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WEST: Well, one of the problems you have with a country such as Saudi Arabia just the same as you can have with Pakistan or whatever, even though they are not designated as a state sponsor of terrorism, you have entities within some of these countries that are sponsor this terrorism.

We have a serious problem from Saudi Arabia with the Wahhabism and the Wahhabi sect and when we you think about the fact that, I believe, 15 or 16 of the 19, 9/11 conspirators, came out of Saudi Arabia.

Look, I live in South Florida and those individuals bought their airline tickets at Lauderdale by the sea, which farther than the district that I once represented. So they were not there, you know, eating Wheaties and Beanie Winnies, somebody was supporting them

BARTIROMO: I understand. But I mean, is this going to impact the cooperation that we may need from the Saudis when it comes to fighting terrorism? Is this going to impact other lawsuits toward America even if, you know, the American government wasn't involved and it was inadvertent? I mean, does this just open up a whole can of warms? I think that's what the critics of that override are saying.

WEST: Look, I'm going to be very honest. I've never considered the Saudis to be our friends. I think that they have been playing both sides of that coin and I believe that when you look at the Sunni-Islamic terrorist issues that we have, the Saudis has been funnelling money toward this.

Now I think that we need to send a clear message to stop it. We will allow our citizens to go out and prosecute you.

BARTIROMO: All right.

HARLAN HILL, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Colonel West, HILL Hill here. I'm trying to understand where the American people are coming from on this issue and you have to put it in context, there's 28 pages in the 9/11 report that weren't released because allegedly they contain details that implicate the Saudis.

And so when they are looking at the specific issue, they see at least two different instances of U.S. government trying to protect the Saudis and so what do we do to reassure the American people that that's not the case or is it the case?

WEST: We need to stand on the side of the American people and not believe that relations with a country that has a very troubled past and has clear relations with supporting certain groups of Islamic terrorist.

Look, the Saudis have, you know, really funnelled money to groups such as ISIS, we know that you have Saudi fighters that are part of ISIS, we know that Osama Bin Laden, you know, Saudi prince, you know multimillionaire.

So all of the factors let us know that there's something wrong with the Saudi relationship with Islamic terrorism.

MCDOWELL: Colonel, the fact that a lot of lawmakers now want to go back into this bill and tweak it to make sure that it doesn't open up the United States to lawsuits and create problems on the world stage for us, doesn't that speak to their problems with it?

WEST: See, I guess the problem I'm trying to understand is, you know, if I'm a soldier in a uniform and I am going and deploying in an unauthorized mission from this state, which is a signatory to the Geneva Convention. I don't see how anyone else can come back and try to bring a lawsuit against us.

If we have soldiers, sailors and marines in combat field of operation that do something that is wrong on the battlefield, guess what we do, we prosecute them. Unfortunately, we do have men and women, well, men that are sitting in Fort Leavenworth that were unduly prosecuted for incidents on the battlefield.

BARTIROMO: You make a lot of good points, Colonel. Let me switch gears here because I know you're going to be speaking at Donald Trump's national security and military forum later this morning. What are the problems that are the most important that our viewers need to understand facing our military that you would like to address, what should we expect today?

WEST: Well, first and foremost we need to rebuild our military. We have an army of 1939 levels, World War I level Marine Corps, oldest and smallest fleet for the Air Force. We are not prepared on the 21st Century battlefield to be out there and prosecute against these non-state Islamic terrorists and also state actors so I think that's very important.

We have to do something to reform acquisition and weapon procurement process, we are taking far too long to get quality weapon systems out to the men and women on the battlefield.

ANTHONY SCARAMUCCI, "WALL STREET WEEK" HOST: Colonel, it's SCARAMUCCI Scaramucci. In 1945, we developed a policy of containment and we set a reset in 1989 after the Berlin wall fell. We are still operating off of that post-communist footprint, what would you do, sir, if you're in the Trump administration to reorganize our national security strategy?

WEST: Well, I think one of the most important things, and that's another thing we need to do is to transform that war-fighting strategy. We need to move away from the old Soviet Union, cold-war era for deployed force, and have more of a power projection force.

It's going to hurt my heart to say this, but the mean spot which a country really projects its powers to is maritime forces and not to its land forces such as the Army, and I think that's an important thing we need to be looking to do.

When you consider the greatest nation that the world has ever known for 13, 15 hours could not do anything to rescue Americans under assault in Benghazi, Libya, that tells you that we are not where we should be.

BARTIROMO: All right, we will leave it there. Lt. Colonel, good to see you, sir. Thanks so much.

WEST: A pleasure. Thank you.

