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$1.3 Billion Paid to Iran; Poll Finds Third of Americans Not Saving for Retirement; Trump Speech Today; Mylan Feeling the Heat; Interview with



for Retirement; Trump Speech Today; Mylan Feeling the Heat; Interview with

Congressman Ron DeSantis; Clinton E-Mail Scandal - Part 1>

Rachel Cruz; Louise Mensch; Sebastian Gorka; Chris Hogan >

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HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: There were no headers on the thousands of e-mails that I sent or received. They're just weren't. And the FBI has not in any way contradicted that.


MARIA BARTIROMO, FBN ANCHOR: All of this coming as the "Wall Street Journal" this morning is reporting new details on the massive payment to Iran. The Journal reports more than $1 billion was paid in the weeks following the release of the American hostages. Not $400 million -- $1.3 billion.

An outrageous find in a carry-on bag at JFK Airport -- this man arrested after police say he tried to bring in a loaded gun through security.

A new investigation this morning into Mylan's EpiPen price increase, what regulators want to know right now.

And one and one of the biggest issues for couples -- finances. What you need to know to plan for retirement with your significant other.

Check markets -- futures are hovering near the flat line. It looks like a flat opening this morning. Nasdaq continues to build on a record performance yesterday.

In Europe meanwhile stocks are basically around the flat line as well, moving between gains and losses. Investors are somewhat on edge ahead of tomorrow European Central Bank decision. We'll see what the ECB has to say about more stimulus for the European economy.

In Asia overnight, markets also little changed as you will see. The biggest performer, the Nikkei average, down not even a half of a percent in Japan.

All those stories coming up this morning.

And joining me to talk about it is Fox Business Network's Dagen McDowell; Recon Capital chief investment officer Kevin Kelly and Heat Street editor Louise Mensch.

What an interview. We are getting a lot of talk about that interview with Cornell Brooks.

DAGEN MCDOWELL, FBN HOST: The one thing I didn't even bring out is when Hillary Clinton tried to put on the voice of like a black Baptist minister once. There's audio out there of it. If you want to talk about something that makes you go what -- that's it. So she panders.

BARTIROMO: Panders, patronizes -- and that is what he said he doesn't like about Donald Trump.

MCDOWELL: Listen, I think it's very clear what the black community's issues are with Donald Trump. But Hillary's got plenty of room --

KEVIN KELLY, RECON CAPITAL: Well, I think the important takeaway is the issues with the African-American community with Barack Obama -- right. They wanted hope and change and they got more of the same.

LOUISE MENSCH, HEAT STREET EDITOR: Look, he invited him to come and speak to the NACCP right there on your show. According to Cornell, he has turned them down many a times. He just challenged him to come and speak (inaudible) right on your show.

If I were Donald Trump I would take up that challenge and go and, you know, make the case, bring the fight just like he did in Mexico. Go make the case.

BARTIROMO: Yes, that's a good point. We'll see if Donald Trump responds to what Mr. Brooks just said on the show.

Coming up in the program -- stay with us. We've got the Institute of World Politics professor of strategy and irregular war, Dr. Sebastian Gorka; along with the billionaire investor and Paul Mitchell co-founder and chairman, John Paul DeJoria; also former UBS PaineWebber chairman and CEO and Root9B chairman Joe Grano will join us. So stay with us. All coming up.

On to the 2016 presidential race, Donald Trump intensifies his attacks on Hillary Clinton over her e-mail scandal. Both Trump and Clinton are scheduled to appear at the same national security forum tonight in New York.

Fox News John Roberts now with the very latest from Philadelphia. John -- good morning to you.


It looks like national security and the military are going to dominate the discussion in today's campaigning across the country.

Donald Trump's military advisers are concerned that he may get a little bit of a rough ride in tonight's Commander-In-Chief Forum there in New York City. The forum is being hosted by the Iraq/Afghanistan Veterans of America Organization which has not exactly been friendly to Donald Trump.

Back in January when he hosted that big fundraiser for veterans in Des Moines, Iowa -- the alternative to the Fox News debate -- the IAVA told Donald Trump thanks but no thanks we don't want any of your money. And they're still actively circulating an online petition demanding he apologize for what he said about Senator John McCain a year.

So Donald Trump's advisers want him, in the few hours remaining between now and tonight as he did yesterday, to lay down some markers on the military national security. He had a couple of appearances yesterday -- one in Virginia Beach where he talked exclusively about the military; one last night in Greenville, North Carolina.

