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This weekend hordes of people are still lining up for the latest release from Apple.



release from Apple.>

past two straight quarters of declining sales. So far, Apple stock is up

and the company is making gains at the expense of a major competitor.>

VINITA NAIR: This weekend hordes of people are still lining up for the latest release from Apple. Apple is banking on some big demand for its new iPhone 7 to push it past two straight quarters of declining sales. So far, Apple stock is up and the company is making gains at the expense of a major competitor. Jim Axelrod reports.

(Begin VT)

CROWD (in unison): Four, three, two, one. Woo.

JIM AXELROD: Apple`s CEO Tim Cook should be smiling. Turns out those new design features like eliminating the headphone jacks were no big deal at all for consumers like Brad Pachie and Julia Cariah (ph).

BRAD PACHIE: In seventh grade, Julia and I both wrote an e-mail to Steve Jobs saying that Apple needed to release wireless ear buds. I promise you.

JIM AXELROD: Apple sold out all its iPhone 7 plus inventory during preorder so the lines were just to pick them up or like this guy, place a new order.

MAN: Usually I leave with a phone in hand but it`s okay, right. I`m getting one in two or three weeks.

JIM AXELROD: Analysts expect Apple to sell two hundred twenty-six million phones in the next year. Dennis Berman is the financial editor for the Wall Street Journal.

DENNIS BERMAN: The thing to pay attention to is the stock price and the stock is up about twelve percent or so over-- over the last week.

JIM AXELROD: Even better for Apple, the launch comes while its chief competitor Samsung is reeling. Samsung`s new flagship, the Galaxy Note 7 rolled out just a few weeks ago but is now the subject of a Consumer Product Safety Commission recall, after overheating batteries burned consumers and sparked fires. The hazard led to the biggest one-day decline ever in Samsung`s stock price but Berman says don`t make too much of this one moment in time.

DENNIS BERMAN: If the next Samsung works, people will probably be willing to give Samsung the benefit of the doubt.

JIM AXELROD: Several Chinese companies are now producing phones as well and they are grabbing big market share in China and also making inroads in Europe. Soon, they`ll be here in the U.S. and the phone wars will have some powerful new forces.

For CBS THIS MORNING: SATURDAY, I`m Jim Axelrod in New York.

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ANTHONY MASON: Time to show you some of this morning`s headlines. The website reports repairs are being made on a crucial gasoline pipeline in Alabama that is leaking. The leak could result in millions of drivers in the southeast and east paying twenty to thirty cents more at the pump for a short time. The pipeline brings gasoline from oil refineries in Texas and Louisiana. No shortages are expected, it`s expected to be up and running in about a week.

VINITA NAIR: The Dallas Morning News reports the Rice marching band took Baylor to task. The university`s recent sexual assaults scandal. Members of the band formed the roman numerals, IX during last night`s half time show to represent title nine, the federal law that Texas school is accused of violating. Baylor came underfire for failing to investigate allegations of sexual assault against students, many involving football players.

ANTHONY MASON: The New York Times puts a price on crawl space in New York City. Musician Jack Leahy is paying four hundred and fifty dollars a month for a forty square foot windowless cubbyhole inside the ceiling of a warehouse. It`s only reachable by ladder. He shares a bathroom and a kitchen with seven other people who live in the building.


E online reports on what is inside the gift bags that will be handed out to celebrities at tomorrow night`s Emmy Awards ceremony. The swag includes a one hundred dollar pen and eight thousand dollar vacation to the Caribbean island of St. Martin. Some free dental work and a one thousand dollar gift certificate for plastic surgery. The total cost of the gift bag is more than fifty-five thousand dollars. I`ve never seen a plastic surgery gift card. I didn`t even know that existed.

ANTHONY MASON: Let me guess what people use in the bag first.

VINITA NAIR: Yeah, right. Big question.

ANTHONY MASON: All right. It`s about twenty-one after the hour, now here`s a look at the weather for your weekend.


VINITA NAIR: Coming up, how the sugar industry hid evidence about sugar`s link to heart disease and other health problems for decades.

ANTHONY MASON: And later, more than forty years after Evel Knievel`s failed attempt, another daredevil tries to jump across an Idaho Canyon. You`re watching CBS THIS MORNING: SATURDAY.


VINITA NAIR: Daredevil Eddie Braun succeeded in a stunt that even fame adrenaline junkie Evel Knievel couldn`t pull off. Braun jumped over Snake River Canyon in a custom-built rocket named after his boyhood idol, the "Evel Spirit." The rocket toped to four hundred miles per hour. Before that parachute deployed, bringing down the stuntman safely on the other side of the fourteen hundred-foot-wide canyon. The father of the rocket designer built the original rocket for Knievel. Braun is expected-- is believe rather to be the first person to even try the stunt since Knievel.

ANTHONY MASON: I love that.

VINITA NAIR: Yeah. Four hundred miles per hour. Wow.

Well, coming up, taking on a tech giant. A fascinating new documentary shows us how three men and their upstart company remade the computer industry. We`ll talk to one of those men, as well as the film`s director.

ANTHONY MASON: And it`s white and it`s a house. At least that much can be said for what may be described as the consolation prize in the presidential election, if the loser wants it. We`ll be right back. You`re watching CBS THIS MORNING: SATURDAY.



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