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Sparks Flying at Last Night's Presidential Debate; German Chancellor Angela Merkel Says She Hopes Deutsche Bank's Temporary Problems can be



Angela Merkel Says She Hopes Deutsche Bank's Temporary Problems can be

Solved; Libertarian Presidential Nominee Governor Gary Johnson Falls Short

of Making it to the Debate Stage; WSJ: Disney Is A Potential Buyer for

Twitter; - Part 1>

Baker, Gary Johnson, Lynn de Rothschild, Robert Wolf, >

Clinton; Donald Trump; Deutsche Bank; Angela Merkel; Gary Johnson >


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Yes -- Secretary Clinton, yes, is that OK? Good, I want you to be very happy.


It's very important to me.


TRUMP: Your husband signed --


NAFTA which was one of the worst things that ever happened --

CLINTON: Well, that's your opinion --

TRUMP: In manufacturing industries --

CLINTON: That is -- Donald thinks that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese. I think it's real --

TRUMP: But you have no plan --

CLINTON: But in educate -- oh, I do --

TRUMP: Secretary --

CLINTON: In fact, I have written --

TRUMP: You have no plan --

CLINTON: A book about it, it's called "Stronger Together", you can pick it up tomorrow --

TRUMP: That's about all you --

LESTER HOLT, MODERATOR: Folks, we're going to --

CLINTON: At the bookstore -- I have a feeling by the end of this evening, I'm going to be blamed for everything that's ever happened --

TRUMP: Why not? -- Big company, I have a tremendous income. And the reason I say that is not in a braggadocios way, it's because it's about time that this country had somebody running it that has an idea about money.

You look at the inner cities and I just left Detroit, and I just left Philadelphia, and I just -- you know, you've seen me, I've been all over the place, you decided to stay home and that's OK.

CLINTON: I think Donald just criticized me for preparing for this debate, and yes, I did. And you know what else I prepared for? I prepared to be president.

The only years that anybody has ever seen were a couple of years when he had to turn them over to state authorities when he was trying to get a casino license and they showed he didn't pay any federal income tax. So, if he's --

TRUMP: That makes me smart --


MARIA BARTIROMO, FBN ANCHOR: More highlights from the big event coming up. Markets meanwhile moving on last night's presidential debate.

We're expecting a higher opening this morning for the broader markets. Take a look, Dow Industrial looking up about 30 points.

In Europe, we're seeing some weakness this morning, Deutsche Bank still a concern for the region, German Chancellor Angela Merkel saying moments ago she hopes the bank's temporary problems can be solved.

She however declined to comment on the possibility of government aid to the German lender, Deutsche Bank continues to trade lower, that's hurting the markets there.

Asian markets meanwhile higher across the board as you will see right now. Hang Seng in Hong Kong up about 1 percent.

Coming up this morning, joining the conversation, libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson, the co-chair of the presidential debates Mike McCurry with me.

EL Rothschild CEO Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild is with me, and the host of "VARNEY & COMPANY" Stuart Varney weighs in as well, you don't want to miss a moment of it, we've got a big hour coming up.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump going head-to-head last night at Hofstra University in their first one-on-one debate.

Joining me right now is the chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign John Podesta. John, it's good to see you.


BARTIROMO: Thank you so much for joining us --

PODESTA: Good to see you then --

BARTIROMO: Your reaction to last night.

PODESTA: Look, we thought we had a very good night. I think she came in prepared, she came in wanting to talk to the American people about what she could do to create an economy that was going to work for them to really invest in the middle class.

And from the opening moments of the debate when she talked about thinking about the future and her granddaughter and all the kids out there, I think she just -- she just rocked it.

BARTIROMO: I agree that she won the debate last night, I'm not sure if it changed anybody's opinion or anybody's vote because it felt like Donald Trump was who we knew he is and Hillary Clinton is who we knew she is. Do you think it's going to move the needle? --

PODESTA: Well, I think Donald Trump reminded people of who he really is, and you know, and I think that hurt him a little bit.

I think that he -- see, he kind of came in, he was not prepared, if you can't prepare for a debate, how do you prepare for the presidency?

And I think he went from that to really kind of getting a little bit unhinged. I think as the debate wore on, he seemed, you know, not himself, he, you know, with the sniffling and the gulping of the water, he just seemed to have a terrible debate performance.

And he seemed at the end having accused her of lacking stamina, he seemed to really run out of gas.

BARTIROMO: Well, it felt like she put him on the defensive right out of the gate. Was that the strategy right off the bat, make sure to start bringing up things that maybe he feels vulnerable about?

