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Crude Prices to Multiyear Loews; Tensions Between Saudi Arabia and Iran; Hillary Clinton's Interview with Chris Matthews Examined; American



Iran; Hillary Clinton's Interview with Chris Matthews Examined; American

Savings Questioned; Germany Has Taken in a Million Syrian Refugees - Part 2>

Woodruff, Nicholas Burns, Zuhdi Jasser, Jim Rickards, Kyle Shideler, Walid


Terrorism; World Affairs; Nuclear Weapons; North Korea; Bombings; United

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BOLTON: Ok. Betsy, I have to think if you're selling books, you've got to know about books.

BETSY WOODRUFF, CONSERVATIVE COMMENTATOR: Well, and, yes. As a reporter Hillary's answer to this is the kind of things that tends to frustrate people because, look, he asked a simple, straight forward question, what does this word mean and does it apply to you. And instead of saying yes or no, she said I want to solve problems. And I guess what's interesting is that she can't position herself to the left or right of Bernie Sanders, if she's on the right of him. Sanders supporters were more energized. So just looking at this from that perspective, it's dicey for her.

BOLTON: I agree 100 percent with that answer. I felt like she helped Sanders for better or worse on that answer. I want to ask you both to weigh in on some breaking news right now because the house is voting to repeal ObamaCare and defund Planned Parenthood. So, Kelly, what do you think are the next steps? Will the President veto his own bill? And of course I am talking about ObamaCare.

GIBSON: Well, I mean the house has tried to repeal ObamaCare many times before, and it has never worked. They don't have the law on their side. And the ACA is the President -- he's very proud of that accomplishment during his time in the White House. And many, many, many Americans support it. Millions of more Americans had insurance before this bill passed. An important piece of legislation for this country, and I am pretty sure that those people elected to the congress should be thinking about ways to utilize this importance legislation and not try to change it because it's not possible. As far as Planned Parenthood, that is ridiculous -- Planned Parenthood serves the under served women in this country, millions of them every single year.

The vast majority of their services are for the women and providing maintenance health care. And it's a disservice to this country to try to defund that 100 percent sure.

BOLTON: Betsy, as far as your take on these votes.

WOODRUFF: It's going to frustrate conservative activists because conservative activists wanted the Planned Parenthood defund legislation to be part of a must pass bill so the President would have been kind of pushed into a corner. But house Republicans didn't do that. Instead, they have a stand alone bill. They know the President's going to veto it. They can say, hey, pass this legislation, aren't you all happy now? Activists are going to say, no, because it was purely symbolic and many tea party activists have gotten savvy enough that they can tell when a bill is just symbolic versus what actually could have some real-world impact.

Unfortunately, this is symbolic legislation. Perhaps the symbolism is nice. But as far as activists are concerned, there's definitely going to be a little bit of frustration here.

GIBSON: And women voters are really important in 2016. Planned Parenthood is a lot more popular than congress is. And if you want to be considering women's vote, you shouldn't be trying to end services to women across the country that need these services to be healthy and take care of their families.

BOLTON: Kelly Grace, to your point about 95 percent is actually used for general health care. Kelly Grace Gibson, Betsy Woodruff, thank you very much. A big vote happening right now, a big show in Las Vegas, the International Consumer Electronics Show is happening. Liz Claman is right there. She is with me now, the ultimate home cocktail machine. Liz, have you tried this?

LIZ CLAMAN, FOX NEWS: Well, I am about to, Deirdre, because after walking 50 football fields here in Las Vegas throughout the entire day one. People need a little cocktail maybe but no bartenders until you need these guys. They've created -- I guess you could call it an espresso for cocktails and foods, called the Bartesian. Tell me about them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Exactly right. Just like an espresso, you have the single-serve, and you've got the machine, you have the single-serve, and you've got the machine to make your cocktail.

CLAMAN: The alcohol goes into these sides.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's right. All you need to provide as a user are the four simple and everything else is going to be inside the capsule.

CLAMAN: I am holding the margarita capsule. What other capsules do you have?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're launching with six cocktails, margarita, and sex on the beach, cosmopolitan and some of our special drinks.

CLAMAN: You're just two wild Canadians here. These are both bartenders, and you put yourself through college bartending.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's right. That's our original passion and we went off to university, learned some other skills and now we're here.

CLAMAN: Show me the pink one.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So pink is going to be inside your sex on the beach.

CLAMAN: Yeah, of course.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So the machine will provide the vodka for that, and it will be inside here with the other ingredients.

CLAMAN: And what ends up coming out is the actual cocktail. Now, how do you avoid -- I guess because the alcohol goes directly in here and you don't sell the alcohol -- under-aged people can't buy this and start whipping things up.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Exactly. The exciting our capsules are patented technology and it mixes a drink that's a different year.

CLAMAN: It's your first year. Have you had positive meetings here?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's incredible. We've been able to get in front of the some of the largest retailers and distributors.

CLAMAN: Do they want you?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They're asking exclusivity and it's just the matter of picking the right channel.

CLAMAN: Two entrepreneurial ideas with two Canadian guys. I think this is fascinating. The kind of creative thing you see, Deirdre, here.

BOLTON: It is fantastic, Liz Claman. I like to think this is the best dry cocktail party, but you might be changing my mind about that. Liz Claman and her guest live from CES.

Jesse Jackson has been pushing Silicon Valley companies to higher more diverse groups of people, but there is a new study saying hiring with that strategy in mind does not work. We will fill you in. Also update you on the floods that are hurting the Midwest, a new report that Americans don't have nearly enough cash to handle emergencies.


