Korea; Humanitarian Disaster in Fallujah; "Brexit" Campaign Starts Up
Again in London; Fate of Refugee Families in Greece Hinges on Skype;
Concerning Security Incidents at Euro 2016; Brazil Street Crime a
Concern at Olympic Games. Aired 1-2a ET - Part 2>
But this cyber terrorism is a growing concern, when it comes to ISIS and to trying to protect against this terrorism -- Paula?
[01:35:00] NEWTON: Our Paula Hancocks following that story of a potential ISIS threat in South Korea. Paula, appreciate it.
To Iraq now. The government's fight to drive ISIS from Fallujah continues. This, despite officials' claims that the city has been retaken. Iraqi troops raised the national flag over the Fallujah mayor's office on Friday. And the country's prime minister said on TV the city was liberated. But as a CNN crew saw firsthand, pockets of ISIS resistance remained throughout the weekend.
And as the conflict draws on, some are warning of a humanitarian disaster in Fallujah. The Norwegian Refugee Council says an estimated 30,000 people have been displaced in just three days. We're looking at images of some of those people now, those internally displaced. They're being held by Iraqi government forces to make sure they don't have ISIS sympathies.
Our Ben Wedeman explains.
BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: As the battle winds down, Iraqi officials are increasingly concerned about the possibility of what they describe as a humanitarian catastrophe. Tens of thousands of people are still inside those parts of Fallujah under ISIS control. Many more have fled to camps around Fallujah, where facilities are, at best, minimal.
One of the worries, of course, is the outbreak of disease. Keep in mind that under ISIS control in Fallujah, there were no vaccination campaigns. Therefore, Iraqi officials are worried about the potential outbreak of cholera and typhoid.
I'm Ben Wedeman, CNN, reporting from Baghdad.
NEWTON: The number of displaced citizens in Fallujah is just a fraction of those displaced worldwide.
Coming up, more on the alarming statistics released by the United Nations, as it prepares to mark World Refugee Day.
And the fate of families stranded in Greece hinges on Skype. There's only one hour a day to get the call through. That story just ahead.
[01:40:07] NEWTON: Returning now to Britain's upcoming referendum on whether to remain in the European Union, campaigning is back on after a pause following the murder of lawmaker, Jo Cox. Both sides held rallies in London on Sunday. While the tone was muted, the focus returned to immigration.
DAVID CAMERON, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: There's good ways of controlling immigration. And these welfare changes I think are good ways. There are bad ways of controlling immigration. And that I think would be leaving the single market, damaging our economy, costing jobs, and hurting British working families in the process.
CAMERON: That's not the right way to control immigration.
BORIS JOHNSON, "LEAVE" CAMPAIGNER & FORMER LONDON MAYOR: Yes. Let us take back control of our borders with a sensible, fair and impartial system. And let me take on this issue absolutely directly because I am pro-immigration, my friends. I am the proud descendant --
JOHNSON: I'm the proud descendant of Turkish immigrants. And let me stun you, perhaps, by saying I'll go further. I'm not only pro- immigration, I'm pro-immigration (ph), and I'm in favor of an amnesty for illegal immigrants who have been here more than 12 years, unable to contribute -- unable to contribute to this economy, unable to pay taxes, unable to take proper part in society. And I'll tell you why. Because it is the humane thing to do. It is the economically rational thing to do. And it means taking back control of a system that is at the moment completely out of control.
NEWTON: Now, aside from the fiery words about Brexit, there's emotionally loaded images, as well. A group supporting Britain leaving the E.U. produced a poster entitled "Breaking Point." It shows crowds of immigrants queuing up to enter Great Britain. Brexit opponents decried the image, saying it's reminiscent of anti-refugee Nazi propaganda from the 1930s.
Monday is World Refugee Day, and the United Nations has released a new report with some alarming statistics on refugees around the world. About 65 million people around the world are refugees, asylum seekers or internally displaced in their own countries. Of those, about 21 million were refugees who were forced from their home country. Half of all refugees are children. And many are separated from their parents or traveling alone.
CNN's Atika Shubert spoke to one refugee family stranded in Greece about their daily struggle to apply for asylum.
ATIKA SHUBERT, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Imagine the fate of your family hinges on Skype. You've just got one hour a day to get this critical call through. And every family member must be there and visible. You call and call and call.
Welcome to the life of the Halla family, refugees from Aleppo, now stranded in Greece.
SHUBERT: I've been calling for two months and seven days. It's just tough. I just dialed again. You can hear the response," he says. "There's only that noise."
That noise is the sound of the family trying to apply for asylum in Europe. Greece's asylum relocation service only takes appointments via Skype. And the service is only open for one hour a day.
"Of course, it's a ploy, says Annis' (ph) wife, Mara (ph). "Is it possible that they could answer the phone calls of so many thousands of people?"
