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Chemical Attacks Injure Dozens in Syria; Trump, Clinton Make Case to U.S. Voters; Clinton Hammers Trump on Illegal Donation to



Case to U.S. Voters; Clinton Hammers Trump on Illegal Donation to

Florida A.G.; Obama Wades into South China Sea Dispute; Indian

Government Expected Consider Controversial Bill to End Commercial

Surrogacy. Aired 2-3a ET - Part 2>

Also against this wall, aid organizations inside the so-called Jungle camp. They say that it will not deter the immigrants, but what it will do is make the situation more dangerous. And they say the only people who will profit from it are the smugglers, who they argue, will simply increase their prices.

Nevertheless, the British and French governments plan to go ahead with this wall and it's expected to be completed by the end of the year.

Erin McLaughlin, CNN, London.


VAUSE: I'm no expert, but this may not be good. Take a look at this river in Siberia. It suddenly turned a brilliant shade of red. Residents sent out the pictures surreal scene on Tuesday. But a leak of an unidentified chemical may be to blame. You think? Officials say the river is not linked to the public water supply, so there's no need to worry.

Security drills are under way in Saudi Arabia in preparation for the Hajj. Why Iran is criticizing the measures. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)

[02:41:22] VAUSE: The annual Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca begins this week. And Saudi forces are bracing for millions who will visit it. Security is a major concern after last year's stampede. It's creating a big division between Saudi Arabia and Iran.


MICHAEL HOLMES, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Saudi security forces ready for action in response to a disaster in Mecca. But this isn't the real thing. It is a drill in preparation for the annual Hajj pilgrimage. Saudi officials say they are taking all necessary steps to ensure the safety of the pilgrims this month.

UNIDENTIFIED SAUDI OFFICIAL: We are really ready to serve the guests and providing the most extreme levels of security of their arrival in the country until they leave.

HOLMES: Authorities say they are taking no chances following last year's stampede in which Riyadh said more than 700 people died. But according to counts of countries that repatriated bodies, the death toll could have been more than 2,000.

This strained relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran. More than 460 of those killed were Iranians. Tehran has already barred its citizens from participating in this year's pilgrimage. Iran's supreme leader has suggested Muslim countries consider ending ownership of the Hajj. Riyad accusing Iran of trying to politicize the event and compromise safety.


HOLMES: Each pilgrim is being given an electronic bracelet and there are more surveillance cameras, all intended to avoid a repeat of last year. But those measures are being criticized by Khomeini. In a statement on his website, he accused the Saudis of collaborating with, quote, "spy agencies of the U.S. and the Zionist regime" to make what he calls, quote, "the divine sanctuary" unsafe for evan.

The Saudis believe the new measures are already working. More than a million people arrived this week amid tight security.

The Red Crescent Society also getting involved, saying it's using lessons from last year's disaster.

UNIDENTIFIED RED CRESCENT SOCIETY EMPLOYEE (through translation): God willing, the service will be better this season and this season we consider it very hot, as you can see. So we have made good preparation for sun stroke cases.

HOLMES: Michael Holmes, CNN, Atlanta.


VAUSE: We go to Rio de Janeiro now, where the Olympic fever is still burning hot, now that the summer Paralympics games are under way. More than 4,000 Paralympics athletes were in the stadium. 161 nations are represented, but that does not include Russia. The International Paralympics Committee banned all Paralympics Russian athletes, many of them over state-sponsored doping.

The Paralympics games are filled with stories about athletes overcoming incredible odds. One of them is Kurt Fearnley. He's a three-time gold medalist from Australia. Here is his story.


[02:45:42] KURT FEARNLEY, PARALYMPICS ATHLETE: There was no indication that I was going to be any different to any other of the four other kids that mom had had. There was a period of time where they weren't sure whether I would live out the hour, the day, the week, the month.

I was born without the lower portion of my spine. My name is Kurt Fearnley, and I'm the three-time world medal Paralympian.

My life motto is struggling is already. If anything is struggling, it's strengthening.

I won two silver medals in Sydney, two gold medals and a silver medal in Athens. Gold, two silvers and a bronze in Beijing and a silver and a bronze in London itself.

I grew up in a little town called Corkel. It's a town of 250 people. We had this incredible kind of family atmosphere. Introduction to wheelchair sport, it changed my world. I saw wheelchair racing in 1994. I saw these guys who were just these big men, you know, and they were these gladiators and I loved it. I kind of just, you know, found where I'm meant to be. Most people were surprised. Telling your mom and dad that you're going to turn down your traditional kind of place at university to be a wheelchair racer, you know, I could have been sitting across from them saying that I want to be a professional unicorn hunter, you know, like it was just a bit of an unknown experience.

I've won 35 marathons, placed in another 15 all around the world. I think my biggest day that I stop ration wheelchairs is there's no rock unturned.

There have been just occasion after occasion that I wonder whether I'm living someone else's life when you're going through these things, but those moments, those themes, those things that you never saw coming, they are some of the most memorable and some of the most incredible experiences.


VAUSE: And we wish him well. Good luck.

A short break. When we come back, Apple has unveiled the future of its iPhone and it's wireless. What's missing, just ahead.