PODESTA: Look, I think our strategy was to talk about the future, talk about her plans, talk about the economy, particularly, but to draw contrast, to say that these are two very different choices, they have very different experience.

She has a -- she has a history of getting things done for children, for families, for you know, for people as first lady, as a senator from New York. You know, he wanted to attack her for all the ills of the political system over the last 30 years.

She was quite specific, I think he was quite vague and I think he didn't have a good night last night.

BARTIROMO: Well, you know, I'll tell you, one hour into the debate, I tweeted out, am I wrong to be disappointed and insulted as a voter and a viewer?

No issues that are important to the American people are being discussed here. You talk about the birther, talk about his tax plan, his taxes as opposed to tax plans. Let's go through the policies for a second.

PODESTA: Sure --

BARTIROMO: Because you say she really did resonate because she talked about that. His plan on the economy -- lower taxes, cut back regulations, tap into energy, redo trade deals. What is her plan on the economy?

PODESTA: Her plan is to invest in the middle class, cut -- pledge never to raise taxes on the middle class to make the important investments that we need to create jobs and infrastructure, and clean energy, and high-tech manufacturing.

To do it by going and asking the wealthy, and to pay their fair share to close corporate loopholes, to put that money to work for the American people. And also to really focus on the family economics.

Paid leave, equal pay for women, making sure that people can afford child care. Making sure that early childhood education is available to every kid. Making sure colleges is debt --


PODESTA: And you can get through college debt free. Those are the things that are going to improve middle class lives, they're going to create a stronger economy, higher growth.


PODESTA: And what he's promising is what crashed the economy in 2008.


PODESTA: Just going back, going back, and I think people aren't going to buy it.

BARTIROMO: It's extraordinary to me that we have not been able to get tax reform done by the way. Because everybody says running businesses, that that's really what you need to get economic growth.

PODESTA: But I think she would agree with that, that --

BARTIROMO: She says look, the rich have to pay their fair share. In her tax plan, when you consider city taxes, state taxes and the federal level that she is raising on the highest earners, you're talking about more than 60 percent, 65 percent, when you consider the Obamacare tax, 65 percent, is that fair?

PODESTA: Look, I think she is -- looking to where people have made tremendous amounts of money, tremendous wealth, saying they need to give back and make the right investments for the country.

And what was Donald Trump -- when they got to tax returns, what was his reaction to paying no taxes over many years, he seemed to admit to it last night although we haven't seen the tax returns.

But he seemed to admit to it, nothing for the troops, nothing for veterans, nothing for infrastructure, nothing -- to invest in the country that gave him the wealth that he has today, that's not patriotic --

BARTIROMO: When we --

PODESTA: And I think people sensed that.

BARTIROMO: When I speak with CEOs and managers of businesses, they say that one of the biggest issues that are keeping them from investing in their business, from hiring new people is regulation.

That they're being strangled by Obamacare, strangled by the EPA, by Dodd- Frank, she wants to build on that. He wants to roll it back. How is that going to create jobs and --

PODESTA: Well, she's --

BARTIROMO: Move on economic growth, if she is going to build on what's --

PODESTA: Well --

BARTIROMO: Already a problem.

PODESTA: She specifically said that she wants to eliminate regulation for small business. Make sure that the small businesses have access to credit. I think she wants smart regulation that will you know, take care of the needs of the American people.

Whether that's making sure that drugs are safe, that meat -- that you're buying it at the grocery store is safe. Donald Trump says he wants to get rid of food inspection. My God, we're going to go back to the early 1900s of the early 20th century --

BARTIROMO: Are you saying she's going to eliminate Obamacare for small businesses, is that what you're saying?

PODESTA: No, all I'm saying that she is in favor of trying to go and target and look at everything that is impeding small businesses from having access to credit, from being able to invest, from being able to build and expand her businesses.

That's where job creation comes from, and I think she is in favor of that. With respect to energy, clean energy, you know, he wants to go back and restore the energy system in the 1950s --


PODESTA: I guess. What she wants to do is make sure that we're investing in clean renewable energy, that we install a half a billion solar panels in her first term --


PODESTA: That we're -- the clean energy super power the 21st century. That's where the future is, that's where the jobs are, that's where the growth is, that's where the innovation is.


PODESTA: And what does he want to do, he wants to go back to the 1950s.

BARTIROMO: What did you think of Lester Holt, the moderator, no mention of the Clinton Foundation, a lot of people feel that's where she's most vulnerable, nobody brought it up.

