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Information on ISIS Commander Who Planned Istanbul Attack; British Justice Secretary to Stand for Prime Minister; Tesla Self-Driving Car in



Justice Secretary to Stand for Prime Minister; Tesla Self-Driving Car in

Fatal Accident. Aired 10-11a ET - Part 2>

attack. The Justice Secretary of Great Britain intends to stand for prime

minister. A self-driving Tesla car was involved in a fatal accident.>

Death; Accidents; Great Britain; European Union>

CAROLL: Trump calling out the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for the second day in a row.

TRUMP: The U.S. Chamber fights. They say, oh, Trump wants to stop free trade. I do want to stop free trade. I love free trade. But I want to make great deals.

CAROLL: At his rally in New Hampshire, Trump criticized for his latest off the cuff comments making an awkward joke at the expense of Mexico while discussing NAFTA which he says takes manufacturing jobs away from the U.S.

TRUMP: Their leaders are so much smarter, so much sharper. And it's incredible. In fact, that could be a Mexican plan up there, they're getting ready to attack.

CAROLL: Trump drawing more criticism for this exchange with a woman who asked him about using veterans to replace Muslim TSA workers wearing head scarves or hijabs.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They get rid of all these head -- heebie jabbies they wear at TSA. I've seen it myself.

TRUMP: Well, I understand that.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We need the veterans back in there to take it. They fought for this country and defended it. They'll still do it.



TRUMP: You know, and we are looking at that.

CAROLL: Trump did not miss an opportunity to slam Hillary Clinton on jobs. Highlighting Clinton's vulnerability among white blue collar voters. Trump referring to a statement Clinton made at a CNN Town Hall while talking about her clean energy bill.

HILLARY CLINTON, (D) PRESUMPTIVE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: We're going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.

TRUMP: She said, I want to put the miners and the mines out of business. Who would vote for her? We want to put our people back to work.

CAROLL: Clinton later apologizing to coal workers for what she called a misstatement.

TRUMP: Our people should have more pride in buying made in the USA. Remember the old days?

CAROLL: Clinton quick to point out that Trump benefits from the foreign labor he now scorns.

CLINTON: Trump ties are made in china. Trump suits in Mexico.

CAROLL: All this as sources tell CNN that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich are being vetted to be Trump's running mate. Trump intends to announce his pick at the Republican national convention just weeks away.


CURNOW: Well, Jayson Carroll now joins us live from New York. Since you reported on this and in the last hour or so, we've had some indication that maybe that V.P. pick announcement could come before the convention. It's typically unconventional from Trump.

CAROLL: Right. Well, one thing you can count on with Trump is some things being unconventional. And yes, you are right, Robyn hearing now that perhaps Trump will make his announcement some time before the convention to try to drum up even more energy and excitement heading into the convention as if this election needed even more energy or excitement from Trump.

CURNOW: Indeed. And let's talk about those options. Do you think -- I mean, what our analysts saying about whether Gingrich or Christie balance the Trump ticket?

CAROLL: Well, a couple of things. I mean, it's very clear that, you know, both of these men would bring experience, both of these men know the ins and outs of Washington, D.C.

[10:35:03] You know, the question becomes, Robyn, could either one of these men sort of mend some of these fences within the GOP, and there seems to be some suggestion that perhaps they could.

And, you know, when we speak about mending, you know, fences within the GOP, you heard there from the piece there that just aired. You know, this is something that clearly still needs to be worked on. Trump still needs to make inroads with some of those folks who are sitting on the fence.

You know, when you think of that, you think of people like Susan Collins, the Republican senator there from Maine who is still waiting on the fence, still trying to decide whether or not she will support Trump. She is waiting to see who he chooses as a V.P. pick. Perhaps that will put her over the edge one way or the other.

But then you look at some others. You look at Ted Kasich, you look at Ted Cruz, you look at Jeb Bush. You look at some of these established Republicans who still have not signed on with Trump.

CURNOW: Yeah, in many ways it's a policy issue as you just reported there on trade. But also any hopes that many conservative had that Mr. Trump would evolve into a more traditional candidate, become more presidential. I mean, that must be fading.

