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Clinton Versus Trump in Commander-in-Chief Forum; Jihadists Praying for Trump to Win Election; Economists Argue on the Obama Administration and



for Trump to Win Election; Economists Argue on the Obama Administration and

Previous Administrations on Tax Reform; Hillary Clinton Complains About Her

Treatment By The Press - Part 2>

Elections; Government; Taxes; Economics; Military>

In order to be as cooperative as possible, we have turned over the server. They can do whatever they want to with the server to figure out what's there or what's not there.

REP. TREY GOWDY (R), SOUTH CAROLINA: Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her e-mails either sent or received. Was that true?

JAMES COMEY, FBI DIRECTOR: That's not true. There were a small number of portion markings on I think three of the documents.

GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said, I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. There is no classified material. Was that true?

COMEY: No. There was classified material e-mailed.

GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said she used just one device. Was that true?

COMEY: She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of state.

GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said all work-related e-mails were returned to the State Department. Was that true?

COMEY: No. We found work-related e-mails, thousands that were not returned.

GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said her lawyers read every one of the e-mails and were overly inclusive. Did her lawyers read the e-mail content individually?



HANNITY: Here with reaction, FOX News contributor Eboni Williams and the host of "Justice," Judge Jeanine Pirro.

OK, well, first of all, she didn't wipe it clean with a cloth. She used BleachBit. If that doesn't prove criminal intent, I don't know -- by the way, it wasn't one device. We now find out it's 13 to 14 devices.


HANNITY: OK. And they smashed them with a hammer.

How did James Comey not come up with an indictment here?

PIRRO: As you know, Jim is a friend of mine or a was when I was a D.A. I have never been more disgusted with someone who was a former prosecutor and the way he has covered this up and gone to such great lengths to protect the woman or to protect anyone --

HANNITY: And the document dump on a Friday before Labor Day.

PIRRO: And, you know, for Jim to say that you know what, we wanted to get it out as soon as possible. Jim, that is hog wash and you know it. I've lost all respect for the man, I have. He made me the head of the FBI but shame on him for what he has done.


EBONI WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTER: Wow. Well, you know, he knew he was going to get this kind of criticism. I will say he came out and he said; look, I know I was going to take some heat for dumping it on a Friday before a holiday but he felt like it was transparent as the judge said that was his rationale. But he did say there's more to come. I think we have to pay attention to that. That's very important. I absolutely expect as he gets it ready, we're going to get more and more. And this isn't the end of that.

HANNITY: You know what though, I used -- wait a minute. I delete e-mails. You delete e-mails. We've all deleted something. OK. I don't use BleachBit. Doesn't that show criminal intent?

WILLIAMS: Yes. You know what's the worst though, Sean --

HANNITY: As Trey Gowdy said, God can't find them after BleachBit.

WILLIAMS: Yes. And she knows that, right? Her reliance though, on the header situation, it's so desperate and it's factually and legally just unacceptable. And it's insufficient. And she knows this because, you know what, Hillary Clinton is also a lawyer. And she knows that that doesn't cut the mustard.

PIRRO: Hillary Clinton is a lawyer, stands with prosecutors her whole career.

HANNITY: So what do you do when somebody lies with regularity like this, lied about Benghazi, lies with -- basically, what do you do when 40 percent of the country, you can have her on video popping somebody in the head, you know, with a gun at point blank range and they will still vote for her.

PIRRO: And you know what, Sean, that is the sad part of this. Hillary Clinton has lied so often and so much that the American public is immune to it. I mean they don't think it matters anymore.

But what they don't seem to understand is that we cannot have a leader who lies to us continuously for her own benefit, for money and for power.

WILLIAMS: I don't know if I agree, Judge, the people don't care. I think people know she's a liar. People say across the political spectrum.

HANNITY: And why would you vote for a liar for president?

WILLIAMS: Because many people say they are choosing between someone they don't like and someone they don't trust. Now I'm not going to judge that decision but that's what a lot of people are telling me.