He will be speaking into the Union League here in Philadelphia today. One of the things his advisers want him to do is compare and contrast his plans for the military and national security with Hillary Clinton's record as he did last night in Greenville, North Carolina. Listen.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Hillary Clinton favors what has been called military adventurism, creating power vacuum filled by terrorist groups like ISIS. I believe in a foreign policy based on our national interest, that focus on American security and regional stability instead of using our military to create democracies in countries with no democratic history.


ROBERTS: Now in today's speech here in Philadelphia, Donald Trump is going to focus on rebuilding the military. As part of that he would seek to end the sequester. He'll also talk this morning in some detail, we're told, about how he would pay for ending the sequester. He also wants to end the policy of regime change and building democracies around the world. He will also be speaking this morning briefly on missile defense.

And also later on this morning, Maria, we should get a big number from the Trump campaign fundraising numbers for the month of August. We don't know where they will be at this point but Donald Trump predicted yesterday they would be big though he did say that some of his own money has gone into the pot there. So he continues to dig deep into his wallet here as folks on the streets of Philadelphia exercise their First Amendment rights -- Maria.

BARTIROMO: Right behind your camera. All right. John -- thanks so much. John Roberts there.

ROBERTS: Exactly. Thanks.

BARTIROMO: Democratic presidential nominee meanwhile, Hillary Clinton trying to change the focus from her e-mail scandal to her opponent Donald Trump. But new e-mails obtained by Citizens United suggest more scandal that senior Clinton aide stage managed the first Benghazi hearing by feeding Foreign Relations Committee chairman, Senator Robert Menendez the questions that Hillary wanted to address.

One e-mail reads this: quote, "We wired it that Menendez would provide an opportunity to address two topics we needed to debunk -- her actions and whereabouts on 9/11 and this e-mail from Chris Stevens about moving locations.

Joining us right now is Katrina Pierson. She's national spokesperson for the Donald Trump campaign. Katrina -- thanks very much for joining us.


BARTIROMO: So this is another example, Katrina, of Hillary Clinton working to rewrite the facts of the Benghazi attack. Will voters care?

PIERSON: I think they will absolutely care. I think we've seen that movement in the polls just here recently. This is a problem and this is why they are now looking at obstruction of justice. This was obviously a failure to secure state secrets and we have a serious problem now because the Benghazi e-mails were found in this big stack of e-mails and they're still going through them today.

BARTIROMO: As much as her negatives continue to rise his negatives are as well. And people want to see specifics from Donald Trump. We just heard from the head of the NAACP, he wants specifics on the black community. But tonight you've got a big forum, foreign policy. What specifics will Donald Trump offer in terms of the war on terror?

PIERSON: Well, first their negatives are high but for very different reasons. For Hillary Clinton -- it's honesty and trustworthiness. And for Donald Trump -- it's just the personality flaw that most people can't get on board. I think at the end of the day the policies are going to move up.

The NAACP as an institution that is kept in place by division among the racism -- Mr. Trump's policies are for all communities, whether you're black, white, Hispanic or Asian. His economic policies specifically which is what he's leading on.

Mr. Trump has been offering specifics. He's offered ten-point plans on a number of different things. You can go to and find those specifics because Mr. Trump is running an American campaign. He is not running a coordinated box campaign.


MENSCH: Could I interrupt you? Donald Trump was invited on this show to come and address the NAACP. The president said that Mr. Trump has turned them down time and time again. Are you saying now that Donald Trump would dodge the invitation to go and address the NAACP? Does he have the guts to show up and address that organization?

PIERSON: I don't think guts are a question for Mr. Trump. But the president left out a small detail in the invitation -- it was during the GOP convention. That is why Mr. Trump could not make that meeting. And I think that's a conflict --

MENSCH: He just invited him again right now on the show.

PIERSON: -- of interest.

MENSCH: He's invited him right now on the show today.


PIERSON: -- and there are about 60 days left in this election cycle. Mr. Trump is going to continue to meet with organizations and groups. I mean what the individual also failed to mention is the fact that Mr. Trump has been meeting with individuals in the black communities since the primary. He met with the black Chamber of Commerce. He met with several pastors -- black pastors; hundreds of them in fact.

Mr. Trump has even tried to go to Chicago just this past March. So Mr. Trump has been making an effort the entire time.

BARTIROMO: Yes. And I guess the polls have tightened in the last couple of weeks so he's doing something right -- Dagen.

