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Samsung is stopping the sale of all of its Galaxy Note 7 smartphones.




replace the lithium batteries. However, the new batteries haven`t prevented

all the phones from overheating. Dan Ackerman covers the tech industry for


Samsung is stopping the sale of all of its Galaxy Note 7 smartphones. The move comes, following several fire incidents in the phones that replaced recalled models. Don Dahler has our report.

(Begin VT)

DON DAHLER: Last Tuesday, Kentucky resident Michael Klering woke up to the smell of smoke.

MICHAEL KLERING: Look over, and my-- my phone`s on fire.

DON DAHLER: He traded in his first Galaxy Note 7 a week earlier.

MICHAEL KLERING: The phone is supposed to be the-- the replacement. So, you would`ve thought it was safe. It wasn`t plugged in. It wasn`t anything. It was just sitting there.

DON DAHLER: Last month Samsung recalled 2.5 million Galaxy Note 7 phones to replace the lithium batteries. However, the new batteries haven`t prevented all the phones from overheating. Dan Ackerman covers the tech industry for CNET.

DAN ACKERMAN: Initially, we thought it was simply a battery from a specific battery supplier. But these replacement phones have batteries from a different supplier. Then, obviously, the issue is somewhere else. It may be the design of the battery itself. It may be another component. It may be a combination of issues.

DON DAHLER: The latest incidents have now forced new action by Samsung. In a statement to CBS News, the company said ".Samsung will ask all carrier and retail partners globally to stop sales and exchanges of the Galaxy Note7 while the investigation is taking place."

DAN ACKERMAN: This was a big, sort of, flagship look at me phone with the curved edges and a screen that`s as big as the biggest iPhone. It was definitely meant to be their, sort of, big, big holiday push phone.

DON DAHLER: And it`s not going to be that.

DAN ACKERMAN: It`s definitely not going to show up in a lot of stockings for Christmas.

Don Dahler, CBS News, New York.

(End VT)

MEG OLIVER: Coming up on the MORNING NEWS, he once called it the Eighth Wonder of the World, but Donald Trump`s Taj Mahal is no more, leaving thousands of Atlantic City employees looking for work.

And protest arrest. A Hollywood actress is handcuffed in North Dakota, fighting a proposed pipeline.



SHAILENE WOODLEY (internet video): Riot police are arriving. Riot police arriving at this peaceful protest where people are praying.

MEG OLIVER: A Hollywood star was live streaming on Facebook yesterday, shortly before her arrest at a protest in North Dakota. Actress Shailene Woodley was among twenty-seven people held briefly on misdemeanor trespassing charges. Demonstrators opposed an oil pipeline that would take crude from North Dakota to Illinois. The Army Corps of Engineers has not yet okayed pipeline construction on federal land.

Facebook wants to replace your e-mail at work.

And a rare shark attack in the Pacific Northwest.

Those are some of the headlines on the Morning Newsstand.

The Orlando Sentinel reports that a four-year-old was found safe in Tennessee three days after she vanished in Florida. A man named West Wild Hogs is accused of kidnapping Rebecca Lewis. He is in custody. Police say Hogs lived with her family until about two years ago.

The Houston Chronicle says hundreds of fatal shootings by police have gone unreported. Researchers studied the eleven-year period ending in 2015. They found two hundred twenty use of force deaths in Texas and four hundred forty in California have not been listed. Both states have laws requiring such reports.

Oregon`s Statesman Journal reports that a Portland man was attacked by a shark. Authorities say he was bitten in the thigh and lower leg while surfing Monday off a state park in Northwest Oregon. The man is hospitalized with serious injuries. But a fellow surfer says he never lost consciousness. The last shark attack at that beach was twenty-eight years ago.

The New York Times reports that soda makers give millions to health groups while lobbying against laws that would tax soda sales. Researchers found that Coke and Pepsi donated to nearly one hundred leading health groups in recent years. The report said several groups that took beverage industry money with health support for plans that would tax sugary sodas.

And The Wall Street Journal reports on the new Facebook tool that lets workers chat and collaborate with one another. The company launched Workplace by Facebook yesterday, touting it as an alternative to e-mail. Facebook plans to charge one to three dollars monthly for each active user.

Still ahead, bundle up. The breakout star from the second presidential debate becomes an unwitting fall fashion icon.


MEG OLIVER: Ken Bone became an instant internet star during Sunday night`s presidential debate. And many among his legion of new fans decided they needed a sweater like his. The red IZOD pullover with a zip collar is now sold out. Some suspect buyers will use them as Halloween costumes.


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