Cruz/Rubio Have New Hampshire Momentum; GOP To Stand Before Rubio?; Dow
Nearly 300 Points; Dow Down 300+ Points; Dow Down 250+ Points; Oil Down
More Than 10% The Last 2 Days; The Evangelical Effect; "Most Hated Man In
America"; Shkreli Sits Down With Fox Business News; Uphill Battle For
Hillary; Trump Loves Iowa; Trish: New Hampshire Is The Real Race; White
House Behind Facebook Gun Ban?; Democrats Down To Two; Dow At Session Lows;
Clinton's Narrow Victory; Facebook Cracks Down On Guns; Oil Settles Below
$30; Oil Posts Steepest 2-Day Drop In Healthy 7 Years - Part 1>
Danielle McLaughlin, Jan Morgan, Jason Rotman>
Sanders; Iowa; New Hampshire; White House; Chris Christie; Jeb Bush; John
Kasich; Barack Obama; Dow; S&P; Martin Shkreli; Guns; Oil; Advertising;
Budget; Business; Consumers; Economy; Elections; Employment and
Unemployment; Government; Labor; Lawsuits; Minorities; Pharmaceuticals;
Policies; Politics; Polls; Religion; Stock Markets; Taxes; Trade; Mark
Zuckerberg; Facebook; OPEC; Saudi Arabia; Kuwait; United Arab Emirates>
REGAN: Neil Cavuto, I'm so glad that you said that because I've always said that as well.
I totally agree. You shouldn't be measuring it as a percentage to GDP?
CAVUTO: Incredible.
REGAN: It's going to up, right? It's going to up.
CAVUTO: And look at it, the whole figure, yeah.
REGAN: All right. Good to see you. We'll see you back here at home base very soon.
Breaking right now, everyone, we do have a massive sell-off underway. Down more than 300 points, oil plummeting.
Anytime, a pretty big effect on this overall market, you can see up almost 2 percent, right now on the Dow.
We get energy companies getting slammed today. We're going to have a whole lot more on this market. We are all over it, coming up, including a look at how you can protect yourself given all this volatility.
Meanwhile, the votes are in. And candidates, they're turning now to New Hampshire.
I am Trish Regan. Welcome, everyone, to "The Intelligence Report".
Republicans Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio both having big nights in Iowa and they are now readying for a fight in the Granite State.
Ted Cruz, taking first place. Donald Trump, taking second and Marco Rubio, coming in a very close third.
On the Democratic side, it is shaping up to be a long and drawn out race between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton after nearly tying in Iowa.
Clinton there, edging out Bernie by a tiny margin. But New Hampshire could be totally different. Trump and Sanders, they're both way out front in the polls.
Jo Ling Kent is there live for us in Manchester, New Hampshire today. Jeff Flock is in Davenport, Iowa and conservative commentator Gina Loudon joins us along with and Democratic strategist, Mary Anne Marsh for analysis.
I want to go first go to Jo. Jo Ling, the candidates didn't we say (inaudible) hightailing it there at the Granite State. Are we expecting any surprises between now and Tuesday?
JO LING KENT, FOX BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: Well, the big race that very few people are actually talking about here, are the three governors and what they're actually going to do here. Because, you know Trump has the lead and Cruz is in second, Rubio in third. But the rest of the field and how they will survive. We're talking about Jeb and Chris Christie and Governor Kasich of Ohio.
And Governor Christie is here pulling all punches, going after every single candidate including Senator Marco Rubio in ething (ph) just a few minutes ago. Listen to this.
CHRIS CHRISTIE, (R) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I saw Marco give an interview last night on television. They asked him his accomplishments. He couldn't come up with one.
He talked about fighting against this and fighting against that. And they said, "Well, were you successful?" "Well, no. I wasn't successful, but I fought against it."
Just because we agree with Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz philosophically, much more than we ever agree with Barack Obama doesn't mean either of them is ready to be president of the United States.
KENT: Meanwhile, Jeb Bush is also canvassing the state. He's drawing some 300 person crowd. He went to a town hall last night. And he is also going after Trump and Cruz as well. But they have to distinguish each other from the rest of the pack.