HANNITY: Who are you voting for?

PIRRO: My secret, Sean.

WILLIAMS: That's why we have private (inaudible) not her. I mean I've been honest about that.

PIRRO: This woman destroyed evidence after a congressional subpoena.

HANNITY: If I did this and you were --


WILLIAMS: And that's what the veteran say.

PIRRO: (Inaudible) given me money and I would still (inaudible)

HANNITY: Yes, that's true. I did (inaudible) when you're running

PIRRO: You did, you did.

HANNITY: I did, I did. It was spent well spent because I got to yell at you at a dinner.

All right. And coming up next, tonight, right here on "Hannity."

HILLARY CLINTON, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I have been somewhat heartened by the number of articles recently pointing out the quite disparate treatment of Trump and his campaign compared to ours.

HANNITY: Hillary, whining, complaining the media is not being tough enough on Trump but on her, seriously? They're her biggest campaign contributor. Larry Kudlow, Austan Goolsbee, they weigh in.

And then later tonight --

CLINTON: The Jihadists see this as a great gift. They are saying; Oh, please, Allah, make Trump president of America.

HANNITY: Wow, Hillary in an interview on Israeli TV claiming ISIS is praying for Allah for Donald Trump to become president? Wow.

Where's the outrage? Will she apologize? Dr. Sebastian Gorka, he's here with reaction and much more tonight on "Hannity".


HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity Show". Just hours after sitting down with Matt Lauer for a Commander-in-Chief Forum. Earlier today, Hillary Clinton took questions from the press where she made a point to whine and complain about the press's unfair coverage. Now wait a minute. They are her number one campaign contributor. Watch this.

CLINTON: I have been somewhat heartened by the number of articles recently pointing out the quite disparate treatment of Trump and his campaign compared to ours. I don't understand the reasons for it. I find it frustrating. But it's just part of the landscape that we live in and we just keep forging ahead.

HANNITY: Pretty unbelievable. Now, today many members of the Liberal mainstream media have been critical of poor Matt Lauer. Why? Because he asked Clinton a tough question but important questions like what about the e-mail server? And does that disqualify you? Really tough.

Here now is former Obama economic adviser, Austan Goolsbee, and the author of this terrific new book, `JFK and the Reagan Revolution, A Secret History of American Prosperity' my old friend, Larry Kudlow. By the way, it's an honor to have you back.


HANNITY: OK. So I'm just got my copy. But this is what I know. That JFK and Reagan both lowered the top marginal tax rates in the course of Reagan's presidency, 17 to 28 percent, and lo and behold, unlike Obama, the first president that will never reach three percent GDP growth in any given year. We had prosperity and jobs and success and increased revenues to the government. We can do it again.

KUDLOW: We can do it again. We should do it again. It's one of the reasons why I wrote the book with Brian Domitrovic.

Look, JFK the Democrat, OK --

HANNITY: All right.

KUDLOW: -- with a Republican Treasury Secretary, knocked down tax rates by 30 percent across the board, (inaudible) --

HANNITY: Rising tide.

KUDLOW: -- 91 percent, a rising tide. He also argued and was proven right that not only would the economy boom, which it did at 5 percent but their tax cut revenues would pay for themselves. That came true. Roll the clock forward. Bad economy. Reagan comes in. Uses the JFK tax cut model. I actually have quotes on that.

HANNITY: Thank you. People needs to hear this.

KUDLOW: So this is not, you know, Reagan the Republican, Kennedy the Democrat, use exactly the Supply-Side Model to spur growth. It's exactly what we need today.

HANNITY: All right. Let me throw out the numbers to poor Austan because he's responsible in part for the bad economy. So this is what we have after eight years --

KUDLOW: Not in part, completely Sean. You said it completely. Now I only get half the credit.

