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Bernie Sanders Wins Wyoming as Dem Race Heats Up; Belgian Authorities Reveal that the Brussels Terrorists Initially Planned a



Authorities Reveal that the Brussels Terrorists Initially Planned a

Different Attack; Jordan Spieth Collapses at Augusta; U.S. Futures Point to

Gains; President Obama Reacts to Recent String of Terror Attacks; Golden

State Warriors Tie Bulls Record for the Most Wins in the Season; Barclays

Planning to Ask Staff who their Friends are at Work; Alcoa to Report its

First Quarter of 2016; Bidding On for Yahoo - Part 1>

Lindsey Bell, Ed Rensi, Darren Wong >

Clinton; Bernie Sanders; Belgian Authorities; Jordan Spieth; Stock Market;

Ted Cruz; Colorado; Mohamed Abrini; Barack Obama; U.S. Navy; Danny Willet;

Golden State Warriors; Barclays; Alcoa; GOP; Democrats >

MARIA BARTIROMO, FBN ANCHOR: Questions over delegates on the Democratic side of the race --


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Right, we're supposed to be a Democracy, we're supposed to be -- we're supposed to be you vote and the vote means something.


BARTIROMO: Questions over delegates on the Democratic side of the race as well, Hillary Clinton losing to Bernie Sanders in Wyoming this weekend.

Yet, she earned the same number of delegates as he did. The latest delegate-count in polls straight ahead.

Startling new details this morning in the terrorist attack on Brussels. Belgian authorities are revealing the terrorists initially planned a different attack. We will tell you where they wanted to strike.

Earnings season has arrived. The key sector to watch, financials, what it could mean for the rest of the year ahead.

The numbers are out this week, it will set the tone for markets. Meltdown at the Masters, meanwhile.

Jordan Spieth collapsed on the 12th hole at Augusta, costing him nearly a million dollars in prize money.

And the cake taking the internet by storm; that is the raindrop cake. We're looking at this sensation coming up. Markets this morning indicated higher.

We are expecting a higher opening for the broader averages. On this, the kickoff to the first quarter earnings season, the Dow Industrial is expected to open up about 50 points this morning, Nasdaq and S&P 500, also positive.

All those stories coming up in this hour. Joining me this hour and this morning, Fox Business Network's Dagen McDowell, Recon Capital's Kevin Kelly and Fox News contributor Georgette Musbacher.

Good to see everybody, great show so far.

KEVIN KELLY, RECON CAPITAL: Yes, absolutely --


BARTIROMO: Lot to come this morning. Our top story right now is the fight for delegates.

Controversy in Colorado after Ted Cruz took all 34 delegates despite the fact that there was no primary or caucus in the state.

Overall, here is the count. Trump is still leading with 743 delegates, Cruz has 545 delegates now.

Trump is also holding a commanding lead in the upcoming New York primary race with the latest polls giving him 54 percent of the vote and Ted Cruz just 15 percent.

Adam Shapiro is standing by in New Castle, New York, with the very latest from the other side of the aisle.

Adam, good morning to you.

ADAM SHAPIRO, FOX BUSINESS: And a good morning to you, Maria. There's a fundraiser underway at 8:00 a.m., Hillary Clinton having a breakfast fundraiser.

A conversation with Hillary here in New Castle, which is essentially her hometown, Chappaqua, it's all part of the same area.

To get into that fundraiser, $500 to $2,700 a ticket to have breakfast with her.

And the latest delegate-count, you mentioned Wyoming in which Bernie Sanders severely beat her among the caucus, the Democrats, and yet they both got seven new delegates.

So, the final count when you include everybody, the Super delegates is Hillary Clinton, 1,756, Bernie Sanders 1,068.

Now, here in New York, one week out from the New York primary, she leads Bernie Sanders 53 percent in the polls to 37 percent.

The only area where she does not lead Sanders is among men. But Hillary Clinton has launched a new ad this morning in which she's going after someone other than Sanders.

Take a listen.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He says we should punish women who have abortions.

