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Democrats Election Primaries Comes to a Close; Bernie Set to Meet Hillary Clinton; Gas Prices Averages $2.38 Per Gallon, Learning More about



Hillary Clinton; Gas Prices Averages $2.38 Per Gallon, Learning More about

Orlando Shooter; ISIS Claims Responsibility for the Brutal Murder of a

French Police Captain and His Partner; Trump and Clinton Weigh in on

Orlando Shooting; Washington DC Primary Today; Actor Steven Micael Quezado

Interviewed; Oil Up Again; California Building Fire - Part 2>

Gabrielle, Jeff Flock, Cheryl Casone >

McLaughlin, Steven Michael Quezada>

Democrats Primaries; Bernie Sanders; Hillary Clinton; Zika Virus; Gas

Prices; Stock Market; Disney World; Donald Trump; ISIS; U.S. Military>

All right, breaking news for you right now, we've got this, firefighters working to contain this massive fire that you're seeing in an industrial building. We know this is happening right now in Maywood, California. The images coming from KTTV out of Maywood, this is a town just outside of downtown Los Angeles. Crews were sent to the scene shortly after 2:30 Pacific time this morning, after reports of a three alarm fire, according to the Los Angeles county fire department. You can see the blaze. It continues. We were going to bring you details on this as we see it on this breaking news, an industrial building on fire in California.

All right, President Obama responding to the Orlando terror attack, calling it an example of homegrown extremism. Peter Barnes is standing by at the White House with the latest on that, Peter, good morning.

PETER BARNES, FOX BUSINESS NETWORK: Well, hey, Sandra, good morning. And the White House has announced that the president will go to Orlando on Thursday. As for today, he will meet again with his national security team. He met with that team yesterday and revealed new details into the investigation of the Orlando shooter.


BARACK OBAMA, UNITED STATES PRESIDENT: As far as we could tell right now, this is certainly an example of the kind of homegrown extremism that all of us have been so concerned about for a very long time. And it also appears that he was able to obtain these weapons legally because he did not have a criminal record.


BARNES: Well, the president will give another update on the investigation after he meets with his national security team today, and we expect those remarks around the lunch hour, Sandra, back to you.

SMITH: All right, Peter Barnes, thank you. Well, the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history prompted Republican presumptive nominee, Donald Trump, to discuss his proposed immigration ban at length. Listen.


TRUMP: When I'm elected, I will suspend immigration from areas of the world where there's a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe, or our allies. Until we fully understand how to end these threats. After a full.


TRUMP: Thank you. And by the way, we have no choice.


SMITH: let's bring in Saba Ahmed, president of the Republicans Muslim coalition, and Sajid Tarar, president of American Muslims for Trump. Saba, I want to begin with you first, do you agree with Donald Trump's position that he's making?

SABA AHMED, REPUBLICANS MUSLIM COALITION PRESIDENT: Well, first of all, I would like to urge that Muslim-Americans stand in solidarity and strongly condemn the Orlando tragedies, it was completely horrific crime against humanity. We are very much shocked by the acts of this individual, but I don't think blaming an entire religion and 1.7 billion Muslims for the acts of a single criminal is fair. I think we need to look at carefully who is coming into the country, but as we know, this person was born and raised in the United States, so I think there's much more to this discussion than just blaming an entire faith.

SMITH: Do you feel that that's what Donald Trump is doing with his statement?

AHMED: I think Donald Trump is kind of just targeting radical Islam, which is absurd because I don't think blaming an entire faith is the right approach. I think Donald Trump is very strong on national security, which is good, but we definitely need to be much more cautious about not alienating all of the Muslim world.

SMITH: OK. So, Sajid, you take a completely different stance on this?

SAJID TARAR, AMERICAN MUSLIM FOR TRUMP PRESIDENT: Yes, first of all, good morning for having me, and thank you for having me. I wanted to add a few things. I'm a Muslim-American, I was born and raised Muslim and I love this country more than my life. I'm an American, and we have lost 50 Americans and my heart is bleeding today, and they are a part of my prayers. And I strongly condemn and I reject the ideology of radical views that is growing all over.

SMITH: Sajid, do you support Donald Trump's ban on Muslim though?

TARAR: I support that this is -- let me tell you. This is what he has said that we have to stop immigration of refugees from the watchable areas. And look at this, today this Orlando shooter, he's father was immigrant -- not an immigrant, he was a refugee from Afghanistan. He's absolutely right that we have to stop and revisit and rethink about the people bringing from different part of the world where the trouble is coming from.

