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Trump Woos Evangelicals; Google Search Bias Alleged; GOP Elites Against Trump; Questionable Clinton Donations; Mitt Romney's Intentions In



Against Trump; Questionable Clinton Donations; Mitt Romney's Intentions In

Deer Valley, Utah; Baby Dolphin Saved; Trump Should Have Grassroots

Fundraising - Part 1>


Hillary Clinton; Google; Paul Ryan; Raj Fernando>

LOU DOBBS, HOST: Good evening, everybody. I'm Lou Dobbs.

Donald Trump today fully focused on the political battle of his life, the outcome of which will define him and the country. He means to restore to prosperity and greatness this country, the Republican presidential nominee the keynote speaker at a Faith and Freedom conference today in Washington, where he made it clear he will be leading the prosecution of Clinton's public career over three decades, her record as activist first lady, senator, secretary of state, and now as her party's presidential nominee.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESUMPTIVE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Hillary Clinton has jeopardized -- totally jeopardized national security by putting her e-mails on a private server, all to hide her corrupt dealings! This is the reason thee she did it, folks, to hide her corrupt dealing! She's now under criminal investigation. That was announced yesterday by the White House. First time ever, by the way, a president of the United States endorsed somebody under criminal investigation.


DOBBS: And trump also made it clear he is breaking with the traditional constraint of Republicans candidates such as Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. And he reached out immediately for the support of minority voters, Trump declaring the decades-long repeated failures of the Democratic Party's government-based programs and policies are at an end, promising his policies will benefit all Americans.


TRUMP: Regulation, bureaucracy, government control and open borders have economically destroyed our inner cities. Her policies will be a crushing blow to all poor people in this country. Her education policies, her economic policies, her immigration policies and her trade policies will plunge our poor African-American, Hispanic communities into turmoil, and even worse, despair!


DOBBS: And among our guests tonight, influential pastor Robert Jeffress. We'll be talking about the Trump difference and how he will neutralize a bizarre, even more resistance by Speaker Ryan, Mitt Romney and other Republican elites, and ultimately defeat Hillary Clinton.

And The Weekly Standard's Fred Barnes joins us, as well, his co-founder still at it, trying to persuade Mitt Romney, of all people, to enter this race as a third party candidate, appropriately at the head of the third party because Romney is now Bill Kristol's third choice to be his candidate for that mission.

We have a lot to discuss tonight, including what the establishment is playing at. Not only Ryan and Romney, but now Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell joining in -- joining in an apparent resistance movement to the Republican Party's elected standard-bearer.

Ryan today doubled down on his criticism of Trump, saying his remarks about the Trump University judge were, quote, "beyond the pale." Ryan, in his typical fashion, took no note at all of that judge's potential prejudicial professional associations, and McConnell not ruling our rescinding his endorsement of Trump.

Also tonight, what could be better than two women leftists on the Democratic ticket, Hillary Clinton stoking speculation she may choose Senator Elizabeth Warren as her running mate. Clinton met with Warren for just over an hour at Clinton's home in Washington.

And such a pairing would apparently delight Trump most of all. He tweeted this. "Pocahontas is at it again. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, one of the least productive U.S. senators, has a nasty mouth. Hope she is VP choice." Trump responded to Warren's remarks last night in which she called Trump, quote, "a thin-skinned fraud."

The race already heated. I'll be talking about it all here tonight with a number of politicos and savants, including Van Hipp (ph), Cathy Lynn Taylor (ph) and Tammy Bruce.

Our top story tonight, first Facebook was accused of suppressing conservative news stories. Now another technology and social media giant stands accused of cyber censorship, a new report demonstrating that Google manipulated its search engine to hide negative stories about Hillary Clinton during the primary campaign season.

FOX News national correspondent William La Jeunesse with our report.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: SourceFed has discovered that Google has been actively altering search recommendations in favor of Hillary Clinton's campaign.

WILLIAM LA JEUNESSE, FOX CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A strong allegation. So how did news and pop culture Web site SourceFed reach that conclusion? It typed in the words "Hillary Clinton cri." Google's auto-complete function automatically filled in "Hillary Clinton crime bill" and "crisis." Do the same on Bing or Yahoo! you get "Hillary Clinton criminal."

SourceFed tried again, typing in "Hillary Clinton ind." Google fills in "Hillary Clinton Indiana" or "India." Yahoo! and Bing produce "Hillary Clinton indictment." Yet Google's own trending site chose eight times more searches for "Hillary Clinton indictment" than "Hillary Clinton India."

