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Trump and Clinton Leading in New York; Oil Prices Top $40 a Barrel; Remembering Doris Roberts; Voters Head To Polls In New York; New York Polls



Remembering Doris Roberts; Voters Head To Polls In New York; New York Polls

Now Open - Part 1>

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Oil; Energy; Doris Roberts; Television & Radio; Entertainment; Business;

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MARIA BARTIROMO, FBN ANCHOR: (HEADLINES) All of that coming up in the program this morning, as we come to you live from the roof at the FOX Business Network headquarters. Joining us this morning for the show, FOX Business Network's Sandra Smith and "The Wall Street Journal's" Jon Hilsenrath.



BARTIROMO: Happy New York Primary Day.

SMITH: It is fun.

BARTIROMO: It's a lot of fun.

HILSENRATH: You're a little more bundled up than I expected. I'm loving this weather.

BARTIROMO: The lights outside, the polls just opened. This is the city that never sleeps.

SMITH: I know, and what makes this so remarkable, this particular election, is three candidates are New Yorkers. One calls it her adopted state, Hillary Clinton; then there is one from Brooklyn, Maria -

BARTIROMO: Raising the roof for Brooklyn.

SMITH: I knew she would raise the roof.

[Laughter] [Cross Talk]

SMITH: And then Donald Trump, Queens.


SMITH: So we are sitting in the center of it all, right?

BARTIROMO: It's true and that is why we have a can't miss lineup this morning. Stay with us this morning because former Obama Chief of Staff is with us, Bill Daley; Republican New York Congressman Peter King; Kasich Campaign National Communications Advisor, Trent Duffy; and, Democratic New York Congressman Charlie Rangel all ahead. You don't want to mess it so stay with Sandra, Jon and myself for the next three hours.

The polls are now open here in New York. The New York Primary election officially underway. 291 delegates in play for democrats. 95 delegates at stake for republicans. Donald Trump leads the pack on the republican side was 756 delegates so far. Hillary Clinton ahead on the Democratic side with 1,759 delegates so far. Keep in mind that does include 469 superdelegates.

Both Trump and Hillary Clinton also leading their respective parties in New York, according to an average of polls from Real Clear Politics this morning, Trump with a nine-point lead over rival Ted Cruz. Senator Bernie Sanders is inching closer to Hillary Clinton though, trailing behind her by only one point at this stage.

All five candidates speaking of yesterday making their final push for the entire states.


DONALD TRUMP (R) REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: -- making horrible deals. We have people that don't know what they are doing. Companies are moving to Mexico and everyplace else. We have NAFTA, which was, by the way, a Clinton deal and, as you know, Bill Clinton was married to crooked Hillary Clinton. You know that; right?

[Cheering and Applause]

TRUMP: You know that and that is a total disaster.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's gotten the most ever.

CLINTON: He does scare me.

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (D-VT) DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: You all look like you want a political revolution.


SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX) REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: He's popular and there's not a wit of difference between Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton on policy. So they're both socialist, just one admits it.

GOV. JOHN KASICH (R-OH) REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I've said for months, that basically was blown off by you folks, and that is, we're going to go to an open convention.


BARTIROMO: Ah, things are getting interesting aren't they? Joining us right now from Washington, Republican Strategist and Radio Talk Show Host Lisa Boothe; and Radio Talk Show Host Richard Fowler. Good to see you both; thanks for joining us.


RICHARD FOWLER, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST, via satellite: Good morning, Maria.

BARTIROMO: Lisa, let's kick this off: New York, how important is it, as you look ahead to the next upcoming contests, like Pennsylvania, like California and then, of course, in May, places like Indiana.

BOOTHE: Well it's really important. It's really important for both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton because this is largely about delegates. I mean, you have to win the amount of delegates you need to clinch the nomination, but it's also about optics.

Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are coming off of a couple bad weeks here. So for Donald Trump, Senator Ted Cruz won Wisconsin. He also picked up delegates in Wyoming and Colorado. There's been a lot of articles and conversation about his lack of organizational strength. So Donald Trump is really going to want to bring it home tonight in his home state of New York, getting the lions-share of those delegates.

Hillary Clinton wants to do everything she possibly can to leave Bernie Sanders in the rearview mirror. She's going to need a big win tonight in New York to help her do that.

BARTIROMO: For sure; Richard Fowler, your thoughts on New York and the importance for this election year.