TRUMP: There has to be some form of punishment --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That Mexicans who come to America are rapists.

TRUMP: They're rapists --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And that we should ban Muslims from coming here at all.

TRUMP: Total and complete shutdown --

HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: Donald Trump says we can solve America's problems by turning against each other.

It's wrong and it goes against everything New York and America stands for.


SHAPIRO: Now, Maria, Hillary Clinton may be turning her attention to Donald Trump, but Bernie Sanders is turning his attention to Hillary Clinton launching his own ad this morning in which he talks about New York values.

He's born in Brooklyn, he's a native son, and now he is hitting the state, trying to beat her in the April 19th primary. Maria, back to you.

BARTIROMO: Yes, all this happening in Brooklyn, it's so exciting, both headquarters, Sanders and Hillary Clinton there.

Adam, thank you, we'll be watching, Adam Shapiro. Joining us right now is former Mississippi governor and former chairman of the Republican National Committee, Haley Barbour.

Governor, good to see you, thanks so much for joining us.


BARTIROMO: And of course, the chances of a contested convention for the GOP truly becoming more real this morning.

BARBOUR: Well, it's -- yes, it's becoming more likely than not. It doesn't look like -- well, it's a very hard path for Donald Trump to get 1,237 delegates.

I think he's the only one that has any chance of doing that. But of course, as you say, he's 30 points ahead in New York.

He can get there mathematically, but it's a mighty hard road.

BARTIROMO: What's your take on the delegate story, though? We've got Georgette Musbacher with us this morning, and she's a delegate, and she was very clear earlier, she said, yes, I'm a delegate, but you know what?

It is rigged.

BARTIROMO: Well, Georgette and I have been friends a long time, but I would disagree with her on that.

The Democrats have a very large percentage of their delegates, automatic delegates. On the Republican side is 168 out of well over -- about 2,500.

So, it's very much different on our side. Our delegates are genuinely elected either by -- under state law, either by a primary, a state party convention or the state committee.


BARBOUR: They're not -- they're not appointed by anybody. And the Democratic side, there's a large percentage that are appointed.

They are "Super delegates", and frankly, that's most of the difference between Secretary Clinton's numbers and Senator Sanders.

MUSBACHER: But you know, Haley, I hear what you're saying. But if you -- I can tell how many? Six Republican conventions, a delegate at four.

And basically, I mean, different the state -- it's different in different states, but state parties pick their delegates.

I mean, they are basically picked at the top of the party loyalist to go to the convention.

So, when I use the word, rigged, or agree that it was rigged, that's what I meant. Basically, this is not about the primaries and the grassroots picking the Republican nominee.

It's about the Republican Party picking the nominee. In fact, a lot of the primaries are closed.

And you could only vote if you're registered Republican. But as a delegate, these delegates come from the state and usually it is a group of prominent Republicans at the very top of the pyramid in that state that basically a lot for delegates.

BARTIROMO: But does Trump have a point in getting upset by this, governor?

BARBOUR: Well, first of all, the Republican nominee for president ought to be picked by the Republicans.


BARBOUR: My state --

MUSBACHER: I agree --

BARBOUR: My state does not have part of registration. So, anyone that considers himself or herself a Republican and vote in that primary.

But as Georgette says, the primary determines how the delicates shall be pledged, who they will vote for.

But the actual individuals who are picked are picked by the state convention --


BARBOUR: Not by the primary. Very few states have found it to be a worthy system to put delegates names on the ballot -- on the ballot. Very few.



MUSBACHER: There lies --

BARBOUR: And for the conventions to pick the delegates, it's very appropriate because as you've seen from Ted Cruz --


BARBOUR: And we've seen in the past from Ronald Reagan or Pat Robertson or whatever, the people who can organize on the round --


BARBOUR: People that get people with enthusiasm who will go to the county convention, go to the state convention, there is real value for that later in the general election.

Because this is not all a television show running for president --


BARBOUR: Of the United States.