MORGAN WRIGHT, CYBERSECURITY ANALYST: The intention is clear. Google is burying potential searches for terms that could have hurt Hillary Clinton in the primary elections over the past several months by manipulating recommendations on their site.

LA JEUNESSE: SourceFed also searched Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. Example -- "Trump rac" for racist. This time, the Google search matched Yahoo! and Bing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This appears to be an intentional manipulation of search results, the presentation of those things to favor an outcome somebody wants.

LA JEUNESSE: Google denies that, saying it does not favor any candidate or cause. "Claims to the contrary simply misunderstand how auto-complete works. Predictions are produced base on a number of factors, including the popularity of search terms.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Based on what the results are, based on what the other search engines show, there's definitely a problem.

LA JEUNESSE (on camera): Google also explains that its systems automatically filters out offensive or inappropriate auto-complete predictions. So negative information is not the first thing that pops up for candidates or anyone else.

In Los Angeles, William La Jeunesse, FOX News.


DOBBS: And we'll have a lot more on this issue coming up here tonight.

Donald Trump today presented a clear contrast between himself and Hillary Clinton for evangelicals, both candidates in Washington giving dueling speeches. Clinton addressed the Planned Parenthood Action Network, where she claimed Trump wants to take America backward to when abortion was illegal. And Trump addressed the Faith and Freedom conference, where he insisted it is Clinton's policies that would set America back.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESUMPTIVE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: (INAUDIBLE) religious freedom with government mandates. She'll push for federal funding of abortion on demand up until the moment of birth, which is where she is, as you know. She will undermine the wages of working people with uncontrolled immigration, creating poverty and income insecurity. Hillary Clinton's Wall Street agenda will crush working families.


DOBBS: Joining us tonight, Dr. Robert Jeffress, pastor at First Baptist Church on Dallas, one of the most influential evangelical churches in the country, also FOX News contributor and early supporter of Donald Trump.

Pastor, great to have you with us. You got a shout-out from Donald Trump today. How did that feel?

ROBERT JEFFRESS, FOX CONTRIBUTOR: Well, very nice of him to do. He's a great guy.

DOBBS: He's a great guy, as you say, and he's also for the second time in a row talking off a teleprompter. This is a signal of, well, how important detail and specificity has become to him, is it not?

JEFFRESS: I think it is. It was a very serious, a somber, a scripted but a forceful speech that he gave today. And Lou, I think Donald Trump did exactly what he needed to do today to not only cause evangelicals to coalesce around him, but also all conservatives. And that is, he painted the stark contrast between himself and Hillary Clinton.

I mean, take the abortion issue. Here Donald Trump said today he's going to appoint pro-life justices to the Supreme Court who will restrict late- term abortions. You have Hillary Clinton, who says she is for murdering children in the womb up until the moment that they are born!

There couldn't be a greater contrast, not just in abortion, but religious liberty, the economy, national security. And I believe if Trump will continue to point out these differences, he's going to win and win big in November!

DOBBS: And yet there are members of his own party with their own agenda without question -- Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, Bill Kristol of The Weekly Standard, co-founder -- and we're going to be talking with his co-founder here, Fred Barnes, later in the broadcast.

What are these guys doing, and to what end? Do you have a -- are you confident that you have a sense to what end they are resisting the party's nominee?

JEFFRESS: Well, I think what they're trying to do is they're trying to save their own skin. They have this fantasy, Lou, that somehow, they can decouple themselves from the Republican nominee and somehow retain control of the House and the Senate if Trump should lose. Well, guess what? It doesn't work that way. As Benjamin Franklin said, Either we all hang together or we hang separately.

And I think they've also manufactured some pseudo-moral principle that keeps some of them from voting for Donald Trump. Some of our religious viewers who watch this program think there's some great moral principle for not voting for Donald Trump.

Let me ask you, what moral principle is there out there that would allow somebody like Hillary Clinton to become the president? You know, a year ago, Lou, Hillary Clinton said at the Women in the World conference that in order for women to have unfettered access for abortions...

DOBBS: Right.

JEFFRESS: ... that the deeply-seated religious feelings of some will have to be changed! That is tyranny on the part of Hillary Clinton that she wants to change our deeply held seated (ph) religious beliefs! That's why we need to vote against her.

DOBBS: And it's -- and it raises the bar for Donald Trump, who has to -- to -- to go to some extraordinary distance to -- to bring those people along. It is just another challenge that -- one to which, one assumes, he can certainly overcome and -- and meet.

Pastor, we're out of time. It's good to have you with us. I would, as a last question, just like to ask -- because you were accused in a Washington Post story -- I like the way they put this -- of sacrificing, compromising your faith to support what The Post, The Washington Post, which is so neutral and objective in its -- in its language and reporting, a strongman like Donald Trump.

