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Wisconsin Polls Open; Villanova Wins NCAA Men's Basketball Title; North Korea Threatens Missile Attacks on South Korea and United States;



North Korea Threatens Missile Attacks on South Korea and United States;

Allergan Merger at Risk - Part 2>


Murray, Robert Wolf, Lea Gabrielle, Ted Leonsis>

Bernie Sanders; Hillary Clinton; Wisconsin; NCAA; Stock Market; Iceland;

Twitter; Walt Disney; McDonald's; North Korea >

BARTIROMO: By the way, real quick, I saw Hillary yesterday at the Andrew Cuomo rally about $15 --

WOLF: Yes --

BARTIROMO: Minimum wage. But it's documented that she says that you don't want a $15 minimum wage, because businesses -- it's going to hurt businesses --

WOLF: Right --

BARTIROMO: And they're just going to fire people.

WOLF: So, the secretary has been --

BARTIROMO: Is she for or against people? --

WOLF: No, so the secretary has been clear, she is for nationally $12, OK? Moving to 12. But she is for giving the approval and for states to move to 15 in certain states.

So, yes, I don't think she is comparing a minimum wage in New York City versus minimum wage in Iowa, OK?

But she believes on a national platform of $12 --

BARTIROMO: All right --


BARTIROMO: We'll leave it. Robert, good to see you.

WOLF: Great seeing you, I'll see you at the gym --


She's killing me at the gym, you should see her --

BARTIROMO: He's killing it over --

WOLF: Every five minutes --


SMITH: He's bench-pressing or what? --

WOLF: I'm taking a deep breath every five minutes, she's running around in circles --

BARTIROMO: We're going to be right back, stay with us. Robert Wolf, good to see you.

North Korea warns of new strikes against the United States, that could be one of the worst attacks in history.

We've got these alarming details after this short break.


BARTIROMO: Good Tuesday morning, everybody. Welcome back. I'm Maria Bartiromo. It is Tuesday, April 5th, your top stories right now, 8:30 AM on the East Coast. Decision day has arrived for Wisconsin, polls are open. High stakes on the Republican side of the race, Ted Cruz holding a wide lead over Donald Trump in Wisconsin, and John Kasich still fighting for votes, despite calls for him to drop out of the race.


TRUMP: I think we're going to do it. I tell you what, if we can win Wisconsin and we are doing great. We're going to do it pretty easily.

SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: They're looking at the records of the candidates, and they realized that Donald screams and yells a lot.

GOV. JOHN KASICH (R-OH), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Both of them say I ought to get out of the race because I'm winning their votes. I agree with them. Look, nobody's going to -- nobody's going to win this going in.


BARTIROMO: On the Democratic side of the race, it's much tighter in the Badger state, but Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are already looking ahead to New York, where they agree now on a debate date.

Well, it's called March Madness for a reason, you know, buzzer beater securing the win for the Villanova Wildcats last night, beating North Carolina 77-74. Villanova students hit the streets of campus after the win. As you can see, the party is going on.

A new threat this morning from North Korea to report, a propaganda video is threatening missile attacks on South Korea as well as the United States. We will have the details for you.

Twitter reportedly scoring big with the NFL, the social media giant winning the right to stream Thursday night game. What it means to the changing landscape for watching sport. And the Pfizer, Allergan merger at risk this morning due to new rules from the treasury department, the government is looking to make it harder and more expensive for companies to move their headquarters overseas to lower their rate, that's the tax rate. Allergan shares are plunging on the news this morning, down sharply, and of course, Pfizer was expected to leave America to go headquarter in Ireland because of a 14 percent corporate tax rate versus 35 percent in the U.S.

We have markets under pressure today. Take a look at futures indicating a decline of about 100 points on the Dow Jones Industrial average. We've got selling as well in Europe this morning, and overnight in Asia. Onto the campaign trail we go. Meanwhile, the polls are opening in Wisconsin where 46 Republican delegates are up for grabs. Ted Cruz is leading over Donald Trump in Wisconsin, John Kasich a distant third. Can anything happen in the Badger State that changes the situation? Nobody knows more about it than Craig Gilbert, he's the Washington bureau chief at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, a 28 year veteran covering Wisconsin primaries. Good to see you, sir, thanks very much for joining us.


BARTIROMO: What are your expectations for tonight, and what's most important to Wisconsin voters from your standpoint?