SMITH: OK. So, Saba, what's your respond to that?

AHMED: I think, I agree. I think Donald Trump's speech yesterday was great because he talked about partnership with Muslim-Americans. He talked about how he wants to be a president for all Americans, which includes Muslims. I think, you know, Donald Trump is the right candidate right now, but I do think that, you know, we definitely need to work with the Muslim community who are on the front lines battling extremism every day. I think it's an ideological battle that can never be won with the military. It has to come from the Muslim-Americans countering that ideology and providing the counter narrative. In terms of the policies, immigration, I think, definitely we need to scrutinize refugees asylum, a lot of other visa category that are bringing in potential terrorist. We definitely need to be much more careful about who comes into this country and every single person has to be scrutinized.

SMITH: OK. And that's a difficult task, Sajid. So what role should Muslim-Americans have in identifying citizens who have been radicalized or in the process of being -- becoming radicalized. We know many of them are doing this and are enabling themselves to recruit using social media and other forms.

TARAR: Here, frankly speaking, the parents of the Orlando shooter, they have failed, and now it is the responsibility that the California shooter, he was home grown, he was born and raised here in America. This gentleman in Orlando, he was born and raised here. I request the Islamic community and Muslim community to be more vigilant. To see where the trouble is coming up and coming from, especially, parents don't know the first -- you know, people they come to know them the children and having issues, so they need to come up and report to either the hospitals or to the authorities, the police authorities, this is our responsibility in America.

DOMINICK TAVELLA, DIVERSIFIED PRIVATE WEALTH ADVISORS PRESIDENT: OK. So, Sajid, I have a -- to know here, I have a client, Pakistani-Muslim immigrated to this country over decade here, raised his children here. He's voted Republican every year. He has the ability to do so. He swore he would never vote Republican ever again after hearing Donald's remarks. Do you worry about this at all? Is this going to have an effect on the election?

TARAR: Reason, first of all, he's the first candidate -- he's rewriting history and democracy. He has rejected all the political correctness and he has brought this on the table. This is an issue. Look at what happened in France this morning, I mean, how are we going to deal with it if we don't identify it. We have to look in to eye to eye to this issue, and we have to come with a solution. Of course, we will make some mistakes, but this is part of the process. We have to work through it. We don't want this country to become another Europe. Yes, I will say, Donald Trump, he has explained that we will make sure that we stop immigration happening from the troubled parts of the world, and that's the solution. We have big steps, and now, words are not enough. Now is the time has come up and some strong action needed, it's required. And I definitely agree with Donald Trump. There is no other candidate who is just playing with it.

SMITH: OK. All right, we've got to leave it there. Saba and Sajid, thank you for joining us and giving your thoughts on all of these this morning, good to have you both.

AHMED: Thank you.

TARAR: Well, thank you so much, thanks.

SMITH: All right, coming up, is a trillion dollar revenue out of the question? Jack Ma's lofty new goals for Alibaba next. Plus, as the world mourns, Hollywood reacts to the devastating events in Orlando. Breaking Bad actor turned politician, Steven Michael Quezada, is here to weigh in.


SMITH: Welcome back. We're about 45 minutes away from the opening bell. Take a look at some stocks on the move this morning, Alibaba shares looking to open higher, the company providing an update on its financials for the first time. It's the annual revenues rising 48 percent for the year, that coming in above analyst's expectations, and it's expected to nearly double transaction volumes by 2020, the stock up a couple of dollars in the premarket. Well, Kellogg announcing a recall of certain snack foods, including some Keebler cookies and special cake brownies. The company said the recall products contain traces of peanuts that could cause allergic reactions. The stock is up 6 percent so far this year. It's pretty much flatling in the premarket session.

Well, the yield on Europe's benchmark bond, the 10-year German bund going negative today for the first time ever. This has investors awaits Britain's vote on June 23rd, determining whether it will remain in the European Union. Joining me now the host of Varney & Co., Stuart Varney, he's got some thoughts on this. Good morning, Stuart.

STUART VARNEY, VARNEY & CO. HOST: Good morning, Sandra.

SMITH: What do you think?


VARNEY: I'm shock.

SMITH: The exit? What's going to happen?

VARNEY: Look, I am absolutely shocked that Germany, the most powerful and biggest economy in Europe, now has the confiscation of money. That's how I explain it. May I'm not technically accurate, but negative interest rates means that you lend money to the German government -- you don't get it all back. There's no interest involved. No, you don't get it all back. They keep a piece of your money. They confiscate a piece of your money. Who would've ever thought that this would happen in our lifetimes in Germany? I find it, Sandra, absolutely incredible that this is happening right now. Have you ever seen anything like this before?


