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Hillary Clinton Headed to Colorado, Donald Trump Stays in Florida; ALCOA Shares Down 11.4-Percent After Quarterly Profits Missed Earnings



ALCOA Shares Down 11.4-Percent After Quarterly Profits Missed Earnings

Expectations, Alumina Shares Also Plummeting 24.8-Percent - Part 2>

O'Neil; Dagen McDowell; Tara Kyle; Cheryl Casonel Jennifer Caudle>

Disasters; Discrimination; Economy; Education; Elections; Employment and

Unemployment; Energy; Environment; Financial Services; Government;

Infrastructure; Internet; Media; Policies; Politics; Retail Industry; Stock

Markets; Sunshine State; WikiLeaks>

It's wrong anyway. Even Secretary Clinton said in the first debate, we will take them out with bombs in Iraq and then we'll squeeze them in Syria. That's the absolute backwards way to do it.

You take out Raqqa, Syria, which is the capital. You take out (inaudible), which is one of the ideological spots in Northern Syria. They say in the Koran that's where the crusaders or the Romans are going to come back and fight them.

Take them out, prove ideologically that they're wrong, spiritually that they are wrong. That's how they lose the funding and then Iraq sort of just goes away.

Then you have a whole new bag of cats to deal with there because we got the Iranian backed Shia militias. It's not a pretty place by any means and I don't have the answer for it.

But at least admit here is what they are doing, they've been doing it for 1400 years under Sunni-Shia civil war. That might be part of the problem. It's not just the bunch of people that are upset. It's so warm because of global warming.

DAGEN MCDOWELL, FOX BUSINESS: Rob, Hillary Clinton repeatedly brings up being in the room watching the Bin Laden raid as evidence that she is a leader, as evidence that she had foreign policy shops. She even made fun of Donald Trump hosting "The Apprentice." She's like when I was watching the Bin Laden raid. What do you think of that?

O'NEIL: Well, Dagen, like I said, she's been in positions to know what is going on overseas, but she certainly takes advantage of the political -- yes, yes, she was in the room and I'm sure she was part of conversations.

But as opposed to she always trying to take political credit and gain points and raising funds because of Bin Laden raid, I would rather she brings up the men and women from the agency that found Bin Laden.

That they painstakingly gave up their personal lives to find them, how about the pilots that flew us in there that knew they probably weren't coming home, and the one pilot that made the decision to crash, if he screwed that up he would have killed everybody on board.

How about the air crew? I think they were some of the only people to (inaudible) the helicopter because it was crashing. How about the people that breach the doors that went up the stairs? You know what room she wasn't in when we were going in Bin Laden's house. You know what room she wasn't in? The room where everyone in that picture except for Hillary Clinton came to thank us.

MCDOWELL: So she didn't thanked you?

O'NEIL: Not a word. None of us.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That raises a question and I'm honored to be here with you.

BARTIROMO: We are all.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When I look at the role of commander-in-chief like most people, you really do have to command and lead the troops. I love to know what you think about the troops and how they regard Hillary Clinton as a potential commander-in-chief?

O'NEIL: As far as I know and I don't want to endorse anybody for the office, as far as I know, though, she has never been a big fan of the military. We knew that inside the military. A lot of the military hasn't been a big fan of hers.

Everything from being the first administration to make sure there's no uniforms allowed in the White House. I could be wrong on that. That's stuff that I heard from people that were there. They didn't care for the military and not big fan because the whole 1960's warmongering type it's our fault as opposed to we are an extension of politics that failed.

BARTIROMO: How are you not a fan of the military? I don't even understand.

O'NEIL: I don't get it either.

MCDOWELL: People who protect and defend your freedom make you uncomfortable when they're wearing their uniform.

BARTIROMO: Right. You're actually right, Dagen. And then there is this Wikileaks releasing more Hillary Clinton emails yesterday. So some emails revealed how Clinton gave actual details on how Osama Bin Laden was targeted in some of her speeches.

She had private speeches going on to Canadian bankers and business groups and in 2013 speech to a Toronto business organization, she said, quote, "This guy used to protect Bin Laden, he has just made a phone call. He said this in the phone call, we need to figure out where he is and then we need to follow him.

