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Samsung Warns Galaxy Note 7 Users to Stop Using Phone; Republican Party is House Divided; Syrian Fugitive Arrested in



Republican Party is House Divided; Syrian Fugitive Arrested in

Germany; U.N. Calling for Independent Investigation of War Crimes in

Yemen; Aftermath of Hurricane Matthew. Aired 3-4a ET - Part 1>


[03:00:00] ROSEMARY CHURCH, CNN ANCHOR: Turn it off. Samsung warns Galaxy Note 7 users around the globe to stop using it after more reports of the phone catching fire.

A House divided. The most senior elected republican in the United States bails on Donald Trump and gives permission for other republicans to do the same.

And foiled, a Syrian fugitive is arrested in Germany after the heroic actions of two fellow refugees.

Hello and welcome to our viewers all around the world. I'm Rosemary Church, and this is CNN Newsroom.

Well, if you are one of the millions of people with a Samsung Galaxy Note 7, the company is warning you to turn it off right now. It could catch fire. Even the newest Note 7s meant to replace the defective originals are bursting into flames.

U.S. and South Korean Airline regulators are telling passengers not to use the phone on their flights and not to stow it in their checked baggage. Samsung stock is taking a beating, of course, falling 8 percent in Tuesday trading.

The South Korean electronics giant is investigating these spontaneous fires and struggling to come up with a response.

CNN's Paula Hancocks reports.

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Recalling millions of phones because they might catch fire is certainly a P.R. challenge. But then having to ask your customers to immediately switch off the replace phones because they may do exactly the same thing is a disaster for Samsung.

The South Korean tech giant was affectively forced into this position are asking its retailers to stop selling its Galaxy Note 7 after major carriers like AT&T and T-Mobile in the United States said that they would no longer replacing these phones. They were waiting for more clarification after there have been reports that these replacement phones are also prone to overheating and may also burst into flames.

Now there was an incident last week on a Southwest Airlines flight when one of these phones started smoking. That flight was then cancelled. This is currently being investigated by Samsung and also in the United States.

Now U.S. aviation officials in the U.S. and around the world are now having to warn passengers to switch off their Samsung phones to make sure they don't charge them on board and also not to put them in checked luggage. Now that kind of announcement is certainly sending a negative message, far beyond Samsung's customers.

Now here in South Korea, aviation officials today have also upgraded their warnings to keep in line with that. But what about Samsung customers here in South Korea, the home of Samsung? They are famously loyal, patriotic even when it comes to their biggest tech export.

We went out on to the street to see even if here in South Korea some of that loyalty has been shaken.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (TRANSLATED): I felt like they were a little hasty in trying to deal with this, but if you look at Samsung electronics overall, they get stronger during a crisis.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (TRANSLATED): Competition with Apple is fierce already and this could mean Samsung is chasing them one step behind. It's really regrettable.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (TRANSLATED): I will continue using my Galaxy Note 7 and if a new model comes out, I will get that one. Probably the 8 series. I'm a Samsung user so I don't think I'll be switching to Apple.


HANCOCKS: We have repeatedly ask executives from Samsung Electronics for an interview. They have declined as they have for many years now. A famously secretive company is now finding itself talked about around the world for all the wrong reasons.

Paula Hancocks, CNN, Seoul.

CHURCH: So, let's bring in Bryan Ma, vice president of Device Research at International Data Corporation or IDC. He joins us now via Skype from Singapore.

Thank you, sir, for talking with us.

So, Samsung has been forced to halt sales of the Galaxy Note 7 telling customers to stop using their phones. Just how damaging will this likely be for Samsung and of course, its reputation?

BRYIAN MA, INTERNATIONAL DATA CORPORATION DEVICE RESEARCH VICE PRESIDENT: Well, it depends on how quickly they can contain it, right. I remember when the issue came up a month ago. The expectation is they contain it within one or two weeks, they isolate it to that and then they move on they can start repositioning a new phone.

The problem is last week the allegedly fixed devices still had problems and suddenly this whole issue of trust has been compromised. Now we're not sure whether we can believe what Samsung says and that's where the potential down side risk here is, right.

If it spreads beyond just this Note 7 product to all of Samsung's product lines where people say, oh, I don't care if it's that model or not, any Samsung product I don't want to touch.

[03:05:06] That obviously has very, very serious repercussions on it, even if say future products allegedly fix the problem. How can people trust that if we're getting two messages here from Samsung.