GILBERT: Well, you know, Wisconsin has been sort of running, voting for frontrunners for a long time in the primary process, that looks like it may not happen today with both Cruz and Bernie Sanders leading in the polls. You know, on the Democratic side, I think the margin is going to have a big impact on the perception of the race, but it won't change the delegate math, you've been discussing this. Barack Obama won by 17 points, 8 years ago, only netted 10 delegates in terms of a gain, and so that's tough for Bernie Sanders, I don't think it changes the delegate math on the Democratic side. But on the Republican side, it can shake everything up, obviously, a big Cruz victory, especially if Donald Trump takes no delegates. If he can't win a congressional district in northern Wisconsin, I think that really alters the perception of the race.

SANDRA SMITH, FOX BUSINESS NETWORK: So I go back to -- this is Sandra, by the way. I go back to Newt Gingrich comment on this because I think it was a very good point that not a lot of people are making. It is one thing to see a Ted Cruz victory in Wisconsin, is another to see a big win in Wisconsin, which you just alluded too. Are you projecting that he's going to win by a landslide or he's just going to edge out a little bit.

GILBERT: No, no. No, I'm not. I think the expectation is that he will win. I think the margin is unpredictable because we don't know what a Republican primary looks like with the kind of big turnouts that the state has projected today. I mean, this is a Republican primary unlike any we've had. If it follows true to form, then Ted Cruz's strength in southeastern Wisconsin where the most Republican votes are will carry the day. I mean, that's been the history of the primary, but when you've got three candidates, and Kasich is a little bit after wild card, he probably does draw more votes from Cruz than from Trump, despite Donald Trump's claim that he's taking his votes away, that's a wild card in terms of the margin. So, I think we should be cautious about, you know, projecting the size of the margin in this race, but I think at this point it would actually be an upset for Donald Trump to win, and you know, a Trump victory by, you know, in that regard would be huge for him.

MATT MURRAY, WALL STREET JOURNAL DEPUTY EDITOR IN CHIEF: Craig, from what you're seeing on the ground in Wisconsin, who's got the better ground game, the better organization, how big a difference is that making for Ted Cruz particularly, or for Bernie Sanders on the Democratic side.

GILBERT: Well, on the Republican side I think that Ted Cruz does have, you know, he's kind of inherited some of the Republican infrastructure and conservative infrastructure in Wisconsin. But, this is such a high turnout state that it's not like Iowa where it's about, you know, getting voters to the polls. I mean, people are very engaged and in politics here. They're going to turn out without having sort of a political machine driving them to the polls. On the Democratic side there's clearly more intensity for Bernie Sanders. That helps him. You're going to see big differences in turnouts across the state within both parties with the sort of party, you know, big Democratic areas like Madison turning out in really crazy numbers, and on the Republican side, again in the Republican suburbs outside Milwaukee, big turnouts. The big question for Donald Trump is can he turn out his supporters in northern Wisconsin where turnouts are typically a lot lower.

GARY KAMINSKY, MORGAN STANLEY SENIOR ADVISOR: Craig, you know, a few years ago, Governor Walker was probably expected to be the front runner right now, which is somewhat ironic. He's endorsement of Cruz, what was that all about? Is there anything other than just not wanting to see Trump take the state?

GILBERT: Yeah, and also, I mean, it was very -- it was strategic, I think for a lot of Republicans in the state, Ted Cruz was not their first choice, but they came together and saw him as a vehicle for stopping Donald Trump. They saw Wisconsin as the place to stop Donald Trump, and now they're kind of -- it's funny to see the whole Republican establishment rallying around Ted Cruz who was in single digits in Wisconsin back in November, but, you know, that can help. You know, four years ago, Paul Ryan endorsed Mitt Romney, the frontrunner, when he came into the state and campaigned with him all across the state, it led to Ryan's selection as Romney's running mate, and I think it help Mitt Romney in Wisconsin, wins Wisconsin, and put Rick Santorum away.

MURRAY: Craig, you just alluded to Cruz and his rise from single digits, are you surprise in Wisconsin to see Cruz now the favorite? I mean, a lot of people think that's a Donald Trump demographic. Has Trump goof? Do people misunderstand Wisconsin? What you think is going on?

GILBERT: You know, a little bit, I mean it's a Trump demographic only in a sense that, you know, there are a lot of blue collar white voters here and that's a very broad category that Trump has done well with in other states, but his polling has been weak in Wisconsin for many, many months, I mean, going back to last fall. His negatives have been higher in Wisconsin than other places. His share of the vote has been lower, and whether that's demographic, whether that's cultural, whether that's political in the sense of, you know, some of the circumstances of this race with Scott Walker being in it and Donald Trump, you know, driving him out of the race. It's hard to know, but he didn't just run into trouble in Wisconsin last week. He's been weak in Wisconsin for quite some time.