PODESTA: Well, you know, I think she's very proud of what the Clinton Foundation has done across the world, it's great by independents --

BARTIROMO: Yes, but I'm talking about the paying-to-play, John.

PODESTA: Look, I think what the Clinton Foundation has done is raise money and spent it to help the poorest people around the world, to help kids here in America, to make sure they have healthy food.

It is a -- it is a top level foundation, and I -- you asked me what I think of Lester Holt, I heard in a bunch of interviews this morning, all the Trump people complaining about Lester Holt. Usually if you're complaining about the moderator, you're losing.

BARTIROMO: All right, we will leave it there. So, 40 days about -- to the election, what she's going to be doing to prepare for the next couple of days.

PODESTA: Forty two and half days.

BARTIROMO: Forty two and a half and then counting.

PODESTA: And we're counting every hour and she's out there talking to voters, trying to make sure today's voter registration day, if you haven't registered, go to I will, you can get online, find out if your registration is valid and if it's not, you can register to vote there.

BARTIROMO: John, good to see you.

PODESTA: Thanks --

BARTIROMO: Thank you so much.


BARTIROMO: John Podesta is the head of the Hillary Clinton campaign. We'll take a short break, a lot more to come this morning, stay with us.


BARTIROMO: Welcome back. Energy, a top issue for voters and on the presidential debate stage last night. Joining me right now is Continental Resources Chairman and CEO Harold Hamm along with Trump Campaign Finance Chairman Steve Mnuchin.

Good to see you both, thank you so much for joining us. Harold, Trump slamming Hillary over energy last night. What was your reaction?

HAROLD HAMM, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, CONTINENTAL RESOURCES: Well, I think what you saw is the same thing that we've been seeing for the past 8 years. This candidate Hillary Clinton is going to do the very same thing that's been going on for the past 8 years.

And that is try to put out all fossil fuels out of business, done -- has done that with coal, NAFTA, attention on oil and gas. So, we've got somebody here that unlike Ronald Reagan is wanting higher taxes, more regulations.

On the other side, we've got a candidate that's pro business, wants to create jobs, make America great again and wants to release -- pen out the potential of this country. So, that's what we saw last night, I think there's a lot of things we didn't see.


HAMM: And that's for future debates.

BARTIROMO: Well, I want to talk about what we didn't see, but first, let's get into the money angle here. Steven Mnuchin, we know from all of the press and news out there that Hillary is out raising Donald Trump in a big way particularly when it comes to corporate CEOs and managers of business.

Why do you think that is, and tell us from your standpoint, you're heading the fund-raising.

STEVEN MNUCHIN, FINANCE CHAIRMAN, DONALD TRUMP 2016 CAMPAIGN: Sure, well, first of all, when you talk about corporate fund-raising, there's been this article about CEOs, she has 15 of the "Fortune 100". That said, and the "Fortune 100" are all big companies that want the status quo.

We're going to release a letter shortly with a 100 CEOs and business leaders that are supporting Trump. We released this week 300 economists that think that she is going the wrong way on the economy.

So, I don't think that's the case at all in terms of support on her.

GERRY BAKER, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, WALL STREET JOURNAL: Well, going to just interrupt you on that. Because I think it's simple -- actually, that was our story. You say right, 15 is supporting her, 30 supported Mitt Romney in 2012 which wasn't the status quo.

So, the 30, the top 100 companies supporting Mitt Romney, 15 is supporting Hillary Clinton, zero supporting Donald Trump this time around.

That does say something, doesn't it about the way his fellow businessmen and women think about him?

MNUCHIN: Again, you're referring to the "Fortune 100", this is a very small part of business. This country is about small business --


BARTIROMO: Well, he said global companies that want to do trade.

MNUCHIN: What I'm commenting on is our economy is going to grow small and medium-sized businesses. We have the support of the small business groups, OK? We have support of the trade groups on our tax plan.

There is a huge difference, as we're on the road, one of the things we hear from corporations and small businesses, less regulation. So, we believe we have much more support on a much broader basis.

Now, why are the top 15 CEOs supporting her, not a surprise, they don't want change.


BAKER: Do you trade -- do you think -- do you think free trade has been a bad thing for the American economy?

MNUCHIN: I don't think we've had free trade. I think if we had free trade, it would be a good thing.

BAKER: Well --

MNUCHIN: Do I think existing? --

BAKER: You certainly think NAFTA was not -- doesn't represent a move towards free trade --


BAKER: You don't think TPP will be a move towards free trade? --

MNUCHIN: No, I don't think these are free trade at all. I think if you look at the WTO, OK? China is violating the agreement.