CHURCH: Yes, understood. And why did it take Samsung so long to respond to reports of phones catching fire? And what does it expect its customers to do given they can't use their phones anymore? How will they be reimbursed? Will they remain loyal to Samsung. Clearly, in South Korea they will, but elsewhere across the globe what are people supposed to do?

MA: Exactly. That's the problem, right? And part of the problem with this too, is just the sheer communication has been confusing and it's fragmented.

Now to Samsung's credit, they're such a big global organization, each country has its own dynamics and channels telephone codes and forth, so it's not an easy job of course. But nonetheless, if we were to with the benefit of hindsight, you know, gosh, you just wish that the communications were much cleaner than this, that they were much more responsive, that they were transparent in saying, OK, guys, this was the problem. This is what we are going to do to fix it.

You know, in my opinion, I think they needed much more human face to the problem here and basically getting their executives -- I mean, they did it in Korea but they needed to, outside to the rest of the world they needed to see that a human really cared about what they wanted to do and that they cared about their customers, not that they were obligated to replace these units.

And I think, you know, that could have been done a lot more smoothly as difficult as it is, of course.

CHURCH: Yes, and of course, how long will it likely take Samsung to figure out what the problem is? And what's your sense of the possible source of the issue here do you think?

MA: That's the problem, right? I mean, we have thought that this was going to be contained right away. Now all that's been thrown up because when we thought it was fixed, it wasn't fixed. When everybody thought it was fixed, it wasn't fixed.

So, this could continue to be a problem. Now, I think the second part of your question, you know, originally they blamed the problem on the battery supplier. That basically it was the fault of the battery supplier and that there wasn't a design flaw.

But -- and so, hence, they switched the battery supplier to what was allegedly a safe supplier and yet, a safe version still has the problem. So, that did raises the question, is it really the battery supplier or is there something else? Could there be potentially a design flaw in the product?

That's the part that hasn't been answered yet. That's why I think what Samsung did today was they had to hit the pause button on this and quickly say, OK, everybody stop using the phones. We're still investigating. They haven't said they are going to kill the product line all together.

I think they are still trying to figure it out themselves. Maybe they are confused themselves. They -- I'm sure they really did think it was the battery supplier initially but then, hey, OK, maybe it's not the battery supplier. Maybe it's something else. And that's what I think everybody is waiting to see in the upcoming days if they haven't just completely given up on Samsung already.

CHURCH: All right. Absolutely. And all they can do now is turn off those phones until its worked out. Bryan Ma, thank you so much for joining us. I appreciate it.

MA: Sure.

CHURCH: Donald Trump is on the offensive as his road to the White House looks to be narrowing. The most recent national poll from the Wall Street journal and NBC shows Clinton ahead by 11 points. To try and stop the slide, Trump is ramping up his attacks on both Hillary and Bill Clinton.

Our Sara Murray reports from Trump's latest stop in Pennsylvania.

SARA MURRAY, CNN POLITICAL REPORTER: Tonight, Donald Trump is continuing his no-holds-barred attacks on Hillary Clinton.


DONALD TRUMP, (R) U.S. PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: If they want to release more tapes saying inappropriate things we'll continue to talk about Bill and Hillary Clinton doing inappropriate things.


MURRAY: On the campaign trail and the debate stage Trump is trying to pull his campaign out of a tail spin, urging voters to hold Clinton accountable for allegations of sexual assault and rape against her husband.


TRUMP: But Bill Clinton was abusive to women. Hillary Clinton attacked those same women. And attacked them viciously. Four of them here tonight.

Hello. How are you? Hi.


MURRAY: As the GOP nominee aimed to take the focus off the videotape where he spoke approvingly of sexual assault.


TRUMP: I apologize to my family. I apologize to the American people. Certainly I'm not proud of it. But this is locker room talk.


MURRAY: Trump's high-risk approach wasn't enough to pacify House Speaker Paul Ryan who told members of Congress he would no longer defend Trump and instead focus on preserving republican control of the House. That prompted Trump to swipe back on Twitter saying, "Paul Ryan should spend more time on balancing the budget, job and illegal immigration and not waste his time on fighting republican nominee."

All as the Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll conducted after the crass comments were revealed but before the debate shows Clinton leading by 11 points, with 46 percent of the vote compared to Trump's 35 percent.

[03:10:07] Today, Trump's keeping up his attacks on Clinton.


TRUMP: Special prosecutor, here we come, right?

You ought to be ashamed of yourself.