VARNEY: How do we explain this?

SMITH: Because it haven't happen before.

DAGEN MCDOWELL, FOX BUSINESS NETWORK: But, Stuart, we've seen the things that craziest people paying their rent with butter during the Weimar Republic, when it was runaway inflation. So, never underestimate the craziness of the economic society in Germany.

TAVELLA: But, Stuart, But this actually speaks to the fear trade, right? This is the fear of not getting your money back, so you're willing to give it to the German government just so the idea that you'll get most of it back. Any other instrument out there is at risk. And If the E.U. falls apart, it could be significantly at risk.

VARNEY: I guess you're right. I guess it's a fear trade. I guess it is. I'm just simply shocked. You know, I can't work out the implications. For example, if you take the other side of the coin, if I get a loan in Germany, I don't have to pay it all back. That's the other side of the coin. You lend money to the government. You don't get it all back. You borrow money from the government and you don't have to pay it all back. I can't work out the implications of this. I can't work out where we're going. It seems we've had the most expensive war in history to create growth, and it simply hasn't worked.

SMITH: All right.

VARNEY: I don't know where we're going with this.

SMITH: Stuart Varney, a big political day as well, Hillary Clinton meeting with Bernie Sanders a bit later today. Could it come down to one on the Democrat side?

VARNEY: Of course it will. It will. It will be Hillary Clinton. But always in the background there is the possibility of that FBI investigation leading to an indictment. It's always in a possibility, always within the realm of possibility. I was intrigued yesterday when Hillary says that she can't imagine how somebody who's being looked at by the FBI can get a gun. She was referring, of course, to the terrorist in Orlando. But, surely, she sees the poignancy on what she said.

SMITH: I'll let you have the final word on that, Mr. Stuart Varney.


SMITH: Thank you, sir. Your show begins in about 12 minutes. It's called, Varney & Co., and it starts everyday at 9 AM Eastern. Plus, best known for his role in Breaking Bad, actor, Steven Michael Quezada, is now one step closer to his next role, a politician. He joins us next.


SMITH: More celebrities trying their hand at politics. That's how Hollywood actors get more involved in the upcoming presidential election. My next guest is taking it one step further. He's running for public office, now coming off a big primary win in the race for a county commissioner seat in New Mexico. Joining me now is Breaking Bad, actor, Steven Michael Quezada. Good to have you, good morning, sir.


SMITH: All right. So, first thing's first. And we continue to cover the investigation following this horrific terror attack in Orlando, your thoughts on that this morning, sir?

QUEZADA: Well, you know, you look at things like that and it's a big tragedy. That's one of the reasons why I'm running for office here in New Mexico, because I also believe that a big piece that we're not looking at is the behavioral health piece. And if you -- if anybody is listening today from New Mexico, they know that we've been struggling with the behavioral health piece. We're not providing those types of services for our citizens, and a lot of people are falling through the cracks.


QUEZADA: When you're born in America, and this is how you end up being, that means that, you know, as you grew up, we didn't provide those services for you. Those are the things that I'm looking at.

SMITH: So the FBI held a press conference yesterday, and say that they concluded that -- this man was inspired by ISIS, and carrying out an act of terror, to be clear. That being said, you are running for office, and who is it that you support as your presidential candidate?

QUEZADA: Well, we are going to support our Democratic president because we want to continue to keep doing the great things that Obama has been doing here in this country. And it looks like right now it will be Hillary Clinton.

SMITH: Steve, what will his legacy be? What do you see, obviously, very complimentary of President Obama's performance in his two terms in office. What was his greatest achievement?

QUEZADA: There's tons of achievements, you know, I think that health care is a big issue for this country. And me, as being an artist, I wasn't always this big giant actor from Breaking Bad. I was always just a regular struggling artist like we have many of them in this country, and we were never having the opportunity to have health care or anything like that. So those things are big for people like me.

SMITH: All right. And Donald Trump's immigration policy, you -- are you a fan of it or not?

QUEZADA: Well, look, we want to keep everybody safe in this country, right? And I think that we have to look at who's coming into this country, but when we're looking at Mexico, we're looking at that, at those immigrants, I think there's other ways, besides building a wall. I think we should be building bridges and not walls, and figure out how we can resolve this issue without having to try to get people to go back to Mexico. But make them citizens of the United States, make them taxpayers, use that money, that's important to a state like New Mexico, where we need to build our tax base, this is a great opportunity for us to do that.