MCDOWELL: Katrina -- they have actually tightened. So you had a lead in the latest CNN -- the national poll. Polls in the last week in Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio show a race that is tightening; Florida within the margin error; North Carolina and even potentially Arizona still within reach of the Trump campaign.

How much more time can be spend on the ground in those states and avoid states that are not wins for him that are just out of the question like Washington for example?

BARTIROMO: How about New York?


PIERSON: Well, I think what you've seen with Mr. Trump is he's extremely a hard worker. He had been out there all day every day going from state to state holding multiple events per day unlike Hillary Clinton who took a month.

He's just committed and this is something that Mr. Trump has been speaking about from the very beginning. He has the strength and stamina to get the job done. He's going to get out there and he's going to compete for every single vote that is available.

And the polls are tightening because Americans see that. And they can see the sincerity and the genuineness of policies because Mr. Trump cares about this country and the polls are tightening even among African-Americans. We're at 8 percent now with is more than John McCain and Mitt Romney combined. Mr. Trump is working hard.

KELLY: Katrina -- one of the biggest stats that surprised me from last month was that Hillary Clinton has a staff of over 700 people and Donald Trump has only 80. He's not opened his offices yet in the battleground states or he's got minimal presence there. When is he going to do that?

Now that the polls have tightened, is he going to start actually putting boots on the ground and taking this seriously where he needs to go in there and actually go on the ground in the swing states?

PIERSON: Well, these are actually the same reports we had during the primary. You'll recall Mr. Trump doesn't have offices. He doesn't have a staff. He doesn't have ground game. And then he broke the record in primary turnout. There are now between the Trump campaign and the RNC a thousand offices that are open and they are fully functioning. Mr. Trump has thousands of volunteers in these states. That's why he's doing so well.


PIERSON: Even though Hillary Clinton has hundreds of staff members -- even though Hillary Clinton has hundreds of staffers and has spent hundreds of millions of dollars in ads Mr. Trump just pulled ahead this week.

BARTIROMO: Yes, yes.

Katrina -- the "Dallas Morning News" is releasing an editorial this morning endorsing Hillary Clinton for president. It's the first time your hometown paper has recommended a Democrat since before World War II -- that's more than 70 years and nearly 20 elections. What you do about it?

PIERSON: Well, nothing. We just acknowledged that the "Dallas Morning News" is a liberal paper. The reason why they have supported Republicans is because that is the establishment in the state of Texas. And this is just an effort to continue to try to turn Texas blue and it's just not going to work.

BARTIROMO: Let me ask you this Katrina, because when Donald Trump joined us, I guess, about almost a month ago now he said that after Labor Day -- he told me this. After Labor Day, he would be releasing some of the names of the people that he would consider putting in his cabinet so that America can understand who he is going to surround himself with should he become president.

Is that still in the plan? Is he going to be telling us a name or two in terms of who he is expecting to be naming in terms of his cabinet before the election.

PIERSON: Oh, absolutely.


PIERSON: Absolutely. Mr. Trump is committed to doing that because it is important for people to see what his administration would look like so people would have a better idea of the policies and governance that would be coming forward.

But when were looking at today with the status quo and the thought of continuing that, the country cannot sustain the interest rates being this low. And the country cannot sustain moving forward with more spending, more government programs and less jobs. It's just not going to work for America. Mr. Trump is going to put forth a pro-growth, pro-secure agenda for America and he's going to show you who's going to help them lead that process.

BARTIROMO: Real quick. Tonight's the Commander In Chief Forum, what is the most important policy change we will hear or policy that we're going to hear from Donald Trump tonight at this important forum?

PIERSON: Well, they're all important. Again we cannot continue to sustain the policy of regime change in creating vacuums for terrorist. We cannot continue the policy of funding Iran. They don't even have to make a bomb anymore. They can just buy one now thanks to American taxpayers and this administration. And we just cannot continue to sustain that type of policy in the Middle East.

BARTIROMO: All right. We will leave it there.

Katrina -- good to see you. Thanks so much for joining us.

PIERSON: Great to be here. Thank you.

BARTIROMO: Katrina Pierson joining us there.

Still to come, more trouble for Mylan Labs. The latest as New York's Attorney General now is launching an investigation into the EpiPen manufacturer and why prices have skyrocketed.

Then equal pay in questions. The new study that says women's raise requests are looked over far more often than men's.

Back in a minute.