MURRAY: After using the debate to threaten to throw her in jail over her e-mail scandal if he's elected.


HILLARY CLINTON, (D) U.S. PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: It's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.

TRUMP: Because you'd be in jail.



MURRAY: And even referring to her as the devil.


TRUMP: I was so surprised to see him sign on with the devil. (END VIDEO CLIP)

MURRAY: While much of the debate left a sour taste for those already disappointed by the tone of the race. Trump's apology and ability to pivot to red meat for republicans is already reassuring Trump's running mate who insists he never considered dropping off the ticket.


GOV. MIKE PENCE, (R) U.S. VICE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: That's absolutely false to suggest that at any point in time we considered dropping off this ticket. It's the greatest honor of my life to have been nominated by my party to be the next vice president of the United States of America.

TRUMP: She's lied about a lot of things.


MURRAY: But last night's vicious battle exposed policy differences between the Trump-Pence ticket, though Pence advocated for a muscular approach with Russia if it continues to aid Syria with air strikes amid a humanitarian crisis. Trump says he'll do no such thing.


TRUMP: He and I haven't spoken and I disagree.


MURRAY: Now while Paul Ryan may not necessarily be all in for Trump in the wake of that tape, RNC chairman Reince Priebus held a call with members today ensuring that he is all in and that the RNC and Trump campaign are still working hand in hand to ensure victory in November.

Sara Murray, CNN, Hamburg, Pennsylvania.

CHURCH: CNN political analyst Josh Rogin joins me from D.C., and CNN political commentator Tara Setmayer joins me from New York. Thank you, both for being with us.


CHURCH: So, Tara, I want to start with you. Speaker Paul Ryan told fellow republican lawmakers that he will no longer defend Donald Trump or campaign with him and he told him to do what's best in their district to ensure Hillary Clinton does not get a democrat-controlled Congress.

Now is that Ryan conceding that Trump will lose this election, and can we expect more high-profile players to distance themselves from Trump do you think?

SETMAYER: Yes. This was a pretty extraordinary day today. I mean, the last couple of days have been unprecedented in a number of levels. But for the speaker of the house to come up -- come out and basically tell members of Congress that they do need to do what they need to do to protect their seats and that he's not going to defend the republican nominee anymore is remarkable.

Now, I personally believe that Paul Ryan should have done that months ago. He tried to thread a political needle by supporting Donald Trump, even though he didn't agree with him. Even though he knew that he was a very flawed candidate.

And I cautioned republican leaders of fully embracing Donald Trump's nomination because that would mean they would have to embrace all of his baggage and we know that there's a lot of that and there could be more to come.

I think you may see more defections if there are more tapes and more things are revealed about Donald Trump moving forward because the Republican Party doesn't want to be saddled with this image moving forward. Because there is life after November 8th and the Republican Party has to think about their viability.

CHURCH: Yes. And. Josh, as Tara said there, remarkable Trump responded by tweeting that Paul Ryan shouldn't waste time fighting him. Why was this all done so publicly? Was there a strategy on the part of Ryan to publicly distance himself from Trump like this? Many people saying this, as Tara said, should have happened long ago without going so far as removing his endorsement, though.

JOSH ROGIN, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: Right. There are good reasons that Paul Ryan made the best effort that he could to work with the Trump campaign as much as possible until today. I mean, there's no doubt Paul Ryan would rather have a republican president than a democratic president and he has to respond to all of his constituents and all of his members.

As we saw there was a lot of backlash today when Paul Ryan told his members that he wasn't going to defend or campaign with Trump because many of them do support Trump. As far as Trump is concerned there's really no debate at all. He always fights in public.

He's been criticizing the republican leadership the whole time. He's been dangling the prospect of working with them and moderating his tone and being more presidential as a means to keep them from doing what they have done the last three days.

But now clearly, the Trump campaign, led by Steve Bannon have decided to throw away the strategy and just run both against Hillary Clinton and against the republican establishment and against the media all at once. It is an incredibly risky strategy. Some would say a desperation move but it seems to be what they have done decided on for the last 30 days win or lose.

[03:14:57] CHURCH: And of course, Trump was already having a bad week, wasn't he? But then we saw republican defections en masse after the Access Hollywood video surfaced showing him making vulgar comments about groping women and saying he could get away with it because he is a celebrity. Now Trump tried to explain his comments at the debate but Hillary Clinton rejected his explanation Monday. Let's just take a quick listen to what she had to say about that.