KELLY: Governor, could it be chaos in Cleveland if Trump or Cruz does not get the nomination from the Republican Party?

BARBOUR: Well, there's a person who finishes with the largest number of delegates automatically when even they don't have a job.

The answer is no in both parties. For 200 years, both parties have required the nominee to get a majority of the delegates, and if they don't get a majority of the delegates on the first ballot, then there will be a second ballot.


BARBOUR: Let's not forget, if the rule was whoever gets the most delegates gets the nomination, Abraham Lincoln would never have been president.

KELLY: Right, absolutely --

BARTIROMO: So, that -- so that -- told Dagen, that's the point --

MUSBACHER: That is the point --

BARTIROMO: The rules are the rules --

KELLY: Right --

BARTIROMO: I mean, I know that the Trump supporters are going to be upset. Trump said it --

KELLY: And Cruz -- but people are talking about this epic --

BARTIROMO: The rules are the rules --

KELLY: Convention, if Cruz or Trump doesn't get it, and the Republican Party puts up somebody else to be the nominee, wouldn't that be chaos?

Wouldn't that be --

MUSBACHER: Well, why --

KELLY: Kind of --

MUSBACHER: Necessarily will that be chaos?

BARTIROMO: I think it would be.

MUSBACHER: I'll tell you why? I disagree. In that, you've got a lot of people that have voted for them, in fact for those open primaries -- at those open primaries that aren't Republicans.

And so if it's a Republican Party is the one that picks their nominee, then they have a right to go to the voting process on the floor and pick their nominee.

And if it isn't Cruz or Trump, it's not that it's rigged. It's that they've chosen someone else. And once the --

KELLY: But the people didn't choose that person --

MUSBACHER: Well, the people --


BARBOUR: Well, listen, let me -- let me just make this --

BARTIROMO: Go ahead --


Governor, go ahead.

BARBOUR: Let me just make the point. I was for Reagan in 1976, Reagan got the most votes in the primary. He got about --


BARBOUR: A million more votes than President Ford. President Ford won the nomination, Reagan didn't complain or whine --


BARBOUR: Or tried to cause riots. Reagan knew the rules. Everybody -- the rules --

BARTIROMO: Correct --



BARBOUR: Very plain --


BARBOUR: And there's no secret about it --


MUSBACHER: And you know, look, it --


MUSBACHER: Reflect the electoral college. I mean, you could be president without a majority of the votes --


MUSBACHER: I'm sorry, those are the rules.

BARTIROMO: Yes, those are the rules --

MCDOWELL: I want to ask governor this. Governor, you talk about we know the rules.

Didn't Trump know the rules when he started running -- I know that it plays to the I am anti-establishment to talk about it now.

But are you surprised he wasn't better prepared for this?

BARBOUR: Well, let me put it this way. It's clear that Senator Cruz has been very hardworking, aggressive and effective on the ground.

Like Sanders, Cruz has done much better in caucuses and in states, even where the primary went to Trump.

The Cruz people worked aggressively to try to get some of their people picked as delegates like in Louisiana.

And those are the rules, everybody knows that --


BARBOUR: They now have Paul Manafort who has come to work for Trump, who has been a -- managed conventions for previous candidates for president, very much involved, by the way, with Gerald Ford in 1976, the last contested --


BARBOUR: Convention.


BARBOUR: But yet, the Trump people did not focus on this very much if at all.

BARTIROMO: Yes, and what about the Dem side of it? I mean, all the Super delegates for Hillary, even though Bernie Sanders is winning the popular vote, a word on that, governor, real quick.

BARBOUR: It was just that -- they have a system where so many people are automatic delegates.

And that takes it completely out of the hands of the voters any influence on the automatic delegates.

So, we don't have that system, and we don't let our national rules overcome what the states want to do.

Generally, our national rule says if the state wants to have a primary, that's their business, they want to have a convention, that's their business.

But everybody's got to play by the -- within those rules.

BARTIROMO: Governor, good to see you as always, thanks so much.

