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Counts Examined; Brussels Terror Attacks Investigation; Bidding for Yahoo

Begins; "Boston Globe" Rips Trump With Faux Front Page; Execs Speak Out On

Tax Rule; Warriors Tie Record - Part 2>

Georgette Mosbacher, Patrick Byrne, Howie Carr, Brad Anderson, Jared Max >

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And now they put this fake page out there. The other thing, Maria, is I don't understand the timing of it. It is more than a week after April Fool's Day. Most people in the media don't even do April Fool's jokes anymore for obvious reasons.

And the other thing is they have this overheated editorial inside GOP must stop Donald Trump. It reads almost exactly like the editorial that ran in February before the Massachusetts primary.

Donald trump got 49 percent of the vote, 31 points ahead of John Kasich. They obviously have no clout in the Republican electorate not to mention the larger community. It brings back all these memories of bad journalism by "The Globe." I don't know why they would do it. It doesn't make sense.

BARTIROMO: No wonder it's failing.

GEORGETTE MOSBACHER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: You wonder why Americans trust 80s car salesman over the media. This is a perfect example. What has happened to journalism? It's almost difficult to use that word. This is "Saturday Night Live" and it's bad. If they paid a billion dollars for this paper is a billion dollars too much. This is a paper that should just be shutdown.

BARTIROMO: Would they have ever done this to Hillary Clinton, Dagen?

DAGEN MCDOWELL, FOX BUSINESS: No way and no how because her supporters would have accused them of sexism, which is something that you are starting to hear more of that. Senator Claire McCaskill, nails on a chalk board.

Bernie Sanders says she is not qualified and he has to back track on it is the undercard. They are playing a very interesting game because if they are anticipating they will go.

MOSBACHER: They are not the only ones. Let's be honest.

MCDOWELL: That's a very good point.

MOSBACHER: I've been in her corner for a long time and we are watching it play out. This is an extreme example of supporting her.

CARR: Maria, one of the other points that you can make here is one of the headlines in the paper is new libel law targets absolute scam and press. Donald Trump as you know, they sort of fantasize about going after reporters he didn't like.

Can we have a little truth here? Who went after Citizens United? Who went to the Supreme Court to try to shut down a documentary that she found unflattering to herself. It was Hillary Clinton's minions.

Donald trump was just thinking about it, but she went to the Supreme Court. She still says she's going to shut down the first amendment when it comes to criticizing politicians. Who is the real villain here?

BARTIROMO: Unbelievable.

MCDOWELL: Howie, you agree with this. This is a ridiculous cover as have been the covers of the "New. We go back months and months for that. Donald Trump does need to start thinking about if you write down what he has said, if you see it in the headline, he needs to live with that reality that you are going to see it in print "The New York Times" today.

Mainstream media has the story about how his back and forth on issues whether there it is nuclear arms in Japan and South Korea to even the use of torture. He does have to live with that.

CARR: I agree. But you know, what about the other candidates as we mentioned earlier that never do this but Hillary. One of my favorites from Bernie Sanders was he told John Harwood that there were too many deodorant choices for Americans.

Can we bring up some of these things? He said that women fantasize about being gang raped by three men. Why is all this stuff off the table or barely on the table with Donald Trump is open season on him?

MOSBACHER: It is a fine line with Donald, Dagen. Part of his appeal if he says that a lot of people are thinking that's politically not correct. He goes to some extremes and I agree. He got to be careful. I mean, part of Donald being Donald and his success is that he doesn't sound like a politician.

MCDOWELL: Right. So how do you balance? Because now we are in that phase. People are looking at the issues going wait a minute. Where do you stand on this?

BARTIROMO: You said earlier he could have had this wrapped up months ago had he done more of what Dagen is talking about. Know that, you know what, issues matter. Rally yourself around the issues --

KEVIN KELLY, RECON CAPITAL PARTNERS CIO: Yes, unequivocally he could've wrapped this up a long time ago because he's been controlling the dialogue and that's what is the important and he does have the coffers. He is self- funding.

MOSBACHER: But organization he doesn't have.

KELLY: Exactly. So he has chosen actually to attack the system instead of figuring out how to work the system.

BARTIROMO: Howie, final word from you there.

CARR: He has benefited from his attacks. Like for instance, here in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, the neighboring states "Boston Globe" is very unpopular. He's been saying the same things you just heard him say yesterday about "The Globe," the Manchester union leader.

Again, it is beginning to backfire on him now. That is how he's gotten where he is, is by these attacks that resonate with the electorate.