I guess they would have been fine if you had done -- compromised your faith in support of a weak man, but here you've done that for a strong man. Your -- your rejoinder, if you will.

JEFFRESS: Well, again, it's built on the false premise that there's something un-Christian about a candidate who wants to protect our country and keep us safe! And you know, I was arguing with a professor not long ago on NPR. He said, Pastor, don't you want a candidate who will govern this nation according to the words of Jesus in the sermon on the mount?

I said, Heck, no, I don't want a president like that! Jesus didn't give the sermon on the mount as a governing document for our country! It's how we're supposed to treat one another. Government has an altogether different responsibility, and that is to protect its citizens!

DOBBS: There's no question, Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, et cetera.

JEFFRESS: That's right.

DOBBS: All right. Pastor Robert Jeffress, I know you're impressed I knew that much. We appreciate you being with us.


DOBBS: We're coming right back. Stay with us. Much more straight ahead.

Some Republican elites appear to be more loyal to Mitt Romney than to the party. Will these anti-Trumpers come to their senses and support the party nominee? Or is a conspiracy brewing? Trump isn't a bit concerned.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESUMPTIVE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Right now, we have a very divided nation. We're going to bring our nation together. If I win, we're going to bring our nation together.



DOBBS: Will Ryan, Romney, Kristol and others come to their senses? Fred Barnes joins me next.

This wingsuit enthusiast ready for a daring flight of a lifetime. We'll show you the amazing video that will likely make you erupt with excitement.

Stay with us. We've got a lot more ahead. You won't want to miss a moment of it. We're coming right back.


DOBBS: GOP elites on Capitol Hill continue to hammer away at Donald Trump, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell saying he will not rule out rescinding his endorsement of Trump, and Speaker Paul Ryan today talking about how he privately rebuked Donald Trump for his comments about the Trump University judge.


SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL (R-KY), MAJORITY LEADER: I'm not going to -- to speculate about what he might say or what I might do. But I think it's pretty clear. I've been very clear publicly about I think he ought to change directions, and I hope that's what we're going to see.

REP. PAUL RYAN (R-WI), SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: This is something that needed to be condemned. That comment is beyond pale. That's not political correctness, suggesting that a person can't do their job because of their race or ethnicity. That's not -- that's not a politically incorrect thing to do. That's just a wrong thing to say.


DOBBS: Well, joining us now is executive editor of The Weekly Standard, Fred Barnes. And Fred is -- I mean, Ryan looked like he was pandering pretty hard to Democrat-turned-journalist there, George Stephanopoulos. And when is he going to give up this bizarre obvious opinion of himself as arbiter of what is and is not acceptable in the Republican Party?

FRED BARNES, FOX CONTRIBUTOR: Well, he is speaker of the House, and the fact is...

DOBBS: Well, so what?


DOBBS: Come on!

BARNES: It's a pretty big job. The...

DOBBS: It is!

BARNES: But wait a minute, Lou. Here's a guy, Paul Ryan -- he's endorsed Donald Trump. He's been attacked for endorsing Donald Trump. He hasn't backed away at all.

DOBBS: Right.

BARNES: He and Donald Trump have negotiated a lot of domestic issues, these issues that...

DOBBS: Like what?

BARNES: ... Ryan is putting out every week -- well, on the military buildup, on national security, on an anti-poverty program...

DOBBS: They've got exactly the opposite view on Social Security! They have exactly...

BARNES: Well, that's not one of the things they've agreed on.

DOBBS: Well, that's...

BARNES: There are some things they haven't agreed on...

DOBBS: I understand that!

BARNES: ... but there are some they have.

DOBBS: But who is the speaker who suddenly thinks he's setting the national agenda for the Republican Party? I have never heard of it with -- excuse me...

BARNES: Well, I think...

DOBBS: ... a presidential nominee in place.

BARNES: I think he's the highest-ranking elected official. You know, Trump's not elected to anything yet.

DOBBS: He's not -- that's -- that is a bogus definition of the party leader, as you well know. Traditionally, the nominee is the leader of the party, and coming out of the convention will be so in fact. It's a bizarre -- you don't concede that it's bizarre behavior for a speaker who is supposedly supporting the nominee?

BARNES: Supposedly? He is supporting the nominee. Look, Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan...

DOBBS: What is this -- can I ask you something?

BARNES: Wait a minute. Wait a minute.


BARNES: Both want Donald Trump to win because they think that's -- that he's much preferable to Hillary Clinton. I've talked to both of them. They want that because it'll help them. The Senate may stay in Republican hands...