And we're also watching Governor John Kasich. He's been experiencing slightly smaller crowd but building his poll numbers over the past week.
I got on the campaign bus with him on way to a town hall. And he says that he's not going to throw any Hail Mary's in these last seven days, Trish.
He is sticking with strategy. And he is hoping to get second or third place and get that ticket out to South Carolina and then eventually on to Michigan. Trish.
REGAN: Wow. All right, well, we'll definitely be watching him. They do like him a lot there in New Hampshire, Kasich.
KENT: They do.
REGAN: Jo Ling, thanks so much.
Donald Trump ending his Twitter silence today, saying second place isn't terrible. As he said before, Trump says his experience in Iowa was a great one.
Jeff Flock has more on all this. Jeff.
JEFF FLOCK, FOX BUSINESS NETWORK CORRESPONDENT: Pretty dreary day in Iowa today, Trish, and kind of a dreary night for Donald Trump last night. Although as you just pointed out, he did end his twitter silence. I think it got up to 15 hours or so when he was silent, kind of unTrumpiant (ph).
But here is what he said on Twitter just within the last hour. I quote him now. "Because I was told I could not do well in Iowa, I spent very little there, fraction of Cruz and Rubio. Came in a strong second. Great honor" said Donald Trump. He also called his performance, nice.
Well, you know, you going to be careful what you tweet though. We found one from 2014 where he quoted the great golfer Walter Hagen, who said, and I quote, "No one remembers who came in second."
We'll see if Donald Trump gets back on the beam in New Hampshire but somewhat disappointing performance so he clearly tried to put the best face on it. Better performance maybe than the day today.
REGAN: Yeah, now, that doesn't look so nice. Hey, Jeff, you're lucky at least it's not snow, right?
FLOCK: 10:04.
REGAN: OK. Thanks Jeff Flock.
Marco Rubio didn't leave Iowa with a win but he is considering his performance last night a victory.
MARCO RUBIO, (R) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: If more and more voters come to the realization that, not only are we strongly conservative, but that we give the party a chance to come together. Because we going to unify the Republican Party and the Conservative Movement.
We can't continue to be fractured. But we have to grow it. And I give us the best chance to take our message to people that haven't voted for us in the past and convince them that conservatism is better for them and better for America.
REGAN: OK. So he came in third. But people are saying that was pretty good.
Ted Cruz, he now seems like he's the guy to beat, at least coming out of Iowa. But Donald Trump is still really ringing in the numbers right now, poll wise in New Hampshire.
I want to go to Gina Loudon and Mary Anne Marsh with some analysis of all this.
Gina, how do you interpret the second place win from Donald Trump last night?
GINA LOUDON, CONSERVATIVE COMMENTATOR: Oh, I think exactly like he did. I mean, Cruz has everyone on the ground. He had to win it. He needed to win it by a really much larger margin to feel this victory.
I think what conservatives can take away from this, is number one, as I said on the show and as I think you point it too, Trish, the conservatives really have fired so much at one another and forgotten who they're firing at with this $19 trillion debt you're talking about.
Right now, the talking points should be that, by the way, 60 percent of those who voted in the GOP caucus yesterday voted for minorities. Zero percent voted for -- zero percent in the Democrat side voted for minority.
Who's the real party of freedom? Who's the real party of equality and inclusion? These are the talking points conservatives should be hitting instead of hitting one another.
REGAN: Yeah, but this happens every time, right? I mean it .
LOUDON: And ushering in a little bit of optimism for that establishment.
REGAN: It happens over and over again. We see it, Gina, in every single election cycle where .
REGAN: . everybody is attacking each other as opposed to attacking the opponent.
REGAN: Momentarily, it seemed for a few weeks there, Donald Trump has sort of elevated himself. He was going after Hillary Clinton pretty hard.
Then, as we got closer and closer to Iowa, he really started sinking his teeth into Ted Cruz. Do you think that that backfired?
LOUDON: I absolutely think that the conservative -- it's even just out there. Nobody's talking about, Trish.