BARTIROMO: Right. Craig, do you think that Trump was helped last night by his wife Melania?

GILBERT: I don't know. I mean, I think at this point so much has happened and that's probably not at the top of the list.

BARTIROMO: All right. We'll leave it there. Craig, good to see you, thanks so much for your insights this morning.

GILBERT: Great to be with you.

BARTIROMO: Craig Gilbert, joining us there in Wisconsin. Next stop, China announcing new sanctions against North Korea, this is a reclusive state release a propaganda video threatening a deadly strike against the United States. Fox News, Lea Gabrielle, will have the very latest, next. And then professional sports adapting to the millennial consumer, how athletes and owners are changing to attract young fans, stay with us.


BARTIROMO: Welcome back. North Korea issuing new threats against the United States as the latest propaganda video from state-run media claims that the hermit state will strike America, killing more citizens than 9/11. Joining us right now is Fox News correspondent, Lea Gabrielle. Lea, good to see you. Should we be believing this propaganda videos, what do you make of this?

LEA GABRIELLE, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: I think it's always a mistake to underestimate any major world leader when it makes threats against the United States, but at the same time you have to put things in perspective. North Korea has saying that they will kill more Americans than what happened at 9/11, that they have nuclear weapons pointed at the United States right now. You can't just underestimate what Kim Jong-un is saying, but at the same time, you have to consider what he's saying. He's saying this could be bigger than 9/11. Well, 9/11 was essentially human brain guided missiles, airplanes with people on board flying those missiles into U.S. targets. That's a huge difference from a country that, you know, analysts say doesn't necessarily have the technology at this point to be able to not only guide nuclear missiles to targets specifically here in the U.S., but also, you know, what kind of technology, what kind of power they would have to actually hit those targets. So don't underestimate it, but at the same time consider the source, also consider that there's a huge difference on what he's saying has happened in the past and what he's says could happen in the future.

BARTIROMO: Did he say what the reason is, I mean, why he wants to kill so many Americans? Should we even be questioning a mad man theory?

GABRIELLE: This is a very complex situation, I mean, what you have is you have U.S.-South Korea exercises that's been going in the region, this always angers North Korea. We do them every year, for about eight weeks long, angers North Korea, North Korea feels threatened. But you also have to consider that North Korea is essentially starving its own people, and at the same time has to justify why so much money is going towards its nuclear program, money going towards its military program when Kim Jong-un has recently, analysts believe, gained about 70 pounds.


GABRIELLE: . in the past five years.

BARTIROMO: Yeah, wow.

GABRIELLE: . they estimated about 300 pounds, but his people are starving. In the meantime, North Korea is saying that people are going to have to give two pounds of rice to the state every month. So starving its people, building its military program, have to have some sort of justification, part of this is just saving face.

MURRAY: Lea, it does feels like this is an area with U.S. and China have been cooperating lately, and the president met with Xi Jinping at the White House and talked about this recently, is that the sense, is China doing more or there still more for China to do to squeeze North Korea?

GABRIELLE: Well, there's a lot more for China to do, but the question is whether or not China really wants too. You know, China does not want a unified Korean peninsula, that's not good for China in the whole grand scheme of things. Now, China has recently announced that it's going to impose new sanctions. China is the greatest economic trading partner. China essentially props up North Korea. The reason that North Korea can afford to do what it has been doing is because of resources from China, when you really look at the big picture. So, is China doing some? Yes. But should China be doing more? Of course, it should.

SMITH: You wonder where his health is going to, by the way, Kim Jong-un. Not only he's top 300 pounds, he's walking with a cane and he's in his early 30's.


SMITH: . he's suffering from gout.

GABRIELLE: And this is an important thing to pay attention to because when you hear the sabre rattling from North Korea, and it sound quiet frightening especially when you know that we have been asleep at the wheel letting North Korea develop nuclear technology. But at the same time, you know, intelligence, our intelligence agencies are watching the health of leaders around the world, looking at their faces, looking at their weight, but we're also watching through satellite imagery, we're watching through sensors, deployed around the world, and through our military assets, what's happening in these countries. So don't be too afraid just yet.

BARTIROMO: Lea Gabrielle, former navy pilot, good to see you. Thanks so much, Lea. Coming up, a nail-biter in Texas last night, are exciting games like these enough to bring more millennials into sports? Or do teams need to adapt to new strategies? Washington Wizard and Capitals owner, Ted Leonsis is joining us next.