SMITH: Steven, you know, you're not a DEA agent, but we saw you play one on T.V., not to be cute there, but, you know, the drug trade goes hand in hand with illegal immigration, people coming in from Mexico, from Central America, from South America. You say that, you know, you want citizens to be safe, but that there's possible way to come to an agreement with some imagination on the border debate. What specifically do you mean by that?

QUEZADA: Well, you know, I think not everybody is a drug dealer. I think, a lot of these people are coming and running from drug dealers. I mean, the cartels are very powerful. And if you ever visit Mexico, most of the Mexican people aren't drug users. Most of the drug users and people who are buying drugs are American citizens. They been doing this for many, many years. This isn't something that's new, but not all of those people coming across the border are those types of people, but we do need to keep fighting against that.

SMITH: OK. All right, we've got to leave it there. Steven Michael Quezada, thank you and good luck to your endeavors as a politician.

QUEZADA: Thank you, I appreciate it.

SMITH: All right, final thoughts from our all-star panel coming up after the break.


SMITH: All right, I want to get everybody's final thoughts, good show. Thanks for being here. Dominic, let's get to you first, a full business day ahead for you as well.

TAVELLA: I fully expect the Fed to wait tomorrow, and not raise interest rates. They're going to wait to see what happens with the British vote. And if economic data continues to improve, they'll raise in July.

SMITH: All right, Lea.

LEA GABRIELLE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: This last attack was not a coordinated attack, and thank goodness it wasn't. Jeff Flock asked could this have been worse? It could have been a heck of a lot worse. You know, when these things come up, we forget that the date between the privacy and security. The privacy hawks wants to take away the abilities of our intelligence community, and our law enforcement to do what they need to do to stop coordinated attacks. Thank goodness this wasn't one.

SMITH: Dagen McDowell.

MCDOWELL: And radical Islamic terrorism until you talked about it, you fail if you're a Democrat running for the presidency to acknowledge the intricate part of homophobia in that kind of thinking, and you cannot separate the two. Islamic extremism equals homophobia. That's what's going on in Orlando.

SMITH: All right, thank you to all of you for joining us this morning. And don't forget that meeting with Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton coming up later today as well. That does it for us, and now it's time for Stuart Varney, Varney & Co., is up next, Stuart, please, take it away.


(Copy: Content and Programming Copyright 2016 Fox News Network, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright 2016 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.)

(Show: MORNINGS WITH MARIA) (Date: June 14, 2016) (Time: 07:00:00) (Tran: 061402cb.231) (Type: SHOW) (Head: Latest on Orlando Terror; Gun Sales Spike; Trump Rally in NC Today; Candidates React to Orlando) (Sect: News; Financial)

(Byline: Sandra Smith, Dagen McDowell, John Roberts, Cheryl Casone, Jared Max, Lea Gabriel)

(Guest: Herman Cain, John Hilsenrath, Steve Forbes, Dominick Tavella, Jan Morgan)

(Spec: Terrorism; Politics; Elections; Policies; Guns; Business; Donald Trump; Elections; Orlando; Government; Policies)


SANDRA SMITH, FBN ANCHOR: Good morning, everyone. I am Sandra Smith, in for Maria Bartiromo. It is Tuesday, June 14.

Your top stories at 7:00 on the East Coast.

Searching for clues. Investigators learning more about the Orlando terrorist, Omar Mateen. Witnesses reportedly told police he regularly visited the Pulse Nightclub.

Presumptive presidential nominees Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton addressing the attack and how to combat terror in speeches yesterday.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: When I'm elected I will suspend immigration from areas of the world where there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe or our allies until we fully understand how to end these threats.

HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Inflammatory anti-Muslim rhetoric and threatening to ban the families and friends of Muslim- Americans as well as millions of Muslim business people and tourists from entering our country hurt the vast majority of Muslims who love freedom and hate terror.


SMITH: Today also marks the final day of the 2016 primary season. Polls open in about half-hour in Washington D.C. for the Democratic primaries. We could see Bernie Sanders formally drop his bid for the White House. He is set to meet with Clinton later today.

General Motors taking steps to prevent heat deaths of children in cars. What the automaker is doing to help parent drivers.

A major defeat for Jesse Ventura in the American sniper case -- we will tell you how much it costs.

The Golden State Warriors and Cleveland Cavaliers paying tribute to the victims of the Orlando terror attack before last night's game. More on that just ahead.