[02:51:29] VAUSE: So, if you had a few too many drinks last night, hitting the gym after a big night out may sound like an awful way to cure a hangover, but new research suggests regular exercise might cancel out the higher risk of cancer caused by drinking. Working out for two and a half hours a week should be enough, but this only applies for moderate drinkers. Not those who go out there and, you know, get wasted. That means no more than eight drinks in a week for women, 12 each week for men, but big ones, of course.

If you want to sweat out the booze without being tethered to your IPhone, you may like Apple's new IPhone 7. The company unveiled the iPhone 7 on Wednesday. It has some cool new features, but it's missing one thing which some customers say they actually really want.

Here is Brian Todd.



BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The unveiling many couldn't wait for and some dreaded. Now, after its trademark slick stage production at a packed theater in San Francisco, Apple is out with its new IPhone.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's the best IPhone that we have ever created. This is IPhone 7.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It has a gorgeous new design.

TODD: The new IPhone 7 is water resistant, has a fancier camera, it's sleeker, has two new shades of black. But the biggest change, no new head phone jack.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This plug right here that we're all used to, to listen to music, this will no longer exist on the IPhone 7.

TODD (on camera): What is the up side to that?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For everyone who has ever gone on a run and had the cord get tangled or put it in the bottom of their bag and had to untangle it, that will no longer be an issue.

TODD (voice-over): To save space, headphones will only charge into the lightning port. Included in your purchase, ear buds with an adapter.

But the biggest innovation? For another $159, there will be wireless ear buds called air pods. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The air pods deliver truly an Apple magical experience.

TODD: But air pods need charging. You can't use them with non Apple phones and you wouldn't want to lose them during workouts.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It really comes down to one word. Courage. The courage to move on.

TODD: But after this latest unveiling, some serious pushback on local media.

(on camera): Why have so many of us been so reluctant to get rid of this?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There's the cliche that change is hard, but it goes beyond that. The cord on the headphones serves multiple purposes.

TODD (voice-over): Analysts say Apple needs to push new products, like wireless headphones, accessories. And it just unveiled a water- resistant Apple Watch to recoup after recent setbacks.

Over the past year, Apple's sales of IPhones dropped for the first time since the device was introduced in had 2007.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They've declined because of competition like Smartphone makers like Samsung. And data shows people are updating their phones more often.

TODD (voice-over): Cynics say, with Apple stock in desperate need of resurgence, the company is under new pressure to produce new products and upgrade existing ones to make money. But Apple fans, the faithful, say products like the air pods are a way to push us all past entrenched technologies, like the company did when it got rid of floppy disks and C.D. drives on the Mac.

Brian Todd, CNN, Washington.


VAUSE: And before the big launch, CEO Tim Cook kicked off the event in San Francisco, California, with some car-pool karaoke alongside TV host, James Corden.


[02:55:14] JAMES CORDEN, TV HOST: What are you -- what are you going to wear for the launch?

TIM COOK, CEO, APPLE: I was planning on just wearing what I've got on here.

CORDEN: This is a big deal.

COOK: I know. CORDEN: If I was you, I'd be, like, wearing a suit made entirely of Apples or maybe a cane with the Apple logo on the top, shades. And then you just walk on and you go, this is it (EXPLETIVE DELETED), get in line.

I've read the security on the new IPhone will be the best of its kind.

COOK: Absolutely.

CORDEN: Do you know how I read that?

COOK: How?

CORDEN: A leak on the Internet.


Do you see the irony of that?

COOK: I do see the irony of that.



VAUSE: You're watching CNN NEWSROOM, live from Los Angeles. I'm John Vause.

Stay with us. The news continues next with Rosemary Church.


[03:00:10] ROSEMARY CHURCH, CNN ANCHOR: As chlorine bombs fall children and civilians, diplomats talk about --

(Byline: John Vause, Hala Gorani, Brianna Keilar, Andrew Stevens, Alexandra Field. Christiane Amanpour, Erin McLaughlin, Michael Holmes, Brian Todd, Rosemary Church)

(Guest: Barbara Walter)

(High: Some tough words from the U.S. for Russia over Syria, asking if Moscow really wants a viable cease-fire in the five-year-long civil war, and warning that Russia is responsible for the actions of its close ally, President Bashar al Assad. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are making the case to U.S. voters that they are the most qualified to be commander-in-chief. The Clinton campaign is hammering Trump over an illegal donation to a Florida official, and after receiving that donation, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi decided not to investigate fraud allegations at Trump University. President Barack Obama is wrapping up his trip to Laos. Obama said today in opening remarks before a meeting with the ASEAN members that the decision or the ruling taken in July by an international court declared China's claims to the South China Sea, the large swathe it, is claiming, as illegal, and the president said this ruling is binding. Lawmakers in India are expected to consider a controversial bill that would end commercial surrogacy.)

(Spec: Russia; Syria; John Kerry; Sergei Lavrov; ISIS; Islamic State; Syria; Bashar al Assad; Chemical Weapons; Families; Children; Health and Medicine; Military; War; Donald Trump; Hillary Clinton; National Security; E-mails; Clinton Foundation; Bill Clinton; Chelsea Clinton; Pam Bondi; Florida; Trump University; Barack Obama; Laos; China; South China Sea; Philippines; ASEAN; India; Surrogacy; Legislation; Middle East; Europe; Asia; World Affairs; Politics; Government)