BARTIROMO: How is that for some action? The NCAA championship coming down to the wire last night with Villanova hitting a buzzer beater to win the game. But the in-game theatrics were not the only new and exciting part of the tournament, in effort to attract a larger audience, CBS partnering with Oculus Rift to stream the game in virtual reality. Our next guest leads the effort to use live streaming and virtual reality to attract younger audience to see his games, joining us right now in a Fox Business exclusive is Washington Wizards owner and Monumental Sports and Entertainment CEO, Ted Leonsis. Ted, good to see you.


BARTIROMO: Thanks so much for joining us. And during the break we were talking about how exciting that game was, and yet, when you look at the ratings over the viewership, it actually probably won't hold up to the excitement that we saw.

LEONSIS: Well, sports, gratefully, still is the big convener of live audiences, so it's very, very valuable as a media property, but it's getting harder and harder as kids graduate from college and they're growing up in a wireless world, they don't have T.V.'s in their dorm. If you want a sobering experience, walk around a college dorm, they have their iPads, they don't have T.V.'s anymore. But for the cable industry and the networks having live sports, very, very important, we just saw what the NFL did in taking it rights.


LEONSIS: . and moving it on to Twitter. That was good for Twitter to be able to stream those games. At the same time, you know, Yahoo, streamed a game last year and got 2-3 million people watching it, but which.


LEONSIS: . a decent kind of cable T.V. rating. And Amazon bought Twitch and they have e-gaming tournaments, and they get 20 to 25 million people watching it. So this is a whole new world that's developing and, you know, we in the media industry and the sports industry have to be cognizant of it.

SMITH: What are you learning that the millennials want, where do they -- I mean, obviously, they want it live, they want it now, they want it streaming. But attracting the fans in general to the games?

LEONSIS: Well, millennials are about experiences, so you really have to program in game, you really have to make it interactive so that if they are watching on their OTT kind of platform.

BARTIROMO: Over the top?

LEONSIS: Over the top. You know, less and less young people they graduate from college and they replicate their dorm experience in a rental apartment, and they're not signing up for cable.

DAGEN MCDOWELL, FOX BUSINESS NETWORK: Is the problem that they're not playing sports as much when they're young, and why isn't it great product like that game, when it's good enough to get these kids watching and going to games?

LEONSIS: Well, last night was probably very, very good for TBS, and for CBS, and the NCAA. Even though the audience is down, it still probably had the best rating in its time period, and to be able to bring people to watch something live it still very, very important.

BARTIROMO: By the way, I want to point out, Matt, that the NFL said Thursday night football, we said it earlier, is going to be streamed this Thursday night on Twitter. Twitter stock is up 3.3 percent right now on this news, so this is obviously also impacting the stock market.

MURRAY: That's good news for twitter.


MURRAY: . which I think they can use. Are you getting millennials to the game? And is it frankly too expensive to get? We've all watched ticket prices go up. We've all planned those games and how to get the family out. Is that a problem for getting them to games?

LEONSIS: For our hockey team we've been sold out for eight years in a row.

MCDOWELL: Because you all look awesome.

LEONSIS: Thank you, good team.

MCDOWELL: You rock.

LEONSIS: That's really creating an issue for us because the only way you can get tickets is on the secondary market and they really hike up the prices. So, that is an overall concern. If they can't afford to come to a game, and they aren't able to watch the game on T.V., so they'll up doing is going to bars and watching it, you know, in a very communal kind of setting. So, I think the challenge for all of us is one, to have other sports, we just bought an AFL, an indoor football league team, we own a WNBA team in D.C., and we'll try to use those teams and other sports to create OTT networks and try to find a blend between streaming and in arena to be more relevant to young people.

BARTIROMO: Well, that's the thing because today you don't even have to go to a bar to watch on a big screen. You've got the big screen and all the technology at home.

SMITH: Yeah.

BARTIROMO: You don't need to actually go to the stadium.

LEONSIS: That's probably one of the big issues that's facing the NFL is their audience gets older and older, it's just more convenient, more comfortable to watch at home on a big screen.

MURRAY: And it's a T.V. sport, too, the NFL. You can actually see a lot more and learn a lot more watching T.V. than you sometimes can.

BARTIROMO: Well, the stats.

MCDOWELL: You want to take it even further than that and have helmet cam, right? Are you going to do that?

LEONSIS: I think data is going to drive a lot of the next generation entertainment, and literally every action, every heartbeat, every step that a player takes will be measured and one day you'll be able not only to do fantasy games, but you'll probably be able to place bets on each individual play, each individual movement, and that will really, really amp up the engagement. But also creates new revenue streams, and create new.