CLINTON: When he was pressed about how he behaves, he just doubled down on his excuse that it's just locker room banter. Well, I'll tell you what, women and men across America know that is just a really weak excuse for behaving badly.


CHURCH: Josh, Trump's defenders say all men talk like this as a guy who has no doubt been in numerous locker rooms, is this how men in America talk to each other? And how has that defense worn in the hours following the debate do you think?

ROGIN: You know, I'd like to think that it never happens. I'm sure he's not the only person to brag about sexually assaulting women. But that's not the point. The point is that its abhorrent, disgusting and that it should never be talked about whether it is or isn't.

But of course the greater problem for Trump here is that the tactic that he chose to respond to the scandal is not to apologize but to justify, defend himself and then attack Hillary and Bill Clinton and accuse them of doing things that are worse.

Again, this is an incredibly risky move led by his campaign chairman Steve Bannon when he decided to have a press conference with three of Bill Clinton's accusers minutes before the debate. That was a conscious decision to not to yield to the pressures, to rise above the scandal.

And that's a decision he can't undo. That was the decision that prompted Paul Ryan and so many other republicans to decide that their partnership with the Trump campaign was not salvageable and that decision is going to have dire consequences for his campaign I think.

CHURCH: Yes, he's definitely chosen to double down, hasn't he? And, Tara, the new national poll by NBC/Wall Street Journal shows Trump down by 11 points in a four-way matchup and even more in a two-way with Clinton.

And this poll was done after the release of the Access Hollywood tape. So, it does reflect public opinion on the matter. What does this tell you about Trump's future, given more tapes are expected to be released?

SETMAYER: Yes, I agree with Josh. That the strategy is very risky. I would take it a step further and say that it's a losing strategy. I don't believe that Donald Trump ever really wanted to win the presidency.

I think that he gets a certain high off of the campaign process, of screaming people in crowds fanning all over him that about amount adulation, most narcissists do and most narcissists also are incapable of empathy.

And giving an apology and being humble and contrite which are most decent people were expecting Donald Trump to do after that deplorable video, that's what they would expect, but that's not Donald Trump's personality. He's never behaved that way ever.

CHURCH: All right. Tara Setmayer, Josh Rogin, stand by. We want to continue our conversation a little later in the program. Don't go anywhere.

And despite a series of damaging controversies for their candidate, Trump supporters seem as passionate as ever. How they are defending him later this hour.

Plus, hundreds of thousands of people in Haiti are still waiting for much-needed aid to arrive. The latest from the hurricane-stricken nation still to come. Stay with us.


KAREN MAGINNIS, AMS METEOROLOGIST: Many rivers and streams running out of their banks be and at or above major flood stage across the Carolinas and in to Virginia.

This is a result of what happened after hurricane Matthew impacted the southeastern coast of the United States, even in to Florida. Rivers were running high, but the worst damage, right now to deal with is in North Carolina.

Got a weather system moving right across the northern tier states, behind that some much-cooler air. Also, a weather system moving out of the Gulf of Alaska, a sure sign that fall is on the horizon. At least for the West Coast coming up in the next day or so.

Until then, mostly sunny skies in Vancouver. Los Angeles 20; 31 in Dallas. So still feels like summertime there at least. New York City sunshine 17 and Montreal sunshine 17 degrees is expected there.

We look on towards Mexico and Central America and the Caribbean. For Kingston, Jamaica 31. Managua 34. Mexico City will be partly cloudy and 23 degrees. Across South America, in Quito 17. Bogota is looking at 19 degrees and some scattered showers and thunderstorms. Rio de Janeiro partly cloudy and 26.

If you are traveling toward the southern portion of the continent, it looks like Santiago should be, early morning clouds, afternoon sunshine and high temperature a comfortable 25.

CHURCH: The U.N. is calling for an independent investigation of possible war crimes in Yemen. That's following Saturday's deadly air strike on a funeral in Sana'a.

War planes from the Saudi-led coalition are being blamed for the attack that killed at least 140 people.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) BAN KI-MOON, UNITED NATIONS SECRETARY-GENERAL: This was a community center known to all. It was crowded with families and children. Harming people already mourning the loss of loved ones is reprehensible.


CHURCH: ITV's Neil Connery is in Sana'a and he spoke with us earlier about the funeral attack and Yemen's civil war.


NEIL CONNERY, ITV NEWS CORRESPONDENT: A heartbreaking scenes here this weekend with this attack by the Saudi-led coalition on this funeral hall where hundreds of people were gathered on Saturday afternoon.

