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Fewer Americans were victims of car thefts last & hellip;

Fewer Americans were victims of car thefts last year. The FBI's annual Uniform Crime Report shows 7.2 percentage decrease in auto thefts in 2010. Improved anti-theft devices and safety tips can help continue this downward trend. Mark Zielinski, supervisor of security and radio frequency...

Fewer Americans were victims of car thefts last…

Fewer Americans were victims of car thefts last year. The FBI’s annual Uniform Crime Report shows 7.2 percentage decrease in auto thefts in 2010. Improved anti-theft devices and safety tips can help continue this downward trend. Mark Zielinski, supervisor of security and radio frequency products at Ford Motor Company, says one of the many reasons for this slight decline in car thefts has to do with new anti-theft technology.

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Cut #1: "The biggest advancement that we've had was the electronic immobilizers that are built into the keys, it pretty much eliminates the possibility hot wiring the vehicles. It's a little electronic chip that has encryption, so it's very hard to get around." :15 sec.
While car thefts were down 7.2 percent, according to the FBI, Zielinski says, vehicles are still being stolen because drivers make it so easy for the thief.
Cut #2: "The number one reason is that they leave the keys in the vehicle and/or leave the doors unlocked and the vehicle unattended. There was a survey a couple years back, where one-third of drivers admit that they had left the car running, almost 50-percent don't always park in well lit areas, 40-percent don't hide their valuables. 25-percent left wallets or purses in vehicles." :25 sec.
Despite significant and ongoing improvements in security features, no system is foolproof. The goal of each preventative measure is to deter theft by making it more difficult for thieves to steal your vehicle. For increased protection, Ford dealers also provide additional anti-theft services, according to Zielinski.
Cut #3: "Our remote-keyless-entry and intelligent access key-fob's, use sophisticated encryption and rolling code technologies to prevent unauthorized access, we're offering vehicles with perimeter alarm systems, ultrasonic intrusion and vehicle inclination alarms, Vin locking on some of the electronic components and systems and parts marking on major parts." :22 sec.
Zielinski also pointed out that Dealers offer Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) etching on windows and other surfaces making vehicles less attractive to thieves because all windows must be replaced before the vehicle can be tagged with a fake VIN and resold. But some of the simplest ways to deter Your car from being stolen are things owners can do when leaving the vehicle unattended.
Cut #4: "Always take your keys, never leave them in your vehicle, Always close and lock all windows and doors when you park, park in well lit areas, keep your vehicle in your garage if possible, never leave valuables in your vehicle, especially where they can be seen and never ever leave the area where the vehicle is running." :21 sec.
Finally, Zielinski encourages motorists to install wheel locks, which help protect against wheel theft by requiring a special key to “unlock” the lug nuts and installing of LoJack – a vehicle tracking system that helps police locate and recover vehicles if it ever happens to you.