For one hour, we sat with the family in their spotlessly-clean tent, with their two young children, parents and sister. In that time, Annis (ph) tried to call 36 times. No one answered.
The Greek government says an in-person registration service is slowly being rolled out in camps. But for many, Skype is the only option.
While they Skype, they try to keep the kids busy with drawings and books. But it's the same routine, every day for the last 67 days, with no answer.
SHUBERT: This 6-year-old asks us, "Do you want to know where I want to go?"
(on camera): Where do you want to go?
(voice-over): "Germany," he answers.
But to go to Germany, his family must first get through on Skype. And no one knows when that will be.
Atika Shubert, CNN, Greece.
[01:44:32] NEWTON: The Rio Olympics is facing yet more adversity. We'll explain the latest issue facing the 2016 games. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)
NEWTON: Euro 2016 has had a string of disastrous moments since the tournament started. Fights between fans have been the biggest problems so far. But the latest incident may be even more concerning.
Our Will Ripley has the details.
ANNOUNCER: There's more ignition in that flare. We don't know if he's injured.
WILL RIPLEY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: They threw flares on the field and punches at each other. A handful of Croatian fans disrupted their team's game against the Czech Republic.
RIPLEY: Croatia's coach called them sports terrorists.
But how can at least a dozen flares get past multiple layers of security?
(on camera): We've come to another stadium in Paris, France, to see how it works. The first security point is all the way down there. And the second and third, right through here. You see the fans of Austria and Portugal being patted down. It really makes you wonder if flares can make it through these layers of security into a packed stadium, could explosives also be smuggled inside?
(voice-over): Checking 40,000 or even 60,000 people as they converge on a stadium is a huge task.
European football's governing body tells CNN, "Despite thorough body and bag searches at the stadium entrances, it's extremely difficult to completely eliminate the risk that fireworks are brought into the stadium."
For some fans, that's not good enough.
UNIDENTIFIED FAN: If someone can bring firecrackers in, someone could bring something in a lot more sinister. I don't wish to mention it but, you know, it could be a lot worse.
[01:50:00] RIPLEY: Last November, it nearly was a lot worse, when ISIS suicide bombers targeted the National Stadium of France.
RIPLEY: They never made it inside, killing only themselves but badly injuring others. Fans at Euro 2016 say they're aware of the risk.
UNIDENTIFIED FAN: It scares everyone a little bit. Also, you can't let the fear get to you, or you stop living.
RIPLEY: One of men accused in November attacks told Belgium investigators, Euro 2016 was their ultimate target.
French journalist, Jaquin Barbiet (ph) has attended many of the games. He says some security officers are newly hired, inexperienced.
JAQUIN BARBIET (ph), FRENCH JOURNALIST: Because it's a big threat, the major threat of terrorism, you have to think about reducing the tension and being competent and friendly. They just don't know what to do.
RIPLEY: French authorities insist everyone has been properly trained, including these anti-terror drills ahead of the tournament. Helicopters, nearly 80,000 armed police officers and metal detectors, so far, so good.
The main problem, hooligans, the majority of them English and Russian. More than 300 arrests, 20 Russian fans deported, heightened security and increased police for Monday's Russia-versus-Wales game.
Football violence is nothing new. It's the risk that terrorists will find a chink in security that will change the game. And with three weeks and more than 30 matches ahead --
ANNOUNCER: Very aware how serious this is.
RIPLEY: -- Euro 2016 hasn't even hit halftime.
Will Ripley, CNN, Paris.
NEWTON: Now, for a quick recap of what happened on the pitch Sunday. Albania made history with the country's first-ever win at a major tournament. It wasn't enough to advance. France and Switzerland's scoreless draw was enough to see both teams into the round of 16. Monday sees two matches to decide group "B." England can win the group with three-points against Slovakia. But in theory, all four teams can still advance.
The Summer Olympic Games in Rio are weeks away. Brazil is already battling the Zika Virus, political troubles and infrastructure challenges, but now there are growing concerns about street crime.
CNN's Nick Paton Walsh has the latest warning for tourists heading to the games.
NICK PATON WALSH, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The 5:00 p.m. rush, sundown empties the beeches, fills rum glasses and streets in Copacabana where Olympic tourists will be lured by volleyball and hot sand. Their phones, jewelry sparkle, a sea of opportunity for this man, one of Rio's army of street robbers.
UNIDENTIFIED STREET ROBBER (through translation): More or less five phones stolen, that's a good work.
PATON WALSH: His crimes aren't sins, he says, just a way to make a living. And the Olympics will be boom time.
UNIDENTIFIED STREET ROBBER (through translation): Very, very busy time. It's going to be good. At the same time, you'll have a lot of tourists, a lot of thieves, as well. With jewelry, watches, people might go to the police station. But when it's just a phone, many don't even go to the police. They get on a ship, on a plane, and they leave.
