Indiana companies will find more potential employees with ATMAE Certifications to hire in the coming months. ATMAE Certification shows that potential employees are current in industry trends and have achieved a nationally recognized standard of excellence in engineering technology. When making hiring decisions, companies need to look for these highly regarded certifications.
Ann Arbor, MI (PRWEB) — This spring, two statewide institutions of higher education, Indiana State University and Ivy Tech Community College System, have chosen the Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) certification exams to provide program assessments for their Industrial Technology, Management and Applied Engineering programs. The exams will be given at the end of every semester and will help the schools improve their programs based on exam data provided by ATMAE.
“The annual assessment of our programs will ensure that our students are leaving here with a quality education that stands up against a nationally recognized standard of excellence, “said Dr. Randell Peters, Phd, CSTM, Automotive Engineering Technology Program, Indiana State University.
Indiana State University will be using the following ATMAE exams:
- Certified Technical Professional (CTP)-focuses on technical knowledge for both 2 year and 4 year degree programs that do not include a technology management component
- Certified Technology Manager (CTM)-a broad based technology and technology management exam
- Certified Manufacturing Specialist (CMS) –a manufacturing knowledge-focused exam
Ivy Tech Community College will be using the following ATMAE exams:
- Certified Technical Professional (CTP)-focuses on technical knowledge for both 2 year and 4 year degree programs that do not include a technology management component
The ATMAE Certification Board works year-round on updating exam questions and updating content. Mike Ulmer, CSTP, Ivy Tech Community College, Industrial Technology Program Chair, who reviewed and selected ATMAE’s CTP Exam said, “I felt the exam fit very well into the Ivy Tech curriculum for our technology programs. The CTP…contained the right amount of content from all required areas.”
Students passing these exams can apply to become certified by ATMAE. Certification shows potential employers that potential employees:
- Have achieved a nationally recognized standard of excellence
- Goes above and beyond the minimum expectations
- Is committed to the profession
- Has a skill set that allows the new hire to add value to an organization on Day One
- Strives to stand out as the best
- Is highly motivated and interested in keeping up with the latest technological change
“Only individuals with a well rounded education in a specific discipline will be able to pass the exam and become certified. Employers will no longer have to hope and pray that they hired the right individual for the job. They just need to look for the certification.” Dr. Mark Miller, CSTM, CSMS, CSEG, University of Texas-Tyler and Certification Board Chair for ATMAE.
Indiana is a bright spot in the nation’s recovering economy. Companies are hiring and looking for the best employees. Indiana State University and Ivy Tech Community College programs are working hard to provide the best trained workforce, ready for tomorrow’s technology by helping them get certified today.
The Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) is an international organization that sets standards for academic program accreditation, personal certification, and professional development for educators and industry professionals involved in integrating technology, leadership and design. For more information, visit our website at