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NYT: 2 Women Accuse Trump Of Inappropriate Touching; WikiLeaks Releases More Hacked Clinton Camp E-mails; U.S. Retaliated After



Releases More Hacked Clinton Camp E-mails; U.S. Retaliated After

Warship Targeted Off Yemen; Russia's Response On Aleppo; Inside Look

at Mosul Ahead of Battle Against ISIS; Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Recall

Spreads to China; Janet Jackson Pregnant at Age 50. Aired 1-2a ET - Part 2>

BARBARA WALTER, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO PROFESSOR: I wasn't surprised, you know, I would say they're sincere only in so far as they get a good deal, the last ceasefire that was decided a few weeks ago was actually very beneficial to the Assad regime. So, I do think they're sincere in wanting to negotiate the same type of deal, I don't think that deal is actually going to happen.

VAUSE: So, when we say they're looking at a deal that benefits Assad, are we looking at short periods of time where Assad consolidate his position against the rebels or maybe launch offenses?

WALTER: Yes, absolutely. The previous ceasefire deal, which is the one that Putin would like to have again, basically said that if a ceasefire lasted for seven days, the United States in conjunction with the Russians would begin to bomb both ISIS and Al-Nusra. Al-Nusra's really the sticking point. Al-Nusra is fighting against Assad and Al- Nusra is critical to shoring up moderate opposition groups who are also fighting Assad. So, if the ceasefire deal actually went through and the United States actually begin to operate in conjunction with Russia against Al-Nusra, it would actually harm the moderate opposition that the United States is supporting and help Assad, and that's something ultimately the United States does not want, and it's certainly is not something the moderate opposition wants.

VAUSE: Well, with that, Sergey Lavrov did make a point here about the Al-Nusra front which was once affiliated with al-Qaeda. It no longer is, they've in fact changed their name. Lavrov accused the Al-Nusra front of using civilians in Aleppo as human shields. This is also what he had to say.


LAVROV: The key problem is the total inability of the United States and those who are also members of the coalition led by the Americans to separate the moderates from Nusra.

VAUSE: Is that the key to all of this? Is it that simple to separate you know, the moderate opposition from Al-Nusra front?

WALTER: No, absolutely not. The Russians are going to say whatever they need to say to weaken any group -- any group that is operating against Assad. And when they say they're targeting terrorists, that's also not true. They are targeting civilians, they are blocking exits for civilians to leave eastern Aleppo, they are exterminating civilians, they are attacking the moderate opposition and they are attacking Al-Nusra which is - which they claim are terrorists, that again, you can - you can debate.

VAUSE: OK. Barbara Walter there in San Diego. Thanks again for being with us Barbara, I appreciate it.

WALTER: My pleasure.

VAUSE: Up next here, see how people in Mosul in Iraq are preparing for a brutal battle against ISIS. We'll talk with a resistance fighter inside that key city.


[01:33:29] JOHN VAUSE, CNN ANCHOR: You're watching CNN NEWSROOM, live from Los Angeles. I'm John Vause.

Time to check the headlines this hour.


VAUSE: To Iraq now, where the United States says it has all the pieces in place to try to retake Mosul from ISIS. The coalition could launch a military assault as early as this month. And we're now seeing how those inside Mosul are preparing for what is expected to be a tough battle.

Our Nick Paton Walsh has more from Irbil, Iraq.


NICK PATON WALSH, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Mosul is a distant prize, masked by dust, this TV mast barely visible here. The outskirts are alive with ISIS presumably digging in and readying for the fight coming down the main road in the days ahead. Motorcycles, trucks but no civilians to be seen. What life there was here has been purged by ISIS, airstrikes in their wake.


[01:35:16] PATON WALSH: Inside the city, streets are empty. These are rare pictures filmed by activists inside the city comfortable enough now the end may be near to send out video that could get them killed if caught. The date of October 9th on the paper and nobody on the streets.

An ISIS leaflet with a letter "M" in Arabic on it, which has never looked mores sinister. "M" is for resistance.

