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An O'Reilly Factor Special: Election 2016 - Part 2



Richard Goodstein, Austan Goolsbee, Pat Buchanan, Ruben Navarrette,

Francisco Hernandez>

BOLLING: But, Professor --

GLAUDE: Secretary Clinton is --

BOLLING: I have to ask you this though --

GLAUDE: Oh, sure.

BOLLING: I have to ask you this. Black Lives Matter activists who is saying, she shouldn't use the term super predator. But super predator wasn't specific to the Black community.

GLAUDE: Oh, yes, pretty much so. Yes, it was. It was designed -- it was specifically targeting particular kinds of people, particularly Black people and Brown people in urban centers and urban ghettos, it was very much directed. But I want to suggest that Senator Clinton or Secretary Clinton wasn't unique in her use of the language.

BOLLING: I mean, you're talking about Latinos, Hispanics? There are a lot of Hispanics gangs as well. Right?

GLAUDE: Okay. But what point are you making that she is using super predator in a broad sense?

BOLLING: Yes. Yes.

GLAUDE: No, the point is that the language of super predator was not being applied to white kids in the suburbs. Wasn't being applied to white kids in Appalachia. It was being applied to Black and Brown people. Particularly Black people in urban ghettos and was justifying a policy that led to the mass incarceration of Black and Brown people.

BOLLING: There's no question about that.


GLAUDE: So, part of what we are trying to do is challenge it.

BOLLING: Well, okay. So, Richard, Bill Clinton in fact did bring up the crime bill in 1994 crime bill. Three strikes you are out. A lot of incarceration of minorities, Richard. And it was pointing at super predators. My question to you, Richard, is it super predator specific to the Black community. And if not, as Black Lives Matter speaking for all minorities or just the African-American community?

GOODSTEIN: Well, again, the Black community by and large as evidenced by how the voters are voting in Nevada, all the polls are indicating in South Carolina and beyond are strongly three, four, five to one, behind Hillary. So, whatever, and these people, the members of the Congressional Black Caucus, they know what happened in the 90's. They know what terminology was being used and notwithstanding that they are lining up, you know, in kind of lock step behind Hillary because they believe that she would be good for the interests of the African-American community among others. Now, I mean, again, you'll have to ask the authors of the crime bill. It's not only Bernie Sanders I think voted for it. You know, just kind of somehow laid at Bill Clinton's feet.

BOLLING: But Richard, Richard --


BOLLING: Hillary stumped for it. It was a Bill Clinton initiative but Hillary stumped for it.

GOODSTEIN: You know what, Eric? Eric, crime rate went down in the `90s. Crime rates went down in the `90s.

GLAUDE: That data is really skewed.

BOLLING: Go ahead, Professor. Last thought.

GLAUDE: That crime rates go down because we see massive incarceration. I mean, there is a way in which we could really push that data. So, but the point is this. Now, reminds you the Black political classes has gotten behind Senator Clinton and you can go through all the Talking Points about how Black voters will constitute a firewall for Senator Clinton. But what actually William has demonstrated is that when you drill down, what you see are complexities and nuances, that Black voters are making decisions based upon the circumstances of their lives and it's not as if we are just going to be herded to the polls like --

BOLLING: All right.

GOODSTEIN: And there is one person running for president this year who understands all that, Mr. Glaude, it's Hillary Clinton. I don't think there's any question about that.

BOLLING: I need to go. It's great debate gentlemen, thank you very much.

When we come right back, has Hillary Clinton's hard turn to the left to stop Bernie Sanders damaged her in the long run? That's moments away.


BOLLING: Thanks for staying with us, on this special edition of THE O'REILLY FACTOR "Election 2016." I'm Eric Bolling in for Bill O'Reilly.

And in the "Unresolved Problem" segment tonight, has Bernie Sanders pushed Hillary Clinton too far to the left? Mrs. Clinton is embracing many of Sanders' positions to try and halt his momentum with Democrat voters. But is it damaging her general election chances if she secures the nomination?

Joining us now from Chicago, Professor Austan Goolsbee, President Obama's former economic advisor. Professor Goolsbee, so here's the stat, here is where it is. Hillary worries about Bernie early. She starts moving left. Bernie pushes her even further left. The question is, has she gone so far left now with some of these issues, free college, free everything, can she get back to the middle to compete in a general election?