FOWLER: New York is absolutely important, especially for Donald Trump. This will give him, if he can do well tonight, which all the polls indicate he will, Maria, this will give him "the big mo", momentum going into the other northeastern states: Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, where he's also expected to do every well, and this could lock up the nomination for Donald Trump. He only has to win 50-some-odd-percent of the delegates in all of these races to have a real shot at this thing. This will give them an opportunity to do it, which is why it's so important - which is why he's been stumping like crazy.

For the democrats, Hillary Clinton has to do really well in New York City if - in New York and New York City if she plans on becoming the nominee for the Democratic Party. Bernie Sanders, all he has to do in this race is show he is viable, which will allow his race to continue, allow him to raise more money online, which is what he's going to plan on doing for the next couple weeks as he goes into Maryland and Pennsylvania. But either way, tonight is the big night.

BARTIROMO: Yes, it sure is. Jon Hilsenrath, financial services, really the largest industry in New York. Characterize the economy. what is going through voters' minds? When you look at industries, financial services, health care how does that play into it?

HILSENRATH: So I think there's an upstate and downstate issue here. So Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are going to be playing better upstate. You're going to see Donald Trump, for instance, talking about all the terrible deals and we saw that in this (inaudible) that led this in; All the terrible deals that hurt manufacturing upstate.

Downstate this is more Hillary's area; right, here in Wall Street? Wall Street did really well with the Clintons in the 1990s and that is something that both Bernie and Trump are going to be hammering her about.

BARTIROMO: Yes, that's interesting -

SMITH: Which they continue to say where are those transcripts from those Wall Street speeches, the Goldman Sachs speech, --


SMITH: -- for which she received $250,000. Bernie Sanders has been hitting even harder on those items in recent days. You know, Maria, when you look at the contest on the left, you look at Hillary Clinton almost trying to make it look like it's a really tight close race, when polling obviously still shows that she is by far and away the front-runner of the race.


HILSENRATH: Well I think we're also seeing signs of Hillary, here in New York, of Hillary and Trump going at each other. We see signs of what a national campaign would look like. Will it look like Hillary talking about Trump being a scary guy; and Trump talking about how crooked she is. I think those are signs of if that's the way this national campaign goes, we're going to be getting a lot of crooked and scary for the next six months.

BARTIROMO: You know, more than 3 million people, that is 27-percent of New York voters, 27-percent, are ineligible to vote today due to the fact that they were registered outside the republican or democratic parties as of April. That is a significant number of voters saying that their party affiliation was switched without their knowledge.

Lisa, what are your thoughts on this? Is it a high number to you? Does that surprise you?

BOOTHE: This one is particularly interesting. I mean, look, New York is a closed primary state, which I'm all for it. I think republicans should be voting in republican primaries than democrat should be voting in the democratic primaries, but what's at question here is I believe these individuals who filed the lawsuit, their party affiliation was switched without their knowledge. So that's the problem for individuals who filed that lawsuit.

Also, New York's quite interesting because they have one of the earliest deadlines to switch party affiliation, which I believe is last October. So a lot of these guys don't even know that they're going to vote for until the final week heading into the primary. So that does create confusion for voters who maybe started paying attention to the race at the last minute really up until the last month or so.

BARTIROMO: Richard, it also makes the indications hard, in terms of where New York goes during the general election, frankly.

FOWLER: That's absolutely right, Maria. I have a problem with this law for a lot of reasons. The fact that you have to set your registration in October, almost eight or nine months prior to the primary, seems to be a little bit of an exclusionary process, or we would call it disenfranchising voters, right, and this is both the democrat and republican side. This time we saw some famous folks actually get disenfranchised, like the Trump kids who will not be able to vote for their father in this primary, and I think that's very unfortunate.

But to go back to one point Sandra that made about Hillary Clinton really trying to downplay her win tonight, and I agree with Sandra, but here's why Hillary Clinton is doing it. She doing it because she understands that she is going to have to bring this party together. With recent polls indicating that 33-percent of young - 33-percent of Bernie Sanders voters plan not to vote for her if she's the nominee, she's going to have a lot of work to do when it comes to soul-searching and soul mending. It's going to be like a church service in the Democratic Party to get us back together. Mind you, the Republican Party, they're going to have to have like a resurrection for them to get back together, not just a church service.

SMITH: Richard, also don't forget, she needs to should make sure her supporters actually go out and vote for her and don't think that -

FOWLER: Round 2.

BARTIROMO: Well, Sandra, that's a good point.