CAROLL: Well, you know, you remember Robyn, he promised early on that he - - during the primary season that he would eventually become more presidential. The way that he has acted his rhetoric has certainly helped him during the primary season.

In terms of him being more conventional, I don't think Trump is going to stop being Trump. It has helped him thus far. It is who he is. It is who he is going to be. The question is, can people get used to him. And that still very much seems to be a question that is lingering out there.

CURNOW: Jason Carroll, thanks so much for your perspective there from New York.

CAROOL: You bet.

CURNOW: Well still ahead. A fatal crash calls the safety of self-driving cars into question. The investigation into Tesla's autopilot feature, that's next.


CURNOW: You're watching CNN. I'm Robyn Curnow. Thanks for joining me.

Now, U.S. safety regulators are investigating the first known self-driving car fatality. A man died when a Tesla model S, an autopilot failed to apply brakes and crashed into a tractor trailer.

Well, CNN Money's Peter Valdes-Dapena joined us now with more on the investigation. Tell us what you know. Hi there.

PETER VALDES-DAPENA, CNN MONEY SENIOR WRITER: Hi there. Well, right now there's a lot that we don't know. In situations like this, we ordinarily would be looking at the truck driver for being at fault. The truck driver turned left in front of oncoming traffic and was hit by a driver in a Tesla model test.

Now, Tesla does say that apparently the autopilot feature, a sort of self- driving feature in this car perhaps didn't detect the truck because it was a white truck trailer on the background of a bright, bright sky, perhaps not enough contrast.

[10:40:08] Nonetheless, we also don't know did the driver himself attempt to apply the brakes? We don't know that at this point. And also, in this situation would even a perfectly functioning autopilot feature had been able to avoid this accident where a truck pulled out in front of an oncoming car?

CURNOW: And what do we know about the driver here? Was he paying attention? Does that even matter?

DAPENA: Of course it matters very much I think, whether or not the driver's paying attention. Tesla is very careful to point out that this is maybe a little scary sounding, but their auto-pilot feature is in beta mode. In other words, they say, hey, look, Tesla says this is not perfect. We don't expect you to take your attention off the road. We expect drivers to pay attention at all times.

Again, we don't know if he at any point even in the last moments before the impact attempted to apply the brakes. So we need to keep an eye on that. There are some reports that he may have been distracted.

CURNOW: But this car -- so what you're saying, this car is different from other models because other models you need to actually hold on to the steering wheel?

DAPENA: Yes. This kind of technology that Tesla has is not completely unique. Mercedes-Benz, for example, has a feature where the car, for the most part on a highway at least, on an interstate highway could drive itself down the road. It maintains its own lane, keeps a distance from other cars.

However, it requires you to keep your hands on the steering wheel pretty much all the time. If you take your hands off the steering wheel for even more than a few seconds, it will tell you that you have to put them back on. Tesla system also does tell you have to keep your hands on the wheel. It seems like Tesla system allows you to keep your hands off the wheel for a longer though. I've driven a Tesla model S with auto-pilot, and was able to keep my hands off the wheel for quite a long time.

CURNOW: And so what does this tell us? What does this accident tell us about the future of driverless cars?

DAPENA: Well, I think there's still -- we need to keep in mind, people die in car accidents, unfortunately, with some great frequency. This is the first time we've seen a fatality in a driverless car. But it was inevitable that this would happen especially on roads where we're mixing driverless cars with cars driven by humans. As I said there was a truck driver here who turned left in front of him.

So, I think clearly, driverless cars need to get better. Apparently the camera in Tesla's model S autopilot system needs to get better at recognizing low contrast obstacles that are in front of it. There's always going to be a need for improvement. And these are safety critical issues. But you still have to say that down the road, no pun intended, driverless cars still stand to save an awful lot of lives on America's roads.

CURNOWL Peter, thanks so much.

Well, that does it for us here at the International Desk. I'm Robyn Curnow. "World Sport" is next.



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