The people on the internet, the supporter of these candidates, instead of attacking the opposition, the top conservatives out there have been attacking each other's candidates and then not understanding the fact that this was going to give a nice, you know, reaffirmation to the establishment. "Hey, this is our time."
That's why we're seeing Rubio claiming a victory and the establishment is coalescing around him. And watch for more confidence in Jeb Bush and Chris Christie and other so-called establishment candidates as well because of what the conservatives have done to themselves.
REGAN: Yeah. And Mary Anne, isn't this, again, what the primary system is about? I mean, this is not exclusive to one party or the other. And we're seeing exactly the same thing play out with Bernie and Hillary, where they're attacking each other as well?
MARY ANN MARSH, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: But I think two very different races, Trish. I mean, the fact that Ted Cruz won Iowa isn't a big surprise because Iowa normally picks on the Republican side the most conservative evangelical. That was Ted Cruz. And he had the better organization.
So, he won by four points, a great GOTV (ph) operation on election day, on caucus day is worth 3 to 5 points. That was a difference between Cruz and Trump.
On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton wasn't expected to win Iowa. It was Bernie Sanders. And she was able to sneak up by skin of her teeth, win .
REGAN: Literally.
MARSH: . on organization.
REGAN: Literally. No, no, no .
MARSH: So that makes it, literally. Literally. Literally.
REGAN: Literally. I mean, there was actually a coin toss in six places. And wow, I mean, you got to hand it to her. Somehow she managed to win
MARSH: Trish, that that's .
REGAN: . each of those coin tosses.
MARSH: Trish, yeah. You're from New England, you know, patriots win those coin tosses. So, you know, it's always good to have the coin toss on your side if you can get it.
REGAN: Well, you know .
MARSH: But now, she has to cut into a huge 20 percent, you know.
REGAN: Yeah.
MARSH: Sanders is about, 15, 17, 18 points ahead in New Hampshire. That is big hill to climb. But she could cut into it with two big debates this week.
REGAN: It is a big hill to climb. And I'm surprised this is big of a hill in New Hampshire. You know, Mary Anne, he's a socialist.
At the end of the day, no one really agrees with the economic principles he wants to put forward. So is this about .
MARSH: Well, what you .
REGAN: . personality?
MARSH: No. I think what you're hearing from, surprisingly, Ted Cruz last week on the Fox Network, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders is more populism. That's what you're hearing here.
And there's a lot of anger out there, economic anger, about people who feel they're finally back to work but their wages aren't keeping up with the cost of living.
So there's a real populist movement out there on all sides of the political spectrum.
REGAN: True.
MARSH: And that's what's driving politics right now.
REGAN: Yeah. But, you know, there's a big difference, Gina, between the populism perhaps that Donald Trump is putting forward and the populism that Bernie Sanders is putting forward. I mean, you never hear .
LOUDON: Right.
REGAN: . Donald Trump says, we're going to give you this, we're going to give you that. We're going to give you this.
LOUDON: Right. Right, because .
REGAN: We're going to give you that. Now, he's saying, I'm going to make America great so you can work for this and that, which is a different message.
LOUDON: Exactly, because the GOP candidates, Trish, the GOP candidates want everybody to be a billionaire. That's the difference between what the GOP is parading around and what the Democrats are saying they want to do.
They're talking about just taxing everybody to death when we already have a $19 trillion deficit. Democrats aren't even addressing.
Thank God there are candidates on the GOP side who are at least addressing these matters.
REGAN: Thoughts on that Mary Anne before .
MARSH: I will note to Gina, yeah. I will note to Gina's point that it's been a Democratic President, Barack Obama, who's been cleaning up the deficit that was spent after a surplus of Bill Clinton by George W. Bush. And he has cut the deficit every single year he's been in office. That's a fact. That's not politics, that's a fact.
REGAN: Predictions on New Hampshire, Mary Anne, who's going to win for the Democrats?
MARSH: New Hampshire right now -- Democrats, you have to say Sanders. But, two big debates this week, look for Hillary Clinton to try change that dynamic. She shouldn't go off to Nevada and put New Hampshire behind her. She needs to stand there and fight and change the dynamics of this race.
REGAN: Agree 100 percent.