BARTIROMO: Howie, we'll be listening in on "The Howie Carr Show." Good to see you, sir. Thank you so much. Howie Carr there.

Let's take a look at a couple of stocks on the move this morning. We are expecting a higher opening for the broader averages today. Alcoa, one to watch, the industrial giant will kick off the earnings season today.

It will report first quarter earnings after the bell tonight. It's expected to report declining earnings in revenue for a third quarter in a row.

One earnings loser on the move this morning SAP, the software giant posting weaker than expected results on the top end bottom line. It's also seeing a slow start to the year especially in the U.S. It did however backed its full-year outlook. The stock edging higher.

Kevin Kelly on earnings this morning. We know earnings are going to be down for the first quarter. The question is, is it priced into the market?

KELLY: It is how much, but what's really going to move the market this week is bank earnings. So that is the biggest overhang. That's going to be happening on Wednesday. You have Chase coming out and then everyone is coming out on Thursday.

They are the second-largest factor in the S&P 500 at 17 percent. So they are really going to dictate the market moves especially for earnings season so that's what to watch especially because Janet Yellen is meeting President Obama and VP Biden today at 3:00 to talk about the economy.

BARTIROMO: Big meeting, Janet Yellen, President Obama, and Jack Lew.

KELLY: Yes, they are actually going to be talking about too big to fail. So that's on the agenda so that's why this is a huge week for banks.

BARTIROMO: All right, JPMorgan reports on Wednesday. The estimates come down going into the earnings season. Corporate executives speaking out against new Treasury tax rules meanwhile. Our next guest says this only puts U.S. companies at a disadvantage around the world.

And then the Golden State Warriors tying the record for the most wins in a single season. They only have one more game to break the record. All the details coming your way next.


BARTIROMO: Welcome back. The Treasury Department creating new rules last week, which penalized companies that move their headquarters overseas for a better tax rates. Now business leaders are weighing in on the issue including our next guest.

He believes these moves brought actually create more of an opportunity to invest in the U.S. Joining us right now is former Best Buy CEO, Brad Anderson. Brad, it's always a pleasure to have you on the program. Welcome back.

BRAD ANDERSON, FORMER BEST BUY CEO: Thank you. Great to be back.

BARTIROMO: You know, the most stunning implication to those rules last week, you saw it, almost immediately when Pfizer walked away from the deal with Allergan. This is a huge deal. This is the 10th largest company in America and they made it much more expensive and difficult for this deal to take place.

ANDERSON: So much so that they stop it actually.

BARTIROMO: Yes, so what you think about these new rules that basically do just that and will likely put the clamp on mergers and having companies leave America.

ANDERSON: I'm not in favor of companies leaving America. The reason we had the companies want to leave America is we have the highest corporate tax rates in the world. We wind up double taxing income earned in other countries by American based companies.

We put American companies at disadvantages. Both the president and the Republicans in Congress agree that our tax policies are -- our business tax policies are causing the problem. Neither can agree on what to do about it, but the regulatory change I think one of the worst solutions we could've had to this problem.

BARTIROMO: Yes, we are highest industrialized tax in the world, Dagen McDowell, at 35 percent. You can't compete when you have a tax rate abroad of 12 percent like Ireland does.

MCDOWELL: Right. You heard from the CEO of Pfizer's saying we begged Congress to do something about it, but the White House won't agree to corporate tax reform unless it is an overall tax hike in terms of the revenue it generates.

Brad, I want to ask you. In terms of the way the White House has handled businesses with 392 regulations deemed major that have been issued by President Obama's administration in the last seven years.

Would you want to be running a company at this point given the headaches, given the regulations, and given the attitude in Washington?

ANDERSON: Yes, I still would. The president yesterday said that the country is in the strongest position of any country in the world. I agree with him. I mean, there is all sorts of strengths we have.

It's part of the reason our economy is growing a little faster than most other developed economies. We've really got a lot of structural strength. I think what we are doing by all of that regulatory climate, though, is diminishing our competitive strength and certainly diminishing our rate of growth.

So, yes, I'd still would find that this is still a great opportunity, a great place to run a company. But it could be so much better and we could be growing so much faster.

If you look at the practical implications of most of those regulations, they get in the way particularly small developing business growth. That's what those of us job creators are talking about trying to get to that change.

MOSBACHER: This is government at its worst. I mean, meddling where they shouldn't be in the private sector business because basically they don't know anything about it. Most of them are lawyers. But frankly, none of them have had to make a payroll. They don't understand the supply chain and the regulators that are making these regulations have no idea the effect it has.