DOBBS: Well, that's awfully big of them! I'm really pretty excited about that!


DOBBS: ... enough common sense to tie their shoes, but not much else!

BARNES: I think they're both going to be happy...

DOBBS: Oh, I really want them to be happy.

BARNES: Wait a minute. I'll tell you why, because...

DOBBS: I really want them to be happy, these fine -- fine fellows.


BARNES: Well, I'm -- it's going to make -- make me happy, too.

DOBBS: There you go.

BARNES: Donald Trump turned a corner on this with not only his speech today in Washington, but his speech in Westchester County on Tuesday night, the night of the California...

DOBBS: Right. No question.

BARNES: ... and other primaries, an excellent speech where he really -- he talked about the themes, not some irrelevant thing about some judge, but stuff about economic nationalism, foreign policy realism, immigration. These are the themes...


DOBBS: ... doing all of the things, controlling immigration...

BARNES: These are the themes that...

DOBBS: All of this that Paul Ryan insists his agenda has to supplant. I mean, it's bizarre.


DOBBS: But I've got to turn -- I've got to -- you promised you would let me ask my question in turn.


DOBBS: I have waited my turn. You began your answer there with, "Look." What I have noticed of late is elected official, savants, media, in Washington, D.C., increasingly begin their responses and answers to question with the word -- the four-letter word, as it turns out, "Look." And I have never -- this -- why has this become such an in-vogue way to begin a response, "Look"?

BARNES: Well, I can tell you one thing. I'm going to make sure I don't say it anymore.

DOBBS: Have you noticed the same thing? It's...

BARNES: I haven't, but it sound awfully bossy.

DOBBS: Well, it's -- it's -- it's fine because I know you're a wonderful fellow and a great American. But I -- I just noticed it happening increasingly with folks from Washington, D.C., for whatever reason.

Let me turn...

BARNES: Well, it's not...

DOBBS: I'm sorry?

BARNES: Anyway, go ahead.

DOBBS: OK, Fred. I want to turn to this business with the Clinton donor ending up on the State Department's intelligence advisory board despite the fact he had no professional experience, no educational experience, no reason on earth to be on that board, appointed in 2011. Raj Fernando's appointment came after his large and generous donations to both the Clinton initiative, the foundation, and to, of course, the Clintons themselves.

This looks to me to be another major scandal for the Clintons! Your view?

BARNES: Yes. I agree with you. Look, this is the way the Clintons operate. You know, you give them money, you donate to their foundation, hundreds of thousands of dollars, and you get something back if you want it. And this guy wanted it. He got on this very top secret advisory board in Washington, and...

DOBBS: And he's a man of mystery! We still tonight know very little about this fellow, and believe me, we've been working hard to find out a lot about this fellow. We'll continue those efforts.

BARNES: Well, that's because ABC News, when they asked about it, then the Clintons stalled so they could get the guy off the board--

DOBBS: Absolutely.

BARNES: --very quickly.

DOBBS: Fred, good to have you with us.

BARNES: Thanks.

DOBBS: We wish you a very good weekend.

BARNES: You, too.

DOBBS: Fred Barnes, thanks so much.

Donald Trump expected to name his vice presidential choice, well, at the convention. We wanted to help him choose with our own veepstakes. We're just kidding. But each night, we are putting forward three names for you to consider. Each night, your choice will move forward to subsequent rounds.

So far, you've chosen Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie. And tonight, we move forward with three more names, making it a little tougher -- Newt Gingrich, Ben Carson, former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice. From that list, who would be your choice? Cast your vote on Twitter @Loudobbs.

And be sure to vote in tonight's poll. The question tonight, would the Democrats' dream ticket of Clinton-Warren be a dream or a nightmare for Donald Trump? Cast your vote on Twitter @Loudobbs. And follow me on Twitter at Loudobbs, like me on Facebook and Instagram at Loudobbstonight, links to everything at

Well, this is -- let's look at this video. It must be the world's most daring supermodel. Watch as Italian bombshell Roberta Mancino (ph) makes a death-defying leap from a helicopter at 15,000 feet. This is what she is jumping over, fearlessly soaring over that active volcano in Chile in a wingsuit as lava and smoke billow toward her. The adrenaline junkie holds a number of world records for her death-defying stunts, and by the way, was also voted world's sexiest athlete by Men's Fitness magazine. And she does really, I think, set off a wingsuit.

Up next, Donald Trump today blasting Clinton corruption.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESUMPTIVE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: She even appointed to the national security board someone with no national security experience. Instead, he was a donor. He made a contribution of $250,000. All of a sudden, he's on this very important and vital board.