HILSENRATH: She has a much better ground campaign right now then Donald Trump does. I mean, when it comes to the general election that's going to help her a lot more than it's going to help Trump.

BARTIROMO: She's got a better ground campaign. Cruz has a better ground campaign. That's where we're see these shakeups going on in Trump's campaign.


BOOTHE: And, Maria, one of the big problems for Hillary Clinton has been that lack of enthusiasm. This is what -- Bernie Sanders has had the enthusiasm all this time. He doesn't have the super delegates and the democratic establishment on his side, but it does have the enthusiasm.

To Sandra's point earlier, I think Bernie Sanders needs to be making a lot of hay about the Wall Street transcripts because this is the perfect wedge issue. Not only does it show hypocrisy on Hillary Clinton's end but it also really had to her trustworthiness problems that she's been facing in the democratic contest.

BARTIROMO: Yes, for sure. I guess that's why he started to mention it recently. Lisa Boothe, Richard Fowler, thanks so much.

BOOTHE: Thank you.

FOWLER: Thanks, Maria.

BARTIROMO: We appreciate your time; we will see you soon. Make sure to tune in for our special coverage, tonight, of the New York Primaries. It all starts at 7:00 p.m. Eastern. Then, at 8:00 p.m. I will join Neil Cavuto for an even more in-depth analysis, results and the insight you can't miss. So do join us tonight, right here on the FOX Business Network, beginning at 7:00 p.m. with Lou Dobbs.

Coming up next, devastating floods rocking the Houston area; the powerful images to show you, next. Then the likes of ""House of Cards"" and "Fuller House" not enough to save Netflix's stock this morning. The concerns that have shares deep in the red headed of the open. Talk about waking up on the wrong side of bed. The FedEx employees accidentally shipped himself; back in a minute.


BARTIROMO: Good Tuesday morning, everybody; welcome back. We are live this morning from the roof of our FOX Business studios, overlooking the Big Apple, where it is, of course, primary day in New York. We will have more on that coming up, but the first historic flooding hit in Houston, Texas forced the evacuation of hundreds of homes and left thousands of others without power. Cheryl Casone is downstairs in our newsroom right now. She's got with the details there and the other headlines. Cheryl, good morning to you.

CHERYL CASONE, FBN CORRESPONDENT: Good morning, Maria. (HEADLINES) Finally this, one FedEx employee decided to take a nap on the job and he woke up a few states away. An unidentified ground crew worker was loading shipments onto an aircraft in Memphis around 4:00 a.m. when he accidentally nodded off, only to wake up a few hours later as the plane approached an airport in Lubbock, Texas. Maria, apparently he woke up mid-flight. He knocked on the cockpit door, but the pilots wouldn't open it. The FBI met the plane but no criminal charges were pressed against him. Back to you upstairs.

BARTIROMO: That had to be a tough morning for him.


HILSENRATH: -- (inaudible) bad dreams like that, but in the bad dream you wake up and you don't have your pants on or something.

BARTIROMO: Exactly; you're not in a whole different city.

[Cross Talk]

SMITH: It's not just an economics in there.

BARTIROMO: Exactly; that's true. Can we talk about Netflix for a second?


BARTIROMO: Because I feel like I've been binge watching "House of Cards" now forever, and even that didn't help the success of that show. We are seeing some slow down there.

SMITH: Yes, but the good news is their subscriber growth was strong. They be to expectations. Where the executives really couldn't give much color in the forecast and said the crystal ball is cloudy, was the expansion overseas, and it's going to cause gyrations in their results and that's where's a lot of concern for the company going forward.

Then, here at home, they've got to combat rising competition, Hulu, amazon's in the picture; a growing list of cord-cutters are out there. It's a tough environment, and they're raising prices in that environment. So there's just overall uncertainty --

HILSENRATH: I agree with you. I see good news here. The revenues are up 18-percent, and the fact that there is in crisis is good news because in a really weak economy, nobody can raise prices. They say they raise prices 2-percent of the course of the next few months shows. That shows that they have some power over advertisers and the networks, their carriers. So maybe there's a little bit of good news there as well.

BARTIROMO: Indeed; you want to see pricing power.


BARTIROMO: But Sandra mentions exactly what's the situation with so many companies today, they're doing well in the U.S. but it's the international story that is being debated and questioned.

HILSENRATH: Well you have to wonder how "House of Cards" is going to play in China.


HILSENRATH: They might censor the whole idea of "House of Cards."