MARSH: That I think it's to be the most at seven ...
REGAN: Yeah. The only way you're going to win New Hampshire .
MARSH: . that seven days of politics coming on.
REGAN: . if you're there and you're on the ground.
MARSH: Right, right.
REGAN: Gina, thoughts Republican side, who's going to win it?
LOUDON: GOP Trump should take it. He's up 25 points right now. I believe Sanders takes it on the other side.
Both of them are going to have to be looking forward though because those southern states are coming at them. And it's a must-win for both of the anti-establishment candidates.
REGAN: Gina and Mary Anne, thank you so much, the both of you.
MARSH: Thanks Trish.
REGAN: Good to have you here.
LOUDON: Thanks.
REGAN: All right. Iowa, seeing a heavy evangelical voter turnout last night. You heard Mary Anne just talk about it.
Well they came out big and strong for Senator Ted Cruz. Cruz capturing 33 percent of the evangelical vote while Trump to have just 22 percent. You can see Rubio had 21, Carson trailing with 12 percent.
DONALD TRUP, (R) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: How stupid are the people of Iowa? How stupid are the people of the country, to believe this crap?
When we go in church and when I drink my little wine which is about the only wine I drink and have my little cracker I guess that's as form of asking for forgiveness.
REGAN: So was part of Donald Trump's problem with evangelicals the way he played his religion?
I mean you heard him there talk about a little bit of wine, a little bit of cracker. We know that over the weekend he went to a church there in Iowa and they were passing around communion. He actually took out some bills from his pocket and put the bills into the communion platter.
And so, you know, he said he's religious but he's not really, really religious. And did that catch up with him at all? And if so, is it even going to matter in New Hampshire?
I think probably not because there aren't a lot of evangelicals in New Hampshire.
Here with some analysis is Kellyanne Conway, a Republican pollster and a Senator Ted Cruz fundraiser.
So we know where you're coming from on this, Kellyanne. But, you know, he, Cruz, did well with the evangelicals. He's not going to have them there to be the wind at his back in New Hampshire. So how's he going to combat that?
KELLYANNE CONWAY, REPUBLICAN POLLSTER: Well first of all, thanks for having me, Trish.
Ted Cruz, last night had pretty broad based coalition. Certainly a third of evangelicals as you point out. But he actually beat Marco Rubio among 17 to 29-year-olds. 17-year-old can vote in the Iowa caucus so long as they'll be 18 by November 8. Well that should be a point.
CONWAY: He had a pretty broad base coalition. He only lost by seven points to Donald Trump among people who are first time caucus goers.
The conventional wisdom going into it was that Rubio and Trump would do the one-two punch and get all those first time caucus goers. It is actually 30 percent Trump, 23 percent Cruz.
So when you look at this, and also in the entrance polls, Cruz won three of the four issues. Who do you trust most on terrorism, immigration and national security? On jobs and economy, he split the vote basically with Trump and Marco Rubio.
REGAN: OK. So what's that all going to mean as we move forward to New Hampshire?
CONWAY: Well it means that it's not just about one religious block vote. It's about actually the pro-liberty vote.
I think the big story coming out of Iowa that hasn't gotten enough attention that will bite in New Hampshire is the collapse of Rand Paul. His father, Rand Paul, got 22 percent of the vote in Iowa caucuses in 2012. He wasn't able to capitalize that.
REGAN: Now, I totally agree with you but
CONWAY: Pro-liberty both split.
REGAN: . I don't know what he would ever really able to get that much generate that much attention because he's kind of seem more as a fringe candidate as opposed to mainstream one.
CONWAY: Yes, the voters, the pro-liberty voters really split. Some of them went to Trump. Many they went to Cruz and to a couple the other candidates.
So when you look at New Hampshire, Trish, that's a great pro-liberty state. Not as much a church state as perhaps Iowa.
REGAN: Now, live free or die.
CONWAY: But if you see in the polls eminent domain issue there. Certainly jobs, certainly taxes, this is New Hampshire of course. A people move from Taxachussets to New Hampshire as we know.