BARBOUR: Thank you, here --

BARTIROMO: Governor Haley Barbour there. Coming up next, a busy weekend in sports, the Golden State Warriors making history, while young golfer Jordan Spieth's mistake on one hole cost him a big paycheck.

It is the latest cuisine craze, meanwhile, taking the internet by storm, it's called the rainbow cake -- Raindrop cake rather, it's the Raindrop cake.

We've got a live demonstration of the weekly creation next. Stay with us.



BARTIROMO: Welcome back. New details are emerging this morning after Belgian authorities arrested a third suspect in last month's terrorist attack.

Cheryl Casone with that and the other headlines right now, Cheryl, good morning.

CHERYL CASONE, FOX BUSINESS: Well, that's right, Maria, good morning. That suspect Mohamed Abrini, the "man in the hat" has confessed to being the third attacker after being detained.

Prosecutors revealed that Abrini was actually planning a second attack on France but was forced to change the target to Brussels after suspected Paris attacker Salah Abdeslam was arrested.

And he felt like authorities were closing in on him. President Obama sat down with Chris Wallace on "FOX NEWS SUNDAY" where he reacted to the recent string of terror attacks.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: That the job of the terrorists in their minds is to induce panic, induce fear, get societies to change who they are.

And what I have tried to communicate is you can't change us. You can kill some of us, but we will hunt you down and we will get you.


CASONE: OK, also making news this morning, it's a story that sounds like the TV show "Gilligan's Island", maybe "Cast Away", that movie.

The U.S. Navy rescuing three boaters from a remote, uninhabited Pacific island after their boat hit rough seas.

The sailors were forced to swim two miles to shore at night after their vessel was swamped by a huge wave.

They were stranded on this island for three days, a Navy plane spotted the word "help" that they had spelled out on the sand.

And by the way, the Navy said that's exactly what you should do if you end up on a deserted island by yourself.

Also over the weekend, disaster hitting Jordan Spieth at the Masters. Spieth took a five stroke lead into the back nine, and he bogeyed 10 and 11, and put two shots in the water in the par 3, 12th.

That was a quadrupled bogey that left him three behind the eventual winner Danny Willet ended up winning by three strokes and only his second Masters appearance.

Well, he's the first Englishman to win a Masters since Nick Faldo won it back in '96, he shot a five under 67 in the final round.

Also in sports, the Golden State Warriors tied the Bulls record for most wins in the season last night.

Steph Curry had 37 points and the Warriors beat the San Antonio Spurs 92 to 86 for their 72nd win that tied the 95-96 Bulls for the season's record.

The Warriors have one game left and they need to win to break the Bulls record. They will finish their regular season at home against the Memphis Grizzlies on Wednesday night, it was quite a game.

And finally this, Maria, I love this one. Barclays is preparing to ask its bankers if they have any friends.

The question is going to be the top of a staff survey expected to be distributed in the next few weeks.

Employees are going to be asked to name their best friends at work. It's thought that colleagues who make friends in the work place are more likely to stay loyal to the bank, Maria.

The hope of this is that's going to improve culture in the bank. I think it's a great idea of somebody that has all of their friends, basically in this building.

And I think it makes a huge difference when you come to work to like the people that you work with --

BARTIROMO: Oh, my God --

CASONE: But I like you very much as you know --

BARTIROMO: Agreed --

MCDOWELL: That's the secret to this success --


BARTIROMO: I totally agree --

MCDOWELL: The people who work here, we deeply admire and love each other - -

BARTIROMO: And respect each other --

MUSBACHER: I agree with that --

KELLY: So --

MUSBACHER: And management --

KELLY: Well, people at Barclays --

MUSBACHER: Really love --


KELLY: Are friends with each other? --


KELLY: That's -- people at Barclays are friends with each other? That's weird, right? Really --

BARTIROMO: We certainly have that going on here. Thank you, Cheryl. Earnings season is here.

We are looking at the winners and losers straight ahead. Take a look at what the first quarter looks like.

