only one in 5 millennials have ever tried a Big Mac. Have you tried that?

TIMPF: I've eaten a lot of Big Macs although I also do know that after I eat one I don't feel good about myself like emotionally. Why did I do that?

MCDOWELL: You look like a Chicken McNuggets. Chicken McNuggets are somehow a little bit more uplifting to the spirit.

TIMPF: Sometimes I really do like the Big Mac and the Chicken McNuggets are pretty good, but it is more about the sauce. I am very big on those.

BARTIROMO: Thank you for that.

MCDOWELL: McNuggets are delivery vehicle for those delicious sauces.

BARTIROMO: We've got new developments this morning in the investigation into the deadly train crash in New Jersey. We want to get to that as well. Cheryl Casone with the headlines now -- Cheryl.

CHERYL CASONE, FOX BUSINESS: Way to pivot, Maria. OK, the conductor of the train, telling the train was very crowded. He said that fares could not be collected because of that overcrowding. The train also was traveling with four cars. It usually has five. That crash killed one person and injured 110 others in Hoboken.

The New York-New Jersey bombing suspect pleading not guilty to charges that he tried to kill police officers. Ahmad Khan Rahami made his first court appearance yesterday through a video feed from his hospital bed. He was injured during a police shootout that led to his capture last month. Rahami is also accused of detonating a bomb in Manhattan injuring 31 people.

In business headline this morning, Samsung is trying to make good with customers of its failed Note 7. It's going to give $100 in credit to customers who turn in their Note 7 for another Samsung device.

Now earlier this week, they discontinued the device because of complaints that replacement devices were catching fire. About 2.5 million Note 7 smartphones were recalled in August because of overheating batteries. By the way, if you turn in and get an Apple iPhone you get $25 in credit.

Meanwhile, the Note 7 to install fire containment bags on their planes. Delta, Virgin and Alaska are the first act. It's not just the Note 7 that pose a threat. The FAA says this year, there have been 23 incidents of laptops and other phones overheating or catching fire, Maria. Those are your headlines. Back to you.

BARTIROMO: All right, Cheryl, thank you so much.

Still to come, Kevin Hart bringing the last of the big screen this weekend, how will it fair at the box office?

And then in case you missed it, check out some of this week's top moments from MORNINGS WITH MARIA.




BARTIROMO: That was a clip from comedian, Kevin Hart's new film, "Kevin Hart What Now?" Joining me right now, "In the Foxlight" host, Michael Tammero. Great to see you.

MICHAEL TAMMERO, "IN THE FOXLIGHT" HOST: Good morning, Maria Bartiromo. Giants in broadcasting.

BARTIROMO: Thank you. Happy Friday.

TAMMERO: Happy Friday to you.

BARTIROMO: Michael, Hart has already had real success in his filming his tours, what do you think?

TAMMERO: Stand-up sensation, you know, with his self-duplicating humor. This is his third movie this year, his grossed up to half a billion dollars in gross so far. This movie was made for 10. It's looking to come in around $15 million so it's already made the money. It's set in Philadelphia where he sold out a football stadium for this.

BARTIROMO: I always feel like we're in this moment time where people made a little comedy.

TAMMERO: Absolutely. Everything going on in the news, who doesn't need a good laugh, Maria Bartiromo?

BARTIROMO: I want to talk about "The Accountant," new thriller, that's also opening this weekend. The film cost $40 million to make, but the buzz around Ben Affleck have starring role could gross $20 million just this weekend. What's your take?

TAMMERO: Ben Affleck, it's an original screenplay, something we don't see all that often in Hollywood these days. You know, the reviews are mediocre. It will do fine.

BARTIROMO: It is a good story, though.

TAMMERO: He plays someone who is autistic and has a penchant for vigilantism so.

BARTIROMO: Then we have "Max Steel." This is a sci-fi film based on the Mattel toy action figures. Not that much buzz about this so what do you think?

TAMMERO: No buzz at all. It's probably going to come around $4 million for the weekend at number 3. I am nervous when toy companies team up with Hollywood. It's a battleship game that was awful so we'll see. The thing that's really hurting this movie as it didn't get the PG rating that it wanted for kids. It's PG-13 so it's really going to sort of --

BARTIROMO: So that really does have impact. Let's go to TV for a second. The new Fox show "Gotham" in full swing. You got the chance to talk to the stars.

TAMMERO: I did. I sat down with Cory Michael Smith and Robin Lord Taylor recently. Season 3, it's going to be all about this year.


TAMMERO: You are so Gotham, where do we pick up in season 3?

CORY MICHAEL SMITH, "GOTHAM" ACTOR: We fast forwarded about six months.

ROBIN LORD TAYLOR, "GOTHAM" ACTOR: We have all been there. At the end of season 2, basically running amok in Gotham City, they can't exist in the same city together, he is afraid she is coming for him, something to focus on after everything that happened.

TAMMERO: What has surprise you most in terms of the development of the course of the last couple of seasons?

SMITH: They've really embodied all the qualities outside themselves, all the darker personality traits. This person was outside of myself telling me that I could do these things and then learning to embrace that person is me and becoming whole because of that. That was a really exciting way of developing comic book way of developing Edward into a more whole person.

TAYLOR: The way our writers have created these characters that, you know, on the surface could look very two dimensional. But finding like the capacity for humanity within these iconic characters is continually exciting and surprising to me. Whenever I think the character can't get any more complex a new story comes in and blows my mind. Changes my preconceptions about the character.

TAMMERO: Catch Gotham Monday nights only on Fox.


BARTIROMO: That looks good.

TAMMERO: No one knew who they are. They are so down to earth and they are so committed to their craft.

BARTIROMO: Love it. Monday on Fox. Michael, good to see you. Have a great weekend. Michael Tammero. Before we take a break, let's get to Dagen. She's got this week's ETF report. Over to you, Dagen.

MCDOWELL: I have a big crush on Robin Lord Taylor. Thanks, Maria. Biotech stocks the biggest losers this week, Nasdaq biotech ETF, the ticker, IBB, is down almost 5 percent since Friday and it's on track for its biggest weekly decline in four months.

Biotech is getting hammered amid growing expectations for Hillary Clinton's victory in next month's presidential election and then questions about the control of the House and Senate.

Hillary Clinton has said repeatedly that drug pricing will be a priority in her administration that means cracking down on drug companies, cracking down on those very innovators that had heavy losses this week. More MORNINGS WITH MARIA. We'll be right back.


BARTIROMO: Good Friday morning, everybody. Welcome back. I'm Maria Bartiromo. It is Friday, October 14th.


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