PROFESSOR AUSTAN GOOLSBEE, PH.D., FORMER COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISERS CHAIRMAN: Well, that sounds like somebody in the Republican Party's fantasy/dream, that's what they wish was happening. And it's trying to take their attention off a dumpster fire that they're trying to put out already on their own side. I don't think that that characterizes what Hillary Clinton has done at all. I mean, in education you brought that one up. Hers is for debt-free college.

They have been pretty careful, it has seemed to me to make sure that their numbers add up and I mean, there is no question she is for making college more affordable. She is for expanding healthcare coverage. She is for a lot of big democratic priorities. But as long as she is careful to make sure her numbers are in the realm of reasonable, I don't think she is in a bad position at all.

BOLLING: Where is the dumpster fire, Austan? Well, you say the dumpster fire, on the right. Which one were you talking -- what are you talking about?

GOOLSBEE: What do you mean what am I talking about? You got Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Donald Trump trying to out ban, scream, yell each other over whatever is the topic of the moment.

BOLLING: All right. Here's what I think you're right about there's a dumpster fire. I don't think it's on the right though. I think it's on the left. There are 150 FBI agents right now combing through all of her emails, Hillary Clinton's emails and Abedin's emails. They are trying to find out if they are going to indict her. I would call that a potential dumpster explosion.

GOOLSBEE: Look. You are probably more of an expert on FBI procedure or whatever than I am. A lot of the people that I talked to believed that it's very unlikely to go beyond that. I know there are Republicans in Congress who desperately want them to launch more than just the investigation they have had, they wanted Benghazi to be turned into a thing. And whatever happens they are going to try to make that an issue.

BOLLING: Austan, this isn't a vast right wing conspiracy though. This is --

GOOLSBEE: I didn't say it was.

BOLLING: This was a judge that was appointed by Bill Clinton her husband who was calling for investigation.

GOOLSBEE: It's very few people. It's a very few people not a vast conspiracy.

BOLLING: Well, do you agree -- you do know that Bill Clinton had pointed the judge that's calling for this investigation, right?

GOOLSBEE: Look, like I said, you know a lot more about the legal procedures. My view was Hillary has not tacked far enough to the left to match Bernie Sanders tit-for-tat for each policy. I think she to my view has identified Democratic priorities, yes but been pretty careful to make sure her numbered add up. So that won't be a tough situation. I think the Republicans have gotten polled -- very far in directions like building walls, banning Muslims, a bunch of things that they are going to have to revisit when we get to a general election. And try not to make themselves look like intolerant.

BOLLING: I don't know, Austan. Yes. You know, Republican says some things that are going to have to deal with the American public. I get that. But she also does. If she is the nominee. She has got a massively underwater trustworthy number that she is going to have to fix, and doesn't seem to be able to be doing it any time soon. Austan, it's always good to talk to you my friend. Thank you very much.

GOOLSBEE: Yes. I love talking to you.

BOLLING: All right. Directly ahead. Pat Buchanan enters the No Spin Zone. Did his renegade presidential campaign pave the way for Donald Trump's success in 2016? That's upcoming?


BOLLING: In the "Personal Story" segment tonight it, blazing the trail for Donald Trump, Pat Buchanan ran three presidential campaigns in 1992, 1996, and 2000. That we're fiercely anti-establishment and controversial. They may have ultimately been unsuccessful but now some are crediting Buchanan's insurgent campaigns as paving the way for Donald Trump's success in 2016.

Joining us now with more from Washington is the man himself, Pat Buchanan. Pat, great to have you on.


BOLLING: So, you were like the first Washington, D.C. outsider you ran. You ran well. And you called it the establishment -- I think at one point, you called them in a terminal panic when they came across someone like you.

BUCHANAN: I called a Republican Democratic Party two wings the same bird of prey. But the issues we raised Eric a very current today, we said secure the border or we will going to have millions and millions of illegal aliens here. We said, stop these trade deals or you will have all these manufacturing plants going abroad, Mexico, Asia and China. And we said, stay out of these foolish wars. We started a magazine to oppose George Bush's war in Iraq.

BOLLING: Uh-hm. You did very well, again, you weren't successful securing the nomination but you also turned around when you decided to pull out, suspend your campaign, and you eventually backed Bob Dole who you were running against with Jack Kemp.


BOLLING: Should one of these guys turnaround and say, if Trump is the nominee, back him. Doesn't feel like Cruz or Rubio would be doing that.