BARTIROMO: Welcome back. In New York, a man is arrested for bringing a loaded gun into John F. Kennedy International Airport.

Here's Cheryl with the headlines -- Cheryl.

CHERYL CASONE, FBN CORRESPONDENT: Remember that day, Maria, you tried to take your gun to the airport.

BARTIROMO: Oh, yes -- right.

CASONE: According to TSA -- get this -- the weapon was detected by an x- ray machine at one of the airport checkpoints. Here's 42-year-old Matthew Crouse. He allegedly had the gun in his carry-on. Security officials say the 9 mm handgun was loaded with 15 bullets. The law says passengers can carry firearms in checked baggage if the owner has a permit and the gun is packed and declared. Also it can't be loaded. So he broke all of those rules. He's been arrested.

All right -- moving on. Tropical storm Newton now moving towards the U.S. border. Forecasters say it is expected to bring heavy rain and powerful winds to parts of Arizona and New Mexico later today. It can also cause mudslides in some areas. Newton made a landfall in Mexico as a hurricane, really hitting Cabo San Lucas yesterday. There are some pictures for you.

And finally this -- there is a new study out that shoots down the notion that women reluctant to ask for a raise. According to this new report, women ask for more pay just as often as men do but they get it less frequently. In fact the study says women were 25 percent less likely than men to get a raise when they ask for it. Conclusion: women do ask, they don't get it -- right.

One thing here -- I'm going to leave you with this, guys. The researchers broke down the data by age. They found younger women successfully negotiate raises as often as younger men did in particular, women under the age of 40 manage to negotiate for higher pay. This was several universities, Maria, that did the study. It's very interesting.

BARTIROMO: That is interesting that younger are more successful.

Cheryl -- thank you.

Still to come: the Iran saga continues this morning as more U.S. Navy ships are harassed. New questions over U.S. payments continue to surface. The outrage over an additional $1.3 billion sent to Iran.

Then Mylan taking another shot. The latest controversy surrounding the company's EpiPen price increase -- next.


BARTIROMO: Now the latest on the increase in drug prices after a dramatic price increase for the life-saving drug EpiPen. New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced that the pharmaceutical company Mylan is under an antitrust investigation in New York.

Joining us right now is a member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and Florida Congressman Ron DeSantis. Congressman -- good to see you. Thanks so much for joining us.


BARTIROMO: What is this investigation trying to accomplish?

DESANTIS: I think that New York state is involving antitrust and we'll just have to see how that shakes out. I think here in the Congress what we found, and this isn't the first example of a company doing this, is they're really capitalizing on regulatory monopolies that are created by the federal bureaucracy.

There is nothing special about the drug that the EpiPen administers. It's been around for over a hundred years but any competitor who wants to compete with the EpiPen runs into all of these regulatory roadblocks. And so it's effectively a government-conferred monopoly which will, just following the basic laws of economics, lead to higher prices.

So we need to look at what the government is doing to create the environment that is leading to some of these instances.

MCDOWELL: Congressman, will you looking at it and talking about it actually do anything about it? It comes down to the FDA not -- essentially not approving generic competitors with speed. You had the problem with Sanofi because there were a few instances of injections that went wrong. There was a recall. (inaudible) tried to introduce a generic competitor. That is really the issue is the Food and Drug Administration.

DESANTIS: I agree 100 percent. We -- remember when Martin Shkreli did the increase for Daraprim we brought in the FDA and they said look, we don't really follow the prices. That's not our mandate. And while that's true, they are not involved in price control but they have to understand how their lack of action is fueling these price increases.

And so I think part of it is the FDA has dropped the ball but yes I think there is some room for Congress to enact some legislative reforms so that we can streamline this process and make sure that these drugs were getting to market in a cost-effective way.

KELLY: Congressman, what actual legislative reforms are you talking about to address these issues? Because we saw what Mylan did is they hired a cadre of lawyers and lobbyists to squash the competition and to overburden the FDA. What can Congress actually do to prevent that from happening? So it's not only the price increases, you have a special interests protecting themselves.

DESANTIS: Without question and unfortunately that is just the mother's milk of how modern Washington operates. And you know, I'd like to break that up across the board, not just in this instance. But it will be tough to enact reforms because of what you're saying because the companies that have access to the people who can lobby to prevent these types of changes they are really in the driver's seat.

It's always easier to stop a legislative reform than to actually enact it. So I think all of those things will be roadblocks. But look, there are certain common sense things that you can do in terms of the speed in which these things have to be dealt with and removing other roadblocks that people who are well-meaning, trying to bring good products to market are just getting beat down by the bureaucracy.