PATON WALSH: He prefers to work in a pair, approach from behind. And shows me his move. While the other partner bumped into my front, he shows us where he immediately takes a stolen phone. He snaps and throws the SIM card, not touching the phone's buttons. It's market, mostly legal resellers, brims with traders hawking very cheap phones on the corner.
PATON WALSH: And some, he says, can wipe and reset a phone for him for about $10.
In fact, one told me they don't need passwords to reset a phone at all. Pedro then sells the clean phone on.
UNIDENTIFIED STREET ROBBER (through translation): If you get the new launch, a 6S, all of the iPhones are guaranteed money. You don't have it at home for even a day. You can steal it in an hour. Two hours later, you will already have the money in your pocket and it's far away.
PATON WALSH: It's a brazen industry, caught on amateur camera here in the center. Opportunism and thuggery combined. The broken phone, no use here and returned.
Rio police have set up a high-tech CCTV center they hope will encourage people to report crimes and maybe let them see culprits in action. A grainy view of a beautiful city's hardened trade.
(on camera): You do realize you're potentially ruining someone's holiday, right?
UNIDENTIFIED STREET ROBBER (through translation): I don't really think about that because, if I did, no one would do it. When it's time to go and steal, you always think these are the people with more money than those here.
PATON WALSH (voice-over): Pedro's advice to not get robbed by him, put your phone in your front pocket, pay attention when you use it, check it if someone bumps into you. Now it's up to you to decide if he's left something out.
Nick Paton Walsh, CNN, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
[01:55:05] NEWTON: And before we leave you, take a look at this.
ANNOUNCER: NS-4 has cleared the tower.
NEWTON: Would you get on Board? A company hoping to carry customer into space has completed a fourth successful test run. That's the unmanned Blue Sheppard rocket there launching from Texas. It successfully landed a short time later. The rocket is built by Blue Origin, a space tourism firm headed by Amazon's CEO. In addition to the launch and recovery, the spacecraft's passenger section was intentionally crash-landed back to earth. Blue Origin says it's all part of this successful test. It could take a lot of courage to get me on there.
Thanks for joining us. I'm Paula Newton.
Rosemary Church will have another hour of latest news from around the world after the break.
You're with CNN, the world news leader.
And we leave you with images of celebrations in Cleveland, after that magical win by the Cavaliers for that NBA title.
[02:00:10] ROSEMARY CHURCH, CNN ANCHOR: Closing arguments. The battle over whether Britain should stay in the E.U. enters its final phase.
(Byline: Paula Newton, Paula Hancocks, Ben Wedeman, Atika Shubert, Will Ripley, Nick Paton Walsh, Rosemary Church, Nic Robertson, Kate Riley, Andy Scholes)
(High: South Korea's National Intelligence Service warns ISIS may be targeting the U.S. military in their country, and the NIS says the terror group released information about U.S. Air Force bases in South Korea and is encouraging attacks on those facilities. The Iraqi government's fight to drive ISIS from Fallujah continues and the prime minister said the city was liberated, but ISIS pockets of resistance remained throughout the weekend, and as the conflict draws on, some are warning of a humanitarian disaster in Fallujah, and the Norwegian Refugee Council says an estimated 30,000 people have been displaced in just three days. Campaigning is back on in Britain's upcoming referendum on whether to remain in the European Union following a pause following the murder of M.P. Jo Cox, and both sides held rallies in London on Sunday, and while the tone was muted, the focus turned to immigration. Monday is World Refugee Day, and the United Nations has released a new report with some alarming statistics on refugees around the world, and about 65 million people around the world are refugees, asylum seekers or internally displaced in their own countries, and the fate of families stranded in Greece hinges on Skype, and there's only one hour a day to get the call through, and one refugee family stranded in Greece spoke about their daily struggle to apply for asylum. Euro 2016 has had a string of disastrous moments since the tournament started, and fights between fans have been the biggest problems so far, but the latest incident may be even more concerning. Brazil is already battling the Zika Virus, political troubles and infrastructure challenges, and now the country has a new concern in the run-up to the games, street crime, and an inside look at what's being done to keep visitors safe.)
(Spec: South Korea; National Intelligence Service; NIS; U.S. Air Force; Military; NATO; ISIS; Islamic State; Terrorism; Iraq; Fallujah; Families; Refugees; Great Britain; "Brexit"; Jo Cox; Murders; David Cameron; Boris Johnson; European Union; Immigration; United Nations; World Refugee Day; Greece; Skype; Communications; France; Euro 2016; Sports; Violence; Security; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Olympic Games; Theft; Crime; Asia; Middle East; Europe; South America; World Affairs; Politics; Government)