BUCHANAN: Well, my view is, if Donald Trump gets the nomination, the rest of the Republican Party ought to try to work with him and he should work with him because what's on the line Eric is not only the Congress of the United States and the presidency of the United States but a conservative Supreme Court we all want. But as for advice to Mr. Rubio or Mr. Cruz or Mr. Trump, I think I will leave that to them.

BOLLING: There are a bunch of outsiders that we have talked about. Now, you worked for Ronald Reagan, I wouldn't call him an outsider necessarily. He was your typical politician. Trump. Is Trump more a Ronald Reagan? A Barry Goldwater, a Ross Perot or a Pat Buchanan?

BUCHANAN: I think he is suing generous. He is different from them. I came into politics, I was an editorial writer. But I was really an admirer and supporter of Barry Goldwater. I supported Ronald Reagan against Gerald Ford in 1976. And, you know, I ran my own in 1992 and '94 -- excuse me '96. And I did endorse Dole in 96. But I'll tell you, I left the Republican Party in the year 2000. Because I just saw the Republican Party on its border policy, on its trade policy, on its war policy, Bush republicanism was not Buchanan republicanism. And I think Bush republicanism and the consequences of it, Eric, in lost factories, lost jobs, wars that we can't end and can't win, Bush republicanism is what created Donald Trump.

BOLLING: Yes. So, the far right saying, hey, we need alternative to the insiders of the Bush republicanism as you point out. Mitt Romney levied some fairly heavy accusations yesterday against Donald Trump suggesting that there may be something in his tax reports that would be embarrassing to him or something he is trying to hide. You were supportive of Mitt Romney in 2012 and you are a supporter of Donald Trump now. What's going on here with this Romney, Trump thing?

BUCHANAN: You know, I did support Mitt Romney and I like Mitt Romney and I admire him. And I think he would have been a good president. But I think it's grossly unfair to throw something like that out there. Has he seen Donald Trump's tax returns? Somebody leaking stuff to him? He is going after Donald Trump because Trump is winning the nomination and running, you know, quite a campaign. And so I think to suggest this without hard knowledge or if he got it, I don't know where he got it is really an unfair thing to do. And I understand Trump's anger at doing it.

But what it tells you, Eric, is the establishment is in full panic. It is in denial about whether Trump can win, but it is panicked and they really are showing that and as they make charges like this, they validate Donald Trump to middle America and the outsiders as saying look, they are all trying to bring him down and destroy with every tactic they can. He is the authentic thing. So, they are authenticating Donald Trump.

BOLLING: Pat Buchanan, thank you very much.

BUCHANAN: Thank you, Eric.

BOLLING: All right. A quick reminder. If you want to see Dennis Miller and O'Reilly on tour, there are two shows with tickets remaining, Los Angeles at the Microsoft Theater on March 12th and Fairfax, Virginia, at the Eagle Bank arena on May 7th. Tickets are going fast. So, book a show ASAP. And if you want to become a Premium Member, you get access to great exclusive content, so be sure, check out, BillO' And when this special edition of THE FACTOR returns, Donald Trump loves saying that he will win the Latino vote. But what will he have to do to actually pull that off, that debate, next.


BOLLING: In the "Back of the Book" segment tonight, Donald Trump and Latino voters. Despite plenty of controversy around his immigration policies, the Donald is promising he will win the Latino vote. But is he being realistic?

Joining us now with reaction from Newport Beach, California, syndicated columnist Ruben Navarrette and from Fort Worth, Texas, immigration attorney Francisco Hernandez.

Welcome both of you, Gentlemen. Francisco, we'll start with you. I read Ruben's piece --


BOLLING: He wrote a piece and he says, build a wall, make Mexico pay for it. In fact, build a wall. I don't know, 200 feet tall. What say you, Francisco?

HERNANDEZ: Well, go ahead and build it. You'll going to have to legalize 100,000 Mexicans to build it. So, I'm okay with starting with the wall, that's all right.

BOLLING: All right. So you're against a wall. Now, Ruben, what do you say? You're in favor of a Trump-built wall making Mexico pay for it?

RUBEN NAVARRETTE, SYNDICATED COLUMNIST: OK. So Eric, you got I think an earlier column of mine where I talked about the wall saying, hey, if you want to build a wall, fine, fine, build a wall. But don't kid yourself and think that illegal immigration is going to stop until Americans stop hiring illegal immigrants to do their chores for them. So, that's the main point about the wall.

BOLLING: He's right.

NAVARRETTE: If you want to do it, fine, but it's not a silver bullet.

