The Latest: Clinton: Understands fear of foreign trade

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on the U.S. presidential campaign (all times EDT): 10:15 p.m. Hillary Clinton says she's sympathetic to voters attracted to Donald Trump's message, who feel left behind on the economic margins of America. The former secretary of state has told a crowd of young...

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on the U.S. presidential campaign (all times EDT):

10:15 p.m.

Hillary Clinton says she's sympathetic to voters attracted to Donald Trump's message, who feel left behind on the economic margins of America.

The former secretary of state has told a crowd of young digital content creators at a town hall-style meeting in Hollywood, California, on Tuesday that more must be done to create jobs and improve the economy.

She says she understands why some people are upset or fearful about foreign trade or illegal immigration.

But Clinton says she's looking for solutions and warns about "misleading promises" and a Trump agenda that she says would take the country backward.

She says she is not sympathetic with Islamophobia, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny and other "sort of dog whistle's that Trump uses to create that fervor among a lot of his supporters."

"That is contrary to our values," she says.


8:05 p.m.

Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump is reiterating his call for the return of waterboarding and the use of other harsh interrogation techniques in the battle against Islamic State militants.

Trump tells a rally crowd in Ohio that, "you have to fight fire with fire."

The pronouncement drew cheers and chants of "USA! USA!"

During the Republican primary, Trump frequently advocated the return of waterboarding and "much worse," declaring at one point that "torture works." Trump says: "We have to fight so viciously and violently because we're dealing with violent people."

Trump is continuing his harsh rhetoric as he approaches the general election campaign, even as his advisers work to make him more measured.


8:00 p.m.

Presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says that advocates of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement has been "pushed by special interests who want to rape our country."

Speaking at a rally in St. Clairsville, Ohio, Trump says "It's a harsh word," adding "It's a rape of our country."

The comments came hours after Trump delivered a measured speech read from a teleprompter, laying out his plans for renegotiating the country's trade deals in an effort to bring back manufacturing jobs.

It was yet another indication that Trump has no intention of toning down his rally speeches, even as his aides work to professionalize his campaign.

It was Trump's first rally in the crucial battleground state since he became his party's presumptive nominee more than a month ago.


7:45 p.m.

Republican Donald Trump is responding to Tuesday's deadly attack in Istanbul, Turkey, by warning of the danger of threats at home.

The presumptive Republican nominee tells a rally in St. Clairsville, Ohio, that "there's something going on that's really, really bad. We better get smart and we better get tough or we're not going to have much of a country left."

Suspected Islamic State militants killed dozens of people and wounded more at the international terminal of Istanbul Ataturk Airport.

Trump's campaign also released a statement earlier Tuesday saying its "prayers are with the families" of those killed and injured.

It adds, "We must take steps now to protect America from terrorists, and do everything in our power to improve our security to keep America safe."


7:30 p.m.

Hillary Clinton says the bombings at Istanbul Ataturk Airport are "a reminder that the United States cannot retreat."

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee says in a statement that the U.S. must deepen its cooperation with allies and partners in the Middle East and Europe "to take on this threat."

Clinton says: "Such cooperation is essential to protecting the homeland and keeping our country safe."

Clinton says that Americans stand united with the people of Turkey against this campaign of hatred and violence.

She says "Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families, and the Turkish people. ... "Today's attack in Istanbul only strengthens our resolve to defeat the forces of terrorism and radical jihadism around the world."


4:59 p.m.

Don't look for Ohio Gov. John Kasich on stage at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

A spokesman said Tuesday that the former GOP presidential contender has neither sought nor expects a speaking slot at the party's signature event.

It's highly unusual for the governor to skip a presidential nominating convention in his own state. But 2016 has been an unusual year. Kasich was one of the GOP candidates seeking the party's nomination. But Donald Trump is assured the title.

Kasich has declined to endorse Trump, whose statements on race, religion and immigration cut against the unifying message of Kasich's campaign. Trump has said he won't invite speakers who don't endorse him.


3:25 p.m.

A traditional Republican ally is blasting GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump's economic proposals, saying it would lead to a weaker economy.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is rebutting Trump's Pennsylvania speech on trade, saying his policies would lead to millions of job losses and an economic recession.

The Chamber says in a blog post that Trump's proposals to place tariffs on imports from Mexico and China would spark a trade war. Even if China and Mexico don't retaliate, the Chamber says the U.S. would still lose a minimum of 2 million jobs.

The Chamber is also pushing back against Trump on Twitter, saying, "Under Trump's trade plans, we would see higher prices, fewer jobs, a weaker economy."


3 p.m.

Donald Trump is outlining steps he would take to bring back American jobs and address past trade deals, which he says have hurt the U.S. economy.

Trump says in a speech in Pennsylvania that if elected, he would withdraw the U.S. from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a proposed Pacific Rim trade pact which he says would hurt manufacturing jobs.