If you look at NAFTA, they put on a vat, we have no vat. So, you know, if you look at this, OK, there are certain large companies.

This has been good for it --



MNUCHIN: But broadly, this has been terrible for the American worker.


MNUCHIN: And we've got a plan that is 25 million more new jobs. That's what this is about.

BARTIROMO: But how do you get those --

WOLF: I mean --

BARTIROMO: Create 25 million jobs?

MNUCHIN: It's not that hard, so first of all, we start out with a tax plan, OK? But we cut corporate taxes. We need to have the corporate tax rate competitive. Why do we have inversions?

The reason we have inversion is because the rest --

BARTIROMO: Oh, yes --

MNUCHIN: Of the world is more competitive. Why do we have Apple sitting with billions and billions of dollars of cash offshore --


MNUCHIN: But they're borrowing against their cash.

BARTIROMO: These are all fair points.

MNUCHIN: None of this makes any sense.

BARTIROMO: And Harold Hamm, you are in the energy space, Trump has said he wants to roll back some of these regulations with the EPA, can you explain to us why those regulations have been so onerous and why it's dictating how businesses actually spend and invest?

HAMM: Well, first of all, the tax -- the regulations that Obama has put in place is like six or seven times, you know, the prior Bush administration's regulations. And they're designed basically to put us out of business.

And that's exactly what he wants to do. So, it's very onerous. I mean, we only sit here and do the very same thing that's happened to coal, you know, if we wait on that, it's too late.

So, it is tremendous, you know, what she wants to do is tag on exactly the world Obama has been for the past 8 years, so, it's very onerous.

BARTIROMO: Look, I know you want to protect Obama's legacy, Robert Wolf. You are trying --

WOLF: Yes --

BARTIROMO: You know, to say that he is very popular --

WOLF: Well --

BARTIROMO: With the American people. But --

WOLF: Happy to have this debate, but one, Trump's plan doesn't give 25 million jobs. The only --

MNUCHIN: Of course it does --

WOLF: The only independent analysis does it, losses jobs and adds 5 trillion to the deficit. And with respect to China, the best way to go against China is to do the TPP because it's 40 percent of --

BARTIROMO: But it's taking --


BARTIROMO: American jobs --

WOLF: Let me just finish, it's 40 percent, OK? Of all trade, and 60 percent of the country and they're not -- I know Donald Trump may not be aware of this, but they're not part of the TPP. The best way to be part of attacking Asia --


WOLF: Is to go trade with everyone but China, so, and it's with fear and environmental standards --


WOLF: So, I will --

MCDOWELL: Analysis is an independent though, if he --

WOLF: And Moody's analytics is independent.

MCDOWELL: He gave money to Hillary Clinton, it's not independent --

WOLF: That's -- OK, well --


WOLF: Moody's in --


BARTIROMO: Go ahead, Steven --

MNUCHIN: So, let's talk about this --

WOLF: Yes --

BARTIROMO: That's true --

WOLF: He said the same thing last night and it's just --

MNUCHIN: Well, not true.

WOLF: OK, well --

MNUCHIN: OK? I was just sick -- wait --


The tax foundation --

WOLF: Analysis --

MNUCHIN: The tax foundation has priced the tax plan, OK? There's about $2.5 trillion of lost revenue which we can easily make up an additional revenue as a result of less regulation, the energy policy and trade, that's first of all.

The tax foundation shows a growth in jobs. We have a white paper that's on the website, she keeps talking about her website, go to our website, there's a white paper that talks about all the new jobs.

We can factually back up 25 million new jobs --

WOLF: Steve --

MNUCHIN: By the way, she only claims --


WOLF: She could have a full responsible budget has him at a 5-plus trillion-dollar deficit. That is an independent group --

MNUCHIN: Again --


MNUCHIN: First of all, that's a --


BARTIROMO: They're not looking at potentially, economic growth in that. They don't --


They're not -- because he's saying 4 percent economic growth --


BARTIROMO: That number -- no, I'm just saying that is true --


They're not a factory --


WOLF: It's a magic number, it's a hail Mary --

MNUCHIN: The bottom line is this is an election where Donald Trump is about change and Hillary Clinton is keep what you got. And if voters want 1.5 percent growth, and want what we have, they should vote for her.

The American public wants change, and that's what Donald Trump is, and that's why he's going to win.

BARTIROMO: Steve Mnuchin, Harold Hamm, good to see you both, thank you so much, we wish we had more time gentlemen, thank you very much, we'll be right back.