BOLTON: There's a new bank rate survey that shows more than half of Americans do not have enough money for emergency expenses. Gerri Willis is with me now with more. So, Gerri, how much do people need as margin?

GERRI WILLIS, FOX BUSINESS: Well, this survey really looks at how many people are in trouble. So 63 percent of the people as you said, hey, look, I can't afford the most inexpensive emergency issue you can imagine, $500 for car repair, $1,000 for a hospital bill. Even if people make $75,000, you find that more than half of them cannot afford these things either. So at the end of the day what are they willing to cut back? What would they do? How would they make up for the difference if they don't have it in their pocket? Well, they say they would stop eating out at restaurants, cancel cable or satellite. Even stop buying Starbucks if you can believe it or not.

Listen, the reality is these people would be using credit cards, would be borrowing from mom or dad or other family. This is a tragedy. People have to have enough room in their monthly budget to pay for things that are unexpected because it happens all the time. In fact, according to one source, it happens about one in four times -- it happened to one and four Americans last year. So it's a big, big issue. And, unfortunately, the market's not helping people out right now because it's not going up. So that's not exactly a source of emergency funds either.

BOLTON: Gerri Willis, thank you as always -- Gerri joining me there. Well, more of an issue related to personal finances, hiring. Civil rights activist Jessie Jackson has lamented the lack of workplace diversity. In fact, he has prompted some of the biggest companies in Silicon Valley to change their ways and establish diversity programs. Some of those may be ineffective, Elizabeth MacDonald with me now, so, Liz, great to see you.


BOLTON: Why are these programs failing?

MACDONALD: So what we're talking about here is Harvard business review study. And it looked at 700 companies. And it basically wanted to answer the question. Do -- you know gender diversity programs and big corporations or corporate America, do they work? And they found when they looked at the companies, no, they don't work. And they're finding that it's "expensive window dressing." In other words, to say to the world, yes, we've got gender diversity. We've got ethnic diversity programs out there. Yes, we're solving the problems, and we have a very -- you know, interesting -- work force mixed raises and genders.

But, you know, what the study found was really stunning. And it's something that Jessie Jackson will likely grab a hold of. It's not just expensive window dressing. The study is -- the authors are saying that these companies are using their diversity programs to ward off lawsuits. If -- by the mere fact that the policy exists, they're saying ok. There is no gender discrimination in our companies.

BOLTON: So in some ways that's making it worse. I take your way on window dressing phrase, Elizabeth Macdonald -- joining me there on the very latest with diversity.

Rob Ford taking a run for Mayor of Toronto in 2018, this is according to his twitter account. It has also to say by the news of his office. He is currently on the Toronto City Council. He earned international notoriety in 2013. Reports emerged of a video of him smoking crack. He initially denied the drug use allegations, eventually took a leave of absence to enter drug rehab. And apparently he's back.

Germany accepted more than 1 million Syrian refugees with open arms. Local leaders are expressing shock and concern. Some inhabitants of big German cities were assaulted on New Year's Eve. We will bring you more details.


BOLTON: Germany has taken in more than one million Syrian refugees, more than any other country. Separately, dozens of sexual assaults were reported in German cities on New Year's Eve. Terror Expert Kyle Shideler - - were reported. Is there a connection between these two?

KYLE SHIDELER, CENTER FOR SECURITY POLICY: Well, there may not be an immediate connection to the current round of refugees flooding into Germany. But there is a connection to Germany and more broadly the E.U.'s general lacks border policy and open refugee and asylum policy, which is where a number of northern Arab have come into the area. And this is primarily that they were looking at in the cologne attacks. You're talking about individuals where they have radically different values about women and how they should be treating and anti-Semitism and different views of freedom of speech, and have done a poor job of successfully assimilating these refugees.

Now they're looking at taking even more m migrants.

BOLTON: So German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said there will be a swift and hard response. But what can she do now at this point?

SHIDELER: Practically, I don't see her having much of any effective response. The -- because if the -- these perpetrators knew she was capable in effective response, they wouldn't be doing this in the first place. This is an issue that has gone on for years in Germany. According to German police, they believe that a larger foreign gang is responsible for these sorts of attacks where they use sexual violence and then follow them up with robbery primarily. So this is an issue that they have not successfully dealt with for several years, and I don't expect that they're going to start to dealing with it successfully now.

Primarily, because the German state and Angela Merkel are so married to this open borders policy.

BOLTON: Kyle, thank you so much. Kyle Shideler, terrorism expert. I am so glad that you are here to give us that insight. We will speak again soon.

Worth noting for your calendar year, Fox Business live at the CES, consumer Electronics Show. We'll bring you more on the latest tech gadgets that are being unveiled there in just a few moments. But first, check out this video. Man versus marlin. A very close call for a fisherman off the coast of Australia, we'll tell you what happened after the break.


BOLTON: The Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas shows us the future and so does tech expert Greg Harper. Greg, what did you so far that really changes your perspective.

GREG HARPER, GADGET EXPERT: Well, LG with their television set, unbelievable quality, HDR -- big resurgence in audio. Turntables are back. There is actually more money coming out of vinyl than streaming media. Smart appliances, Samsung with a ring ray tore that connects to fresh direct. If you are in the store you can look in the refrigerator to see if something is there.

BOLTON: All right, Greg, that sounds pretty cool. Thank you so much for joining us -- Greg Harper joining me there from CES, tech expert.

A quick recap on the markets, stocks down across the board, triple digits, big concerns about global economic growth via China. Also concerns about falling oil prices and of course, North Korea saying it tested a hydrogen bomb. Making Money with Charles Payne starts now.


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