SMITH: If it were up to Maria they would do just fine.

BARTIROMO: Exactly. Exactly; all right, we'll take a short break and then we're looking at crude oil this morning snapping a four-day losing streak today. It's back above $40 a barrel right now; what that means for marketing your money next. Then, later, a dramatic video for woman hopping over a fence into a tiger cage. Yes; why she missed her life for the hat that she was looking for. That is coming up next.


BARTIROMO: Welcome back. We are live this morning from the roof of our FOX Business Network studios, overlooking the Big Apple, where, of course, it is the battle for New York under way.

Oil prices topping $40 a barrel this morning after falling for four days in a row. Phil Flynn is at the CME Group right now with the latest on oil trading. Phil, another busy day.

PHIL FLYNN, FBN CORRESPONDENT: Another busy day. Now, all of a sudden, after that disaster in Doha, we're focused on the lack of spare production capacity in the globe right now. This ongoing oil worker's strike in Kuwait is knocking over a million dollars a barrel out the global marketplace. If it goes on for some time it's going to be difficult to replace those barrels. Why? We're seeing declining production across the globe. Here in the United States shale oil production tanking right now. We're seeing tanking production in Latin America and problems in Nigeria and Iran. All of a sudden we're concerned about enough production to meet demand, and that's a big change from the worries this market has seen recently. Back to you.

BARTIROMO: All right, Phil; thank you so much. Phil Flynn in Chicago. We are here in New York. Sandra Smith, let's talk oil for a second. I want to feel like at $40 a barrel this is a positive. We were all the way down to 20. You've got to feel good about what's gone on with oil and the impact on markets in the last two months?

SMITH: It might look like incentive for consumer but Jon Hilsenrath will probably tell us that we're not actually seeing that show up at the consumer level. We didn't even see it show up at $20 a barrel. So $40 a barrel, that small tick up that we've seen, changing consumer habits we haven't really seen it quite yet.

HILSENRATH: I think we are talking about the wrong commodity here. I think we should be talking about stocks.


HILSENRATH: The Dow Jones Industrial over 18,000.


HILSENRATH: We're seeing real momentum in the stock market. I think if anything is going to give consumers a lift it's going to be seeing their stock portfolio start to rise.

SMITH: Does oil have anything to do with that though?

HILSENRATH: Oil -- there is who little risk on, risk off trade which has been going on for months and I think what we're seeing now, since the Fed said back in March that it's pulling back, it's going to be slow in raising interest rates, we're seeing the risk on assets starting to rise. It's one reason the prices rose but it also sent to U.S. stocks higher.

What I'm watching today is can we stay - can we hold about (inaudible) a barrel.

One last thing, Goldman Sachs earnings are coming out before the open. Let's see if they have anything good to say.

BARTIROMO: That's going to be an important one because earnings, overall, have beaten lowered expectations.


BARTIROMO: We've got the CFO of IBM coming up as well, to give us a sense of the business climate, but earnings obviously part of the stock market rally story.


BARTIROMO: Here we are at the beginning of the quarter reporting season.

HILSENRATH: Yes, and you know, a lot of the financials that have reported have complained about their trading revenues. A few months ago they were all worried America and arguing that low interest rates were going to hurt their net interest margins. If it's trading revenues, well the trading has turned up during the last couple months. So maybe we are getting some positive news in the calls that come after those reports.

BARTIROMO: Well we're at the highs of the morning right now. Markets looking up 70 points on the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

We will take a short break. Coming up next, one fan is suing Kanye West, claiming that the superstar tricked users into subscriptions after false promises of being the exclusive place to find Kanye's latest album; we will bring you the details. But first, this:

(Scene from "Everybody Loves Raymond" plays).

BARTIROMO: We all remember her: Doris Roberts, who is the best known Mom, for playing the meddling mother on the sitcom "Everybody Loves Raymond," has passed away. The actress earned four Emmy for her role on the program, but was also known for her work on Broadway and the silver screen. Roberts was 90 years old.


BARTIROMO: Good Tuesday morning, everybody. Welcome back. I am Maria Bartiromo coming to you this morning live from the roof of our Fox Business Network studios overlooking the big apple.

It is primary day here in New York. Your top stories at 6:30 on the east coast, the battle for New York in the spotlight. The polls have an open for about 30 minutes after weeks of crisscrossing the empire state, the presidential candidates are making their last bid for votes and it will be a fight to the finish line.