And also illegal immigration, Scott Brown, when he was running for senate in New Hampshire in 2014 has said his stance on illegal immigration is taking away wages and worker and jobs from workers. Put him even with Jeanne Shaheen at some point, people's heart, so.
REGAN: OK. So there's seven days until New Hampshire. Trump is way out in front.
REGAN: Can Cruz really chip away at it with issues like eminent domain and, you know, his pro-liberty stance something?
CONWAY: He can. I think that those polls, Mr. Trump on how he'll be ahead in the next poll, the post Iowa poll but not by as much. And you'll probably see Cruz and Rubio fairly even.
Here's the best answer to your question. It's how much of the fighting spirit will Donald Trump take into New Hampshire? Does he feel badly beaten out of Iowa or will he go into New Hampshire looking like the leader and the frontrunner again saying, "OK that was one contest, I got some delegates. Now we're in a Trump friendly state."
Look, he first has to get pass all those guys who have also that battling there, Kasich, Christie, Rubio, Bush.
REGAN: Yeah.
CONWAY: Their Super-PAC has spent gazillions of dollars in that tiny state of New Hampshire.
REGAN: All right. Kellyanne Conway. Thank you so much.
CONWAY: Thank you.
REGAN: Coming after everyone. He's been called the most hated man in America. Former pharmaceutical CEO Martin Shkreli in an interview with Fox Business just a day before he's due in court to face criminal charges.
That's some very interesting things. We're going to share them with you.
And we're looking at a sell-off here on Wall Street, down almost 300 points right now.
Energy really getting hurt and it's having an effect on the broader market.
We're going to have more on this and how you protect yourself in a volatile environment?
Quick break and then I'm back.
REGAN: All right. You can see we are sitting near the lows of the session right now, off almost 300 points. A lot of this attributed to oil.
Oil really having another tough day and it's having an effect on global markets so you see with the Dow off almost 2 percent, S&P off almost 2 percent, oil there down $1, $1.59 as it gets ready to close at the day, hovering around $30 a barrel right now.
We're going to continue following these markets for you, more coming up.
In the meantime he has been dubbed the most hated man in America, Martin Shkreli. (Inaudible) CEO turning pharmaceuticals who hiked price of a popular drug for HIV patients by 5000 percent overnight.
Well, he's heading to court tomorrow to face Securities Fraud Charges. He's also going to storm Capitol Hill later this week but first he stopped by at Fox Business for an exclusive interview today.
Our own Adam Shapiro joins us live with the details.
OK. He's trying to defend himself here, Adam. How'd he do?
ADAM SHAPIRO, FOX BUSINESS NETWORK CORRESPONDENT: Well, he was on with Maria Bartiromo, an exclusive interview. We found out that he's got this celebrity lawyer, Ben Brafman, is now going to represent him.
There's a status hearing tomorrow on the criminal issues. Raging the price of a drug 5000 percent is not illegal. That's what Congress is going to look at on Thursday but tomorrow the criminal issues, securities fraud, that's more serious.
And Mr.Shrkeli says and he told Maria Bartiromo that his public image is improving. Take a listen.
MARTIN SHKRELI, FMR. TURING PHERMACEUTICALS CEO: The world is changing its mind about me. There have been a lot of new positive interviews. I think the tide is swinging from, you know, this is a bad guy, to people listening to me and really understanding who I am. And seeing that maybe it's actually the government that's starting to beat up on me just a little too hard.
SHAPIRO: It looks a little bit like the government might be trying to beat up on him. But in a statement from the prosecuting attorney from Brooklyn, the Eastern District of the United States, that's the court jurisdiction.
They lay out that the activities he engaged in when he was at a different pharmaceutical company along with his lawyer, and e-mail exchanges between the two sure, look like they were running a Ponzi scheme.
That's what they going to have to prove in court. And that's what Mr. Shkreli says is baseless and without merit.
REGAN: OK. And maybe this is a little without merit. But my gosh, he looks like he's 12 years old.
SHAPIRO: 32 years old.
REGAN: 32.
SHAPIRO: 32 years old. He is -- we say he's the man that people love to hate. He is not hated. He has a huge following online.