Then we have the internet sensation, the Raindrop cake in studio and the chef who created it, we'll be right back.




BARTIROMO: All right, welcome back. The earnings season gets underway. Alcoa reports its first quarter after the close tonight.

Corporate report cards expected to show weakness in the first quarter. Joining us right now is S&P Capital IQ Senior Analyst, Lindsey Bell, Lindsey, good to see you.


BARTIROMO: Thanks so much for joining us. I guess the question is, how bad will earnings be?

We know that they're going to decline in what's present to the market. Characterize what you're expecting from the first quarter.

BELL: Well, it's not a pretty picture. Once again, earnings are expected to decline 8.1 percent, which is pretty down(ph).

That's the new trough and earnings decline in the earnings recession story. The thing here is seven sectors out of ten are expected to report decline in growth.

So, this isn't just energy that's messing things up.


BELL: We've got a lot going on, X-energy growth would be negative 3.6 percent --

BARTIROMO: So, what else --

BELL: So --

BARTIROMO: Those who are going to say, you got energy, that's going to be down, manufacturing and things that are --

BELL: Yes --

BARTIROMO: Related to --

BELL: Yes, materials, industrials, you also have tech, we saw financials - - those numbers came down substantially over the last week.

Actually, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley were the two that were cut by 20 percent in the last week by analysts.

And that was a lot driven by expectations for rate hike, we heard Janet Yellen last week, those expectations have yet come down significantly.

Moves in the market is not a good business for capital markets, and those guys don't have a lot of broad exposure.

KELLY: So far, the markets this year has really danced for the raindrops without getting wet.

We had a big draw-down and then we've recovered from that. Financials are the second largest sector in the S&P 500.

About 70 percent, they reported this week, what are earnings looking like? And is it going to really be dependent on their guidance and going forward?

Can you --

BELL: Oh --

KELLY: Talk on that? --

BELL: Guidance is always key before the financial growth is supposed to be negative 6.1 percent. That was reduced from flat a week ago.

So, that's how bad analysts are expecting this year to go. We really need interest rates to start moving for these banks to start moving.

And that's something we've been waiting for, for really long --

MUSBACHER: And this is the -- each quarter seems to be -- there's another trough.

BELL: Yes --

MUSBACHER: And that trough is kind of adding up after three quarters of this. I mean, when you look at it that way, it really isn't a free sector --

BELL: Well, yes, it's not a positive trend. If you look at the four-year numbers, numbers have gone down so much that the multiple -- if you look at the multiple on the S&P 500, it's over 17 times.

Which is high compared to historical average, it's about 16 times is the historical average.

So, my thinking here is, first quarter, the numbers have been cut by 900 basis points. We haven't seen that big of a cut since the first quarter of 2000 --

KELLY: We'll get --

BELL: So, we're going to get --

BARTIROMO: Yes, but that's --

BELL: A better number --

BARTIROMO: Not a surprise, right? We knew that -- I mean, the last couple of weeks, we have been talking about how analysts after analysts cutting earnings estimates on the banks and the first quarter numbers overall.

So, what's pricing to the markets, because that's going to tell us if we're going to see a sell-off when these numbers come out.

BELL: Yes, now, and the thing is numbers are coming in a lot better this quarter than they did.


KELLY: So, here's what's actually going on, right? You've seen the Fed come in, and we've seen that the Fed should actually raise rates given how well the economy has been doing.

But they're worried about the gloves, so when you -- when you look at what Chairperson Yellen has said, she's mentioned a global economy, she's mentioned China.

This dollar has actually gotten weaker which is actually --

BELL: Right --

KELLY: Good tailwind for earnings because they've been reporting on a constant currency basis.

So, it's a risk on environment, given what the Fed is doing, but the worry is next year, not this year.

So, we know earnings are coming down, right? So, that's the biggest thing. And getting back to guidance is what they're going to be guiding going forward.


MCDOWELL: Let me ask you this about -- to Maria's question, about financials worst-performing groups in the S&P 500 this year, down more than 7.5 percent.