BARTIROMO: Allen West joining us. The Fox Business Network will take you live to the vice presidential debate live tomorrow night. Our coverage kicks off at 7:00 p.m. Eastern. Don't miss it. Tomorrow night for the vice presidential debate.

Still to come, new outrage over Wells Fargo's practices, the bank executives now being accused of ignoring a petition from employees to do away with the controversial sales targets which were too aggressive.

Then taking competition to new heights, we will take a look at how the winning human tower in a traditional contest in Spain stacks up to history. Back in a minute.


BARTIROMO: Welcome back. We are expecting a higher opening this morning from the broader averages. It's a fractional move, but the Dow Industrials is expected up about 10 points, a big week for economic data. By the way, we have the job's number on Friday.

A couple of names we are watching this morning. Take a look at ING, the company announcing a new round of layoffs, pretty severe, 7,000 job cuts. That amounts to 13 percent of the company's global workforce.

ING looking to cut cost by more than a billion dollars in the next five years. Tesla up nearly 3 percent ahead of the open this morning. The company says it is selling twice as many cars as it was just a year ago.

Tesla providing sales update last night saying it delivered 24,500 vehicles last quarter compared to nearly 12,000 the same time a year ago. More than half of those sales were of the Model S sedans.

Wells Fargo reportedly ignited a big storm when it ignored a petition signed by its workers asking the bank to remove unrealistic sales goals.

Cheryl Casone with the story and the other headlines, this story keeps getting worse, Cheryl?

CHERYL CASONE, FOX BUSINESS: It does, Maria. Here we go again, the "New York Daily News" is reporting that dozens of Wells Fargo employees signed this document years before they opened fake accounts to keep up with targets. They were frustrated and they didn't want to do this type of situation, the type of work at Wells Fargo.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton planning to take Wells Fargo to task in her speech today in Ohio over the fake account scandal. She's expected to unveil a plan to make it easier for consumers to take legal action against bad corporate actors. So stock to watch again today, Wells Fargo.

In other headlines, Japanese automaker, Honda, introducing a new performance concept version of the Civic, it's the Type R and it is set to make its first appearance in U.S. next month. This new Civic expected to have a turbo engine with 300 to 345 horse power. That's the range of it anyway, a lot of buzz about this particular and also how cool it looks, there are the pictures for you.

In Spain some more pictures, hundreds go into great heights in the name of a big competition, I mean, tall, teams facing off yesterday in the 26th annual human tower competition.

Some folks scaling as high as 10 tiers, 10 levels of people. Each team has up to 500 people on it that compete over five rounds. They earn points for difficulty and for height, Maria. Obviously on your team the strongest heaviest people were at the bottom. Thank you.

BARTIROMO: That looks really hard and I don't know if anybody would like to compete in that. What about you, SCARAMUCCI?

SCARAMUCCI: I love watching things like that. I don't want anything to do with it, Maria.

BARTIROMO: That's dangerous for the kids, Dagen.

MCDOWELL: You look agile.

SCARAMUCCI: I look agile. You are being very, very kind. The last time I have done something that stupid is when I was 16. I jumped off a 60-foot quarry and my feet (inaudible) --

BARTIROMO: You need strength, but you also need balance, look at that.

MCDOWELL: Let me put it to you this way. Do I look like I was a cheerleader and do I like I'm going to do that? The answer is no and no.

SCARAMUCCI: You did look like a cheerleader to me.

MCDOWELL: No, I do not.

BARTIROMO: I was a cheerleader. I admit it.

MCDOWELL: I don't have the temperament. I don't have a temperament to be a cheerleader.

BARTIROMO: I'm fine. Cheerleading on my sleeve.

Coming up, Lebron James going from the hardwood, why he is with Hillary Clinton, that's next. We'll tell you about it. Stay with us.


BARTIROMO: Welcome back. Cleveland Cavaliers basketball player, Lebron James, endorsing Hillary Clinton in a business insider op-ed, the Ohio native saying, "I support Hillary Clinton. She will build on the legacy of my good friend, President Barack Obama.

There's still a lot of work to be done in Akron, Ohio and all across our great country, let's register to vote, show up to the polls and vote for Hillary."

HILL, Lebron James painting Clinton as a champion fighting against childhood poverty and for more education opportunities. He's obviously very influential in Ohio. Could this endorsement help Hillary and I think it's really interesting that she's going to help build on my good friend Barack Obama?

HILL: Right. Yes, I think it's telling that one, the "New York Times" said that she's basically pulling out of Ohio, they are writing it off. It's no longer a democratic fire wall.

Two, the Obama coalition is going to stay home this election. That includes millennials and African-Americans --

MCDOWELL: Do you think so?

HILL: Yes, I do. I do.