Then she went on to say that she was how they found the compound and she was involved in that how they found the compound. What went down, what happened and how inappropriate is it for her to be talking about this stuff to business people in Canada?

O'NEIL: I've spoken about the Bin Laden raid. We had a special on Fox News and that was because to help families with the healing process and closure. And I've heard from people you shouldn't be saying certain stuff.

There's classified stuff out there and I have never mentioned it. It's not a secret that Navy SEALs got on helicopters and went into the room and shot bad guys. How we got there, how we found it, how they were communicating, there's classified stuff.

Certainly you don't need to be talking to bankers about what phone calls were being made. It seems to be inappropriate. It's not my call to make, but I think there's a time and place to do that and getting paid for speech.

I have a friend who wrote a book a while back, and I said I wouldn't mention his name, and he got hit about $7 million for writing a book. And that's kind of ashamed that you take a hero that risked his life more than once and take away his livelihood.

BARTIROMO: So you're not supposed to discuss this. This is all classified.

O'NEIL: There are certain things that are classified and not classified.

BARTIROMO: There it is right there in the emails for us to see what she told this private group in Canada. You are the author of "American Wife." You are the widow of a Navy SEAL, Chris Kyle. Your thoughts on this.

TAYA KYLE, "AMERICAN WIFE" AUTHOR: I do have thoughts on this. I have a lot of thoughts on Hillary Clinton, but primarily, you know, you ask how can you not like the military, how can you not support them? And my own opinion is because they have the truth.

And they can talk about how this chess game that they play in politics, and how it's all strategy to say I was in the room, to say I supported this to change your mind when really the guys in Benghazi -- she could have cared less.

I feel like part of the reason that she might not like the military is because there are a lot of people in the military that can speak out against her from personal experience that she is not who she says she is.

The two of you are proof positive that we are the home of the brave that's for sure. I wonder, though, when you think about the military as a collection of individuals, who are the voices that speak for them? It's a huge group of people, who speaks for them?

O'NEIL: In the military, once they leave the military.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You know, I think when you talk about political dynamic that has military somewhat isolated. Who is speaking and bringing their voice to the forum?

O'NEIL: Well, a lot of times like the Pentagon has their spokespeople that do it. There's a lot of politics involved there too. People are careful with what they do, but it's always interesting to see who does what when they get out of the military.

You see a lot of general officers left during Obama administration, we lost some of the best with whom I've ever served and some of them don't get involved in politics and some do. General Flynn is on Trump's side. Others go to the Clinton side because you know, let's be honest, they all know that if they support the right person, they'll probably get an appointment somewhere.

KYLE: I do want to answer that, though. I think one of the big issues is that nobody is really speaking for the people, the Average Joe, the people that are boots on the ground. We have generals and commanders with their opinions.

But I feel like we talk to a lot of people who are actually serving and they have a whole different opinion on their pay, what should be done, strategy that the candidates are coming up with and their strategies are not going help the people that are actually boots on the ground that are not high-ranking officials.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's the voice that I feel is missing from this conversation.

BARTIROMO: I agree, which is what you were suggesting absolutely. Great to see you, Rob. Thank you so much for joining. Rob O'Neil, we are proud to sit with you, Rob. Thank you.

Still to come, an incredible police chase for a suspect on the run, caught on camera. How cops caught up to a man running into traffic on a highway. That's coming up.

Plus Samsung tries to contain the flames from the exploding phones. The company now sending fire proof boxes for customers to return their Galaxy Note 7 devices, that's coming up next. Stay with us.


BARTIROMO: Welcome back. We are expecting lower opening from the broader averages today. Take a look, down 27 points on the Dow Jones Industrial Average. It really is about earnings season. Yesterday a pretty good selloff as we saw the first of the earnings disappointments and that was Alcoa.

We are watching shares of Sprint this morning. The "Wall Street Journal" today is reporting the wireless carrier plans to raise $3.5 billion by mortgaging nearly 10 percent of its air waves, for the details on this deal expected as early as this week. This would be the third time Sprint has made such a move.