Health officials here saying that at least 140 people were killed. That figure could rise. Hundreds more injured as well. We've been to the funeral hall. We've seen what remains of it. The roof was blown apart. The debris inside. They were still finding bodies and, and parts of human remains.

When we were there yesterday there were forensic teams there and firefighters still having to douse the flames. It gives you an indication of the ferocity of the inferno that took place there on Saturday.

But we have had funerals here in Sana'a today. And a real growing sense of anger of what has happened here. And anger to the response of the international community.

Many Yemenis that I have spoken to feel that the outside world has given up on them. Isn't listening. Isn't looking at what is happening here. And they are desperate for action from the world outside.

CHURCH: And more than 4,000 people have been killed since the conflict in Yemen began last year.

In Germany, police have arrested a 22-year-old Syrian national after a two-day manhunt. Authorities say he was planning a bomb attack and has links to ISIS.

Atika Shubert has the latest.

ATIKA SHUBERT, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: This is Jaber al-Bakr, the Syrian refugee in Germany, the subject of a 48-hour manhunt by German police after they say they found 1.5 kilos of highly explosive material in his room.

[03:25:06] It began on Saturday with an intelligence tip-off. Authorities say that al-Bakr was planning an imminent attack. Police raided the home and found materiels they believe were to be used in a suicide vest.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) JOERG MICHAELIS, SAXONY POLICE CHIEF (TRANSLATED): In the suspect's flat, aside from metallic elements like nuts and two detonators we found several hundred grams of substances thought to be explosives. Also, some in the form of crystalline, specialists at the scene from the criminal investigation office drew the conclusion that it could be TATP, tri-acetone tri-peroxide. This would be the same as the substances used in the Paris and Brussels attacks.


SHUBERT: But al-Bakr slipped through police hands. Apparently making his way to nearby Leipzig. And police say convinced two fellow Syrian refugees to put him up for the night. But the two recognized al-Bakr from the news and called police.

Police say when they arrived, al-Bakr was tied up. Police have not identified the refugees that turned al-Bakr in. But neighbors awakened by the sound of helicopters were relieved.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (TRANSLATED): Well, because of what had happened I was afraid. But it is good the suspect was arrested because of a man from the same country as he was. That I find very notable. One should have a lot of respect for this guy for what he did.


SHUBERT: In August, Syrian refugee carried out the first bombing attack in Germany believed to be linked to ISIS. Since then, several attacks in Germany have been thwarted. A number of them involving Syrian refugees that entered the country last year.

Germany remains high on the list of ISIS terror targets. And police are urging members of the public to stay alert.

Atika Shubert, CNN, Berlin.

CHURCH: Donald Trump supporters are sounding off about his now infamous video and Sunday's debate performance, and they are not pulling any punches against his critics or the media.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You got they're liars, you are bias. And we're not dealing with it no longer.



CHURCH: A warm welcome back to our viewers all around the world. I'm Rosemary Church. I want to update you now on the main stories we've been following this hour.

Samsung is telling customers to stop using its Galaxy Note 7 immediately, but the original and replacement phones have been spontaneously catching fire. U.S. and South Korean airline regulators are warning passengers not to use the devices or to store them in their checked baggage.

Samsung stock fell more than 7 percent in Tuesday trading.

The U.N. is calling for an international investigation of a deadly air strike on a funeral in Yemen's capital. The attack Saturday in Sana'a killed at least 140 people. The Saudi-led coalition is blamed for the attack. It denies any responsibility.

U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said he will no longer defend or campaign for fellow republican Donald Trump. The 2005 footage that surfaced on Friday showed Trump bragging about his fame giving him license to grope women. Trump fired back at Ryan, saying Ryan shouldn't be wasting time blocking his party's presidential nominee.

Well, Trump supporters have never been accused of lacking any passion.

Our Randi Kaye has met plenty throughout this campaign and she shows us how they are reacting to the Trump campaign's recent troubles.




RANDI KAYE, CNN INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER: Donald Trump in Ambridge, Pennsylvania fired up about his debate performance, especially the women here.


KAYE: Who do you think won the debate?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Trump. He destroyed it. He killed it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He was much stronger last night than he's been so far.


KAYE: Stronger on issues, his supporter say and stronger on offense, too. Those we spoke with thought Trump's decision to invite several women, who once accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault or harassment to the debate to the debate was brilliant.