On YouTube, he's got -- he is engaged in a -- it has nothing to do with our coverage, but he's engaged with a battle between a very popular rap star. He's very popular.
Now, the question that the world will have to answer and the jury eventually will answer is, "He a criminal?" on par with Bernie Madoff running a Ponzi scheme.
And then of course, Thursday. What Congress is going to do is to shellac him. But he's not going to play with that game. He is going to say, "I plead the fit."
REGAN: Thank you, Adam. Good stuff.
All right. Coming up everyone, the Democrats down to two candidates today, one's a socialist and the other is under the threat of an indictment.
But what does this mean for the party as the candidates hit the campaign trail in New Hampshire? And Donald trump trying to spin his loss last night, saying this.
TRUMP: Iowa, we love you. We thank you. I think I might come here and buy a farm. I love it, OK?
REGAN: Donald Trump, buying a farm in Iowa. The next Eddie Albert, right, "Green Acres", (inaudible)?
Anyway, was his strategy a solemn mistake or was he too confident in Iowa? And how is that going to play in New Hampshire. Stay with us. We got it for you.
REGAN: OK. I'll admit it, I'm biased. As a New Hampshire native, I can tell you that little Granite State has it all over Iowa when it comes to selecting presidential nominees, especially on the Republican side.
We in New Hampshire like to think it's because we're smarter than those in Iowa, but that's not really the case.
The reason comes down to process. New Hampshire just has a better process than Iowa. There are all these group votes. You got to form a consensus, and then, there's a lot of room for error in Iowa.
I mean, think about four years ago, when Mitt Romney declared himself the winner.
MITT ROMNEY, (R) FORMER GOVERNOR OF MASSACHUSETTS: Thank you so much for all your help. On to New Hampshire, on to New Hampshire, let's get that job done. Come visit us there. We got some work ahead.
REGAN: Yeah. Turns out 16 days later once all the votes were counted, Rick Santorum was the winner there in Iowa.
And consider what happened last night when the race between Bernie and Hillary actually came down to a coin toss in six places. Yes, a coin toss.
Amazingly she won each of those coin tosses. Did you know the odds of that are actually less than 2 percent?
Anyway, I digress. The point is, the real race, New Hampshire, is about to begin seven days from now. Voters in New Hampshire will head to the polls and cast their ballots in the first in the nation primary.
Donald Trump is ahead there big time, leading Ted Cruz by more than 20 points in most polls.
John Kasich is highly thought of by a lot of New Hampshire voters. So, watch him carefully. He needs a strong New Hampshire win in order to stay in this race or at least showing, I should point out.
New Hampshire voters, they tend to be fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Which is why provided there's good turnout on Tuesday, and I think there will be.
The advantage probably goes to Trump. He has a Maverick appeal and voters in New Hampshire are a little bit like Mavericks themselves or perhaps it's in the DNA.
You know, New Hampshire was one of the 13 colonies to declare itself independent from Great Britain.
And in January 1776, became the first colony to set up an independent government and was the first to establish its own constitution. So, you wonder where live free or die comes from plastered across every license plate.
New Hampshire has little use for the status quo, little use for establishment type candidates which is why Marco Rubio may have more of a challenge there.
And it also maybe why Hillary Clinton is struggling right now. I mean, she shouldn't be given that her opponent is a socialist.
But, perhaps this just demonstrates once again the disdain New Hampshire voters have for the establishment.
Anyway, I was done. It was as always an interesting spectacle. But now, it's crunch time. New Hampshire is going to set the tone from here on out.
And if Trump, and Cruz and Kasich are smart, they'll be putting all their eggs in New Hampshire's basket for the next week.
That's today's intel.
Coming up, Facebook banning the sale of guns on its social media site but was the company pressured by the White House to do so?
Second Amendment advocate, Jan Morgan weighs in on this one.
And the Democrats, down to two candidates, one's a socialist the other one might be indicted at some an election like no other, folks.
That's next. We'll see you right back here, after this.
REGAN: OK. Loss is accelerating right now in this market. You can see we are off now more than 300 points. So, a little bit of a slide here. Well see how that shakes out as we head into the final moments of trading.