Are the analysts catching up to what investors already knew in terms of the earnings?

BELL: Yes, you know, I think, the investors are much smarter than the analysts as they move a lot faster than analysts do.

And I think to Kevin's point, all of you are saying it, is that the market really doesn't care about earnings.

We saw that last quarter, the last several quarters. Earnings are down 4 percent in the fourth quarter of last year.

But the market took a nose-dive quickly in the first quarter here, but it will break back to flat again.

So, I don't really think that the market is trading off of earnings like it's the poster(ph), it's trading off of Fed because it's trading off of global concern, growth concerns and economic data.

BARTIROMO: What industries will see growth and earnings in the first quarter?

BELL: But we only have three. And the best sector is consumer discretionary, once it stands at 11.4 percent growth, the only sector with double-digit growth.

Then you've got Telecom with 7.2 percent, and then you've got healthcare with 2.9 percent growth.

And that's the only -- the good news is the consumer discretionary sector, we're seeing really good numbers out of the companies that have reported.

You've seen Lennar, Carnival Cruise Lines, we're going to get Ford, it's supposed to do really well. So, home, auto, internet, retail, that's where the growth is at.

KELLY: Yes, and telecom, Verizon was one of those names, up like 14 percent on the year, they have a good outside, dividend --

BARTIROMO: And they've got dividends, yes --

KELLY: Yes, exactly --

BARTIROMO: Dividend --

KELLY: So, that's a name, that's a nice base --

BARTIROMO: Good to see you, thanks so much --

BELL: Thanks so much --

BARTIROMO: Lindsey Bell is S&P Capital IQ senior analyst. Still to come, this calorie free dessert is taking New York City by storm.

We will tell you why Raindrop Cake is all the rage right now. Then the race for the best-tasting burger heats out with so many options available to hungry diners.

Who's got the juiciest burger out there? We'll break down the battle of the burgers also coming up. Back in a minute.


BARTIROMO: Good Monday morning everybody, welcome back, I'm Maria Bartiromo. It is Monday, April 11th, your top stories right now, 8:30 a.m. on the East Coast.

The Republican race likely headed toward a contested convention. The candidates fighting for votes and delegates ahead of the New York primary where Trump is still in the lead.

Ted Cruz swept Colorado, meanwhile, taking all of the delegates in the state over the weekend.

Trump addressed the issue and how it's affecting both sides of the race.


TRUMP: Whether it's me or whether it's Bernie Sanders, when I look at it, and I see all these victories that I've had. All these victories that he's got, and then you look at the establishment, and I want to tell you, it's a corrupt deal going on in this country and it's not good. It's not good. And it's not fair. And it's not fair to you people.


BARTIROMO: Meanwhile, new questions over delegates on the Democratic side of the race as well. Hillary Clinton losing to Bernie Sanders in Wyoming this weekend. Yet she earned the same number of delegates as he did. We are breaking down that, straight ahead. The bidding is on for Yahoo, Britain's Daily Mail, now the latest company reportedly interested in acquiring Yahoo's assets. The cake takes the internet by storm, the rain drop cake that is. We're looking at this cake sensation and dessert sensation coming up.

Futures, this morning, indicating a higher opening for the broader averages. Take a look. The Dow Jones Industrial average up about 50 points on this, the kickoff to the first quarter earnings season which happens tonight with kicks off tonight with Alcoa. The Democratic race with the nomination, meanwhile, heats up as the controversy over Hillary Clinton's super delegates grew over the weekend. Bernie Sanders won Wyoming on Saturday, giving Bernie eight wins out of the last nine contests. Despite the victory thought, both Sanders and Clinton will each take home seven delegates. Hillary leads the delegate race, of course, by only 250, when you exclude super delegates. But when super delegates are included, Mrs. Clinton's lead increases by nearly 700. Joining us right now is Nancy Pelosi's daughter and Hillary Clinton's super delegate, Christine Pelosi. Christine, good to see you.