BARTIROMO: Welcome back. Libertarian presidential nominee Governor Gary Johnson falling short of making it to the debate stage last night. But the third-party candidate created his own stage by taking to Twitter to react to the main event.

Joining us right now is libertarian presidential nominee, former Governor Gary Johnson. Governor, good to see you, thank you so much for joining us.

GARY JOHNSON, LIBERTARIAN PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Oh, thank you so much for having me.

BARTIROMO: Who won the debate from your standpoint?

JOHNSON: Who won the debate? Well, the American people, of course. I mean, there's such a bright outlook now for America, right? After listening to the two of them last night. I couldn't be more facetious.

Look, did Hillary Clinton do a better job of articulating the certainty that taxes will not go down, that regulations are certain to go up?

Yes, she did a better job of articulating that. She did a better job of articulating that government will be the answer to all of our problems. She did a better job of articulating that.

Donald Trump, I think, you know, there is a certainty that there is uncertainty when it comes to Donald Trump. Look --

BARTIROMO: What do you need to do to get on that debate stage next time?

JOHNSON: Well, interestingly, Maria, I'm polling higher right now than Ross Perot was polling when he got on the presidential debate stage.

So, after that happened, of course, the presidential debate commission made sure that no third party would ever be on that stage again made up of Democrats and Republicans.

So, how do I get on that stage? Look, I just keep plugging along, and offering a voice to -- right now, I'm leading in three groups.

One is -- one is young people, one is active military personnel, and I think I'm giving representation to those groups. Independents, I'm leading among independents.

BAKER: If you won -- as you said smaller government, lower taxes, less regulation, less intervention in the economy, why wouldn't someone vote for Donald Trump, you're saying exactly those things rather than you --

JOHNSON: You know what? I didn't --

BAKER: All you're saying doesn't --


BAKER: Really --


JOHNSON: I didn't catch anything about reducing spending when it comes to government. And I don't see how -- I don't see how you -- that can be avoided. It's not an option to not talk about reducing spending.

It's not an option to talk about not reforming the entitlements, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, they're not going to be around for future generations.

MCDOWELL: I agree with you --

JOHNSON: I mean, we have --

MCDOWELL: But you know what? You don't win elections by telling the American people you're going to take stuff away from them.

JOHNSON: Well, if I take stuff away from them, look --

MCDOWELL: You talk about cutting Social Security and Medicare, and fixing Social Security --

JOHNSON: No, that's --

MCDOWELL: It is a loser if you want to win anything.

JOHNSON: Well, but the truth --

MCDOWELL: I mean, I have --


JOHNSON: The winner is telling the truth in this whole equation. That's the winner on all this --

BARTIROMO: But how are you --

JOHNSON: That's how you're seeing --

BARTIROMO: Going to do it? I mean, how are you going to reform the entitlements?

JOHNSON: Well, I think when it comes to Medicaid and Medicare, in my heart of hearts, having been governor of New Mexico, when it comes to Medicaid, welfare, if I would have been granted a fixed amount of money from the federal government, I think I would have been able to provide a safety net.

Of course, I would have had to have drawn new lines of eligibility, but in my opinion, that's the only way that we reform Medicaid. I think Medicare, that's the only way we reform Medicare. To do nothing is not an option.

So, you know, when you look at raising the ages of eligibility, these are not onerous steps, but if these steps aren't taken, it will be bankruptcy. And bankruptcy really when you can print money, how does bankruptcy manifest itself?

Well, it's whiplash inflation at some point. It's a lot more money, chasing the same amount of goods and services. Look, we all know what that equation ultimately is going to lead to --

WOLF: Governor Johnson, and this is no disrespect, but the chances of you being on the debate stage is very slim. And therefore many people comparing you to a Nader, not a Perot.

JOHNSON: Yes, and --

WOLF: Let me just -- no, let me --

JOHNSON: I really take offence --

WOLF: I know, well, let me just finish the question though.

BARTIROMO: Why do you think that? --

WOLF: Can you let me just finish the question?

JOHNSON: But I am in the first vote --

WOLF: Wait, let me --

JOHNSON: For so many people --

WOLF: Governor Johnson --

JOHNSON: I am their first vote --

WOLF: Let me finish my question, please. You're polling closer to 6 percent than you are 19 percent --

JOHNSON: This is the last poll that came out --


JOHNSON: And I don't know what they do with a chicken bone things that they --

WOLF: But here we --

JOHNSON: Come out with these polls.

WOLF: The chance of you being on the debate stage is unlikely. And therefore, most people, if you're not on the debate stage, the chances are you'll go lower than higher. So, my question is who do you think you will be impacting more at the end of the day? --