At first a rag-tag group of locals but now behind this ISIS truck being torched they claim in the video.

A resistance fighter arranged a rare call getting to the outskirts to get network reception and explains to us what happens when the assault on the city starts.



PATON WALSH (on camera): What signal are you waiting for, for the zero hour attack against ISIS?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translation): We do have a signal. God willing, with the advancement of the security force, we will start when they are at the outskirts of the Mosul suburbs. We cannot announce or talk about the targets at the moment. We have the simple weapons with we have under our hands.

PATON WALSH (voice-over): ISIS have released images of life as normal, but even their propaganda shows how the coalition and its huge air power are closing in.


PATON WALSH (on camera): Are ISIS acting differently like they think they are under siege?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translation): They are scared and devastated. We know from their behavior, their movements, moving from one house to another. They move from one side of the city to another. They only move at night. At their check points, they cover their faces now, the way they used to when they first entered Mosul. There are female detachments that go in the houses now. They are looking for phone SIM cards.

PATON WALSH (voice-over): Up on the ramparts, you can see the screws are tightening but the days ahead for those trapped in the city will be darker, indeed.

Nick Paton Walsh, CNN, Irbil, northern Iraq.


VAUSE: Australia federal police have arrested two teenagers with plotting a terror attack and with links with ISIS. The two 16-years- olds were arrested Wednesday near Sydney. They were denied bail and are due to appear in children's court.

A Syrian refugee suspected of planning a terror attack in Germany has committed suicide in jail, according to German media. Authorities say he was planning an attack similar to those in Paris and Brussels. On Saturday, authorities found dangerous explosions in his apartment. He was arrested two days later after a massive manhunt.

Still to come here, pop star Janet Jackson confirming she is pregnant at 50 years of age. How did she do it? We'll talk to a reproduction specialist about the risks and the challenges of getting pregnant at that age.


[01:41:26] VAUSE: Welcome back, everybody. The CEO of Wells Fargo, taking an early retirement over the scandal of the bank's sales practices. He sold as much as $41 million in stock awards. He got a brutal dressing down at a congressional hearing last month. The government accused them of creating fake accounts without customer permission.

More recalls from Samsung, and now it's the Chinese version of the Galaxy Note 7, which were initially considered safe. The electronics giant halted all production and sales of other versions of the Smartphones earlier this week after many of them caught fire while charging.

Matt Rivers reports now from Beijing.


MATT RIVERS, CNN ASIA-PACIFIC EDITOR: The bad news now front and center on Samsung's Chinese website, a global recall of the Galaxy Note 7 will now include China. That means 190,000 phones will have to be replaced with new ones, according to government regulators, eroding confidence with Chinese consumers.

"I don't trust Samsung," says Jon Chong Jin (ph), "With the problems and the recall, the company has lost credibility with me."

Initially, the Chinese versions of the Note 7 weren't recalled. They used a different battery and many Chinese consumers were skeptical though after seeing things like this.

Qua Ran Jus (ph) says his phone, seen here, caught fire the same way others had, despite Samsung's claims.

In total, the Chinese government says at least 20 Chinese version Note 7s burned up.

In the second quarter of 2013, Samsung phones accounted for 18 percent 2 percent of China's cell phone market. Last year, it was 9.9 percent. And today was 6.5 percent. That is the same way over other companies.

(on camera): Both Apple and Samsung have seen falling sales here in China, recently battling each other and domestic producers.

But one analyst says with this latest recall, Samsung's loss is likely to be Apple's gain. The company will try to snap up the high-end customers that want a foreign-made phone but are wary or distrustful of Samsung products.

(voice-over): But China is the largest market in the world with a half billion potential customers. It's a market that Samsung cannot ignore if they want to rebound in a significant way. But winning back the trust of the Chinese consumer will be an uphill battle.

"I used to use a Samsung phone because it was user friendly, says Chung Jae Shin (ph), "But after this catching fire thing, there's no way I'm going back it to."

That sentiment is Samsung's new reality in China.