We are watching Boeing today. The company delaying the first manned flight of its star liner Space Taxi for the second this year. The ship's first flight to the International Space Station is now planned from mid-2018. Boeing explaining the delay on both technical and supplier issues.

A dramatic police chase in Texas, Cheryl is on it with headlines now -- Cheryl.

CHERYL CASONE, FOX BUSINESS: And the video is something else. This video coming from our Fox affiliate's chopper in Dallas, Texas, a shoplifting suspect running across I-30. He was tasered. This was a high-speed chase that lasted 30 minutes before it ended in dramatic fashion, by the way, on televisions in Dallas.

They did take him down. He almost got hit by oncoming traffic, but officers did safely take him into custody. The video, though, incredible.

Well, a deadly plane crash in Connecticut with a strange twist. Two people were on board when the twin engine plane crashed into a busy road in East Hartford. Witnesses saying the chaotic scene was like something out of a movie.


UNIDENTIFIED CALLER: All I saw was crash and then like an atom bomb went off, and then it just kept went blowing up and I heard people screaming.


CASONE: Well, the passenger on board died and there are reports this morning the FBI is investigating whether or not the crash was intentional. The pilot is hospitalized with serious burns.

Customers have complained for years about Comcast billing practices and after an investigation the FCC is doing something about it. Comcast is being fined $2.3 million, the largest penalty ever imposed on a cable operator by the FCC.

Comcast accused of charging customers for services and equipment they did not ask for. The company is going to be required to make sure customers want the services that they received and paid for.

And Samsung has come up with an interesting way for customers to send back the faulty Galaxy Note 7. It is sending, you're looking at it fire-proof boxes as a precaution against possible fires.

Just yesterday, Samsung said it was discontinuing the Note 7 phones after two recalls and a lot of reports of fires caused by overheating batteries. That box, Maria, is a full kit, three boxes and a static shielding bag. If you got the phone, turn it off, power it down, and put it away.

BARTIROMO: I guess that's a smart idea, you know, sending these boxes. But Dagen, I mean, this company, what a setback. The next smartphone not coming out until next year. How are customers going to stick with Samsung?

MCDOWELL: I don't know how you stick with them. I feel lucky that I ordered my new iPhone last week because you know given the developments in just last few days, Samsung is essentially pushing people toward Apple. This is such a disaster for Samsung.

There needs to be a new emoji face to express the horror in terms of a corporate foul-up. It's unbelievable that they didn't -- of all the quality testing that they do on these devices. This is a phone-wide problem. Shutting down production. It catches on fire.

BARTIROMO: I mean, the pictures are incredible. Can they ever come back?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think they definitely can come back. They have a standard Note, that's not Note, Galaxy 7.

BARTIROMO: Is it off?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The fact is -- this is going to cost them $4 billion minimum. This is going to be a very expensive --

MCDOWELL: Do you know how brand damage is done just by every time you get on an airplane. Every time I have flown in the last week or so they come on and said, if you have a Galaxy Note, you must turn it off. You're not allowed to charge it. Every single time, Galaxy Note, must shut it off, Samsung, fire risk.

BARTIROMO: Incredible. What a story.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm putting it back with my hoover board.

BARTIROMO: Thank you. The problem with the lithium batteries. This is important. We keep seeing the lithium battery come up and have issues, major issues.

MCDOWELL: Why is stuff exploding all of a sudden?

BARTIROMO: Yes, exactly. We'll talk about that. That's coming up in the program.

Still to come employers are pushing rising healthcare costs to employees now. How cost-cutting measures could be taking a toll on Americans' health next up. Back in a minute.


BARTIROMO: Welcome back. Your doctor wants you to stop taking so many medications. Healthcare providers are now trying to de-prescribe in order help adults cut out ineffective medicines and avoid risky combinations. Study show that nearly 40 percent of patients in their 60's take more than five medications at once.

Joining us right now is family physician and assistant professor at Rowan University, Dr. Jennifer Caudle. Good to see you, Jennifer. Thank you so much for joining us. So talk to us about the state of play right now, are people taking too many prescription drugs?