HANNITY: OK. This is what we've got. We got one in five American families without a single person working. The lowest labor participation rate since the 1970s. The worst recovery since the '40s. The lowest home ownership rate in 51 years. Twelve more million Americans since your buddy Obama as president on food stamps. Eight million more Americans in poverty. And he will accumulate more debt than every other president before him combined. That's your legacy and your record, own it.


HANNITY: Now, listen to his excuse. He's going to blame Bush any second now. Go ahead.

GOOLSBEE: I'm not. When you say these statistics, you insinuate that we have had a steady trend downward over that whole time and that's completely wrong. We had a steep down in the first two years as we're in recession. And since then, basically every measure you cited has been improving.

HANNITY: And the first president never to hit three percent GDP growth for a single year of his presidency. That's your guy. More debt than any other president before him combined.

GOOLSBEE: Well, we have had a tortoise recovery, not a hare. We didn't hit the fastest year but we are now in the longest recovery of private sector job growth on record in the United States.

HANNITY: Well, the worst recovery since the `40s, right?

KUDLOW: Austan Goolsbee is a great friend of mine.

GOOLSBEE: No, no. That's not true anymore.

KUDLOW: It is true, Austan. Across the board --

GOOLSBEE: It's not true anymore.

KUDLOW: -- in terms of GDP, this is the worst economic expansion since world war II, I just want to say it. Austan is a good friend, OK.

Here's the thing, Austan. You can go back to Obama or you can go back to 2000. You see stuff, jobs, wages, business investment, real wages as I just said, productivity, all this has not grown in 15-plus years, OK?

W is responsible for part of it. I think Obama is responsible for a lot of it. You and I disagree on this but Austan, I will just say one economic lesson here on policy. Big government spending which was the Obama policy in 2009, 10 and later, didn't work, it didn't work.

So if it didn't work and we look at the numbers and the numbers are lousy, why not try something different like Kennedy, Reagan tax rate reduction. At least business tax rate reduction, Austan.

GOOLSBEE: Well, look, Larry and I are old friends, we're both growth guys and that's why we have always gotten along. All I will say is if you think cutting taxes for high-income people and corporations is a magic elixir for growth then you got to explain why when George Bush did that did it not work. And why -- look in Europe, at countries that have very low corporate tax rates, why are they growing so slow?

HANNITY: Wait a minute. I got a point, if we would do two things -- if we would do two things, I want Larry to weigh in on this first because I trust him a lot more in economics than you Austan.

But if we want to do -- if we want to allow the multinational corporations that cannot bring not millions, billions, trillions of dollars back to this country and incentivize them to build factories and manufacturing centers here because we bring them in at a cheap rate. And we expand coal mining, drilling, fracking and become energy independent. Would those two things alone have incoming taxes as dramatic?

KUDLOW: I mean yes. Trump has the most fabulous business tax cut, 15 percent for large and small companies. Immediate cash expensing and good repatriation to bring those overseas dollars home. I believe if he wins and he gets that through, the economy jumps to five percent economic growth.

HANNITY: I agree with you.

KUDLOW: I think that's where it's going to go. Austan, you believe in corporate tax reform. Look, how about this. One last one Austan.

GOOLSBEE: I believe in corporate tax reform but not the Trump's --


HANNITY: We're running out of time, guys.

GOOLSBEE: Trump's version is a $10 trillion tax cut.

KUDLOW: That's not true. It's all being --

GOOLSBEE: Yes, it is.

KUDLOW: It's not true. And we've already said it once, it's coming back next week. You're going to see much different numbers. But look, the best way to raise wages, OK, let's talk about middle income wage earners. The best way to raise wages is to slash the business tax rates for large and small companies. That is the proven. It's done researched, academics.

GOOLSBEE: That's one view.

KUDLOW: That's the way to go about.

GOOLSBEE: There's a different view that says --

HANNITY: I'm going to have to run. All right. So let me just say Larry is right and Austan is wrong.

