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Thailand Mourns Loss of King; Donald Trump Denies Sexual Assault Charges; Samsung Increases Financial Loss Projections; Bob Dylan Surprise



Charges; Samsung Increases Financial Loss Projections; Bob Dylan Surprise

Nobel Prize in Literature. 11:00a-12:00p ET - Part 2>

Ripley, Paula Hancocks, Ben Wedeman, Muhammad Lila, Randi Kaye>

Charges; Samsung Increases Financial Loss Projections.>

"No one is without scandal," he says, "even you."


(on camera): America's a land far, far away. And comprehending the electoral process is sometimes difficult. Nonetheless, people here are paying attention this year in a way you might pay attention to a particularly salacious soap opera.

(voice-over): This man follows the campaign closely. "The last few days, I heard reports about Trump's alleged sexual harassment of women," he says. "It's embarrassing to even talk about it and it will cost him votes."

Across the street, a group of actors hold court in comfortable chairs. Some don't like what they've heard from Donald Trump.

"He wants to stop Muslims immigrating to America," he says. "He wants to take our oil wells because America spends so much on the Middle East. What kind of talk is this?"

Irbil, the capitol of Iraq's Kurdish region, is one of the world's oldest cities. For hundreds of years, its ancient covered market, renowned for its dried fruit and nuts. Here, they say, they know they're nuts.

Ben Wedeman, CNN, Irbil.


LU STOUT: Chatter about the election happening all over the world. Now, China is at a British about on Hong Kong's legal system. Now, in this report, the British foreign secretary Boris Johnson voiced concern over Beijing's influence in Hong Kong.

Now, the city enjoys an independent judicial system under the Sino-British declaration, but five booksellers who were critical of China went missing from Hong Kong last year and reappeared after months in Chinese custody.

Now, Boris Johnson says that this shows a serious breach in the one country, two systems agreement. And China lashed back telling the UK to stop meddling.

The decision by Samsung to kill off its flagship Galaxy Note 7 smartphone is getting more and more costly. Now, the losses were initially estimated around $2 billion. And now the company says it could rise to more than twice that.

Now, Paula Hancocks looks back at a devastating week for Samsung.


PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: This has to be one of the worst weeks for Samsung, finally giving up on the Galaxy Note 7 just two months after a triumphant launch of its latest smartphone, the South Korean company had to admit that it was best to dump this faulty product.

Now, this was after the phone was found to be prone to overheating, even bursting into flames, and then the replacements that Samsung was sending out were also believed and reportedly had the exact same problem.

So on Wednesday of this week Samsung said it expected this disaster to knock about $2.3 billion off its third quarter operating profits, and then on Friday it added to that financial woe, saying that it forecast a further hit of around $3.1 billion in operating profits for the six months through march of next year.

Now, it still hasn't figured out exactly what is wrong with this phone and that's crucial, according to many experts, because Samsung needs to be able to tell its customers this is what went wrong and we can guarantee it will not happen again, so you can buy our future products.

Now, they are certainly in crisis mode at this point. They're trying to rebuild their credibility, trying to hold on to the customers that they once had. And we're seeing, for example in the United States, they are offering a financial incentive of $100 for every customer who gives back their Galaxy Note 7 and swaps it for another Samsung product.

Now, interestingly, here in South Korea, it's believed that this financial impact on Samsung may actually seep into the wider South Korean economy. And it's not necessarily surprising when you hear that the widely quoted figure that Samsung accounts for about 15 percent of South Korea's GDP.

And we did hear from the Bank of Korea governor on Thursday. He said that what has happened at Samsung with the Galaxy Note 7 is expected to have a negative influence on export and growth, but at this point it's far too early to figure out just how much that impact would be.

So, all in all, a dreadful week for Samsung, the world's largest smartphone manufacturer.

Paula Hankcocks, CNN, Seoul.


LU STOUT: You're watching News Stream. Up next, Bob Dylan and his songs have been anthems of social movements for decades and now he receives international recognition for his way with words. The reaction to his Nobel prize, that's next.


LU STOUT: Welcome back. Now after more than 16 hours in surgery, two babies conjoined at the head have been successfully separated. Now, a team of surgeons in New York carefully cut apart brain tissue to separate Anais (ph) and Jaden (ph) McDonald. Their skulls are being reconstructed, and the boys' mother wrote on Facebook not long ago that she aches with uncertainty for the future, but she's looking forward to seeing their smiles again.

And for the first time, a songwriter has won the Nobel Prize for literature. Bob Dylan's had been whispered a possible winner for years, but he was still a surprise choice. Here's Jeanne Moos.


JEANNE MOOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): We'd love to ask Bob Dylan --


To win the Nobel Prize in literature, but we couldn't get a hold of him. There was shock when the Swedish Academy made the announcement.


MOOS: A week earlier, the New Republic asked who will win the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature and their answer was Not Bob Dylan. Yet now he'll have another medal to hang with his medal of freedom.

The news left writer Jason Printer tweeting, "If Bob Dylan can win the Nobel Prize for Literature, then I think Stephen King should get elected to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

Round one.

[08:40:25] (on-camera): The fight boiled down to the question are lyrics literature? Some critics said no, rifling on Dylan's own song.


MOOS: "The times they are ending," wrote one journalist, to what someone replied "Delete your account, Dylan, the greatest poet of the 20th century, undisputed genius."

Some worried naming a songwriter would open the flood gates so 2034 Nobel for Literature could go to, you never know, posting repetitive Rihanna lyrics.


MOOS: The British paper "The Telegraph" imagined a Nobel Prize being awarded to Donald Trump for lyrical tweeting. In defense of Dylan, a writer for "Rolling Stone" tweeted "They'll stone you when you've won the Nobel Prize." But "The Telegraph" sniff, "This is the Nobel Prize for Literature, not Sweden's Got Talent."

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you think of yourself primarily as a singer or as a poet?

BOB DYLAN, NOBEL PEACE PRIZE FOR LITERATURE WINNER: I see myself as a song and dance man, you know.

MOOS: A prize in literature goes to a man better known for words delivered on the stage than on the page.


Jeanne Moos, CNN, New York.


LU STOUT: It is an acquired taste to some.

Now, before we go, Star Wars fans you have got to feast your eyes on this. We have got the latest trailer for Rogue One. It unleashed on to the Internet.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You are rebels, are you?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Save the dream.


LU STOUT: Oh, just a little sampling there. Now, Rogue One is a stand alone entry in the Star Wars series. The film had been plagued with rumors of problems, but Disney says, quote, we love what we've seen.

Now, you can judge for yourself on December 15th, that's when Rogue One opens, at least here in Hong Kong.

And that is News Stream. I'm Kristie Lu Stout, but don't go anywhere, World Sport with Alex Thomas is next.


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