Matt Rivers, CNN, Beijing.


VAUSE: A British film production company has been fined $2 million involving an accident involving "Star Wars" actor, Harrison Ford. His leg was crushed by a hydraulic door on a movie set. The Disney owned company admitted to health and safety breaches. Harrison Ford is OK.

American singer Janet Jackson is confirming she is pregnant, expecting her first baby when other women at her age are becoming grand moms. The 50-year-old pop star told "People" magazine, quote, "We thank god for our blessings." In April, Jackson postponed a tour to focus on planning a family with her husband.

Dr. John Jain joins us now, a fertility specialist, to talk more about this.

When I heard this story when it came out I kept looking for all the reports to find out how she got pregnant. There are reports that IVF was involved. But there is no mention of whether this is a donor egg or frozen embryo or frozen egg. With the fact that she's 50, what are the chances she fell pregnant without the donor egg or embryo?

[01:45:43] DR. JOHN JAIN, FERTILITY SPECIALIST: It's exceptionally rare, so as to be unprecedented. In my 20 years, I've never seen one. We see pregnancies in late 40s and early 50s but all with egg donation.

VAUSE: Without egg donation, the chances of falling pregnant in your 40s is under 2 percent?

JAIN: Under 44, it's in the low single digits, and after 45, it drops off to zero.

VAUSE: People have a right to privacy. We get that.

JAIN: Yeah.

VAUSE: But then you have celebrities and Janet who is 50. And Halle Berry who was 47. Gina Davis when she was 46. And people read this in magazines and gets publicity. What impact does that have on couples who are struggling to have kids or women who think, I can delay a pregnancy, Janet Jackson had a kid at age 50?

JAIN: John, it's a real problem. I've met many, intelligent, accomplished women, who come to me in their late 40s wanting to have a baby and referring to a celebrity who was successful in her 40s, and telling them it is from an egg donor is devastating. And the celebrity mother or any mother carrying an egg donor baby is trying to protect her child, the welfare of her child, and disclosing the information to the child when that child is age appropriate for that.

#; But the general advice here is if you read on the tabloid shelves or hear about it on the pop shows, that celebrity is pregnant and in her late 40s, the assumption has to be that nine times out of 10 it's a donated egg? JAIN: More than that, absolutely.

VAUSE: One think I found interesting, I always thought that frozen eggs was also a possibility for women for pregnancy in later years, but you say that's not the case.

JAIN: Yeah, so frozen eggs and embryos have to be created when the egg is viable. Once frozen, they remain viable for as many years as that patient wants. They can transfer the embryo derived from a frozen embryo or frozen egg up to age 45. They can have their own buy logic child at a later age, so long as they froze the egg or embryo when they were viable.

VAUSE: For women who are looking at their life and planning everything ahead, what is the best advice right now?

JAIN: Education, number one. Doctors need to do a better job educating women that age related fertility and decline is real. Women in their 30s might want to consider freezing their eggs if they're single. If they're a couple, freezing embryos is a good option for preserving fertility.

VAUSE: One of the complications for a woman essentially carrying a child at age 50, are there greater complications or dangerous than for a younger woman?

JAIN: That's a good question. There's now a lot of data on carrying babies up to 55. In properly screened women who are healthy, they do well with low adverse outcomes.

VAUSE: But they have to be careful.

JAIN: Absolutely.

VAUSE: And we have seen cases in India with 70-year-old women, fall pregnant with a donated egg and there's a lot complications with that.

JAIN: Absolutely.

VAUSE: OK, Doctor, thanks so much.

JAIN: My pleasure.

VAUSE: Dr. Jain, good to speak with you. Thank you.

We'll take a short break. When we come back, Donald Trump says he has big plans for America's future. We'll see what the fortune telling Donald Trump has to say.




[01:53:03] VAUSE: Donald Trump has been making big predictions during this election season, like it will be the end of the United States if Hillary Clinton is elected. But what does the fortune telling Donald Trump machine have to say?

Here's CNN's Jeanne Moos.


