Today the Pittsburgh Tribune Review ran an editorial discussing the recent actions of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and the lawsuit the National Association of Manufacturers has filed to stop the Board from moving forward with the posting requirement rule.

The piece backs up the recent actions of the NAM and other business groups pushing back against the NLRB interfering in the basic business decisions of companies.

Here is a brief excerpt from the Tribune Review editorial:

And with the National Federation of Independent Business, the manufacturers group has launched an ad campaign urging Congress to stem the NLRB’s meddling in where businesses choose to operate. This, in response to the board’s crusade against Boeing’s decision to build a new jetliner factory in right-to-work South Carolina.

The business groups’ timing couldn’t be more apropos. As President Obama shifts into overdrive urging businesses to hire, they’ve responded with a clarion call of their own for Mr. Obama and his NLRB enforcers: “Get off our backs!”