Manufacturers Welcome Administration’s Announcement to Lift Drilling Moratorium

The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) President John Engler issued a statement today following the Department of Interior’s announcement that it is ending the offshore drilling moratorium in the Gulf Coast region:

Manufacturers Welcome Administration’s Announcement to Lift Drilling Moratorium

-  The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) President John Engler issued a statement today following the Department of Interior’s announcement that it is ending the offshore drilling moratorium in the Gulf Coast region:

β€œManufacturers are encouraged by the Administration’s announcement that it has lifted the deepwater drilling moratorium. However, the lengthy permitting process keeps rigs idle and essentially creates a de facto moratorium. Every day the rigs remain idle, thousands of jobs are at risk in the Gulf Coast and throughout the nation.  

Manufacturers who make and supply equipment, services, engines, boats and materials such as steel and concrete will continue to be negatively impacted by this lengthy permitting process. This added bureaucracy and the confusing regulatory framework only increase costs and place more uncertainty on our already struggling economy -- forcing our nation to rely even more on foreign producers, discouraging investment in new projects and stifling job creation. 

Manufacturers will continue to work with the Administration and Congress to ensure there is clarity in the regulatory process and permits are issued in a timely manner so we can begin to create jobs.” 