DR. JENNIFER CAUDLE, ROWAN UNIVERSITY ASSISTANT PROFESSOR: I think sometimes that actually might be the case. Really what the issue is taking the appropriate meds. The issue with de-prescribing and over prescribing is, as physicians, we only want patients to be only on the medications they need and no more.

And the real reason is because there can be side effects with medications and there can be drug-drug interactions. So I don't want you as a family doctor, I don't want you taking more than you actually need.

BARTIROMO: So what should patients be asking doctors when it comes to medications?

CAUDLE: Right. So I think the first question you should be asking your doctor, and by the way, your doctor should be going over all of your medications with you every time you come into the office. That's all your specialists, by the way.

But you should be asking, do I need all of these medications, do I actually need all of these to make sure that you're going through each medication with your doctor and seeing if that's the case.

The second question is I would ask, are there better alternatives to what I'm actually taking because, you know, with certain classes of medications, sleep meds, and other things, pain medication, et cetera.

Over the years we have developed newer formulation that sometimes are safer and better side effect profile so asking, you know, is there something better I should be on I think is important.

KYLE: You don't want to take a medication until you're suffering, right? Just a cure-all and throw pills on and things go away or sleep hygiene. There are other things to try first, but if you need it, you need it.

CAUDLE: That's exactly. Taking things only if you need it.

BARTIROMO: Healthcare costs expected to rise 6 percent in 2017, these costs keep going up. Employers are shifting some of the burden to workers, obviously. They're asking workers to take part in cost-cutting drug programs and Skype-like video consultations so you can actually do consultation with a doctor on Skype, is that a good idea?

CAUDLE: We were just stalking about this. I actually think that in some ways this is going to be the wave of the future. As a family physician who sees patients almost every day in the office, it has me a little worried.

There are limitations to this type of medicine practicing. It's not for emergencies. I would say if people have really major severe medical issues, this may not be the route to go.

So I think there is a use for tele-medicine and distance medicine, but it's got to be for the right patient, right situation and right sort of instance.

BARTIROMO: Families today cannot afford the cost.

KYLE: Right, that's a good point. We were talking offline about Skype and telemedicine you were calling it. We were talking about antibiotics and you can without getting a cold sore, you risk increasing resistance to antibiotics for the bacteria.

CAUDLE: It's really important. A lot of my patients are talking about the increased healthcare costs. I have patients saying, look, Doc, if I get this test it's going to cost me this much out of pocket or are there generics or cheaper drugs. So patients are very much seeing, feeling this where drug costs and insurance costs are rising. So this is definitely an issue.

BARTIROMO: I know you said earlier that the first question when you go to your doctors is what are you taking right now, but why the -- so many drugs as you're getting older and is there a big risk to taking five prescription medications at once?

CAUDLE: Well, I would say if you need all five of them, yes. First of all, I should say there are potential risk to anything that we take. That's just a fact. This is where we say risk versus benefits.

If you have a stroke, heart attack and other major medical condition, those five drugs absolutely might be life-saving compared to the potential downside.

So we want you to be on those medications. It's not the number. It's the appropriateness. If you need to be on ten drugs, but those are the drugs you need to be on to save your life then that's what I want you to be on. But that's the question, do you need to be on them.

BARTIROMO: Sure. Dr. Caudle, good to see you. Thank you so much for joining us.

Still to come you can swipe your way to more airline miles. The money- saving tips that you need to know to plan your next vacation in the next hour of MORNINGS WITH MARIA. We will be right back. Stay with us.


BARTIROMO: Welcome back. Good Wednesday morning, everybody. I'm Maria Bartiromo. Thanks for joining us. It is Wednesday, October 12th. Your top stories right now at 7:00 a.m. on the east coast.

The battleground blitz continues, Donald Trump will campaign in the all- important swing state of Florida today while Hillary Clinton will stump in Colorado. Yesterday Trump slammed Paul Ryan, John McCain, and disloyal Republicans.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: The shackles are some of the establishment people that are weak and ineffective people within the Republican Party, senators and others.


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