DOBBS: And that's part of what I'm talking about tonight in my commentary.

Much more straight ahead. Stay with us. We'll be right back.


DOBBS: A few thoughts now on the latest scandal to hit the Clinton campaign. Newly released e-mails reveal how a Clinton donor ended up on a State Department intelligence advisory board despite no professional experience or education in international science and affairs, the donor, Raj Fernando, who tonight we designate as an international man of mystery because very little is known about him.

He was born in Denmark, educated in London and Chicago, a futures trader with no known foreign minister or professional relations, who suddenly was appointed by Hillary Clinton to that panel, tasked with accessing nuclear strategy, reviewing advanced technology and sensitive intelligence assessment. A panel, otherwise, compromised of experts, former cabinet officials, members of Congress, and, of course, Fernando. Fernando's 2011 appointment came after donations to Clinton's 2008 campaign as well as a quarter million dollars, as you just heard Donald Trump mention, given to the Clinton foundation.

Even State Department officials couldn't justify his inclusion on that panel. A newly released email reads in part, "The true answer is simply that the Secretary's staff, Cheryl Mills, (INAUDIBLE), Raj (ph) was not on the list, sent to "S." He was added at their insistence. Fernando resigned from the board just days after his appointment was questioned, but it continues to serve as a major Clinton backer to this day. He hosted a fundraiser for Hillary at his home last July. He's also donated between one and five million dollars to the Clinton Foundation, and he will serve as a super delegate at the Democratic convention. Of course, the Clinton Foundation, no stranger to scandal, accepting millions of dollars from foreign governments, while Hillary was Secretary of State, and Bill Clinton arranging for a grant to go to a private company owned by friends.

The latest FOX News poll shows 54 percent of voters now say Hillary Clinton doesn't have the integrity to serve as president. The Clinton's, I believe, have established standards of conduct and patterns of behavior that raise not only serious, but, I believe, disqualifying questions about their character and integrity. My God, what is this country about if Hillary Clinton can escape the consequences of scandal after scandal that have followed her throughout her public career.

Now the quotation of the evening. On the importance of forthrightness and principled ethical conduct by all our leaders. This one from Samuel Johnson, who said, "Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful."

We're coming right back.


DOBBS: Senator Warren endorsing Hillary Clinton and taking the fight to Donald Trump.

ELIZABETH WARREN, (D) SENIOR SENATOR FROM MASSACHUSETTS, FORMER HARVARD LAW SCHOOL PROFESSOR: I am ready to get in this fight and work my heart out for Hillary Clinton .

DOBBS: Does Warren's goofy attacks on Trump mean Hillary has her running mate? Tammy Bruce and (INAUDIBLE) take that up with me here next.

And this beached baby dolphin heading home thanks to the kindness of a stranger. We'll show you the touching video after these messages.

Stay with us. A lot more straight ahead. We're coming right back.


DOBBS: Joining us tonight, Chairman of the American Conservative Union, Matt Schlapp, and Washington Times Columnist, Radio Host, FOX News Contributor Tammy Bruce.

DOBBS: Tammy, let's start with, let's start with again, the possibility that Mitch McConnell might rescind his endorsement and Paul Ryan might do other grotesque things with his. What do you make of it?

TAMMY BRUCE, WASHINGTON TIMES COLUMNIST, RADIO HOST AND FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Washington, D.C. is sounding more and more like a Johnny Depp movie, crybabies and snowflakes. Right. And I wish there would be a pirate every now and then, somebody with some manhood and testosterone. I mean, where have all the men gone? I was suggesting to my radio audience we should send some tea patches over to D.C. so that maybe they could get something done and stand up for something for a change. Look, this is ridiculous and, at this point, since they know - look, Mr. Trump has over 1,500 delegates, there's going to be no way to do it in the voting. This is really, at this point, about wanting Mr. Trump to lose, and that should outrage everybody in this country and, certainly, every Republican and conservative.

DOBBS: Matt? Tammy's making it pretty clear that the Ryan's and Romney and all of the snowflakes and daffodils, or whatever you want to call them, are really talking about Hillary Clinton is their preference for president. What do you think?

MATT SCHLAPP, CHAIRMAN OF THE AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE UNION: You know, I put some of those people in different categories. For instance, Mitt Romney. He broke news today, Lou, you know what the news was? He's not going to support Donald Trump. I mean, how many times is he going to break the same news. It's pretty obvious .

DOBBS: . He's been saying it for, what, six months?

SCHLAPP: Yes, he's a sore loser. He clearly wishes, I get (ph), that he had run for president. He doesn't think that someone like Donald Trump is .