JEANNE MOOS, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The candidate who is always talking about his fortune --

DONALD TRUMP, (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I'm getting a terrific vision.

MOOS: -- is now telling fortunes.

ALL-SEEING TRUMP DOLL: Stare into my crystal ball.

MOOS: The all-seeing Trump is being seen all around New York City. With his red eyes and his intentionally small hands, he is predicting the future.

ALL-SEEING TRUMP DOLL: Everybody loves me. The people at the soup kitchen love me.

MOOS: And attracting crowds.

ALL-SEEING TRUMP DOLL: We're going to make America sexy again.

MOOS: He is modeled after Zoltar in the movie "Big."

And now fortune telling Trump has gone big. When he was placed by Trump Tower, security didn't know what to do with it. Police finally turned off the sound to shut him up.

He is the brain child of an anonymous anti-Trump artist who paid $9,000 to Characters Unlimited to create him.

Those pursed lips were the tricky part.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The lips were kind of sticking out. When we pulled it out of the mold, it was hard to not rip his lips off.

MOOS: Hit the button and he talks. Moving on from President Obama's birth certificate to --

ALL-SEEING TRUMP DOLL: Is Elvis Presley still alive?

MOOS: At one point, outside Trump International Hotel, all-seeing Trump died.

(on camera): This is historic. Donald is silent.


Repair man to the rescue.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I like this better than the real one.

ALL-SEEING TRUMP DOLL: I'm voting for Trump.

MOOS: He's the guy who made all-seeing Trump who spits out what they call misfortunes.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He who expects nothing will be pleasantly surprised when I'm president.


MOOS: Occasionally, even the real Donald Trump projects a little too hard in the future.

TRUMP: Make sure you get out and vote November 28th.

MOOS (voice-over): But the all-seeing Trump is no dummy. He knows that Election Day is November 8th.

Jeanne Moos, CNN --

ALL-SEEING TRUMP DOLL: Of the two of you, I only want the attractive one to come up to the booth.

MOOS: -- New York.


[01:55:19] VAUSE: The hair was especially well done.

You're watching CNN NEWSROOM, live from Los Angeles. I'm John Vause. And I'll be back with another hour of news after a very short break.


[01:58:23] VAUSE: This is CNN NEWSROOM live, from Los Angeles.


VAUSE: Hello. Great to have you with us. I'm John Vause. We're now in the third and best hour of NEWSROOM, L.A.

(Byline: John Vause, Jeff Zeleny, Christiane Amanpour; Patrick Snell, Nick Paton Walsh, Matt Rivers, Jeanne Moos)

(Guest: Lisa Bloom, Gina Loudon, Mo'Kelly, Barbara Walter, John Jain)

(High: The New York Times say 2 women accuse Trump of inappropriate touching. Trump said to walked in on naked pageant contestants; WikiLeaks releases more hacked e-mails, this time hacking John Podesta's e-mail; Russia and U.S considering to renew the ceasefire agreement in war-torn Syria. In Iraq, the United States says it has all the pieces in place to try to retake Mosul from ISIS, and the coalition could launch a military assault as early as this month, and we're now seeing how those inside Mosul are preparing for what is expected to be a tough battle. More recalls from Samsung, and now it's the Chinese version of the Galaxy Note 7, which were initially considered safe, and the electronics giant halted all production and sales of other versions of the Smartphones earlier this week after many of them caught fire while charging. Pop star Janet Jackson is confirming she is pregnant at 50 years of age, and reproduction specialist, Dr. John Jain, talks about the risks and the challenges of getting pregnant at that age.)

(Spec: Media; Women; Sexual Assault; WikiLeaks; Security; Yemen; Military; War; Russia; Pope; Debate; Syria; Refugees; Mosul, Iraq; ISIS; Islamic State; Military; War; Samsung; Galaxy Note 7; Businesses; Technology; China; Janet Jackson; Pregnancy; Health and Medicine; Celebrities; Middle East; Asia; World Affairs; Politics; Government)