MENSCH: But there are a lot of frightened people out there right now who depend on these EpiPens and this is an absolutely huge increase. And when I hear legislative reform, it sounds great; it also sounds like it's going to take forever. What can you do right now to ease the situation and can you put a rocket up the behind of the FDA basically and tell them that change is going to come sooner than later if they don't pull their ideas out.

You say pricing isn't a part of their (inaudible) but when pricing hurts sick people as it's doing in this way that has a direct knocking-on effect on health. And I would argue that they'd have to be a part of that agreement. People are terrified about the price of this EpiPen going on.

BARTIROMO: Real quick -- Congressman.

DESANTIS: Well, I would just say that we don't have a hearing schedules but I think we will bring the FDA again in front of the congress and identify some of the shortfalls and when you get some sunlight on it that tends to be a good motivator for them to start to change their ways.

BARTIROMO: Congressman -- let me switch gears for a minute because the FBI says that Hillary Clinton's staff destroyed her mobile devices with hammers, I mean, literally with a hammer. Donald Trump obviously responded. Listen to this -- I want to get your reaction and see if you're going to do anything about it.


TRUMP: It is such a long answer to that question. It could go on for days. 13 phones, iPhones -- whatever they were and just banging the heck out of them. How about the acid wash of the e-mails that didn't mean anything? How about the 33,000 missing e-mails that were acid washed? Acid washed. And Rudy was telling me nobody does it because it's such an expensive process.

BARTIROMO: So Congressman -- we know this from the FBI notes that were released obviously on Friday night after 4:30 in the afternoon on Labor Day weekend which is ridiculous in and of itself. But we got the FBI notes. We know that Hillary's staff actually, literally used a hammer to destroy at least two of 13 devices she used during a four year period. And she used that bleach to destroy the e-mails.

Is that obstruction of justice? Are you going to have an investigation about this?

DESANTIS: We are going to investigate all the fallout from how these devices were handled, how the e-mails were erased. And I would just say, Maria, it's interesting because Director Comey rested his recommendation not to prosecute on the lack of intent but I would ask what intent is being shown when you're taking a hammer to Blackberries and you're going to these extraordinary lengths to use BleachBit to delete these e-mails?

If there was really nothing incriminating there, then why would you go through such trouble, not to hide yoga lessons, I don't think.

BARTIROMO: Right. And yesterday Judge Napolitano told us that Hillary's lawyers told the FBI she's not going to speak to you at all if the interview is recorded so you better not record it. And the FBI in fact went against protocol and did not record the interview. How is that possible -- Congressman? Are you going to do anything about that?


DESANTIS: We're going to conduct oversight. We have Comey coming to the Congress tomorrow or next week in front of the Judiciary Committee.

But I would also say not only did they not record it they let Cheryl Mills who was her chief of staff at the State Department sit in the interview. She was a potential target of the investigation as well. They would never do that for the run-of-the-mill criminal suspect. So there's so much about this that just doesn't follow how the FBI would normally do business.

BARTIROMO: So Congress is going to investigate this then? You've got Jim Comey speaking to you next week, you said.

DESANTIS: We are and then on Monday on the Oversight Committee, we are doing a hearing about the e-mail issues, the deleted e-mails and trying to get to the bottom from the technical side. We need to talk to some of the tech geeks about how all this stuff came to pass.

BARTIROMO: Congressman -- thank you. We'll see you soon -- sir. We'll be watching. Ron DeSantis there.

Coming up the immunization debate. The new warning from pediatricians when it comes to the flu vaccine. This you will want to hear about.

Plus more signs of aggression from Iran. The latest aggression against Navy ships in the Gulf. Once again Iran stopped a Navy ship.

Back in a minute.


BARTIROMO: Welcome back; good Wednesday morning, everybody. We are so happy you are with us. I'm Maria Bartiromo. It is your 7:30 a.m. on the East Coast, Wednesday, September 7. (HEADLINES) (MARKET HEADLINES)

Well, $400 million in cash was sent to Iran by the Obama Administration, but on top of that another $1.3 billion was sent over within just in 19 days of the initial payment.

Joining us right now is the professor of Strategy and Irregular Warfare at the Institute of World Politics. He is also the author of "Defeating Jihad," Dr. Sebastian Gorka with us. Dr. Gorka, good to see you.