Turning to markets this morning some continued volatility overseas. In Asia overnight stocks mostly lower as global economic fears and the upcoming British vote to leave the Eurozone weigh on investors sentiment. The latest polls that we have been noting show the leave side is in the lead. European stocks are down more than 1 percent across the board.

But the big story for markets there -- bonds. The yield on the 10-year bund briefly dipping into negative territory for the first time ever.

Here in the U.S. we're looking at stock index futures pointing to a lower open on Wall Street about two and a half hours from now. Nasdaq features leading the way to the downside, off a quarter of a percent, a loss of 11 points in the Nasdaq. S&P down five. Dow futures currently off 30 points.

And here with me this morning, Fox Business Network's Dagen McDowell, Diversified Financial Dominick Tavella is here and Fox News correspondent Lea Gabriel. And somebody's alarm's going off. Is that almost like somebody had to wake up?

DAGEN MCDOWELL, FBN HOST: It's time to get up. Please we've been -- we've been up for about five or six hours in this room.

LEA GABRIEL, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Please. This is not my normal schedule though I will tell you. It wasn't my alarm but it could have been.


SMITH: All right. Good morning, everybody. We've got a can't-miss lineup for you this morning including Forbes Media chairman Steve Forbes is here; former presidential candidates Herman Cain and Mike Huckabee; and "Breaking Bad's" Steve Michael Quezada. You do not want to miss that.

Turning back to our top story this morning we do have new developments in the Orlando terror attack that left 49 people dead and dozens more injured in the deadliest mass shooting that this country has ever seen.

Jeff Flock is on the ground there for us and has the very latest -- Jeff.

JEFF FLOCK, FBN CORRESPONDENT: Two broad questions this morning -- Sandra. Could it have been worse? And could authorities have done better?

First -- could it have been worse if this all took place at Disney World? Authorities apparently have determined that Omar Mateen did in fact case Disney World as a potential target for terror. This -- emerging apparently from an interview with his wife and also perhaps from electronic gathering of evidence from phone and computer.

The question could authorities have done better, that's going to the question of whether authorities waited too long before they stormed the nightclub on early Sunday morning.

And the question though did the FBI, could it have done better given the fact that it had contact with Omar Mateen in 2013 and determined him not to be a terrorist threat.

Jim Comey, of the FBI the director, addressing some of those concerns yesterday.


JAMES COMEY, FBI DIRECTOR: Look hard at our own work to see whether there's something we should have done differently. So far the honest answer is I don't think so. I don't see anything in reviewing our work that our agents should have done differently. But we will look at it in an open and honest way and be transparent about it.


FLOCK: In addition, Sandra, emerging this morning pictures from inside the club via social media that I think paint the picture that we all probably had in our mind's eye but now perhaps we get to see the pictures, the sights as well as I think even more powerfully the sounds this morning.

(VIDEOCLIP FROM PULSE NIGHTCLUB) FLOCK: This is a video posted to Snapchat, which I think quite clearly depicts the sound of automatic -- semi-automatic gunfire from inside the club.

Lastly going to motivation -- terror, homophobia or perhaps something even more complex. A report this morning that Omar Mateen was a frequent visitor to the Pulse Nightclub, a well-known gay/lesbian nightclub here in Orlando as well as a frequent user of the gay dating app known as "Jack". Whether he was elaborately casing this location for a target or there was a more complex explanation for that at this point we don't know -- perhaps when authorities speak later this morning, we'll have a better sense.

SMITH: All right. Jeff Flock -- thank you for that.

All right. We are still learning a lot what happened on the ground there.

Let's bring in Forbes Media chairman and former Republican presidential candidate Steve Forbes is. Good morning to you.

STEVE FORBES, FORBES MEDIA: Good morning -- Sandra.

SMITH: What do you make of the latest that we are learning about this attack? About the killer and his inspiration to carry out such a gruesome attack?

FORBES: Well, I think put aside their trying to psychoanalyze the guy -- the guy is a terrorist. And one, how did he get that job at that security firm -- number one? What can the FBI learn? They interviewed the guy twice. What did they miss? Clearly there are a lot of signs there especially from the work place that this guy was a nut job.

But more fundamentally, instead of just focusing on what we can do better here, we should be discussing what we do over there to wipe out ISIS and similar groups? What should be the military strategy? What should be the political strategy? How do we get allies in Iraq and elsewhere? That should be the discussion among the presidential candidates.

SMITH: And certainly both of them speaking yesterday, the presumptive nominees Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Donald Trump in his speech yesterday called for a temporary ban on immigration from areas with a quote, "proven history of terrorism" during his address in New Hampshire yesterday. Listen.