GOOLSBEE: When are you going to back me up --


HANNITY: (Inaudible) confirming I'm right and you're wrong.

KUDLOW: Actually, Sean is on a roll.

GOOLSBEE: Yes, I know you're not confident.

HANNITY: I'm on a roll.

KUDLOW: Sean's got this whole analysis down right.

HANNITY: I do. And you what, Kennedy and Reagan were right. Great book.

KUDLOW: Thank you, Sean.

HANNITY: Coming up next, tonight on "Hannity."

CLINTON: The Jihadists see this as a great gift. They are saying; Oh, please, Allah, make Trump president of America.

HANNITY: Wow. Clinton is saying that terrorists, they're praying to Allah for Trump to be elected president. Dr. Sebastian Gorka weighs in next.


HANNITY: And welcome back to "Hannity Show". Hillary Clinton during an interview with an Israeli news agency said that ISIS terrorists are literally praying to Allah that Trump becomes president really? Watch this.

CLINTON: Trump has made Islam and Muslims part of his campaign. And basically, Matt Olsen argues that the Jihadists see this as a great gift. They're saying; Oh, please, Allah, make Trump president of America.

So I'm not interested in giving aid and comfort to their evil ambitions. I want to defeat them.

HANNITY: Joining us now with reaction, author of `Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War' our friend, Dr. Sebastian Gorka. OK. So let me get this straight. So ISIS, it prefers the guy that says he's going to bomb the living shh out of them. ISIS prefers the guy that says radical Islam not the person that's in denial about it. And ISIS prefers the guy that would never give the Iranians the number one state sponsor of terror, $150 billion and the ability to pursue nuclear weapons. I don't buy that. What are your thoughts?

SEBASTIAN GORKA, NATIONAL SECURITY PROFESSIONAL: Sean, aren't you worried that Hillary Clinton knows what kind of prayers the Jihadists are praying?

HANNITY: Yes. That kind of, somewhat, nerve wracking. Yes, a little bit. Now that you point it out, yes.

GORKA: Yes. So let's get the facts right. The presidency of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton was a god send to ISIS, literally.

When he came into office, there was no such thing as ISIS. There was Al Qaeda in Iraq which was a dysfunctional, franchise branch of Al Qaeda. When we pulled our troops out, when we declared victory by withdrawing, that's when the story of ISIS began.

When we declared the red lines in Syria that weren't red lines, when we decided to have our disastrous policy that was Hillary Clinton's policy in Libya.

HANNITY: So she's saying this to obfuscate from what is the truth and what is reality. And that is that she voted for a war she said is a mistake, she pulled out and gave the land and created an opening for ISIS to emerge and to have the financial resources through oil to go forward with their destruction and their caliphate.

GORKA: Yes. It's very important that your view is understand. There has never been a modern Jihadi organization as powerful as ISIS. ISIS has recruited more than 80,000 fighters. It has affiliates, according to the National Counter-Terrorism Center of Barack Obama's government, it has fully operational affiliates in 18 countries around the world, including places as far away from Iraq as Afghanistan.

This is an organization that holds territory in Iraq, Syria, Libya and even Nigeria in West Africa in the form of Boko Haram. And this is an organization that is crucifying and decapitating people right now as you are recording your show, Sean.

HANNITY: All right, Dr. Gorka. Always on point. Thank you so much, sir, appreciate it.

When we come back, we need your help. A very important question of the day, straight ahead.


HANNITY: And time for our question of the day. So it's the time for more journalist -- by the way, don't hold your breathe to start asking Hillary Clinton tough questions.

He did give a press conference, first one in what, 280 days, 16 questions, six minutes, not one about her lying, not one about the e-mail server scandal.

Yes, I think it's time. Well, we want to hear from you. Go to, @seanhannity on Twitter. Let us know what you think. That's all the time we have left this evening. As always, thank you for being with us. We will see you hopefully back here tomorrow night.


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