He is vowing to renegotiate the terms of the North American Free Trade Agreement "to get a better deal for our workers."

He says he would appoint tough trade negotiators and direct the Commerce Department to identify every violation of trade agreements.

And the Republican businessman says he would label China a currency manipulator and instruct the U.S. Trade Representative to bring trade cases against China. If China doesn't "stop its illegal activities," Trump is vowing to use "every lawful presidential power" to address the trade disputes.


2:45 p.m.

Donald Trump says the U.S. has become more dependent on foreign countries and it's "time to declare our economic independence once again."

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee is blaming harmful trade deals and the loss of manufacturing jobs on former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Trump has been critical of past trade deals, saying it has stripped the U.S. of manufacturing jobs. He says he plans to make it a major contrast with Hillary Clinton.

Trump says the North American Free Trade Agreement, which was signed by Bill Clinton, was a "disaster" and points to the Clintons' support for normalizing trade relations with China.

He is warning that the Trans-Pacific Partnership could be even worse. He says the TPP "would be the death blow for American manufacturing."


2:35 p.m.

Donald Trump says in Pennsylvania that the "people who rigged the system are supporting Hillary Clinton," arguing in a speech that his Democratic rival wants the status quo.

The Republican presidential candidate says in an economic speech that if Clinton is elected, "inner cities will remain poor," factories will be closed and borders will remain open.

The presumptive GOP nominee says under Clinton, "the special interests will remain firmly in control."

Trump says Clinton wants to "scare the American people" out of voting for a better economy in the future.


1:40 p.m.

Hillary Rodham Clinton says the House Benghazi committee found nothing different than previous investigations into the 2012 attack that killed four Americans.

Clinton says no one has lost more sleep than she has over the attack which occurred while she was secretary of State. Republicans have long criticized her handling of the incident.

She said at a campaign stop in Denver that after more than two years, the committee "found nothing -- nothing -- to contradict the conclusions of the independent accountability board," that previously investigated the attack.

The committee faulted the Obama administration Tuesday for lax security and a slow response to the attacks, but it produced no new allegations about Clinton.

Clinton's campaign has slammed the report as partisan. She said "I'll leave it to others to characterize this report, but I think it's time to move on,"


1:15 p.m.

A super PAC tied to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has announced its first round of fall TV reservations.

Republicans are defending a slim Senate majority in November and shoring up vulnerable incumbents around the country.

The Senate Leadership Fund buys total nearly $40 million. They include $15.8 million in New Hampshire, in partnership with a super PAC there; $8 million in Ohio; $6 million in Nevada; $6 million in Pennsylvania and $2.5 million in Missouri where Sen. Roy Blunt is facing a young but aggressive Democrat.

All are states where vulnerable GOP incumbents are defending their seats, except Nevada, where Republicans are contesting the vacant seat created by Minority Leader Harry Reid's retirement.

Super PACs are organizations that can spend unlimited amounts of money, but can't coordinate with campaigns.


12:55 p.m.

Republican Donald Trump is highlighting his opposition to U.S. trade deals and painting Hillary Clinton as a champion of the kind of globalization that has pushed manufacturing jobs overseas.

Trump will speak Tuesday in the heart of America's struggling rust belt, reinforcing a central premise of his campaign: that global free trade — a Republican Party staple for decades — has hurt American workers because deals have been negotiated poorly. Trump has vowed to bring back manufacturing jobs by slapping tariffs on goods produced by companies that move manufacturing jobs overseas.

It's a message that he's hoping will continue to resonate with the white, working class voters who flocked to his primary campaign.


10:05 a.m.

Hillary Clinton's campaign is slamming Republicans in Congress over the final report of their investigation of the deadly 2012 attacks on a U.S. outpost in Benghazi, Libya.

Spokesman Brian Fallon says in a statement the report has "not found anything to contradict the conclusions of the multiple, earlier investigations."

Fallon says that's evidence the House Benghazi Committee's chief goal was to politicize the deaths of four people killed in the attack "in order to try to attack the Obama administration and hurt Hillary Clinton's campaign."

Fallon says the way in which the committee released the report shows the GOP members of the committee "are clearly seeking to avoid any fact-checking of their discredited conspiracy theories."

Republicans on the panel released the report a day after Democrats presented their own version, highlighting the deeply partisan nature of the inquiry.


6 a.m.

Hillary Clinton will propose allowing entrepreneurs to defer making student loan payments, as part of a technology agenda she plans to introduce on Tuesday.

Clinton's campaign says she would permit start-up founders and early employees to forgo payments on their federal student loans for up to three years. Those who launch businesses that provide social benefits would also be permitted to apply for forgiveness of up to $17,500 of their debt after five years.

She'll also propose connecting every household in America to high-speed internet by 2020 and training 50,000 new computer science teachers over the next decade.

Clinton will present her agenda during a campaign stop at a small business incubator in Denver. She is working to woo young voters attracted to primary rival Bernie Sanders.