KELLY: It is going to stifle investment.

BARTIROMO: You have to pay much more in terms of regulatory fees. You're not going to invest in a new business. You're not going to hire new people.

KELLY: Here's the important thing, why was Pfizer and Allergan trying to get together and move over there because Pfizer has $25 billion of cash overseas that they want to put to work here in the United States. That was the whole basis of why they were trying to move ashore.

So they could bring the money back home. Instead of enabling Pfizer to bring the money back home and put it to work here in the United States, they actually stifled it.

So Brad, here's the question to you. Are CEOs who control the S&P 500 companies, are they going to hold back and wait through this election cycle and not put new money to work?

BARTIROMO: They have been doing just that.

ANDERSON: Yes, they are. In particular one of the things, the economists covered this a couple weeks ago, is that the regulatory environment actually entrenches -- diminishes competitive activity and entrenches existing behavior from corporations.

It discourages investment and competition from coming on and challenging larger companies both of which are bad for growth for the economy. I strongly agree with you that you are right also that those folks in government are not interested in the practical ramifications of the regulation on decision-making.

BARTIROMO: Yes, all right, Brad, great insights from you as always, thanks so much.

ANDERSON: Thank you.

BARTIROMO: Brad Anderson joining us, former CEO at Best Buy.

Straight ahead, it's being called the most shocking collapse in golf history. We will take a look at what happened to Jordan Speith at the Masters next.

But first, here's some of last week's tops moments from the program.



BARTIROMO: Welcome back. Move over Michael Jordan, the Golden State Warriors have arrived. Jared Max with sports now. Jared, good morning.

JARED MAX, FOX NEWS: Good morning, Maria. What a Sunday in sports. The meltdown at the Masters and then the Warriors tying a record. Needing a victory to keep itself alive, the NBA single-season mark, the Warriors trailed early on, but by late third quarter, Steph Curry, a 65 shot, didn't count because he missed the buzzer, but who cares, 65 feet.

He could hit from outside of the arena. In the fourth quarter, Golden State just took over this contest and would go on to beat the San Antonio Spurs 92-86 as they now have 72 wins on the season. They have tied Michael Jordan Chicago Bulls of 20 seasons ago for the most wins in an NBA season.

They will go for the record Wednesday night against the Memphis Grizzlies. If you want to be at the game at Oracle Arena in Oakland, it is going to cost a pretty penny to see the Warriors take on the Memphis Grizzlies.

According to Stub Hub, look at the most expensive ticket is, $15,900 would get you a VIP courtside seat. You get to sit on Steph Curry's flat. That's a lot of money. The cheapest is $380 that does not come with the tissues because they are nosebleed seats in that horrible arena.

MCDOWELL: Did we see the choker around the world?

MAX: They choke on the water and "The Post" says chokes on Spieth. The guy lost a lot of money yesterday. What an amazing tournament at the Masters. Let's take look at the 12th hole. Jordan Spieth who is a master of golf.

He was set to become the youngest back-to-back winter, the youngest two- time champ and his first shot on 12 while he has a five shot lead goes right into the water.

So he drops the ball, tries it again and this time straight into the water. The golf ball was thirsty.

BARTIROMO: Did I hear that they were having a baby?

MAX: Maria, this story is great. The fella who won it because we've all seen the highlights at this point, Jordan Spieth collapsing. Danny Willett who took the advice (inaudible) who said, Danny, be the ball.

Danny Willett was the ball. His wife was expected, the due date was yesterday. Little did Willett know that his due date was to be a major champion.

He would not have been able to play in the Masters had his wife delivered on time. She delivered I think 10 days early. Willett went to the Masters and you see him here --

MCDOWELL: When Spieth presented him with the jacket and there was the photograph of that and it was all over Twitter in terms of the kind of banners underneath.

MAX: So I think the most important thing that came out of this weekend is the biggest winner was Under Armour. They sponsor Stephen Curry as well as Jordan Spieth, and they've done a great job of good endorsements.

BARTIROMO: Kevin Plank is one of the best --

MAX: Willett wins $1.8 million for winning the Masters. Jordan Spieth for second place, $880,000.

BARTIROMO: Thank you very much, Jared Max.

Coming up next hour, Trump's campaign policy adviser, Stephen Miller. Back in a minute.


BARTIROMO: Good Monday morning, everybody. Welcome back. I'm Maria Bartiromo. It is Monday, April 11th. Your top stories right now at 7 a.m. on the east coast.


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