MCDOWELL: More so on millenials than African-Americans -- millenials, I've read some of the polling numbers on their enthusiasm for her and she's got about half of the percentage of the millennial vote that he did, that's a rough estimate.

HILL: Look, there are 84 million millenials in this country and nobody is really effectively mobilizing them to get out the vote and I'm not sure that the enthusiasm was there to elect Hillary Clinton as there was to elect and re-elect the first African-American president. I'm not convinced the polling is right, though.

BARTIROMO: Yes, that's interesting because we just heard from (inaudible) when she said a minute ago that there are Trump signs popping up everywhere in Ohio. It was a Democratic state for a long time, but Lebron is not the first big name to endorse Clinton. You've got Amy Schumer, big celebrities, Morgan Freeman, Leonardo Dicaprio have all gone for Hillary, Anthony Scaramucci. How do the influential celebrity endorsement work?

SCARAMUCCI: I think everybody wants those endorsements, but it doesn't really decide elections, and so at the end of the day, it's Mr. Trump's message versus her message in those areas and I think Harlan is going to be right.

If you tell people that they're living in their parents' basement and you're going into the black communities with the fake sympathy, I don't think -- I don't think it's going to resonate.

HILL: The hot sauce in all of this.

SCARAMUCCI: This big thing is in Pennsylvania. There's 2.6 million white uneducated voters that did not vote in 2012. So non-college educated whites, 2.6 million. They are registered and didn't vote in Pennsylvania in `12. If they vote this time, Maria, he will win Pennsylvania. He will be the next American president.

BARTIROMO: Wow, so he has to win Pennsylvania.

SCARAMUCCI: Yes, he has a chance there because all of those people stayed home last time, I think they are coming at the polls this time.

MCDOWELL: But one thing I'll add about celebrities, celebrities help you raise money, but they don't get people to vote for you. The only exception was Oprah Winfrey for Barack Obama because Oprah Winfrey had a religious connection, if you will, a spiritual and religious connection with her viewers and her fans, but all of these other celebrities, you listen to Amy Schumer to make you laugh. I don't really care who --

BARTIROMO: People get mad actually when the celebrities are telling us about their politics. They want to hear them act and sing.

SCARAMUCCI: Michael Jordan had a great line. Democrats and Republicans, they both buy sneakers, Maria, and Lebron, I don't know.

BARTIROMO: Harlan, let's look at these swing state polls because we do get new Fox News polls over the weekend. They show Trump ahead of Clinton by 5 percent. Hillary Clinton campaigning in Ohio today to highlight her economic policy, of course, the economy is such a big issue in Ohio by the economy that has pushed people toward Trump.

HILL: Without question. Look, I think this is part of the reason that you see so many celebrities lining up behind Hillary Clinton and they live in a bubble. I think to an extent, many of us here in New York do too.

I mean, when you go to Ohio, you've seen that its (inaudible). It really is the north of England. That's what it reminds me of when you compare the election to Brexit. You know, places that have been left behind when a manufacturing left.

And it is, you know, a shadow of former self. This election will come down to the economy and when you look at places like Pennsylvania, there's a lot in common between Pennsylvania and Ohio, and that gives me hope for Donald Trump.

SCARAMUCCI: Can I make a predictions? There will be a series of coordinated mainstream media attacks October 1st with "The New York Times" over the next three weeks you'll see more hits on Mr. Trump.

BARTIROMO: One line from the "Wall Street Journal" editorial about Trump's taxes today. Didn't we learn with Mitt Romney, you know, Mitt Romney released his tax returns too late. Republicans never catch a break from the media while the Democrats do. Don't Republicans understand that their secrets will always be exposed and at the most damaging moment?

BARTIROMO: Transparency, that's what they need to do.

MCDOWELL: Why Trump should release those tax returns --

BARTIROMO: And the op-ed page told them when -- last year release your tax returns or they're going to come out.

Still to come, the campaign trail heats up over Donald Trump's taxes. We are talking about it this morning. What it means for both sides of the race for the White House coming up next. Back in a moment.


BARTIROMO: Good Monday morning, everybody. Welcome back. I'm Maria Bartiromo. It is Monday, October 3rd. Here are your top stories at 7:00 a.m. on the east coast.

Donald Trump and his supporters responding to fall out over his leaked tax records over the weekend.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The reality is he's a genius. What he did was he took advantage of something that can save his enterprise and did something we admire in America. He came back.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He likes away unscathed with a golden ticket that allows him under the tax code to avoid taxes for decades. The tax plan benefits, billionaires, they've been in his tax plan benefits Donald Trump. That should be no surprise to anyone since that is the way he sees the world. He cares about Donald.


BARTIROMO: Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton cancelled a campaign event with Bernie Sanders today after attacking Sander supporters.


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