BERNIE SANDERS (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: You all look beautiful and you all look like you want a political revolution. If we get a large voter turnout tomorrow, we are going to win here in New York.

HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We probably going to wrap up the Democratic nomination but --


BARTIROMO: We will hear from voters straight ahead on the program. Meanwhile, take a look at dramatic pictures from a zoo in Toronto, Canada, a woman jumping a fence into the tiger enclosure. We will tell you why she risked her life to get in there.

Kanye West and Jay-Z hit with a lawsuit over Kanye's new album on the streaming music service, Title. Why one fan says the rappers tricked users to go on Title.

Goldman Sachs is the stock to watch this morning. The bank is set to report first-quarter results ahead of the open this morning. Like its peers, Goldman expects to report a decline in profit as it too was hurt by lower trading revenues.

Investors also keeping an eye on the bank's exposure to energy loans. Coming up, we are talking with the CFO of IBM to get a sense of where the quarter is turning out for business this morning.

Turning to global markets, oil is rebounding today and that is helping to drive stocks higher. In Asia overnight, the Nikkei was the top performer. It gained 3.60 percent. As you can see all the major averages in Asia higher overnight.

In Europe, we are also seeing money moving into stocks, once again, mining stocks are leading the gains. Check out the German DAX index up better than 2 percent right now. The CAC Quarante in Paris up better than 1 percent and the FT 100 is up 0.5 percent.

In the U.S, similar situation, we are at the highs of the morning or very close to it. The Dow Industrials expected to open up about 60 points today after the Dow closed above 18,000 yesterday for the first time since July.

The polls in New York just opening about 30 minutes ago as the battle for the empire state kicks off this morning. We are here outside in New York with Sandra Smith and Jon Hilsenrath on a glorious morning.

The sun is coming up. Fox News' David Lee Miller is at a polling station on Long Island right now with the latest. David, good morning to you.

DAVID LEE MILLER, FOX NEWS: Good morning, Maria. As you mentioned, the polls have now been opened in New York State for just about half an hour. We are at a polling station in Nassau County, Long Island and so far despite the polls being open for about half an hour, only one voter has yet arrived.

That is expected to change. Today is a crucial day for both Donald Trump and for Hillary Clinton. Both of them are expected to have a very strong showing in New York State, but the question isn't if they are going to win.

The question in the minds of many, how much will the margin of victory be? That is crucial in determining how many delegates they will be awarded.

Now a new national poll reveals this could be a nail biter for some of the candidates. Starting with the Republicans, this poll from NBC News and "The Wall Street Journal" shows Donald Trump with 40 percent, Ted Cruz with 35 percent and John Kasich with 24 percent.

Trump has done some last-minute campaigning in Buffalo, New York last night. He said that Ted Cruz is not someone who deserves to win the votes of New Yorkers. He went on to say that he expects to do very well in New York.

Donald Trump could take away all 95 delegates, Maria, if he does meet a 50 percent threshold and that would be crucial to him avoiding a contested convention.

Donald Trump last night kept up the pressure on his opponents, listen to some of what he had to say.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We are going to show Ted Cruz who hates New York, when you look at that debate and you see the way he talked about us and New York values, no New Yorker can vote for Ted Cruz and no New Yorker can vote for Kasich, when he was one who approved NAFTA.


MILLER: John Kasich did some last-minute campaigning here in New York State. He is not going to win this primary by any means at least according to the polls, but what he is attempting to do is to try and cherry pick a number of districts where he could pick up some delegates and pose an obstacle to a runaway victory by Donald Trump.

On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton expected to do know very well in New York State, but nationally it could be a nail biter for her. NBC News and "Washington Journal" have a new poll that shows nationally Clinton has 50 percent with Bernie Sanders 48 percent, only 2 percentage point difference.

Hillary Clinton nevertheless has now started to focus less on Bernie Sanders and more on her potential Republican opponents. Listen to what she had to say.


HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Hoping to do really well tomorrow, wrap up the Democratic nomination, get ready for the general election, which is going to be really, really challenging.


MILLER: What is noteworthy here for the Democrats, Maria, there are 247 delegates at stake. Bernie Sanders supporters are -- many of them are independent and they are not eligible to vote in this primary and that could be a real obstacle for Bernie Sanders in trying to do well and win some of those delegates.

BARTIROMO: He would be the biggest loser in terms of that entire group that can't vote. David, good to see you. Thanks so much. David Lee Miller there.