BARTIROMO: We've spoken to Zebra, right, they're going to put semiconductor chips in the football players.

SMITH: Why can't we just have an appreciation and love of the sport?

LEONSIS: Well, you can,. But people just want more and more information.

BARTIROMO: Data, data, data.

LEONSIS: . they really want to feel like they're in the game. We were the first NBA and NHL team to use virtual reality and it's really spectacular now. And Oculus just shipped last week, so that will start to be socially accepted, but when you put on those goggles and you're in the game, what we let our fans experience, we let our sponsors experience, but it's the greatest teaching aid imaginable, and I think you're going to see virtual reality just working its way through the financial services business, the health care industry, it's just the best way to be able to present and have the student, have the young person retain that information.

BARTIROMO: You're actually right. With those goggles, you feel like you're there. Ted, great to see you.

LEONSIS: Thank you.

BARTIROMO: Thank so much for joining us, Ted Leonsis. We'll be right back. Final thoughts from our all-star panel today, back in a minutes.


BARTIROMO: Was this an all-star panel or what. Matt Murray, from the Wall Street Journal, breaking news before we go on Valeant.

MURRAY: Yeah, the shares are up 12 percent, they completed Philidor and the county review there, and that's just the headline now, we'll watch that.

BARTIROMO: That's just the headline, but Gary the stock.

KAMINSKY: Still down, still down, still down, quite a bit. So up from a very significant decline.

BARTIROMO: Sandra Smith, going to opening day today?


BARTIROMO: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I don't know what to say.

SMITH: I'm watching Wisconsin primary coverage tonight, Maria. That's where my focus will be.

BARTIROMO: Are you going to be there live tonight, Sandra? Are you going to be there tonight?


SMITH: I'm watching coverage and I'll be on bright and early with you tomorrow morning.

BARTIROMO: You got it, we'll see you tomorrow. Thanks everybody, Matt Murray, Sandra Smith, Gary Kaminsky. Right to Stuart Varney we go, over to you, Stu.


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(Show: MORNINGS WITH MARIA) (Date: April 5, 2016) (Time: 07:00:00) (Tran: 040502cb.231) (Type: SHOW) (Head: 42 Delegates Up for Grabs In Wisconsin GOP Primary; World's Rich and Famous Under Scrutiny After Panama Papers Leaked; Villanova Wins NCAA Championship; U.S. Commerce Secretary on Global Economy; Billionaire Space Race) (Sect: News; Domestic)

(Byline: Maria Bartiromo; Dagen McDowell; Cheryl Casone; Blake Burman; Gary Kaminsky; Elizabeth MacDonald; Jared Max, Sandra Smith)

(Guest: Matt Murray; Sam Clovis, Penny Pritzker, Buzz Aldrin)

(Spec: Economy; Trade; World Affairs; Transportation; Space & Astronautics; Business; Stock Markets; Corruption; Sports; NCAA; Wisconsin; Politics; Polls; Elections)

MARIA BARTIROMO, FBN ANCHOR: Good Tuesday morning, everybody; welcome back. I am Maria Bartiromo; it is April 5th. Your top stories right now, 7:00 a.m. on the East Coast: (HEADLINES) All that coming up in the program this morning.

With me this morning, FOX Business Network's Sandra Smith; "The Wall Street Journal's" Matt Murray; and "Wall Street Week" Co-Host Gary Kaminsky. We have a great lineup this morning -




BARTIROMO: Thank you so much for being here. Trump campaign National Co- Chairman, Sam Clovis is with us; U.S. Commerce Secretary, Penny Pritzker is here; also, Apollo Astronaut, Buzz Aldrin; and Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson. Also with us this morning is Washington Wizards Owner Ted Leonsis. You don't want to miss it. Joins us for all of that.

Wisconsin polls are opening in less than an hour, right now, from the crucial primary vote in the Badger State. Blake Burman is live right now in Brookfield, Wisconsin with the latest. Blake, good morning to you.

BLAKE BURMAN, FBN CORRESPONDENT: Hi there, Maria; good morning to you, here on election day in Wisconsin. The town of Brookfield is where we are; this is a suburb just outside of Milwaukee. The polling locations all across the Badger State set to open here in an hour, and they are expecting major turnout all across the state today.

On the Republican side, 42 delegates are in play for Ted Cruz, Donald Trump and John Kasich. For Cruz, he was in this state early and often. The polling suggests he might have a slight lead here heading into election day. The numbers have been coming down just a bit, according to polling for Cruz.