BOLLING: Go ahead, Francisco.

HERNANDEZ: Well, that's true. All we're going to get is deeper tunnels and taller ladders.

NAVARRETTE: That's right. Sure.

HERNANDEZ: Look, it's an economic immigration problem, guys. As long as there are jobs that people are hiring, it will happen. Why don't we go back to some temporary work or visas? George Bush thought about it. But you know, quite frankly we're talking about Donald Trump, that he's going to win the Republican Latino vote. I mean, the number of Republican Latino voters meet in a --

BOLLING: Hey, Francisco, he put down 44 percent of the vote -- Latino vote in Nevada. I mean, that's a nice number. Yes, I understand --


All right.

HERNANDEZ: Forty four percent of ten votes is four votes. I mean, come on!

BOLLING: No, no, no, sir --

HERNANDEZ: Let's put it in perspective.

BOLLING: No, no, no. There was a record turnout. There is 75,000 people who voted, more than doubled the prior record, close to double the prior record. Let me go to Ruben. Ruben, take a listen to former president of Mexico Vicente Fox who had some serious thoughts on whether or not Mexico should pay for wall that Donald Trump wants to build. Listen.


VICENTE FOX, FORMER PRESIDENT OF MEXICO: I'm not going to pay for that (bleep) wall. He should pay for it. He's got the money.

It worries me this last caucus -- where it was in Nevada?


FOX: In Nevada.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He won 44 percent --

FOX: I mean, 44 percent from all Hispanics. I would like to know who those Hispanics are, because they again, they are followers of a false prophet.


BOLLING: What do you say, Ruben? He says, I'm not going to pay for that blanking wall.

NAVARRETTE: Eric, nothing makes me feel more represented than seeing a millionaire criticize a billionaire. I'm just a working stiff and I see Vicente Fox who I saw who I estimated would be worth more than $10 million, he does very well as a former president of Mexico. I happen to know him and like him. I've interviewed him before at events on stage. I like him fine, but on this issue, he's just not being completely honest. We shouldn't be taking advice from the former president of Mexico, when if Mexico had done a better job of caring for these people in the first place and providing opportunities, they wouldn't be here at all. So, they really are the last people to lecture us on immigration.

BOLLING: Francisco?

HERNANDEZ: I agree here with Mr. Navarrette, but you know, I'll take it one step further. I campaigned with my brother for Vicente Fox. But you can just characterize him as the Howard Stern of ex-presidents. And no, he's not worth $10 million. But remember he's the only ex-president of Mexico that didn't have to flee the country after he served his term. He's still loved, he's doing it for attention.

BOLLING: Francisco, I want to -- Donald Trump tweeted in response to this, we're going to put the tweet up right here right now. He says, "Former president of Mexico Vicente Fox, horribly used the f-word when discussing the wall." React to that, Donald Trump was offended --

NAVARRETTE: Yes. Donald Trump as you know --

BOLLING: Go ahead.

NAVARRETTE: Eric, you know, Donald Trump is really a sensitive guy. He doesn't like it when people cuss, he doesn't like it when people say things that are mean to hurt his feelings. Donald Trump doesn't say things that hurt people's feeling. He doesn't call bad words to describe his opponents. I mean, the nerve of Donald Trump to take exception to what Vicente Fox said on those grounds. I mean, challenge him if you like on the fact that the Mexican president shouldn't be lecturing Americans, but really Donald Trump is in no position to talk about profanity.

BOLLING: All right. One final though. Go ahead, Francisco. Your thoughts on Trump.

HERNANDEZ: And I'll take the other spectrum as Mr. Navarrette. He actually give the guy a microphone. Let him say everything that is on his mind and let him implode. You know what? Let him get elected. I would rather have temporary incompetence than permanent sabotage. I mean, really, go ahead, give it all you want, Mr. Trump. He is billionaire, so he must not be dumb.

BOLLING: He must not be dumb. But again, guys, you have to admit, 44 percent of the vote in Nevada --

NAVARRETTE: It's impressive. It's impressive. There's something there.

BOLLING: And the number that Republicans throw around, somewhere around 35 percent of the Latino vote, a Republican needs to win the general election. So, anyway, we are going to have to leave it there, guys. Great. Great. Thank you. Great debate.

And that's it for us tonight. Thank you for watching this special edition of THE FACTOR. I'm Eric Bolling in for Bill O'Reilly. And please remember, the spin stops here because we're looking out for you.


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